Ming politicians

Chapter 371 Inquiry

()(I went out for ten days and came back yesterday. Thank you readers for your great support. I will definitely work harder.

Without a thorough understanding of the situation, Su Tiancheng would not act casually or show anger. The situation in Shanzhou is too strange. It is easy to understand that officials are greedy for ink. For thousands of years, corruption in the officialdom has been a malignant tumor, which cannot be eradicated forever, but why would someone blatantly slander the Heijiang Ningying, the magistrate who just took office, it is hard to understand, if Su Jun and Liu Jingting The situation mentioned is all true, and the consequences are terrible. Jiang Ningying is in Henan Province, and it does not get the support of the people. It is regarded as the source of evil, a machine for bullying and squeezing the people. I can't bear it.

The most infuriating thing is that both myself and Jiang Ningying were kept in the dark about such a situation. If I hadn't come down to the micro server for a private visit, and hadn't made arrangements in advance, I wouldn't have known about it.

Su Tiancheng changed his strategy, he would definitely not be able to do it step by step.

After discussing with Qu Qingze, he summoned all the people who followed him to gather in his room.

"The situation that Su Jun and Liu Jingting inquired about is unbelievable. It seems that we may encounter some things when we come down this time. It is still the same sentence. There are things that are not terrible. As long as there is a solution, as long as we have a clear understanding There are ins and outs, and there is no problem that cannot be overcome.”

"Everyone knows what Su Jun and Liu Jingting said, not to mention that officials' greed for ink is already unbearable, reaching the point where officials force the people to rebel, it is said that they are blatantly framing, and they are already afraid. Now, the reputation of the Jiangning camp is involved. This is not a small matter. This time, we must grasp the situation. See if this situation is universal, whether it is the situation in Shanzhou, or Henan There are such problems in the counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the government."

"I thought about it, starting from tomorrow. Divide into two teams, Su Jun and Liu Jingting, each of you will bring one person to Lingbao County, Yanxiang County, and Lushi County to make unannounced visits. No matter what method you use, you Find out the situation. I will give you five days to wait for us at the official post in Lushi County on the 23rd of the first month."

"As for Mr. Qu and I, we acted openly and dealt with many officials."

"Su Jun, Liu Jingting, the responsibilities you shoulder. I won't say much. What you did in Shanzhou is very good. You have obtained a lot of situations and the results are very good. You must continue to persevere and try not to disturb the local governments. , try to avoid danger as much as possible, of course, in case of emergency, you still have to reveal your identity, safety is the most important thing."

"Whether there are bandits in the area of ​​Henan Prefecture is hard to say. According to my estimation, there must be bandits. Since the officials are corrupt to such an extent, it is impossible for people to rebel. Therefore, you must leave the official position." Dao, don't rush on your way, and don't leave the official road and go to nearby villages and towns at will, this is a requirement, and you must do so."

"You have to remember that this private visit via microservice is actually your responsibility. Mr. Qu and I acted publicly, and it is no longer possible to conduct private visits via microservice. Therefore, it is up to you to grasp a lot of information."

After saying this, Su Tiancheng looked at Qu Qingze.

Qu Qingze shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to add.

"Okay, that's all for today. Everyone go to rest, recharge your spirits, and come to Japan to do things."

After everyone left, Su Tiancheng felt his temples beating non-stop, as if there was blood rushing up. He knew that this was caused by excessive anger.

Under such circumstances, he couldn't sleep at all, pushed open the door, and Su Tiancheng walked out.

The temperature outside is very low, and the wind blowing over has a bone-piercing feeling.

Su Tiancheng didn't know.

After going downstairs to the front yard, Su Tiancheng realized that Qu Qingze had followed him.

"Old Qu, why don't you go to rest?"

"I guess, adults must not be able to fall asleep, and I don't want to sleep either, so I will walk around with adults."

"Well, I've thought a lot about why this happened. Su Jun and Liu Jingting are only in one day, and their time and energy are limited. I'm afraid there are still many situations that I haven't been able to understand. What else will happen? There are problems, how to find out the reasons, how to solve these problems, who wants to ruin the reputation of Jiangningying, to what extent the officials are corrupt, and what methods are needed to solve them, all these need to be clarified problem."

Qu Qingze didn't speak much.

Su Tiancheng turned his head to look at Qu Qingze, feeling a little strange.

In the darkness, Qu Qingze finally spoke.

"My lord still remembers what happened in Mengjin County. It has been several years."

Su Tiancheng nodded thoughtfully.

"My lord just said this, and I have thought about it. I have followed my lord all these years, and my thinking has changed a lot. If I follow the previous method, the first thing I suspect is what happened in Mengjin County. That time, if my lord didn't command properly. The officers and men of the Jiangning Camp fought desperately, and I am afraid that the current situation will not be the case. Your Excellency offended many officials in the disaster relief in Henan, and then the magistrate of Mengjin County was taken to the capital to beheaded. All of this could not be without influence."

"Old Qu, what do you mean to say, I am afraid that I will be suppressed by the officials when I come to Henan Mansion."

"I just feel that there is such a possibility that my lord and the Jiangning camp arrived in Henan Prefecture on the sixth day of the first lunar month, and Shanzhou changed their strategy on the tenth day of the first lunar month, and forcibly collected taxes, saying that it was to raise military salaries for the Jiangning camp. This speed is too fast. If there is no plan and arrangement in advance, it will definitely not be possible.”

Su Tiancheng blinked.

"Old Qu, tell me why you made such a judgment."

"Before the eighth day of the first lunar month, all officials rested and bathed. The ninth day of the first month was the ninth day, and the possibility of office work was not great. Strictly speaking, only the magistrates of the prefectures and counties on the tenth day of the first lunar month could start to be directors, that is, Said, when I just went to work, such a thing was arranged, which is a bit strange. Could it be that before the tenth day of the first lunar month, someone specially arranged such things, or that Li Zixiong, the magistrate of Shanzhou, made it without authorization? .”

"The news that your lord took office in the Henan Mansion spread last year. Henan must have received a report from the imperial court. During this process, if someone thinks about planning something, there will be no difficulty for such a long time. .”

"According to my judgment, this matter must have been planned in advance. I remember that when your lord took office, it should be after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Your lordship arrived at Henan Mansion on the sixth day of the first lunar month. It caught many officials by surprise."

Qu Qingze used to be the leader of Jinyiwei's secret line, and he had spied numerous intelligences. He must have seen a lot of such indecent things, so this judgment is justified and well-founded.

"Old Qu, what you said is very reasonable. This possibility exists. At present, we need to see whether such situations exist in all thirteen counties in Henan Prefecture. At present, Luoyang County is There is no such thing.”

Qu Qingze shook his head.

"Your Excellency said it a little earlier. Your Excellency may not know what is going on in Luoyang County. If the county government operates secretly, it is possible to strictly block the news."

Su Tiancheng's expression became serious. When he arrived in Luoyang County, he almost stayed at home, staying in the government office, knowing many things. If there was anything going on in Luoyang County, he really might not know it.

When he first arrived in Henan Mansion, there were no trusted officials, his eyes were darkened, and it was impossible to know the details. Even if Jin Yiwei had information from the dark side, he would not provide such information.

"Old Qu, in this way, you and I are sitting on the fire and being roasted by others. It's ridiculous that we don't know yet. We are thinking of some big action. Under such circumstances, I am afraid that the common people will not wait until we do it. rebelled."

"My lord is right. Some people don't want my lord and Jiang Ningying to come to Henan Mansion."

"Old Qu, the dark thread must find out the situation as soon as possible. Although Su Jun and Liu Jingting are going to investigate, the time is very short, and they may not be able to figure out the situation. In addition, they are not locals, they are unfamiliar faces, and they are from Shanzhou. In the barren land, there are not many outsiders, and we came from Luoyang, which attracted attention, not to mention other places, I am very worried, the two of them may be discovered, and we will not be able to get the real situation below."

"My lord, don't worry, I've made arrangements. The focus of this period is to understand the situation of the land, including all the situations of the government and the people."

After returning to the room, Su Tiancheng felt his temples throb again.

He really couldn't imagine, who would treat him like this, why would he treat him like this, could it be said that when he was doing disaster relief in Henan Province, he severely offended the officials of the whole province, so that they had such big opinions? It has been nearly two years , There is no need for such a care.

There is another possibility, that is, what I did in Jiangning County, some people are very clear, this time I came to Henan Prefecture, I guess it is with Jiangning County's set of practices, some people's interests will suffer losses So, thinking of such a method, no matter whether it has a decisive effect or not, at least it will make me feel anxious and worry about others.

In this world, there is no reason for love and hatred, and there is a reason for doing anything. The things I encountered must have a reason. The sad thing is that there is no benefit for Jiangning County and myself I got it, it is estimated that the copper coins and silver collected were corrupted by the officials below, and the blame was indeed carried by Jiang Ningying and himself.

Faintly, Su Tiancheng thought of the Governor of Henan and Prince Fu of the Henan Mansion, but such thoughts were too far-fetched, and without sufficient evidence, such thoughts could never be leaked out.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. m read. )

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