Ming politicians

Chapter 337 Bloody Setting Sun

() September [-]th, Chongzhen Seventh Year, Maoshi.

It has entered autumn, and in the late autumn season, there is a deep coolness in the morning.

The area around the Drum Tower is a restricted zone, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter. If they are discovered by the sergeants of the Central Capital Left Guards Division, they can be killed on the spot. This makes the task of ambush for the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp much easier.

In Fengyang, there is a certain distance from the Drum Tower, the imperial city, and the imperial mausoleum. In addition, the people are very afraid of the imperial city and imperial mausoleum, so there are almost no people here.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting stood together, around them, five hundred soldiers were always vigilant, it was still early, and the sky had not yet brightened.

According to the scout's investigation, the Rogue Central Army will arrive at Chen Shi, and there is still one Shi Chen.

All the soldiers are in ambush, waiting for orders.

"Master Sun, the Jiangning Camp will definitely win a complete victory. I will wait for your good news ahead."

"Master Su, you must take care of yourself. You are the pillar of the Jiangning camp, and there must be no mistakes."

After saying this, Sun Chuanting spoke to Sun Yuankun next to him.

"Sun Qianhu, Master Su's safety is entrusted to you. Even if the people in the military battalion are spared, you must ensure that you are not injured. Master Su is the pillar of the Jiangning camp, and absolutely nothing will happen."

Sun Yuankun clasped his fists in salute, did not speak, but his firm eyes said everything.

Zhu Guoxiang stayed behind in Fengyang, and he hasn't got up yet.

The central capital stays behind and is mainly responsible for the safety of the central capital Fengyang. Hundreds of years have passed. Fengyang, the central capital, is still as stable as a rock. In the eyes of everyone, this is the land of dragon prosperity.Many places that were blessed by the former emperor, others dare to touch.

Because of this kind of thinking, it is said that Zhu Guoxiang didn't believe the news of the invasion of rogues reported by Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Neiwei.This is really a joke.What kind of place is Fengyang? How dare bandits come here to make trouble.These Jinyiwei and Dongchang inner guards probably have nothing to do.Bewitching people, or wanting to get money.

Zhu Guo has a bad impression of Jinyiwei and Dongchang. Those guys are always thinking of making small reports, lest the world will not be chaotic.Anything they say is unbelievable.

A few days passed, and everything was peaceful. Zhu Guoxiang felt that his judgment was completely accurate.

There should be 9000 sergeants in the left-behind division of the Central Capital, but there are currently less than 9000 left. Even with these [-] people, there are also close to [-] old, weak, sick and disabled.Of course, the military salary of the imperial court was allocated according to the standard of [-] sergeants, and the empty salary in it naturally fell into the pocket of the person in charge of Zhu Guoping.

Don't talk about empty rates.Even the military pay that should be paid is also deducted, especially those who are old, weak, sick and disabled can get half of the military pay.That's great for these guys.I can't leave the barracks anymore, I have no means of making a living, I am old, in poor health, and have meager military pay, so I can barely make ends meet, and it is not bad if I don't starve to death.

For this reason, Zhu Guoxiang is also willing to keep these people.

After all, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang were watching all the time. If you really want to say that these people were dismissed, they did too much. If they participated in the performance, it would be unbearable to walk around.

Zhu Guoxiang was still dreaming, when there was a hurried voice outside.

"My lord, it's not good, there are enemies..."

In a daze, Zhu Guoxiang thought he was dreaming, and he was a little impatient. There is no good thing in this dream. Could it be that there will really be some big things in this period of time.

The officer who reported went straight into the room, his face pale.

"Sir, my lord, the rogues attacked Zhongdu, and they have reached the Drum Tower, and the soldiers are resisting..."

Zhu Guoxiang really woke up now, and it was impossible for him to continue to sleep. A cold air came from the soles of his feet all the way to the top of his head, and he was speechless for a long time.

"grown ups..."

The officer's voice was a little softer, as if to remind Zhu Guoxiang that it was time to command everyone to fight.

Zhu Guo was completely awake.

"Organize soldiers to wipe out the rogues. Damn it, when did the rogues arrive in Zhongdu? They are so bold that they dare to attack Zhongdu. How many of them are there?"

"My subordinates heard from the sergeant's report that there are a large number of rogues, estimated to exceed 10..."


Zhu Guoxiang sat on the bed, his face turned from red to white, and his body trembled slightly.

"You, you dare to lie about the military situation. Where did so many rogues come from? They have been in Shaanxi and Shanxi. Could it be that they flew over? The officials, the officials killed you..."

"My lord, this subordinate also listened to the report from the sergeant below..."

Zhu Guoxiang ignored the officer, put on his clothes in twos and twos, and trotted out.

If Fengyang, the central capital, falls, his whole family will not even think about surviving.

The shouts of killing and screams ahead could already be heard clearly.

Zhu Guoxiang got on his horse and rushed forward, but unfortunately his body was too fat to increase his speed, and the soldiers around him hurriedly followed.

The area around the Drum Tower has become a hell on earth.

The attacking rogue had an excited expression on his face and made a ho-ho sound from his mouth.

Caught off guard, the officers and soldiers left behind in Zhongdu resisted desperately. They knew that Zhongdu had fallen, and they didn't want to think about surviving. Even the old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers all brandished steel knives and spears and went into battle desperately.

It's a pity that the rogues they encountered were elite troops, and their morale was high.

The cavalry led by [-] bandits, with red scarves wrapped around their heads and wielding steel knives, mercilessly hacked at the soldiers of the Ming army who were in a hurry to fight.

The pawns who followed were merciless. Several people surrounded a Ming army, wielding steel knives, and slashed hard. Some Ming army sergeants were almost chopped into meat sauce.

The madness of the rogues was fully revealed at this moment.

It's no wonder they are so crazy, they never imagined in their entire lives that they could attack Fengyang, the capital of Zhongdu, and the success is close at hand. This is the land of dragon prosperity. Jiangshan's.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhu Guoxiang's mind went blank. The officers around him, commanding all the sergeants of the left-behind division, rushed to resist, but the effect was minimal. The scene in front of him showed that it was only a matter of time before the bandits completely wiped out the sergeants of the left-behind division.

There is no doubt about what will happen next. The imperial city, imperial mausoleum, Longxing Temple, etc. behind you will all be destroyed. As for the officials stationed in Fengyang, the central capital, needless to say, don't even think about it live.

Zhu Guoxiang began to shout desperately subconsciously, asking the soldiers to resist desperately and wipe out all the rogues.

This is nothing more than a fool's dream.

In the open space in front of the Drum Tower, more than 3 people fought here, almost becoming a hell on earth.

Gradually, the sergeants of the left-behind division could no longer resist. Some sergeants had already put down their steel knives and knelt on the ground to surrender. There were too many bandits, and cavalry charged. Overwhelmed.

At this time, Zhu Guoxiang regretted it, and it was too late.

War horses require a lot of consumption. In order to fill his own pockets, Zhu Guoxianggen did not pay attention to cavalry and war horses. The war horses he pulled out were almost the same as mules. They were so skinny that they couldn't even run, let alone kill the enemy.

The madness of the rogues continued, and some rogues swung steel knives at the sergeants who had put down their weapons.

There was a strong smell of blood in the air.

However, in less than half an hour, the sergeants of the Left Guard Division of the Central Capital had completely collapsed.

Fengyang City was also alarmed.

As the land of Zhongdu and Longxing, there is no city wall here, and it extends in all directions. The gentry and wealthy households in the city have already known that the bandits have come in. Many people, in a hurry, swept away and started to flee for their lives. Unfortunately, they I don't know which direction to flee, and I don't know if the surrounding area is surrounded by rogues. Under such circumstances, carrying gold, silver and jewelry out is tantamount to throwing oneself into trouble.

For a time, there were people running around everywhere in the county town, crying and cursing one after another.

The usual arrogant yamen servants have disappeared at this moment, and they are probably hiding far away. The hooligan Lai has also disappeared. The entire Fengyang City is already in a state of panic.

Finally, some people went towards the Drum Tower, but unfortunately these people came back very soon, their faces were pale and speechless, their expressions told everyone that the officers and soldiers could not count on them.

This time, the order of Fengyang City was completely messed up. The people who lived here heard about how cruel the rogues were, and even devoured people's hearts. If the rogues caught them, Still don't know what's going on.

The ability to survive prompted them to start fleeing in the opposite direction. The officers and soldiers were always able to resist for a while.

Zhu Guoxiang, who was surrounded by his own soldiers, finally attracted the attention of the rogues.

Soon, the two cavalry teams of the rogue bandits rushed towards Zhu Guoxiang. The Ming army had already collapsed. Their mission had been completed, and all that remained was to capture the Ming army officers and officials.

There are more than 200 soldiers around Zhu Guoxiang, and these people still have good combat effectiveness.

They caught fire with the rogues who rushed up.

This fight is the real fight, the fighting power shown by the soldiers is very good, there are rogues who have been chopped off their horses, of course, there are also soldiers who fell off their horses and died.

It's a pity that the number of two hundred soldiers is too small, and more and more bandits surround them.

"Master, you drive away, I will guard here."

Looking at the officers around him, Zhu Guoxiang had no expression on his face.

He shook his head.

"Breakout, where to go, I will die here even if I die. This is the Central Capital, the land of Longxing. My duty is to protect this place. If the Central Capital falls, I don't even think about surviving."

After saying this, Zhu Guoxiang's face suddenly turned red, shouting loudly to kill the enemy, raised the steel knife, and leaped towards the bandits. . .

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