Ming politicians

Chapter 332 The Second Mission

() After eating, Dong Chang left. No one knew where he was going. This old man has been coming and going all the time.Visit download txt novel

Qu Qingze stayed behind, and after a few months of separation, the two finally reunited again.

The two of them did not leave the Four Seas Restaurant. Relatively speaking, it was much safer here, and no one would disturb them. Wang Dazhi guarded the door, and ordinary people could not enter.

After a simple exchange of pleasantries, Su Tiancheng went straight to the topic.

"Old Qu, how many people are there under your control?"

When Qu Qingze arrived at Jiangning Camp, his address was changed, so that he appeared friendly and saved him from the trouble of being an official.

"My lord, the number of people I can control is not large. They are mainly distributed in Nanzhili, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong, Huguang, Sichuan and Shanhaiguan Yanmen. There are more than two hundred people in total."

"Why are there so few? With such a large area, more than 200 people can do so many things."

Su Tiancheng seemed a little anxious, but Qu Qingze was calm.

"You don't know that. The secret agents arranged by Mr. Dong this time are all elites with extraordinary abilities. In fact, when your secret letter arrived in the stable, Mr. Dong found me. He has a special understanding of your secret letter. Very high interest. Over the years, Jin Yiwei has always paid attention to internal affairs and rarely asked about external affairs. Your proposal can broaden Jin Yiwei's vision. Besides, it is also true to know the situation of rogues and Hou Jin. It’s really doing things for the court.”

Su Tiancheng said something, such a simple thing, why did he do it a long time ago, I don't know how many lessons he has learned, the most typical one is that after Yuan Chonghuan killed Maolong, the main force of the Houjin raided a long distance, bypassing Jimen to enter the pass, At the foot of the capital, no one knows.The armies in Shanhaiguan, Ningyuan and other places were so ignorant that Zhu Youjian was in a hurry and mobilized troops to surround the capital.The most ridiculous thing is that after Hou Jin looted around the capital.He swaggered away.There was no information coming, and Zhu Youjian was worried for a long time.

The intelligence system is mentally handicapped to such an extent that it is beyond words.

The capital is related to the lifeline of the Ming Dynasty.However, it is not that far away from Shanhaiguan. Su Tiancheng had carefully studied the map. The Great Wall stretched out along Xuanfu, Yanqingzhou, Shuntianfu, and Yongpingfu, with twists and turns.Guarding the capital, with such a barrier, on the surface, the capital is much safer, but the Great Wall is dead, but people are alive. If such a long distance of the Great Wall is destroyed, wouldn't it be the strength of the Houjin army? straight in.

Since the first year of Chongzhen.The post-Jin army broke through the Great Wall defense line and penetrated deep into the hinterland of Ming Dynasty, which abounded, and the Great Wall could no longer play much of a role.

Every time the Houjin army came in, the court was in a hurry to mobilize the army.To defend the capital, the first thing that comes to mind is not to encircle and suppress the Houjin army, but to protect the capital, so what is the capital camp doing?What's more, the city wall of the north stable is tall and steep.Where it can be breached casually.

Of course, Su Tiancheng couldn't speak out about these situations, but the more than 200 people Dong Chang transferred were all elites from the dark line of Jinyiwei, which is very good.

"Well, since it is elite, it must be able to play a big role."

Su Tiancheng nodded, as the saying goes, there is no harm in being careful.

"Old Qu, the following question is a bit critical. You may be unhappy, but I still have to ask it."

Before Su Tiancheng could speak, Qu Qingze took the initiative to speak.

"I know what you want to ask. I'm thinking about these hidden threads. Are they reliable? In this regard, you don't have to doubt them. They are absolutely reliable. As for why they are reliable, I won't say. This is the secret of Jin Yiwei, and I can't tell them. .”

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"If you can't say it, don't say it. As long as it is reliable, everything is easy to talk about. I don't want to say more about the mission of the dark thread. You heard it just now. The most important task now is to find out the movements of the rogues. They suffered a loss in the carriage gorge. There will definitely be a big move, let’s talk about it to vent my anger. For the mission of the dark line, you must find out their movements in detail, and you must do whatever it takes. As for the mission of sneaking into the ranks of rogues, since it is the elite of Jinyiwei, this matter , we will talk about it later.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away, and my lord has to clarify exactly what kind of information is needed."

Su Tiancheng glared at Qu Qingze, Qu Qingze also asked such a naive question.

However, he quickly understood that this is probably the style of Jin Yiwei's secret work. Any task must be clearly explained. Mistake.

"There are three main aspects. First, the location of the rogues' activities must be the exact location of their activities, including the places they pass along the way, the speed of marching, where they stay, and the law of activities. Second, the number of rogues, Who is the leader, how is the fighting strength, whether there is internal unity, there are many leaders of the rogues, and it is necessary to find out who is in charge. Thirdly, the plan of the rogue activities, this is the most important and the most difficult to obtain information. What I said at all costs is to obtain information in this regard, of course, the premise is that the dark thread can come back alive."

Qu Qingze didn't speak for a long time. These aspects were not easy.

"My lord, your requirements are high enough. If the dark thread cannot enter the ranks of the rogues, how can they know about these situations? Anyway, all of these dark threads have something to do. They can complete such a task."

"The second task is to find out all the actions of the imperial court to conquer the army of rogues. This is simpler, so I won't go into details."

"Okay, that's no problem, you can get the information from the stable."

"No, you can't get information from the stables. It will be too late. What I want to emphasize later is the issue of time. Since you mentioned it, I will emphasize it."

"The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is necessary to grasp the information as soon as possible. Just now, I was worried that there were too few people in the dark line. I was concerned about the slow speed of information transmission. For example, the situation of rogue activities must be reported every day, no later than Three days, if it exceeds this time, the information will not be of much use, and in three days, people can go hundreds of miles, and the information will be out of date."

"Okay, this can be done. If the speed of the dark line is not counted, there is no one in my Ming Dynasty. The relevant information can completely guarantee that it will reach Jiangning County within three days."

Half an hour later, Su Tianchengji finished arranging the matter.

When it was about to end, Qu Qingze couldn't bear it anymore.

"My lord, don't you go to investigate the information about Hou Jin you mentioned?"

"Hehe, I have already said before about the investigation of Houjin. The current task is to understand the local situation, including whether their food is enough to eat, how the ordinary people's living conditions are, etc. I will talk about other information in the future. .”

"It's as simple as that."

"Old Qu, this is not easy. After a while, you will understand that we can analyze a lot of things through this information. Besides, in the initial stage, doing so will also have a lot of benefits for the dark lines. .”

Qu Qingze nodded half understanding.

Back in Jiangning camp, Qu Qingze officially took office.

Wei Zhenfu's main duty is to be in charge of military craftsmen. There is no military craftsman in Jiangning Camp. This position was not planned to be set up. Qu Qingze came to Jiangning Camp. It is just right for him to take up this position. He has time to focus on the dark lines of Jinyiwei .

After meeting with Sun Chuanting and others, Qu Qingze followed Su Tiancheng into the room.

At this time, Su Tiancheng's expression became very serious.

"Old Qu, the five hundred guards of the Prince Jin's Mansion entered the Jiangning Camp. I know that there are many guards in Jinyi, and there are even hidden lines. I want to emphasize that if these spies from Jinyiwei specifically sue, even interfere with the military affairs of the barracks, tell stories, and put forward inexplicable opinions on the decisions of the officers, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Qu Qingze's face showed a troubled expression.

"My lord, I don't know the hidden threads in the Jiangning camp, including the Jinyiwei personnel."

"It's not easy. The many dark lines you control are all elite people. How difficult it is to figure out the Jinyiwei in the Jiangning camp. Besides, the goal of these 500 people is clear."

"It can be done, but if adults do this, isn't it a big deal?"

"It is necessary to do this, and you will not accept the orders of the foreign emperor. The most important thing for Jiang Ningying to go out to fight is to be able to adapt to changes. When you are far away from the court, you don't know what will happen. You also know the allusion of three people becoming tigers." , I don’t want any problems within the Jiangning camp, and if necessary, I will even control the memorials of these people.”

Qu Qingze gasped, Su Tiancheng was courageous enough, before the Jiang Ning Camp actually set off, he thought of dealing with the Jinyi Guards inside, and even the inner guards of the East Factory.

Of course, the people in Jinyiwei and Dongchang can't change the habits they have had for many years. They are used to small reports and specialize in catching rumors. Sometimes, they can really do bad things.

After arranging all these, Su Tiancheng felt comfortable.

He has already created the conditions that should be created, and it is time for the Jiangning Camp to really play a role. In his memory, if there is no major change in history, a major event will happen immediately. A meeting was held in Xingyang, that is, this meeting. The rogues unified their thinking and really began to unite and coordinate operations.

As for the fact that Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Gao Yingxiang and others invaded Fengyang and destroyed the imperial tomb, that was after the Xingyang Conference.

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