() The boldness of the officials in the Henan government was completely beyond Su Tiancheng's expectations. They had no intention of restraining themselves. In one prefecture and thirteen counties, none of them implemented the government's requirements, all of them were obedient and obedient.This time, Su Tiancheng was really furious, the government has reached such a corrupt level, how could it be possible to reverse the situation in Henan Mansion if he did not deal with it ruthlessly.

The emperor just granted himself the Shangfang sword, don't the officials in the Henan government know, or think that the law does not punish the public, or think that the earth cannot turn if it leaves them, or think that there is nothing they can do and can only be at their mercy.

When the various inspection teams reported the situation, Su Tiancheng's expression had changed, and his heart was already full of murderous intent.

After the report was over, everyone left, but Su Pingyang stayed.

"Uncle, is there anything else?"

"Master, there are a few words, I don't know if I should say them or not."

"Uncle, what's the matter, what comes to mind, just say it."

Su Pingyang hesitated a little.

"Master, when everyone reported the situation just now, I found that the young master was in a very bad mood. I watched the young master grow up. It is rare for the young master to show such an expression. I am a little worried. Do you think the young master feels that Henan The officials in the thirteen counties of the prefecture of the prefecture, who did not take the young master seriously, should be killed."

Hearing what Su Pingyang said, Su Tiancheng became a little more sober.

"Uncle, do you have any different opinions?"

"I don't have any good opinions. The actions of Henan government officials are indeed outrageous, especially Li Zixiong, the magistrate of Shanzhou, who is bold and reckless. He is so insane that he has reached the point of further aggravation. If he can't be punished severely, he will definitely do things in the future. I remember when the young master exterminated the bandits. He insisted on one point of view, severely punished the chief culprit, and the rest can be considered as appropriate. This time he came to Henan Mansion, and the current situation is somewhat similar to when he exterminated the bandits."

Su Tiancheng looked at Su Pingyang, but didn't speak.

"I just think that, no matter how you say it, they are all scholars. If there is a killing spree, I'm afraid it will cause too much discussion. Although it is said that the young master is for the Henan government and the common people, what will the adults in the court think? Kill all the chief officials of one prefecture and thirteen counties in Henan Prefecture, and the young master may not be able to do things well in the future."

Su Tianchang let out a sigh.

"The law does not blame the public, the officials of the Henan government. It is because of this that they are bold and reckless. Those who resist collectively, I gave them a chance to correct themselves. Uncle, think about it. When I took office in the Henan government, I have already It has been more than two months, and none of the prefects have visited. Including the prefect of Luoyang County, none of them have visited the door. What does this mean? What can I do."

"Actually, this is also normal."

After Su Pingyang said this, Su Tiancheng was a little surprised, looked at Su Pingyang, and was speechless for a while.

"When the young master was in Jiangning County, he was able to open up the situation only after he frightened the officials. When he came to Henan Mansion, he also had to go through this hurdle. It's just that I feel that killing is too heavy. If you don't kill people, you can't do it." People are afraid, so they say that this Luoyang County, even if I go, I can't establish prestige, and it's not easy to do things."

Su Tiancheng stood up.

"Uncle, needless to say, I already understand what you mean, don't worry, I won't lose control."

The chief officials of thirteen counties in one prefecture of Henan Province were all imprisoned in the prison of the government office.

There was an earthquake in Henan Province, and there were discussions everywhere. No one thought that the magistrate would make such a move and play cards against common sense. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, such a thing has never happened. Many officials feel trembling. This is what happened to the chief officials, not to mention these little radish heads, if the magistrate loses his temper, it is not impossible to take their lives.

The judge, Tan Changluo, was the first to find Su Tiancheng.

Of course, he interceded for many officials.

Su Tiancheng's attitude towards Tan Changluo is still good. What happened in Henan Mansion this time has nothing to do with Tan Changluo. Maybe Tan Changluo's background is different, and no one is looking for him. Besides, when he just came to Henan Mansion, Tan Changluo once I reminded him that he was going to visit King Fu, at least for himself to be able to control the situation well.

The two talked for half an hour.

When he left, Tan Changluo had a smile on his face, probably the conversation with Su Tiancheng went very well.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun sent a housekeeper to invite Su Tiancheng to the mansion for dinner.

Zhu Changxun actually made such an action, if it weren't for the emergency, he would never have taken such a move.

After Su Tiancheng came to Henan Mansion, he never visited Zhu Changxun. He had a bad impression of Zhu Changxun. When he came to Luoyang, all he heard were negative comments. Zhu Changxun was greedy, indulged his children, and bullied The common people didn't care about the government office. The former prefect had nothing to do with King Fu. When doing things, he had to be concerned about King Fu's feelings.

Second, Su Tiancheng feels that since he is the magistrate of Henan Prefecture, there is no need to make friends with feudal lords. No matter what your vassal lord status is, according to the requirements of the Ming Dynasty, feudal lords are not allowed to interfere with government affairs or meddle in local affairs. Your Fu Wang Zhu Changxun is Zhu Youjian's uncle, so that's the so-called, the big deal is that the well water does not violate the river water.

The third case is that Wang Chengen went to visit Zhu Changxun specially. Before leaving, he expressed his attitude to himself, and he did what he should do. Moreover, Wang Chengen did not suggest that he asked himself to visit Zhu Changxun. Wang Chengen is a shrewd person and will never be negligent. Such a big deal.

With these reasons, Su Tiancheng would not visit Zhu Changxun.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Changxun took the initiative to invite himself.Of course Su Tiancheng was clear about what it was for. Speaking of which, Zhu Changxun was the backstage of these detained officials. Someone in the court responded, and Zhu Changxun expressed his support. Of course, the officials in the Henan government were afraid.

However, under the current circumstances, Su Tiancheng cannot touch Zhu Changxun. This is a principle. If he does it rashly before the right time, he will completely lose the emperor's support.

This is easy to understand. Even if Zhu Shenxin and the others have any problems, they are punished or criticized by themselves. Outsiders are not allowed to intervene. Everyone has the mentality of protecting the calf.

Zhu Changxun's mansion is very large and the environment is beautiful. The only thing that feels insufficient is that when you walk in, you feel a little resplendent. This is actually superfluous. It doesn't need to be so well decorated, but it destroys the whole atmosphere.

Su Tiancheng followed the housekeeper to the wing.

More than ten people who followed Su Tiancheng were waiting outside the wing room.

Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, the situation in Henan Mansion is like this, Su Tiancheng will not be negligent, there are two hundred soldiers in the Jiangning Camp, guarding the outside of the palace, as long as there is a slight movement inside, these people will rush in, he The dozen or so people around him are enough to last for some time, and these people are all elites of the Jiangning Camp.

With the help of his servants, Zhu Changxun came to the wing.

Seeing Zhu Changxun suddenly, Su Tiancheng felt a little bit ridiculous.

Zhu Changxun was too fat. It was the first time for Su Tiancheng to see such a fat person since time travelling. His whole body was bulging, like a bulging balloon. The flesh on his face was piled up, and his eyes were narrowed into slits.

Su Tiancheng stood up, clasped his fists and saluted Zhu Changxun.

"My next official is Su Tiancheng, the magistrate of Henan Province, and pay homage to King Fu."

"Master Su, please sit down, please be polite, be polite."

After bringing Su Tiancheng to sit down, Zhu Changxun forced a smile.

"Master Su's prestige has long been heard by the king. I saw him today, and I am really envious. Master Su is a man of talent and suave. Look at the king, he can't even walk."

Su Tiancheng almost laughed out loud, this Zhu Changxun was quite funny, he actually laughed at himself.

"My lord was joking, my lord is very lucky."

Zhu Changxun waved his hand.

"Don't say it, don't say it, I have heard these words too much, Wang would rather not be blessed, and Wang invited Mr. Su to the banquet today, there are also some things."

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, this Zhu Changxun, it hurts to speak and do things.

"If you have anything to do with your lord, just say it, and if you can do it, you will definitely do it."

"You can do this matter. The king is pleading for the officials of the Henan government. Please let Mr. Su forgive me. Of course, this is just Wang's suggestion. Mr. Su has his own ideas, and the king will never force him."

Su Tiancheng was almost at a loss for words. Before crossing, he had read a lot of history books, and the evaluation of this King of Fortune was as bad as possible. When he came to Henan Mansion, the evaluation he heard was not very good, so he thought Coming to the palace, I'm afraid there will be a lot of verbal confrontation. I didn't expect Zhu Changxun to be so direct. It seems that this Zhu Changxun also has his own characteristics.

"I don't know what the prince means?"

"The king doesn't have any specific opinions. Master Su has already imprisoned the magistrates and county magistrates of Henan Prefecture in prisons. He presumably asked Shang Fang's sword to behead them all. If he did this, Wang felt that something was wrong. The rest There is no opinion."

"My lord understands what the lord means. Such a situation will still not happen."

"That's good, that's good, huh, huh, Wang Jinri specially hired a cook, and made some delicious dishes, Mr. Su, please have a good taste..."

Zhu Changxun quickly changed the subject and started talking about food.

Su Tiancheng felt a little strange, he didn't understand exactly what Zhu Changxun was thinking, who was he trying to protect, why didn't he say it clearly, in such a cloud of mist, he didn't put forward specific opinions, did he come to the palace by himself just to Do you want to eat this meal?

It seems that conventional thinking can no longer fathom Zhu Changxun's mind.

Su Tiancheng could only think that when Wang Chengen visited Zhu Changxun, he must have said something, and it was a clearly requested word. Zhu Changxun must have taboos, no matter what it was, he did not dare to go into it in depth, lest he would make fun of himself.

With such a judgment, Su Tiancheng's heart became much more stable.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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