The last breakout organized by () still ended in a disastrous defeat. The remaining brothers, less than 4, lost more than half.Visit download txt novel

It was already mid-to-late July, and Gao Yingxiang and others had been trapped in the Chexiang Gorge for more than a month. They knew that if this continued, the final way out would be annihilation of the entire army, and they had to think of other ways.

What they didn't expect was that there were also some problems with the officers and soldiers outside.

From the beginning of July to the middle and end of July, the rogues organized many times to break out of the encirclement, and each time they fought, it was tragic. The soldiers of the Ming army who were waiting at the mouth of the gorge suffered equally heavy losses. eight hundred.

The officers and soldiers were dispatched by the guards of the four provinces. During the repeated killings, discordant factors finally appeared.

The general soldiers of various provinces found Chen Qiyu because of the loss of troops, and they were not convinced. The sergeants in some provinces suffered more losses, and some suffered slightly better, but everyone was treated the same.

Chen Qiyu also had a headache.

The rogue persisted longer than he could have imagined. He thought that the battle would be over within a month. Now, a month has passed, and the rogue suffered a huge loss. He still persisted, and the soldiers he led suffered losses as well. There are close to 3 people, and the blow to the sergeants is also great.

If it weren't for the encouragement of Lu Xiangsheng and Zhang Pu, he would have thought of organizing soldiers to rush into the carriage gorge and wipe out the bandits completely.

Inside the imperial court, they were also waiting for news. Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, was in a hurry. Edicts would come down from time to time, and envoys were even sent to inquire about the progress of the war. Now, the imperial court no longer cared about how many rogues were wiped out, but instead cared about it. When will the rogue bandits be wiped out completely.

The long rainy days also hit the morale of the court sergeants.

All kinds of factors added together, Chen Qiyu's thoughts.There have been subtle changes.

Seeing the huge military exploits that are at your fingertips, but you can't get them. If you completely wipe out this gangster, you will be promoted, and you may become the sixth minister.Or the Imperial Envoy.Luck is still there, continue to struggle, maybe you can enter the cabinet.

This is a huge temptation, a temptation that no one can resist.

July 21st.late at night.

Three rogues came out from the mouth of the canyon. They were holding white flags, but they did not carry weapons.

Very soon, these three people were brought before the officer, at this moment.Chen Qiyu and others had already rested, and the officer did not disturb them.

The three brought news, and the commander made a decision to surrender to the army.

Before the officer had time to express his opinion, four other rogues were brought in, carrying boxes.

The officer asked the guarding sergeant to leave temporarily.

The box was opened, and it was full of gold and silver.It looks like, plus more than ten thousand taels of silver.

Facing the huge temptation, the officer's attitude changed significantly.

After a night of discussions, the rogues returned to the Chexiang Gorge before dawn.

22 late at night.The same seven rogues walked out of the gorge again, this time, waiting for them.There were several officers, and three boxes were brought out.It was filled with gold and silver.

There's even a line of jewelry.

The officers received jewels and gold and silver.

Early in the morning on the 23rd, more than ten military officers entered Chen Qiyu's tent.

About half an hour later, these officers came out with smiles on their faces.

Zhang Pu discovered this situation and entered the tent.

Chen Qiyu and Lu Xiangsheng were both inside the tent. There were smiles on their faces, and it was a kind of relieved smile. It seemed that they had encountered some happy event.

Seeing Zhang Pu coming in, Chen Qiyu, who was in a good mood, said for the first time that after this battle, he would definitely recommend Zhang Pu to the court.

Zhang Pu was very surprised, during this period of time, Chen Qiyu hardly had a smile on his face, why he was so happy today.

Chen Qiyu took the initiative to explain the reason. It turned out that the rogues in the carriage gorge couldn't take it anymore and decided to surrender to the court.

Zhang Pu Neng felt that something was wrong, it was at this time, the imperial army had won successive victories, and under such favorable conditions, it was precisely to completely wipe out the bandits.

After a few sentences of debate, Zhang Pu agreed with Chen Qiyu's point of view. Chen Qiyu believed that the rogues were the people of the Ming Dynasty. They thought of rebellion when they were desperate. Without the ability to resist, it is reasonable to surrender. Besides, excessive killings will hurt the wisdom of the court, and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty will also suffer great losses. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for the rogues to surrender.

Zhang Pu wrote the memorial again.

This memorial was quickly sent to the court.

Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, first expressed his agreement. For more than a month, he is clear about all the battles ahead. The rogues have indeed suffered a devastating blow, but the soldiers of the imperial court have also suffered great losses. Now the rogues are willing to surrender. Yes, this is a good thing, and it can avoid casualties of soldiers to the greatest extent.

Zhu Youjian also agreed with this opinion.

In Zhu Youjian's heart, there is still a trace of guilt. He feels sorry for the rogues. These rogues rebelled because they could not survive. If they are willing to surrender to the court, they should not kill too much.

The imperial edict from the Ministry of War soon reached Chen Qiyu's hands.

On July 26, all the rogues in the carriage gorge walked out of the gorge and surrendered to the imperial army.

Ordinarily, the rogues who surrendered should have been disarmed and placed in centralized detention. However, the rogues who surrendered were not disarmed at all, were not detained in a centralized manner, and their organizational system was not disrupted.

All of this was due to money. In a few days, Gao Yingxiang and others discussed and brought out a large amount of gold, silver and jewels and gave them to the officers around Chen Qiyu.

Take people's money and get rid of disasters with others. At this time, it is the time to repay. Of course, the rogues have to accept hospitality.

The officer got the gold, silver and jewels and didn't care about other things at all.

The news of the surrender of the rogues quickly spread to the imperial court. Among those who surrendered this time were the important leaders of the rogues, including Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, and Li Zicheng.

Zhu Youjian was happy. Such a major victory, even if it cost more than one million taels of silver, was worth it.

On July 28, the rogues who had surrendered had their morale fully restored after eating and drinking, and suddenly launched an attack on the imperial army.

Look at the army of the imperial court, because the bandits surrendered and completed the task, they are all packing up and preparing to go home, there is no morale left, the energy that is simmering in their hearts has long been thrown to Java .

When they encountered an attack rashly, the army of more than [-] became a mess, and it was too late to fight.

Of the 4000 rogues, only less than 6000 were lost, and more than [-] people rushed out of the encirclement. The morale-boosting rogues went all the way out of Hanzhong Mansion, entered Xi'an Mansion, and captured some areas around Xi'an Mansion. With the maximum replenishment, the lost source of troops also began to recover slowly.

Immediately afterwards, they entered the territory of Gansu and occupied the area around Qingyang, Gansu.

The news quickly reached the court.

Zhu Youjian was furious. He couldn't believe it. Why were the rogues who surrendered so powerful? The [-] bandits have become so vulnerable.

The imperial court spent more than one million taels of silver, but in the end it was nothing.

Zhu Youjian felt that he had been teased, not only by the bandits, but also by Chen Qiyu.The self-esteem was hurt, and the anger that erupted was incalculable.At this time, the ministers of the imperial court did not dare to persuade them at all.

The imperial decree went down immediately, and Chen Qiyu was dismissed from his post and taken to prison.

In the imperial decree, it was also mentioned that Zhang Pu was supposed to keep his own place at home, but he was involved in the military affairs of exterminating the bandits.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, served as Minister of the Ministry of War, and the governor of the military affairs of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Huguang, Sichuan, and Henan provinces, and was fully responsible for exterminating the bandits.

He came to wait for the imperial court's reward, hoping to prove himself in front of Su Tiancheng, but he did not expect to usher in such an ending.

Zhang Pu discovered something was wrong a long time ago. The rogues who surrendered received the highest courtesy. Some provided them with food and some provided them with tents. No one asked them to disarm, and no one asked them to gather in one place to accept adaptation. How can they be considered as surrendered rogues? They are simply regarded as the army of the imperial court.

When the rogues launched their attack, Zhang Pu was still resting. There were deafening shouts of killing and the sound of weapons colliding in the distance. He already felt that something was wrong.

It's just that Zhang Pu didn't expect that he had become a scapegoat.

Officers who accepted gold, silver and jewels, of course, had to cover up their actions. They didn't want to lose their official positions, and they didn't want to be imprisoned. Therefore, Zhang Pu, who has always been a senior staff member, must be blamed.

In addition, Zhang Pu belonged to a person with a criminal record. When he was in Nanjing, he was almost imprisoned for meddling in military affairs. failed this time.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Pu's situation cannot be very good.

Before being taken away by the imperial censor, someone couldn't stand it, and secretly told Zhang Pu some reasons.

Knowing these reasons, Zhang Pu's face was ashamed, and he didn't expect such a hot blood to get such an ending.

At this time, he thought of Su Tiancheng. It seems that there is really a gap between people. Su Tiancheng is stronger than himself, and being strong is killing people. This time he was imprisoned in a prison. Whether he can survive or not, for the battle of spirits, he may have to take his life.

Zhang Pu knew that his own defense was useless, and he had no chance to argue with everyone.

In this world, there is no regret.

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