Ming politicians

Chapter 324 Emergency Military Situation

() Merchants went directly to the county government and asked to see Su Tiancheng.

After a period of time, the merchant was in Jiangning County, and got the care of the county government. The business was doing very well. He also knew Su Tiancheng's identity, and he also knew that the letter delivered for Huang Zaisheng was unusual. Of course, in the face of vested interests, In front of him, he tried his best to deliver the letter for Huang Zaisheng properly.

Because I do business in Jiangning County, it is much more convenient to deliver letters. The family members and servants of merchants often travel between Jiangning County and Shanhaiguan, and they can bring letters at any time. It was brought by the family members and servants of merchants.

Su Tiancheng didn't say a word to Huang Zaisheng.

After Su Tiancheng got the letter, his heart skipped a beat.

According to the agreement, if there is one black dot on the cover of the letter, it means general information; if there are two black dots, it means important information; if there are three black dots, it means urgent military situation.

Without the slightest delay, he quickly entered the secret room of the county government.

After opening the letter and reading it carefully, Su Tiancheng's hands trembled a little.

All along, he felt that the situation was good. The Jiangning Camp could carry out training with peace of mind. He had already contacted Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui. They all understand that opportunities and dangers coexist. The greater the danger, the greater the effort, and the greater the reward.

The grain production is very good, and seeing that there will be another bumper harvest this year, the county government plans to purchase 150 million shi of grain.Among them, 100 million stones were handed over to Jiang Ningying.

Yan Zizhang, Zheng Keyou, Lan Qiaozheng and others.I gradually became familiar with the affairs of the county government. After all, I am an official of the imperial court and has a solid foundation. Even if I leave Jiangning County, I don't have to worry about the future development of Jiangning County.

Zhongxing Academy has achieved good results, Donglin Academy and Fushe have been completely silent, almost no sound has been made.Better than the influence of Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou, some scholars from Donglin Academy and Fushe have slowly started to join the academy.

If such a good foundation can be maintained for a longer period of time, it will definitely have a major impact.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to bleed too much, changing certain social conditions would definitely have to pay a price.But this price should not be too high. After time travel, Su Tiancheng's mind has changed a lot.

Some people or historians say lightly that the progress of history is inevitable.The decline and fall of the dynasty is normal, as long as the progress of the society can be guaranteed, all costs are worth it.This kind of posture of standing and talking without back pain, this kind of condescending summary, on the surface shows that he is aloof and knowledgeable.It was what Su Tiancheng hated the most.

According to these people's point of view, people like Tianxiang and Yue Fei.What kind of national hero is it? If the dynasty is established, let others overthrow it. If foreign races invade, it is nothing special. They have brought civilization.

Of course, Su Tiancheng would not be fooled. The reform he thought of was to carry out reforms through the infiltration of culture, which is the so-called peaceful evolution, to achieve the goal of social development through the smallest cost.

There are too many dangers facing the Ming Dynasty. If you don't pay attention, you will become a loser with the collapse of this dynasty.

Huang Zaisheng's letter and the news made Su Tiancheng smell the danger.

Hou Jin has already assembled an army and set off on a large scale. Their purpose is not only to unify Monan Mongolia. Now it is the time when the green is not ready. They may enter Xuanfu and Datong, because they asked Huang Zaisheng to provide Xuanfu , Datong area, and the surrounding situation.

Huang Zaisheng estimated that the time when the Houjin army might invade the Datong area of ​​Xuanfu should be from the end of June to the beginning of July.

At this point in time, it's too sensitive.

You must know that the imperial court is concentrating its large army to wipe out the rogues in Shaanxi. At the critical moment of the battle, the main forces of the emperor and the imperial court have been concentrated in the area of ​​Shaanxi. The expenditure is huge, and it looks like it may be about to win.

Just at this time, Hou Jin was about to invade.

Didn't this hit the waist and eye?

Su Tiancheng felt that the time chosen by the Houjin Dynasty was by no means simple. It can be said that they must have known about the imperial court dispatching troops to wipe out the bandits. Since the Ming Dynasty was their opponent, the civil strife in the Ming Dynasty was their last It's a good opportunity. Seeing that Ming Dynasty is trying its best to wipe out the bandits, they can sit idly by. At this time, leading troops to attack the border areas of Ming Dynasty can cause a lot of panic. If it is not done well, the court will have to The army was transferred to face Houjin's Eight Banners Army, and the pressure on the bandits was naturally reduced.

What's more, the locations chosen by the bandits are Xuanfu in Northern Zhili and Datong in Shanxi.

Xuanfu is close to Yingtianfu. If Xuanfu's three guards (Wanquanwei, Longmenwei, and Huai'anwei) are breached, Hou Jin can drive straight in and attack the capital. At this time, the imperial court must mobilize other troops to enter guarded.

Su Tiancheng opened the map, spread it on the table, and began to look at it carefully.

In name, Hou Jin went west to conquer Chahar, which was completely unnecessary. They attacked Xuanfu and Datong. It was impossible for them to choose the route of attack to pass through Xuanfu and Datong. , When returning to the division, you can attack Xuanfu and Datong from the Zhangbei and Xingli areas.

Datong is not far from Shaanxi. If the Manchurian Eight Banners invade Datong Prefecture, the Shaanxi area will definitely know the news.

Hou Jin's move can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

Unified Monan Mongolia and strengthened its own strength. At the same time, it invaded Xuanfu and Datong, grabbed money and people, and plunged the court into panic. The biggest effect was to support the rogues from the side.

It is impossible for the Eight Banners of Manchuria in the late Jin Dynasty to have contact with the rogues, but to a certain extent, the rogues are their internal support and their allies. As long as the rogues continue to cause chaos in the interior of the Ming Dynasty, they will have ample opportunities , Invading the Ming Dynasty all the time, and when the opportunity is ripe, launch a decisive attack on the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty was limited to civil strife, so it could not develop, and it would decline further.

After reading the map, Su Tiancheng fell silent.

He doesn't know the strength of Hou Jin. He doesn't know who generals Hou Jin has, how many sergeants he has, and what advisers he has. This is a huge flaw, and it is temporarily difficult to make up for it. Within a short period of time, the law can be changed. If you want to really grasp the situation, you have to go to the north and fight against the Eight Banners Army of Manchuria. There is such an opportunity. Thousands of miles away, if you want to know the situation of others, that is wishful thinking.

The army of the Ming Dynasty can be regarded as mentally handicapped in terms of grasping the enemy's situation, including intelligence work. This has a lot to do with the so-called awe-inspiring commanders at all levels. The Ming Dynasty led troops to fight. Education, doing things in an upright manner, disdain to do intelligence work, think it is a dirty job, and they have always regarded Houjin as a barbarian, obviously unable to beat others, they still want to belittle others.

With such a mentality, it is no wonder that he has repeatedly fought and failed.

The intelligence work of Jinyiwei and Dongchang is really good. The leaders of Jinyiwei and Dongchang will not be completely influenced by Confucianism, but their intelligence work focuses on officials and gentry, and it is useless.

Su Tiancheng is not so naive, soldiers are deceitful, if there is no strategy, no intelligence, always thinking that he can confront his opponent head-on on the battlefield, he will die a miserable death.

He has already thought about it. If the Jiangning Battalion really went to the north and faced the Eight Banners of Houjin Manchuria, he would ask Dong Chang to arrange the secret line of Jinyiwei to go deep into Houjin's territory to spy on information and make trouble in Houjin's heart , to harass Hou Jin to the maximum extent, so that they will not live in peace.

After leaving the secret room, Su Tiancheng fell into deep thought again.

Should such a precious piece of information be sent to the imperial court?

In his heart, he really wanted to provide information to the imperial court, but reason told him that he could not do so. If this information actually reached Zhu Youjian's imperial case, it would probably cause an uproar.

Not to mention whether Houjin will invade Xuanfu and Datong, the key is that Houjin's Manchurian Eight Banners are entering Mongolia to fight and unify Monan Mongolia. The next action plan has not been shown for the time being. Huang Zaisheng said in the letter, It is also estimated that such a situation will occur, and this estimated situation may not necessarily attract the attention of the court.

Besides, the imperial court is going all out to wipe out the rogues. At a critical moment, when this information comes up, what will Zhu Youjian think, what will he think? It will also be threatened, including the fate of the Jiangning Camp, which may change.

Such information cannot be provided to the imperial court.

When Su Tiancheng made this decision, he seemed to be in great pain, but he couldn't help it. This was a correct and rational decision.

If such a situation occurs, Jiang Ning Ying will definitely attract attention.

He knew that Zhu Youjian was very happy because the battle to exterminate the rogues went smoothly, and he also reduced his attention to the Jiangning camp. The battalion has made a move. The Jiangning battalion has made a lot of military exploits in the past, and it may also be due to luck. Now, look at the troops of other guards in the imperial court. They can also fight, why not rely more on it.

After thinking for a long time, Su Tiancheng found the merchant who delivered the letter, and told him directly that he asked Huang Zaisheng to provide all the information he knew during this period of time.

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