() It's May in a blink of an eye.

Su Tiancheng finally had a happy event, Zhu Shenxin was pregnant, which indicated that after time travel, Su Tiancheng would have a child. <Ping, Wang Furong, and Liu Rushi were not pregnant, and Zhu Shenxin's stomach didn't respond after several months passed. He even thought that he could change history by time travelling, but he always had to lose something.

But the reality of the situation made his worries disappear.

Ever since she found out she was pregnant, Zhu Shenxin has changed a lot. She has started to sew clothes for the baby in her belly. In fact, she doesn't need to do these things at all. Every time she chats with Su Tiancheng, she has to say I don't know if the child in my stomach is a boy or a girl, and I faintly reveal my worry.Instead, Su Tiancheng comforted Zhu Shenxin, no matter boys or girls, they are all the same.Of course, in this era, it is a joke to say that boys and girls are the same, and the idea of ​​patriarchy occupies the mainstream.What Su Tiancheng said was just to comfort Zhu Shenxin. <Ping, Wang Furong, and Liu Rushi are in the mansion every day, Zhu Shenxin couldn't possibly see them by heart.

Occasionally, Zhu Shenxin also mentioned the matter of taking concubines. Although she was a little unhappy and unwilling, she couldn't stop it. will blame her.

Su Tiancheng had thought about taking concubines a long time ago, after five years.He has long adapted to the idea of ​​wives and concubines in groups, but sometimes.When dreaming, it feels like nothing is real.

Zhu Shenxin is the original wife, and she is the head of the county and the wife of the imperial court. She can be regarded as the head of the family. Su Tiancheng is also very happy to be able to propose the matter of taking a concubine. The two discussed it in private and will handle this matter in the second half of the year .

Qu Qingze wrote again.

The court recently.Very busy, the main thing is to wipe out the bandits.

In the first month of the seventh year of Chongzhen, Chen Qiyu, governor of Yansui, was promoted to be the right servant of the Ministry of War and the imperial envoy of Youqian. It is the place where rogues are most rampant.Later, the peasant army broke through the siege of the imperial army, entered Henan, captured Nanyang, and divided the army into three routes in Nanyang. Zhang Xianzhong led troops into Huguang, Gao Yingxiang and others led troops to Xinyang.Li Zicheng and others led troops into Hanzhong.

However, the rogue bandits, who were divided into several groups, encountered setbacks everywhere, and in desperation, they returned to Shaanxi in March.Nearly 20 rogues gathered in Shaanxi.Becoming a powerful force, Gao Yingxiang became the general leader of this group of bandits.

Shaanxi is the birthplace of rogues. Here, they are like fish in water. In addition to the serious famine in Shaanxi, farmers who joined rogues continued to flow, which led to the power of rogues to continue to grow and develop. The losses suffered before were fully made up in the shortest time.

Chen Qiyu dispatched the Ming army from five provinces to encircle the bandits on a large scale, and the imperial court spared no effort to ensure the supply of the army. Under such circumstances, the results of the extermination of the bandits continued to expand, and the successes were reported frequently. The emperor was very happy and relieved.

After reading Qu Qingze's letter, Su Tiancheng felt a little more at ease. This means that the Jiangning camp has had a lot of time, and Houjin in the north has not moved. , The emperor and the imperial court would not think of Jiangning camp, Jiangning camp naturally has time to step up training, and they can also gather more money and food.

But he was also faintly worried that if the court exterminated the bandits, several major victories were due to the negligence of the generals, or dereliction of duty, or internal struggles within the court. It is absolutely possible to wipe out the bandits.

Of course, the real extermination of bandits and the stability of the interior are not as simple as military operations. If you kill a Zijin Liang, there will be Zijin Li and Zijin Liu. The key lies in stabilizing the local economy and allowing the common people to live and work in peace and contentment. Only then can the common people rebel .

The development of the Zhongxing Academy has been exceptionally smooth. More than half a year has passed. The Zhongxing Academy has more than 6000 official members, spread all over the south, and some places in the north. Branches have been established. On the contrary, Donglin Academy and Fu The society gradually fell silent, as if it was struggling to compete with the Zhongxing Society.

Sun Chuanting, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji and others were very happy. They thought that it was only natural for Zhongxing Academy to achieve such great achievements. Under such circumstances, their attitude towards Donglin Academy and Fushe gradually became gentler. Well, it should be said that from the very beginning, they didn't think that Donglin Academy and Fushe had any big problems, not to mention that Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou supported Donglin Academy and Fushe in the past.

A large number of opinions and suggestions have been collected and summarized, and after they are sorted out, they will begin reporting to the court.

What followed was the recommendation of talents. Talents recommended by the Zhongxing Academy could directly enter the imperial court as officials, bringing the ideas of the Zhongxing Academy to various parts of the Ming Dynasty.

Liu Jingting has been recruited into the county government office and has become a staff member of the county government office. However, he did not make suggestions in the county government office, but stayed in teahouses and restaurants all the time. According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, Liu Jingting still set up his old business, Storytelling, but the content of the storytelling, the focus has become the views advocated by the Zhongxing Academy, including many changes in Jiangning County, and even mentioned many local products in Jiangning County and so on.

Liu Jingting's identity is different from before, not a pure storyteller anymore, everyone knows that Liu Jingting is a guest of the county government and a member of the Zhongxing Academy, in the eyes of many ordinary people, Liu Jingting seems to be in the category of a master people.

The relationship between Su Tiancheng and Liu Jingting was very good. Liu Jingting even went to the backyard of the county government to tell Su Tiancheng's family about his best storytelling, Wu Song Fighting the Tiger.

Su Tiancheng put forward the request straightforwardly. The views advocated by the Zhongxing Academy currently only have a certain influence among the literati, gentry and rich households. Publicize it, let more people know, let everyone support the Zhongxing Academy, and then support and support the imperial court.

Liu Jingting came from the bottom of the society, so he understood Su Tiancheng's thoughts very well. He was a little surprised that Su Tiancheng was born in a merchant's family with good conditions and had never endured hardship. The ideas of the Zhongxing Society, as well as the practices of the Jiangning county government, are to safeguard the interests of ordinary people.

Storytelling is regarded as a low-level thing and is not respected. It is said that Liu Jingting has become a member of the Zhongxing Academy and has entered the county government to do things. , without the slightest hesitation, picked up the guy, and went to restaurants and teahouses as a volunteer storyteller.

This is a salary given by the county government, with 100 taels of silver per month. When life is worrying, it is natural to concentrate the main energy on storytelling.

It can be said that in May, the situation is very good.

But Su Tiancheng's thoughts were not so optimistic.

He noticed that after Zhang Pu returned to his hometown, he lost track of him. He never came to Nanjing, nor did he preside over matters related to the restoration of the society. As an influential scholar leader, Zhang Pu's behavior is not very normal. , should at least show up in Nanjing, saying that Fushe still has influence.

Besides, the silence of Donglin Academy and Fushe is too unreasonable. You must know that there are many officials in the imperial court who are members of the Donglin Party and fully support Fushe. In Su Tiancheng's view, Zhongxing Academy The growth of the society is by no means smooth sailing, at least there must be several theoretical debates and games with Donglin Academy and Fushe.

Look at how many bloody storms the Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party have gone through. Under such difficult circumstances, the Donglin Party has not fallen. What is this blow now? Sorry for so many supporters.

Su Tiancheng has always believed that military strikes are a form of assistance, and improving people's livelihood is the root. To rule the world and grow stronger, the most important thing is the influence of culture. Only by firmly grasping public opinion and establishing a sense of culture can people Scholars and bureaucrats and gentry consciously pursue this kind of transformation, so that people in the world can return to their hearts.

Su Tiancheng's worries are not unfounded.

It has been half a year since Zhongxing Academy was established, but very few people joined Donglin Academy and Fushe, so it can be regarded as standing still. It's just that when the Zhongxing Academy is developing vigorously, it avoids its edge.

In such a situation, it means that there are experts giving pointers.

Could it be that this person is Zhang Pu, or Qian Qianyi, or that they accepted the suggestion of some officials in the imperial court, and temporarily put their flags to rest, waiting for the best opportunity.

Su Tiancheng had been waiting for the big confrontation in academic research, but it didn't appear.

The Zhongxing Academy has stored so much information, conducted so many researches, and many members have gone deep into the middle of the puss and the market, and have mastered a lot of information. All these preparations are waiting to be discussed with Donglin. The academy and the Fushe debated, but unfortunately they didn't accept the call.

Under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng had no choice but to be unreasonably suspicious. When chatting with Sun Chuanting, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou, Lu Shanji and others, he did not completely deny Donglin Academy and Fushe, but he also sharply criticized, The core of the focus is still in two aspects, the talk and the principle of protecting the interests of the bureaucratic and gentry class.

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