Ming politicians

Chapter 365 1 mess

() Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, officials basically rest and take a bath. Although the government stipulates that they must go to court on the eighth day of the first lunar month, there are not so many localities. The main reason is that there are not many things to do, and ordinary people also have taboos , unless it is a big thing, no one will go to the government to sue before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Su Tiancheng had no time to rest.

Intelligence came from the secret line of Jin Yiwei, mainly about the bandits and the imperial army.

Su Tiancheng's prediction was correct. The rogues concentrated in Hanzhong Prefecture, Shaanxi, and held a meeting to attack Fengyang, the central capital. Chuang general Li Zicheng couldn't bear it and lost his temper at the meeting. Therefore, the meeting held by the bandit leaders failed to form a unified decision in the end. Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang's position was completely shaken, and the law ordered all the leaders to unite.

After the Hanzhong meeting, the rogue soldiers were divided into three groups. The first group led by Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others stayed in Shaanxi Province. The number was about 5. 20 people led by Ma Jinzhong, Heng Tianwang, etc., entered Shanxi, the number of people was about 10, along the way Zuojin Wang Lincheng, Gaishi Wang Xubian, Guotianxing Huidengxiang, Shuntianwang, Jiutiaolong and others led them into Sichuan In the territory, the acquaintance is about [-] people.

But this time, the division of troops by the rogue bandits is completely different from the significance of the Xingyang Conference.

The rogues along He Yilong's road are the strongest, and have not suffered much loss for the time being. They entered the territory of Shanxi with the purpose of setting up another mountain, holding high the banner of righteousness, and trying to recruit more soldiers. generally.Entering Sichuan, the main reason is to take a fancy to Sichuan's prosperity. Gao Yingxiang stayed in Shaanxi all the way.The base does not have much combat effectiveness, most of them are composed of refugees, and they do not have the ability to confront the official army at all.

The division of troops by the rogues this time is entirely for their own interests. It can be said that after the defeat of Zhongdu.In a short period of time, it is impossible for the rogues to unite, and they all fight on their own, basically returning to the situation three years ago in Chongzhen.

The Ming army led by Hong Chengchou began to approach Hanzhong Mansion, but his actions were suspicious, probably because there were too many rogues.Hong Chengchou is still steady and steady, and will not rush forward.

In addition, the news that the Jiangning battalion was deployed to defend Henan Province had a great impact on the rogue bandits. Gao Yingxiang and others, who knew the power of the Jiangning battalion, suggested not to go to the area of ​​Henan Prefecture, try to avoid the Jiangning battalion, and stick to Shaanxi.The army of the imperial court suppressing bandits is not large in number and will not pose a fatal threat. In addition, within the territory of Shaanxi Province, the impact will not be too great. If it continues to enter Shanxi, Sichuan and other places, it may trigger another large-scale encirclement and suppression by the imperial court.

Congratulations to Yilong and the others.They don't listen to such opinions at all, they haven't tried Jiangning Yingying's strength, although everyone secretly spreads the Jiangning Yingying's strength, they always think it.The sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion cannot be three-headed and six-armed. Besides, a mere 3 people can't turn the sky.

At the end of the intelligence, the dark thread actually made some predictions. Gao Yingxiang and others had already entered the middle of the mountain. Even if the army led by Hong Chengchou reached Hanzhong, they would not have much success.It is estimated that Hong Chengchou may choose to enter Sichuan to wipe out the rogues along the way of Lin Cheng. As for the 20 rogues who entered Shanxi, most of them were left to the Jiangning camp.

The terrain of Sichuan is quite complicated. After the rogues entered Sichuan, if they encountered the joint efforts of the Sichuan army and the imperial army to encircle and suppress them, it would be a disaster.You know, there is a strong woman in Sichuan, Qin Liangyu, a general of Qin who has fought many battles and is well-known. He has defeated the rogues who entered Sichuan several times.

As for the rogues who entered Shanxi, the situation may be much better. Since the fifth year of Chongzhen, Shanxi has been the main place where rogues have been active, and they are quite popular, and many ordinary people also support them.

Therefore, if the Jiangning Battalion was responsible for exterminating the rogues who entered Shanxi, it would be much more difficult.

After reading the information, Su Tiancheng fell into deep thought. To be honest, it is not the best choice to go to conquer the bandits now. The Jiangning Camp has just arrived in Henan Province, and it will take a while to get used to it. The sergeant still needs more training, that is to say, the Jiangning Battalion has not been adjusted to the best condition.

But fighters are precious, and the rogues are clearly divided, lacking coordination among themselves, and lacking a unified thinking. They may think of gaining the greatest benefits. This kind of army lacking in faith cannot have tenacious combat effectiveness.

Sun Chuanting and Qu Qingze also read the information.

Their opinion is to wait for a while. In Shanxi, there are still many soldiers in the guard station who can temporarily resist and wipe out the bandits.

Although Su Tiancheng is in favor of such a proposal in his heart, he believes that the possibility of such an operation is very small. The imperial court spent so much energy just to wipe out the bandits in one go. Zhu Youjian is not young Da, it is not surprising to have this kind of quick success and quick profit. Besides, the purpose of the Jiangning battalion's deployment to Henan is to wipe out the bandits. Rest is just a way of saying. In the eyes of the emperor and you adults, the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion are Made of steel.

Speaking of the matter of exterminating the bandits, it is not possible to succeed in World War I, there must be a process.

After thinking over and over again, Su Tiancheng directly put forward his own opinion.

He asked the Jiangning battalion to make preparations. It is impossible to have much rest time. All the soldiers will start to fight against the bandits after the first month.

Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others came to visit immediately after.

Seeing Song Sijun and others in Henan Mansion, it can be regarded as an acquaintance in a foreign land, not to mention these merchants are the strength that Su Tiancheng mainly relies on, and it is difficult to get the support of local merchants before he can do everything.

Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others all had smiles on their faces, but Su Tiancheng found that there seemed to be a touch of bitterness and melancholy in the smiles of these people.

Protecting the interests of merchants is the fundamental policy. It is no different from the work of attracting investment hundreds of years later. It has also achieved practical results when it was copied to the Ming Dynasty, especially in places like Henan Province and the Central Plains. , The economic foundation is not very good, so it is extremely important to recruit merchants.

There is no need to exchange pleasantries, everyone is too familiar with each other.

Su Tiancheng got straight to the point and asked about the progress of the store.

"My lord, I will wait until Luoyang County. After a period of speculation, I feel that the overall situation is still okay."

"Boss Song, don't talk about these routines, talk about the specific situation, and talk about the difficulties and troubles."

Song Sijun looked at Wan Chenggui and the others, and hesitated for a while.

"My lord, as far as I and several salt merchants are concerned, the biggest difficulty we have encountered so far is the restriction of the local chamber of commerce. If they do not get their permission, foreign merchants are not allowed to sell salt."

Having said that, Song Sijun lowered his head.

Su Tiancheng smiled slightly.

"Boss Song, I'm afraid the problem is not with the Chamber of Commerce in Henan Province. Since you can't say it, I'm afraid I'll be embarrassed, so I'll just say it. Is it true that many of the businesses here are controlled by some merchants or big bosses? monopoly."

The room was quiet for a while, and no one spoke.

"Hehe, it seems that you have acquiesced. This business monopoly is not something that ordinary people can do. The chamber of commerce also has to obey the yamen. Since the chamber of commerce knows that you are from Jiangning County, it still shows such a gesture. That is to say, the government and chambers of commerce, the bosses who monopolize commerce, can do nothing."

Song Sijun and the others nodded unconsciously. They were used to Su Tiancheng's analysis, and they were always so accurate and incisive in analyzing problems.

"Don't tell me, I know it too. When I was in Jiangning County or Nanzhili, I didn't encounter such problems. There are feudal princes here. Anyway, they are all relatives of the emperor, and the government doesn't It can be too much, if the trouble is not pleasant, everyone will lose face."

Perhaps Su Tiancheng's tone was a bit wrong, Song Sijun spoke again.

"My lord, if it's difficult, I'll figure it out by myself. The business in Jiangning County is still good and can be maintained. I'm thinking about negotiating with the county government of Jiangning County to put the key energy in Henan Prefecture. I don't want to cause trouble for adults."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"You are wrong. This is not a matter of asking for trouble. This is a problem that I have to solve when I come to Henan Mansion. If someone always monopolizes the business here, or even the business of grain trading, I will not be able to do things. You can't take root in Henan Mansion, you can't earn money, everything is for nothing."

This time, no one spoke.

Everyone knows what happened to the salt merchant Kuang Siming when he was in Jiangning County.

Su Tiancheng moved to other topics.

"Everyone's shops have been confirmed."

"I've already found a shop. During the first month, I haven't considered the opening of the store for the time being. I encountered some problems. I still want to wait for the adults to come and help me figure out a solution."

"Well, after you go back, discuss it carefully, write down all the difficulties you encountered, and hand them over to me directly. How to prepare the store, you should prepare well, don't think about other things, I will be responsible for solving the problems for you. "

After Song Sijun and others left, Qu Qingze came.

Qu Qingze held some letters in his hand.

"My lord, this is the information sent by the secret line of Henan Province, and it is about the relevant situation of Henan Province."

Su Tiancheng frowned slightly, he didn't expect that he had encountered so many things when he first arrived in Henan Mansion, he was simply in a mess, it seemed that he didn't have time to rest, he had to start doing things in a down-to-earth manner.

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