()Bi Maokang came to the Jiangning Camp and served as the commander of the guards. His official position was higher than that of Xiong Zijian. Yes, even Sun Chuanting has been in the Jiangning camp for a long time, participated in many battles, and has long been accepted by everyone. Moreover, Sun Chuanting's ability is indeed good. He has good skills in managing and leading the army. He is a Ming politician.Visit download txt novel

Bi Maokang was born out of nowhere.

After learning that Su Tiancheng was going to take out 50 taels of silver and hand it over to Bi Maokang for firearms research, the officers with more than a thousand households in the Jiangning Camp expressed their incomprehension. After all, everyone's understanding of firearms has not yet reached a certain level. Height, the most important thing is that everyone has never really experienced a battle where firearms determine the outcome of a war.

In the Battle of Zhongdu, the Shenji Battalion suffered heavy losses and almost completely lost their fighting power. The loss this time touched everyone so much that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion thought that the cavalry should still be used to decide the outcome of the battle. Even the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion have to participate in the training of cavalry and infantry every day, constantly strengthening their bodies.

The battalion commander of the Shenji Battalion has always been concurrently held by Sun Chuanting. Su Tiancheng has also consulted Di Huaixiang, Qin Rui and others. Although these people are very loyal to him, when it comes to being the commander of the Shenji Battalion, Everyone shied away, firmly disagreed, and even willing to stay in Xiaoqi Battalion and Qianfeng Battalion as ordinary sergeants.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion do not have a high understanding of the great role of firearms for the time being, and we can't blame everyone for this. Firearms have been around for more than two hundred years, but progress has been slow.Let’s just talk about matchlock guns, which have been used for so many years. When used in actual combat, they are subject to too many restrictions, and they will explode if they are not careful. It is also very inconvenient to operate. When facing the cavalry charging fast, it can't play a big role. Once the cavalry rushes to the front, it will only be slaughtered.

Only when firearms with great effects and easy operation are born, can the understanding of sergeants be fundamentally changed.

Sun Chuanting found Su Tiancheng very quickly.

"My lord, I have some opinions on the development of firearms in the Jiangning camp, so I don't want to vomit."

"If Master Sun has any thoughts, just say it."

"The imperial court has set up two bureaus of military battles and military weapons, which are dedicated to the development and production of firearms. There are also military bureaus in provincial capitals. If the Jiangning camp needs firearms, they can ask the imperial court to supply them. Now they take out money and specialize in research and development, starting from scratch. , The difficulty is too great, even the two camps of Beijing and Nanjing did not do this, besides, the imperial court still controls firearms very strictly, will it cause controversy if the Jiangning camp does this."

"Jiangning Ying came to Henan Prefecture. Although the family background is quite solid, the conditions of Henan Prefecture are far from being comparable to those of Jiangning County. I feel that every coin should be cherished. After this year's autumn harvest, Jiangning Camp 50 taels of grain have been supplied, but silver has not been supplemented much. If the current situation continues, next year's expenditure may encounter difficulties. Now, for the development of firearms, 50 taels of silver will be spent at a time. I have some ideas."

Sun Chuanting's words represented the thoughts of a large group of people. Su Tiancheng knew that he had to persevere.

"Master Sun, what you said is indeed reasonable. Jiangning Camp is not very well-off at present. This is indeed because the conditions of Henan Prefecture are different, and it cannot be compared with Jiangning County. However, the development of Henan Prefecture is also very good. According to my estimation, However, in a year or so, Henan Prefecture will not be far behind Jiangning County, that is to say, the expenses of the Jiangning Camp can be guaranteed, and the soldiers should not worry too much about this."

"As for the research and development of firearms, this matter must be persisted. This is one of the most important tasks of the Jiangning Battalion, no less than the training of soldiers to kill the enemy. Soon, you will understand the importance of firearms. We It is often said that you sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in war, but in fact the same is true for developing firearms, you can make the enemy unable to approach you, and you can eliminate the opponent, so that you can minimize casualties.”

Sun Chuanting does not seem to accept such an explanation.

"What your lord said has some truth, but in the battle of Zhongdu, the Shenji Battalion suffered heavy losses. After encountering the cavalry, they couldn't play a role at all."

Su Tiancheng was a bit confused. You must know that Sun Chuanting in history, in the battle against the bandits, focused on relying on artillery and bird guns, so that later he relied too much and ignored the role of cavalry and infantry. He could come to the Jiangning camp Yes, after witnessing the bravery of the soldiers, I don't have much interest in firearms.

"Master Sun, you are the commander of the guards of the Jiangning Battalion. Your knowledge can determine the understanding of many officers in the Jiangning Battalion. The Jiangning Battalion has gone through many conquests. It should be said that each time the losses are somewhat heavy, okay. We have a unique advantage, that is, we can get the time to rest and get the most supplement every time, but in the future, maybe, if we go to the north, we will directly face the Manchurian Eight Banners and Mongolian Eight Banners of Houjin. The big ones may be continuous battles, one month, two months or even more than half a year, if every time they fight, they suffer a lot of losses, and the combat effectiveness of the Jiangning Battalion will definitely be weakened."

"What is important in combat is to seize opportunities. As long as the greatest victory can be achieved, even the greatest sacrifice is not hesitating. The premise is that the enemy cannot escape or let the enemy breathe. Under such circumstances, the Doesn't his own combat power have the greatest confidence in winning?"

"The decisive factor for all of this is firearms. The role of firearms has not been fully utilized. This is also because the research on firearms has lagged behind. Bi Maokang is an expert in firearms. I talked with him. He studied The bird gun that came out has been greatly improved compared to before, and he has also gained good experience in the use of artillery. Master Sun, don't worry, it doesn't take long, you will be able to see the effect of."

Sun Chuanting nodded suspiciously.

Of course, Su Tiancheng couldn't come up with more convincing examples. After all, it is impossible to bring things that happened hundreds of years later to the current environment, and people will think you are crazy.

No matter what kind of research, it needs to have practical effects.

Su Tiancheng gritted his teeth and took out 50 taels of silver. It was because he spent a huge amount of money on investment, and he could see the effect early. As long as the firearms were improved to the greatest extent, when facing the rogue Eight Banners of Manchuria and Eight Banners of Mongolia, there would be such Natural advantage, able to use the smallest sacrifice in exchange for the greatest victory.

Bi Maokang was invited to Jiangningying to develop it, and there is another most important purpose, which is to keep it secret.

Although it is technically possible to keep the firearms researched by the Military Weapons Bureau in the capital secret, the loss of firearms cannot be avoided. Some bureaucrats and gentry colluded with merchants to sell arms in private, gaining huge profits.These weapons flowed to Houjin and equipped the Han army, which made the gap between the two sides in terms of firearms smaller and smaller.

Bi Maokang came to Jiangning camp, and all the firearms developed here can be kept secret to the greatest extent.

There are also hidden secrets.

Bi Maokang is not only a firearms expert, but also a real cash cow.

The annual expenditure of the Jiangning Camp needs a lot of silver. Although merchants such as Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui can support more and more expenses, the army belongs to the state, not private individuals. development, it must be very unfavorable.

If it can make a mark on firearms, Jiang Ning Ying can make countless money.

With such careful thinking, Su Tiancheng would not have the slightest problem in operating. As long as the technology does not flow out, it is completely feasible for the Jiangning Camp to control the number of firearms and carry out a certain degree of firearm sales.

Besides, Bi Maokang came to the Jiangning Camp to develop firearms. All the expenses were borne by the Jiangning Camp itself. The development of powerful firearms was also the painstaking efforts of the Jiangning Camp. Buying with silver, such a demand, is the money printing machine of Jiang Ningying.

Many other officers of the Jiangning Battalion also approached Su Tiancheng one after another, and when they talked about the development of firearms, it was obvious that Sun Chuanting himself had not changed his mind and could not explain it well.

In this regard, Su Tiancheng was very patient and specially explained, emphasizing the importance of firearm development.

It can be said that the Jiangning Camp was created by Su Tiancheng alone. All the officers, including the soldiers, were very convinced and absolutely obeyed Su Tiancheng's request. Although everyone still had various understandings of the importance of firearms, Su Tiancheng Tian Cheng persisted, and everyone must obey, and would not raise many opinions.

During this process, Bi Maokang also knew Su Tiancheng's attitude.

There were too many things that surprised him, and now, it can no longer be regarded as a surprise.

Su Tiancheng did what he said, the 50 taels of silver will be in place immediately, and the government government has vacated official land not far from the Jiangning Camp garrison, organized the common people, and built large-scale houses. After the autumn harvest, it is already slack In this season, Henan Province has a bumper harvest of grain this year, and farmers have hope for life. They are trying to find things to do, so that they can earn more money and improve their lives. The labor force is no problem at all.

Compared with the military camp in Jiangning camp, the military camp built here is similar in scale. Such a large space is reserved for Bi Maokang to do firearms research and produce weapons here.

Bi Maokang put away all his thoughts and devoted himself to the research and development of firearms. Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying invested so much money, of course he will explore the most advanced firearms in the shortest possible time.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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