Ming politicians

Chapter 399 Birth of the Artillery Battalion

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"Master Sun, the Jiangning Battalion is going to be reorganized. My consideration is to focus on the development of the Shenji Battalion. On the basis of the Shenji Battalion, an artillery battalion will be established."

"My lord, I have no objection to the expansion of the Shenji Battalion, but it seems unnecessary to set up a special artillery battalion. The Shenji Battalion can be expanded to two or even three, and the meaning is the same."

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

Sun Chuanting will not understand this advanced concept for the time being. Separating artillery alone is a major reform in military history. Artillery, cavalry, and infantry have become a separate arm, which is an inevitable requirement for military progress. It can be said that today's In the era, the role of artillery is much stronger than that of cavalry and infantry. Even with the high technology hundreds of years later, the role of artillery is extraordinary.

The Jiangning Battalion will take this step. From this moment on, a third branch of the army will be born.

Although there is a Shenji Battalion at present, everyone regards the Shenji Battalion as a type of infantry. The main arms recognized by everyone are cavalry and infantry, which are the same all over the world.

The specialization of firearms is an inevitable trend.

The first artillery in history is mostly considered to be the Shenji Battalion in the early Ming Dynasty. The actual situation is not the case. The first specialized artillery was born in Europe, in England. Of course, the artillery at that time was already powerful. Very huge.

The modern history of humiliation of the Chinese nation is directly related to military stagnation and closed-door policy.

The decisive expression on Su Tiancheng's face made Sun Chuanting a little strange. He never thought so far, and it was impossible to know the real role of artillery.In his opinion, being able to go into battle to kill the enemy and charge at the forefront is the real enemy's aura. As for the artillery.They are all far away from the enemy, unable to fight face to face, and lack the necessary momentum.

Of course, the power of the flower developed by Bi Maokang must be extraordinary.

"Master Sun, I've thought about it. The Jiangning Battalion will purchase artillery specially. The number of red cannons will reach 270, the number of general cannons will reach [-], and the number of tiger squatting cannons and Fran machine guns will reach [-] each." , In this way. The total number of artillery in the artillery battalion has reached [-], plus the original artillery, the total number exceeds [-]. This matter will be done in the near future."

Sun Chuanting was dumbfounded.He has never heard of such a large number of cannons. The key is that buying so many cannons requires silver. It is not very realistic to think that the imperial court will directly allocate the cannons. A rough calculation shows that the purchase of so many cannons requires more than 30 taels of silver. .You must know that Jiang Ningying just took out 50 taels of silver to specialize in the development of firearms.

"My lord, it takes a lot of silver to buy so many cannons at once."

"Money is not a problem, the key is these artillery. To be in place immediately, the artillery battalion must be established quickly, and the soldiers must be proficient in operating artillery. In my opinion, within three months, the soldiers in the artillery battalion must be proficient in operating artillery."

Seeing that Su Tiancheng was not worried about the silver issue, Sun Chuanting finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He, the commander of the Jiangning battalion guards, is actually in charge of all things, especially the expenditure of silver taels and the supply of food and grass. Su Tiancheng has always found silver taels and grains and handed them over to the Jiangning battalion. Be worried.

The amount of silver and grain and grass stored in the Jiangning camp is huge. It is said that everyone should care about handling so much silver and grain, but Su Tiancheng never asks. Such trust is rare.

"Look, my lord, how to adjust the establishment of an artillery battalion.",

"The personal battalion, scout battalion and law enforcement battalion will not be moved for the time being, and all the original organizational systems will be maintained. The second infantry battalion will be changed to the artillery battalion, the second Jianrui battalion, the first battalion of the forward battalion, the second battalion, the first battalion of the infantry battalion, and the Shenji Battalions, etc., all must be equipped with flintlock guns, and the soldiers must be proficient in firing flintlock guns."

"The most important thing is offensive and defensive technology. There must be a large-scale change. In this regard, we must step up research. The way Jiangning battalion fights will undergo fundamental changes. This is crucial. The previous offensive and defensive mode is still the same. We must maintain and gradually improve on the basis of the previous ones. Changes take time, and we must take them step by step, and we cannot rush.”

"The purchase of war horses has been suspended. Just keep the current quantity. From now on, focus on strengthening the training of infantry battalions and artillery battalions. Don't be reluctant to spend money. Military craftsmen are required to develop large-scale artillery and flintlock guns. At the same time, To produce a certain number of matchlock guns."

Sun Chuanting was a little strange. Now that there are flintlock guns, what is the purpose of producing matchlock guns? Isn't it superfluous?

"Master Sun, the process of changing the Jiangning camp is also a process of burning money. If there is no support for money, everything will have problems. If a certain number of matchlock guns are produced and sold, wouldn't it be possible to earn a lot of money? The situation in Henan Province is different, it cannot be compared with Jiangning County, and we cannot get so much money in a short period of time, we have to find a way by ourselves."

Sun Chuanting looked at Su Tiancheng and didn't speak for a long time. It never occurred to him that Su Tiancheng could think of business, and it was a firearms business.

On November [-]th in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

This day is destined to be recorded in history. On this day, the artillery battalion under the Jiangning Battalion was officially established. This is the first dedicated artillery in the Ming Dynasty and the first dedicated artillery in the world.

The battalion commander of the artillery battalion was directly served by Bi Maokang, and Xiong Zijian was the deputy commander.

Two thousand soldiers stood neatly. They used to be infantry, but this time they changed their identities and became members of the artillery battalion, which aroused many envious eyes. Most of the soldiers in the Jiangning battalion knew clearly about the power of blossoming. It is conceivable that this newly established artillery battalion will exert great power in future battles.

From the configuration of the officers of the artillery battalion, it can be seen that the Jiangning battalion attaches great importance to the artillery battalion. Bi Maokang is the acquaintance of the commander of the guard, and Xiong Zijian is the secretary of the commander of the guard. They also serve as the commander and deputy commander of the artillery battalion. Only one.

Su Tiancheng personally presented the flag to Bi Maokang.

"Brothers, the Artillery Battalion under the jurisdiction of the Jiangning Battalion has been formally established from today onwards. You must remember that this is a special unit of arms. The Artillery Battalion, which was previously considered the three major battalions, has become the four major battalions.”

"Everyone has seen the power of the Blossom developed by Mr. Bi. I can say bluntly that in the future battle, the power of the artillery battalion is beyond your imagination. The artillery battalion can directly decide a battle. Therefore, the artillery battalion is very important to the Jiangning battalion."

"Next, the second battalion of the Jianrui Battalion, the first and second battalions of the Qianfeng Battalion, the first battalion of the Infantry Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion will all be equipped with flintlocks. Our training subjects will increase a lot."

"The artillery battalion must master the performance of each artillery and maximize the role of the artillery. Whether it is a field battle against the enemy or a siege of a city, the artillery battalion must play the most important role."

"The battalions equipped with flintlock guns must master the performance of the flintlock guns, be able to fire them proficiently, and inflict maximum damage on the enemy."

"Of course, the most important thing is everyone's basic quality. We can't rely too much on firearms. When fighting the enemy face to face, we still have to completely overwhelm the opponent and show the bravery of the Jiangning battalion." During the holidays, I may feel sorry for you. This Spring Festival, the Jiangning Camp will not have a holiday. All brothers must train hard, and the military craftsmen are the same, working overtime day and night to develop more flowers and flintlocks. "

"We don't have much time. Bandits are plundering Shanxi and Shanxi, and the Houjin Hu is eyeing them. These are the opponents we face in the Jiangning battalion. We must train hard and completely defeat them in the future."

"I still know that Jiangning camp is the enemy of the world, and the brothers are the strongest."

Su Tiancheng didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't have many long-winded words. What he said was very real. The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion were already used to this kind of speech. Soldiers take obeying orders as their bounden duty and don't like illusory things.

Song Sijun has already started purchasing artillery for Jiangning Battalion.

It’s a bit funny to say that the Jiangning Camp can’t directly purchase artillery. On the one hand, it’s because of the price. Purchasing artillery through official channels requires a lot of extra money. Every level has officials who take kickbacks. This is Jiang Ning For those who interfere with the law, the artillery can be purchased directly through Song Sijun, and the price is much cheaper.For example, the red-clothed cannon, the official price is 2600 taels of silver, and Song Sijun went to buy it, which did not exceed 2000 taels of silver.

On the other hand, I don't want to show off too much. After all, this is the first dedicated artillery battalion in Ming Dynasty. In this era, it is really believed that artillery can play a more important role than cavalry and infantry at certain times. There is basically no market. History has always been dominated by cold weapons.

Inside the Jiangning camp, Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang knew about this situation.

The military craftsmen of Jiangning Battalion are not yet able to manufacture artillery. The focus is still on the production of flintlock guns. Bi Maokang understands the production technology of artillery, but the production process is relatively complicated. The needs of the artillery battalion.

For this reason, purchasing artillery from abroad can equip the artillery battalion in the shortest possible time and start all-round training, so that the soldiers of the artillery battalion can gradually become familiar with the essentials of artillery operation.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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