Ming politicians

Chapter 393 What the Hero Sees

() has achieved a rare victory, Gao Yingxiang thought that many rebels should unite to deal with the imperial army together, and his position as the leader can be completely consolidated.

This time the ambush was arranged by Gao Yingxiang himself. Knowing that there were not many people who arranged it this way, he told Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong that the rest of the leaders did not know about it. It was so serious that Gao Yingxiang wondered if the news had leaked out.

But it was such an arrangement that caused huge repercussions among the leaders of the rebel army.

It was Luo Rucai who expressed dissatisfaction first.

The relationship between Luo Rucai and Gao Yingxiang is extraordinary. Luo Rucai always supports him every time a leader meeting is held. This time, because he didn't know about the arrangement, Luo Rucai had a big opinion, thinking that if he doesn't believe in brothers, what will happen in the future? Working together, the minimum trust does not exist, let alone other things.

At the meeting held, all the leaders quarreled fiercely because of Luo Rucai's questioning. Some thought it was okay for Gao Yingxiang to keep it a secret, while others thought it was too much.

Gao Yingxiang finally understood the fact that it was not easy to be the leader, everyone wanted to try it out, and compared it with strength, Zijin Liang was the leader before, that was because Zijin Liang was the strongest.

After quarreling for a while, everyone still agreed with Zijinliang's suggestion. After resting in Shaanxi, the army should enter Shanxi to develop, so as to get more supplements. As for Henan, no one mentioned it.

The biggest fear in Gao Yingxiang's heart is Jiang Ningying.If he were to face the Jiangning battalion this time, he would definitely not dare to do so. Back then, the Jiangning battalion had 4000 people and withstood the attack of nearly 5 people.His [-] elite troops were all wiped out by the Jiangning battalion. Such a heavy loss has never been seen before. ,

The Jiangning Battalion is stationed in Henan Province, and all the leaders of the rebel army are smart.Everyone would not mention the Jiangning camp. If it was the Jiangning camp that wiped out Zijinliang, it might have been a coincidence, but the battle of Fengyang in the central capital has already branded everyone, and it is not a last resort.Don't touch the Jiangning camp.

After Zhu Youjian received Su Tiancheng's secret booklet, he read it several times, but he still hesitated.

Sun Chengzong is too old, a 70-year-old man, whether such a bumpy ride is feasible, let alone.The atmosphere in the court was extraordinary, and the ministers of Wu shouted that they must show the color of the bandits.

It's a pity that in such a situation, no one shouted when faced with the invasion of the Eight Banners of Manchuria and Mongolia in the later Jin Dynasty.

What Zhu Youjian thought of the most was Su Tiancheng's two-pronged approach. In his heart, he agreed with such a suggestion.He felt that it was impossible to increase the Liao pay at the beginning. Such an increase in the burden on the peasants might cause more peasants to rebel.

But he doesn't have that much time, some things must be done immediately.Whether it is within the imperial court or in the marketplace, the understanding of many things is highly unified. Although he is the emperor and has the highest authority, he dare not go against such a torrent.

After thinking about it again and again, Zhu Youjian adopted a suggestion, that is, to appoint Sun Chengzong to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, and be responsible for exterminating the bandits.

Sun Chengzong's task is very heavy. He must block the bandits in Shaanxi and Shanxi, and they cannot flee to other places. As for what strategy to adopt, that is something Sun Chengzong considers.

Zhu Youjian didn't even seek the cabinet's opinion on this decree.

The strange thing is that Sun Chengzong, governor of the five provinces of military affairs and the imperial decree responsible for exterminating the bandits, did not encounter any criticism, and the court was very peaceful.

Jiangning County, Zhongxing Academy, Jingsi Hall.

Sun Chengzong, who was summoned to Beijing, had already learned of the imperial court's decision. Such a big matter cannot be concealed.

Liu Zongzhou and Lu Shanji were also making preparations to go to Henan Mansion. They all came to congratulate Sun Chengzong when they learned that Sun Chengzong was appointed Minister of the Ministry of War, Governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, and was fully responsible for the extermination of the bandits.

Sun Chengzong spoke slowly, with a very serious expression.

"Thank you for your congratulations. The old man is quite old. I didn't expect to go into battle. Lian Po is old and can still eat. The old man feels a heavy responsibility. To tell you the news, the old man stayed up all night. , the old man thought of Master Su, and for some reason, the old man felt that Master Su must have wanted to be recommended by the imperial court this time."

"Life is rare in the past seventy years. It should be time for the old man to find out everything. The glory and wealth are as fleeting as a passing cloud to me, but the old man still can't let it go. When Mr. Su came to Baoding Mansion, the old man didn't hesitate. He came to Jiangning County and saw Zhongxing. The academy has been thriving all of a sudden, and the old man is very relieved that he has finally done something useful."

"After thinking about it all night, the old man finally understands Master Su's thoughts. When the academy is established, it is still necessary for the great Confucianism to run it. Master Liu, Master Huang, the old man thinks, Master Su's intention is to ask you two to support ZTE As for the society, the old man and Shanji still do what they should do."

"This time I went to the stables, Shanji went with the old man, Master Liu had to go to Henan Mansion alone."

"For the prosperity of the Zhongxing Academy, the old man has devoted all his efforts to leaving like this. I am really reluctant to leave. I am old and know my destiny. It is not easy to do one thing."

"Master Liu, Master Huang, Zhongxing Academy, I'll leave it to you."

After saying this, Sun Chengzong stood up and saluted Liu Zongzhou and Huang Dao Zhou Jishou.

Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou stood up quickly, they did not dare to accept such a big gift from Sun Chengzong.

"My lord, don't do this, Lord Huang and I can't afford such a great gift."

"You must accept this gift. It has been two years, and every step Zhongxing Academy has taken is not easy. I sincerely hope that it will continue to grow."

"My lord, don't worry, Master Huang and I will definitely do our best."

Sun Chengzong nodded slightly.

"The theory insisted by Zhongxing Society, I finally understand a little bit. When Zhang Pu left Jiangning County, he had a long talk with this old man. He compared the theory insisted by Fushe and the theory of Zhongxing Society. The difference between the two The biggest difference between the two is the treatment of the interests of the gentry, gentry and wealthy households. The Zhongxing Academy emphasizes that the family, the country and the world are the most important, and everything must serve the country, serve the emperor, and serve the court. Master Su put forward this point of view, It's not easy, looking at the situation in Jiangning County, I have no choice but to accept it, I believe that when Mr. Su arrives in Henan Province, the people there will definitely be able to live a good life."

"Master Liu, you are going to Henan Mansion soon. I believe you can see the changes in Henan Mansion with your own eyes. The common people have enough food and clothing, and the Zhongxing Academy has developed. Don't forget to tell this old man."

Henan Mansion thousands of miles away.

"Master Zhang, the report from the imperial court has arrived. Lord Sun will be appointed Minister of the Ministry of War. He will be the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces and be responsible for exterminating the bandits."

"My lord, the lower officials already know about it, and the lower officials boldly speculate that Mr. Sun, the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, is in charge of all matters related to the extermination of bandits. He must have been strongly recommended by your lord."

"That's right. I recommended Mr. Sun to the imperial court. Mr. Sun has made outstanding achievements. He will lead the matter of exterminating the bandits. He will definitely succeed. However, the final decision will be made by the emperor."

"During the time I worked with the adults these days, I felt a lot of emotions. I feel a little ashamed to say that when I was in the Imperial Academy, I was highly valued by Lord Zhou. I thought I was great, and I was so smug. I was isolated by the adults. I don't know yet, if I hadn't suffered so many blows, I would still be in a daze. My lord trusts me, and I let me do many things. I don't know why, but I feel trembling, afraid that something will not be done well. Every decision is made after repeated thinking, multiple comparisons and consultations, so that I feel at ease."

"Master Zhang, this kind of process is actually not unusual. I have always believed that if everyone can have a cautious heart, reflect on himself at all times, and be worthy of his conscience, he will be a gentleman and a man."

"Thank you for your teaching, my lord. These evil words are all good words."

"Master Zhang, you don't need to be so cautious. In the future, you will still deal with government affairs a lot. If you always behave like this, you will be looked down upon by others."

Zhang Pu smiled.

"In front of the adults, the lower officials will not lie, that is to say, in front of the adults, the lower officials will behave like this."

"Haha, cool, this is the Zhang Pu I am familiar with."

Soon, Zhang Pu talked about his worries.

"My lord, the imperial army suffered heavy losses this time, and the lower officials are a little worried. After all, Mr. Sun is old, and he is not very familiar with the matter of exterminating the bandits. I don't know if his body can bear it. The Henan government is located in a special place, close to Shanxi and Shaanxi. , It is impossible to stay out of the matter, not to mention the Jiangning Battalion's outstanding military exploits, I am afraid it will have to bear a heavy responsibility."

"You are right. The imperial army has recently suffered heavy losses. It is a time when morale is low. At such a time, it is necessary to have ministers with high morals and high esteem to take charge of the government. Only in this way can the situation be stabilized to the maximum extent. Presumably the emperor has also seen it. In this regard, Mr. Sun is cautious and experienced in planning, so there should be no problem. As for familiar things, including age, it is not a big problem. Mr. Sun used to be in charge of Liaodong affairs, and he is very good at war affairs. , but Jiangning Camp, I have considered these days, and I am afraid that I have to make corresponding preparations."

There is Xin Mo in the room, Su Tiancheng and Zhang Pu are thinking of the same aspect, Henan Mansion is in the initial stage of development, there cannot be any mistakes, if at such a moment, if they are transferred from the Jiangning camp, some problems will inevitably occur. Influenced, the best way is that after Sun Chengzong took office, he adopted a steady and steady approach. He was not in a hurry to attack the rogues.

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