Ming politicians

Chapter 334 Postponed Wedding

() All preparations for the wedding are proceeding in an orderly manner.high speed

Su Tiancheng felt guilty. The wedding must have been postponed, but he couldn't say anything about it. All the actions of Jiang Ningying must be kept secret. He could find a reason and leave for a while, but Chun Ping, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi were all waiting impatiently. This was their happiest time.

Family affairs and state affairs are mixed together, Su Tiancheng has no choice, if the central capital Fengyang is really captured by the rogues, the Jiangning camp, which is very close away, will also suffer a great humiliation.

At night, Su Tiancheng held Zhu Shenxin in his arms, and stopped talking.

All of Zhu Shenxin's energy was concentrated on the baby in her stomach, and she didn't notice Su Tiancheng's expression.The power of a mother's love is great, Zhu Shenxin's transformation is too great, seeing the children in the house, she wants to tease her.

After thinking for a long time, Su Tiancheng didn't speak.

He wrote a letter and lent it to Su Ertong, and told Su Ertong that he had to go out to do some business and leave for a period of time. On the [-]th day of September, he would hand this letter directly to his wife. Can't postpone, don't ask why.

Su Ertong didn't know what the big deal was, but seeing Su Tiancheng's serious face, he nodded hastily and carefully put away the letter.

Early in the morning of the eighth day of September, Su Tiancheng told Zhu Shenxin that he was going out for a while, and the training of the Jiangning Camp had reached a critical juncture. No way.

Zhu Shenxin told Su Tiancheng to pay attention to his body, but he didn't pay special attention.

Su Tiancheng brought Wang Dazhi to Jiangning Camp.

He has already left letters to Yan Zizhang, Zheng Keyou, Lan Qiaozheng and others, and the matter of the county government, please these people.

The only one who knows Su Tiancheng's whereabouts is Su Pingyang.

Su Pingyang must know all about the wedding.It was all prepared by Su Pingyang. If it still proceeds according to the original plan, and Su Tiancheng is not present when the wedding comes, then the joke will become a big one.

The Jiangning Camp was still busy.A day of prep time.It was the first time that [-] sergeants were dispatched in full.

Sun Chuanting also felt strange and asked Master Fan Jing if he knew.After all, Fan Jing is the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guards. Who knew that Su Tiancheng's tone was unusually cold. No one knew about this drill, not all the soldiers.Just do as you are asked, don't ask any reason.

Sun Chuanting felt that the matter was of great importance, so he didn't say much.

Soon, the news of the dark thread reached Jiangning County again.

Su Tiancheng's prediction was completely accurate, the rogues entered the Runing Mansion, they did not attack the capital city, but came directly towards Nanzhili, the rogues came from Luoshan to Guangzhou.The vanguard is already investigating the situation in Gushi area.

If the rogues were going to enter Luzhou Mansion, they would definitely move towards the mall area, and they would never go to investigate the situation in Gushi, and take the way through Gushi.There is only one road, and that is to enter Fengyang Mansion from Gushi.

The rogues moved too quickly, but within five days, they had already arrived in Gwangju, Runing Mansion.

Calculated at this rate.Within ten days, the rogues could reach Fengyang, the central capital.

Su Tiancheng felt the seriousness of the problem.

Jiangning County to Fengyang.About 300 miles away, according to the speed of the Jiangning camp, it can be reached within three days, but the secrecy work must be done well. Su Tiancheng is holding his breath. This time, he must wipe out the rogues to the greatest extent. With vitality, he can't do things like catching ducks, he has to make dumplings.

The bandits are used to running around, and it is not easy to catch their main force. If you are not careful, you will startle them, and they will leave a bunch of cannon fodder to haunt you, and all the elite troops will withdraw. So, the dispatch of the Jiangning battalion is very important, which requires the main officers of the Jiangning battalion to be clear about their tasks.

When Su Tian grew up, he locked himself in the room and did not allow anyone to disturb him, not even Sun Chuanting.

He must think seriously.

At Haishi, most of the sergeants had a rest.

Sun Chuanting, commander of the Jiangning battalion guards, Qianhu from each battalion, Fuqu Qingze and others from Weizhen all gathered in Su Tiancheng's room, there were sergeants outside, no one was allowed to approach, and anyone who disobeyed the order would be beheaded.

The expressions of the crowd were unusually serious, and it was the first time that all the thousands of households were called together.

Su Tiancheng looked at the crowd, he didn't sit down, but stood alone.

The room is quiet enough to hear a needle drop.

Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Brothers, the Jiangning camp is about to fight. This time, we have to face the so-called 20 rogues."

Except for Qu Qingze, everyone's expressions changed. 20, this number sounds so terrifying, 20 against [-], could it be said that Su Tiancheng has such great confidence.


Sun Chuanting's face relaxed, he had already understood.

"The rogues suffered defeats in Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Chexiangxia, and their elites suffered a great loss. It is impossible for them to fully recover in a few months, and it is impossible to have so many elites to replenish. In the past, the sergeants mutinied. Now, the imperial court Now that the military pay base is in place, not many sergeants will mutiny, so the real combat effectiveness of the rogue bandits is vulnerable."

"At the Xingyang General Assembly, the rogue soldiers divided into two groups. One route entered Huguang and Sichuan, and the other route attacked the Runing Mansion. Now they are moving towards Gushi. You can take a look at their route of action."

A map had already been hung on the wall, and everyone's eyes were focused on the map.

"The rogues moved quickly. In just a few days, they arrived at Runing from Xingyang. The strange thing is that they didn't attack the city and plunder the village in Runing. They just moved forward with their heads covered. It's in the boundary zone."

"Everyone can take a look, if the rogues leave Gushi, where is the front?"

Sun Chuanting stood up abruptly and couldn't help but speak.

"The rogues are really audacious. They dared to enter Fengyang Mansion. This is the capital of China."

"Master Sun, you are right, the target of the rogues is directly at Fengyang, the central capital."

The air in the room seemed a little suffocated, and no one spoke.

"This group of bandits was led by Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng, Sweeping King, Taiping Wang and others. They claimed to be 20 people. They moved quickly, and their marching route directly pointed to Fengyang, the central capital."

"The person who made this kind of deployment is indeed very courageous. I admire it very much. According to the usual thinking, how dare the rogues attack Fengyang, the central capital. There is a left-behind division of the central capital, and there are many officers and soldiers. Moreover, they are officers and soldiers with strong combat effectiveness, don’t rogues seek death, but I have to say that the person who made this decision is a military genius.”

"Fengyang, the central capital, is the land of Longxing. There is no city wall there. Without such a natural barrier, the rogues will not suffer any losses. They will directly meet the officers and soldiers of the left-behind department."

"Besides, there are 5000 officers and soldiers in the left-behind division. These sergeants have not experienced war for many years, and their training is slack. They would never have imagined that the rogues dared to attack Zhongdu and suddenly encountered rogues without any precautions. , the consequences can be imagined."

"So, my conclusion is that according to the current development, Fengyang, the central capital, will undoubtedly fall."

Many people's faces turned pale, and they already knew what Jiang Ningying was going to do.

"The rogues claiming to be 20, their elite will not exceed 3, and the actual team will not exceed 10. Even if they have 10, it is not worth mentioning in front of the Jiangning Camp. We must have such confidence and courage."

"Perhaps some people may wonder why such important information is not reported to the imperial court. Here I will explain two points. First, the imperial court will not believe such information. If I didn't say it just now, you would never have imagined that the rogues would attack everything. Fengyang, secondly, time is too late. According to the traveling speed of the rogues, they can reach Fengyang, the central capital, within ten days. Now, they have already set off for Gushi. If they don't stay, they can even arrive within seven days , arrived at Fengyang."

"This is the first time all the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion have been mobilized. The military situation is urgent, so we don't allow any hesitation."

"Specific requirements, let me say a few words. The Jiangning camp has always requested that during the war, they must make dumplings and not chase ducks. The bandits were in the chariot gorge and used the trick of false surrender. They escaped by chance. This time, they met The Jiangning camp is not so lucky, the Jiangning camp must wipe out the rogues to the greatest extent, and will not accept surrender. Faced with the leaders of the rogues at all levels, they will be shot or killed, and they must not be lenient."

"Since we want to make dumplings, our actions must be hidden and cannot be exposed. So, I have thought about it. After the Jiangning battalion soldiers set off, they will rest during the day and march at night. Gather in the outskirts of Yangyang, and march for three days, today is the eighth day of September, set out at night on the ninth day of September, and meet in the outskirts of Fengyang on the night of the twelfth day of September, the actions must be kept absolutely secret, so as not to disturb the surrounding people."

"Liu Tiehan, the mission of the scout battalion is very heavy. The scouts along the way must rush to Huoqiu in Fengyang Mansion to grasp every move of the rogues and report the news in time. Remember, the success or failure of this battle depends on your scouts. camp."

"I don't want to repeat the discipline of the Jiangning battalion. The law enforcement battalion was scattered and entered each battalion. Anyone who looted the people and did not obey the military regulations will be severely punished."

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