Ming politicians

Chapter 401 Zhang Pu's Suggestion

() Zhang Pu knew about Hongnongwei very soon.

Su Tiancheng wanted to hide it from Zhang Pu, after all such a thing happened, it was tantamount to stimulating Zhang Pu.Today's Zhang Pu has changed his understanding a long time ago. He has done well and fully demonstrated his ability.

When Zhang Pu found him, Su Tiancheng didn't know what it was.

"Master Zhang, you have done a good job, especially the understanding of government officials and servants has been greatly improved, and the style of work has changed significantly. You have contributed a lot."

"My lord's compliment, I don't dare to be an official. Today, my official is talking about Hongnongwei."

This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted. Su Tiancheng doesn't want Zhang Pu to talk about Hongnongwei. , is impossible, and Sun Chengzong specially went to Shanzhou, which will definitely arouse some discussions, even though it is said that the sergeants of Hongnongwei are gradually deploying defenses.

Since Zhang Pu mentioned this matter, Su Tiancheng couldn't evade it, otherwise he would appear to be on guard.

"The matter of Hongnongwei happened suddenly. Fortunately, I have thought of a way to deal with it now. I don't know what kind of views and opinions Master Zhang has."

Zhang Pu's expression has always been serious, and it seems that he still thinks a lot about Hongnongwei.

"My lord, I have thought about this before, so I have some different ideas. I put myself in the situation and thought that the reason for Hongnongwei's move may make the adults in the court think about the same period. This is a cover-up. Among them, the most critical issue, if the source cannot be traced, there may be such things happening in the future."

Hearing what Zhang Pu said, Su Tiancheng became interested.

"The guards in various places. According to the subordinate officials, there is a sense of existence in name only. The imperial court can't provide so much silver. Besides, the salary of the sergeant is one to three silver coins per month for ordinary sergeants. And it may not be in place in time. It is indeed difficult to earn some money to support the family, and we can only say that we can barely make ends meet. Before I was dismissed from office, I made noises about the high salaries of Jiangning camp soldiers. It is also based on this view."

"After such a long time, Xiaguan has thought about this matter carefully. To be honest, I was a little bit unwilling to admit defeat at the beginning. I thought I was right, but I saw a lot of facts. Xiaguan has woken up. If he sticks to his previous views, It’s bound to be a big mistake.”

"The lower officials think that the guards are already in a state of existence in name only. The court is trying to support so many troops. The officers are because of their low salaries, or they are greedy for money. They wantonly exploit the sergeants, withhold their salaries, and eat empty salaries. The sergeants are looking for a way to survive. , harassing the common people, killing the good and pretending to be meritorious, these things abound, if we can't face up to these problems, there will be mutiny of the guards in the future."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, Zhang Pu could see these problems.It is already very difficult, but the military household system of the Ming Dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years, and it is unrealistic to overthrow this system.

"Master Zhang. You think deeply. I don't know what you think, how to solve such problems."

"The lower official has been thinking hard, and there is no good solution. Through the model of Jiang Ningying, the lower official can only say that he has some experience, and tell the adults for reference."

"Oh, then tell me what you think."

"The lower officials think that the imperial court should not support so many soldiers in the guards. In fact, they can't afford it. If it continues like this, it will only increase the burden on the imperial court, which in turn will increase the burden on the common people. It is said that the military household system, the military Households garrisoning fields, the burden is even heavier than that of ordinary people, most of the annual harvest is handed over, and what is left, there is no way to support the family, and a large number of military households in the guards fled, which is a good example.”

The principles mentioned by Zhang Pu are actually clear to all the adults in the court. They are just things set down by the ancestors, and no one dares to criticize them at will, let alone overthrow them.

"Actually, the emperor also knows about these things, but there is no good way to improve them. The invasion of the late Jin Dynasty and the harassment by bandits are exactly the time to use troops. At this time, if the military household system is shaken, it may be out of control. The lower officials think that the court We can follow the example of the Jiangning Camp and cultivate elite soldiers, and if we can concentrate money to build elite soldiers, the effect may be much better."

"The lower officials also estimate that some adults in the imperial court may have benefited a lot from it. They say that many of the local guard troops have become personal armed forces, which are not much different from the local militia. It takes a lot of money to dispatch, and it can't even be dispatched at all."

"This kind of situation is getting worse and worse. If it goes on like this, the imperial court will be able to dispatch soldiers."

Su Tiancheng couldn't sit still anymore. He never imagined that Zhang Pu could come up with such an idea. In fact, this was a question he had been thinking about for a long time. The imperial court had nearly 200 million sergeants in name, but in reality, less than ten million soldiers could be brought out. One-third, with 20 elite soldiers, there will be no problem in eradicating bandits and fighting against Houjin.

Of course, it doesn't mean that with these 20 elite soldiers, the rest of the army is unnecessary. If the national strength permits, it is not a bad thing to have more troops. At least when expanding abroad, sergeants can be dispatched at any time.

The configuration of the army is not easy to explain clearly, it is a process of gradual exploration.

Zhang Pu has such an understanding, which shows that he has carefully thought about it and has his own understanding of the deployment of the army.

Although these views are progressive, they cannot be expressed at present, otherwise they may hurt themselves.

"Master Zhang, your understanding is very reasonable. The imperial court supports so many troops. The military household system and the military settlement system have affected the fighting spirit of the soldiers to the greatest extent. Now that the imperial court is facing internal and external troubles, it is precisely the army's contribution that is needed. At that time, raising soldiers for thousands of days and using them for a short period of time, but the combat effectiveness of the garrison army is not flattering, every day I think about farming, and I think about getting enough food, how can it be possible to have combat effectiveness."

"Besides, the officers in the guards didn't consider the overall situation. They only saw their own interests, and all they thought about were comparing each other. After a long time, they were naturally greedy for money and exploiting the sergeants."

"The officers are greedy for ink, and the sergeants exploit the common people. How can such an army have combat effectiveness, how can the common people support it, and how can they protect the common people and their homeland."

"In many guards, the officers are all equipped with personal soldiers around them. They don't care about ordinary sergeants. This kind of development trend has already seen the army as a tool to protect personal interests."

"The court's policy does need to be changed, but not now."

"Pull one to mobilize the whole body. At this time of crisis, what the imperial court needs most is stability. The rogue bandits have caused chaos, which has overwhelmed the imperial court. I think that the best time is after the extermination of the rogue bandits. The Hejun system has been reformed, in fact, this kind of change has slowly appeared, and the Jiangning Camp is an example."

Zhang Pu didn't feel surprised when Su Tiancheng said these words. In his heart, he had already treated Su Tiancheng as a saint. How could ordinary people make such great achievements, and how could they have so many foresights? , it can be said that the future of the Ming Dynasty rests on Su Tiancheng.

"My lord's instruction, I'll remember it. I won't say these words. I just have such thoughts and want to report them to my lord."

"My lord Zhang, you don't need to be so self-effacing. I said long ago that you still have to show your original courage. Your analysis today is very reasonable. You still have to stick to this kind of analysis in the future. "

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, Zhang Pu made up his mind.

"My lord, I once bewitched the sergeant, and I was protected by some lords when I was in the capital. It is precisely because of this that I want to remind my lord that there are still some adults in the imperial court who have a bad opinion of the Jiangning camp. This is the system that has shaken the ancestors. They think that the treatment of Jiangningying soldiers is too high, but because Jiangningying has made many contributions, they can't say anything else. If there is any mistake, Jiangningying may suffer. to attack."

"Thank you for saying this. The model of the Jiangning Camp is indeed different from that of the guards. This will definitely affect the interests of some people. It is reasonable for them to stand up and oppose it. Under such circumstances, the Jiangning Camp The task is heavy. Speaking of which, you also have a lot of responsibility for the prosperity of the Jiangning camp. After the construction of the Henan government, the government will have more money, so it will naturally help the Jiangning camp."

After Zhang Pu left, Su Tiancheng stayed in Santang for a long time.

The situation Zhang Pu said is the real situation, and the actual situation may be even worse. The Hongnongwei incident is just an introduction. The matter came up, but it is really impossible to move now, especially when it involves frontier soldiers, most of them are self-supporting. The sergeants have already had a fixed understanding, and sudden reforms will inevitably cause fluctuations.

Resisting the invasion of Houjin was mainly due to the role of frontier soldiers.

This model of the Jiangning Battalion was only fixed after hundreds of years of exploration. This is Su Tiancheng's advantage in traveling through. The construction of the army must be professional and regular, and it should not involve other things. If the sergeant If they have to farm and support themselves, then their attention will definitely change, and their combat effectiveness will definitely be weakened.

Fortunately, the Eight Banners of Manchuria, Eight Banners of Mongolia, etc. in the later Jin Dynasty all adhered to this system, and did not have military pay, and even relied on looting to survive. Such a backward military system lags behind the Jiangning camp by a lot.

Su Tiancheng once again thought that there is still a long way to go in the future, and it is impossible to do it overnight. Various challenges will arise, and the right way is to do everything well step by step.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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