Ming politicians

Chapter 52 Strange Thinking

Su Tiancheng has always kept in mind a rule of health preservation, that is, every night, or before going to bed, he should use hot water to scald his feet well, his whole body will sweat, and the blood vessels in his body will feel unimpeded, which is very comfortable.

He's been doing it consistently, and it works.

Su Tiancheng believes that as long as he pays attention to personal hygiene and keeps exercising properly, he can definitely stay away from diseases.

The medical conditions in ancient times were not very good, and it was easy to cause problems after being infected with diseases. In fact, most of these diseases came from negligence in daily life. The first thing Su Tiancheng should pay attention to is to prevent diseases. Can't do well.

All the people in the Su Mansion have adhered to this habit, including frequent bathing. Some people are not used to it at first, but who is Wang Dazhi, if anyone is lazy, he will be beaten, so everyone persisted. After that, everyone got used to it. If you don’t burn your feet at night and don’t take a bath for three or two days, you won’t get used to it.

When he arrived in Quwo County, Qu Qingze chose an inn with moderate conditions and booked a room. Su Tiancheng and him both lived in high-end houses.

According to the descriptions in the books, the food of the Ming Dynasty was very good, but Su Tiancheng didn't feel this way. After traveling through time, the food in the restaurants he had eaten was just average, and the price was still very high, which was a bit outrageous.

Calculated in terms of silver, in a high-end restaurant in Pingyang Fucheng, a table of banquets requires at least two taels of silver. These silver can buy five shi of rice. Calculated by the price of grain hundreds of years later, five shi of rice is equivalent to For 2000 RMB, with this money, even in a big city, you can still have a very good banquet.

The biggest problem is not here. Most of the dishes in the restaurant are steamed, and there are very few stir-fried dishes. All are very precious.

The only thing that reassures him is that today's food is all green and natural food.

Su Tiancheng has a good stomach, and he is not very particular about eating and drinking, as long as he can fill his stomach.

The meal was arranged in a restaurant, and Qu Qingze ordered some baijiu as usual, the baijiu was not very strong and tasted average.Men must drink, but they must also drink in moderation. If they are drunk every time, it is not a good thing.

<& The ren ceremony is very solemn, and to a large extent, a formal engagement means adulthood.

"The township exam is just around the corner. If you can't think of these things, let's wait until after the township exam."

"Admiration, brothers' ambitions are not small, but marriage matters still need to be considered. After dinner, let's go to the place of fireworks together, how about it?"

Su Tiancheng was a little ashamed, he didn't expect Qu Qingze to say such a thing, and actually wanted to go to the piaoji by himself, what kind of thing is this.

It's not something shameful for a scholar to go to the land of fireworks. The girls in the brothel are outstanding because they have everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Su Tiancheng instinctively wanted to refuse, but when he was about to say something, he suddenly had a vague feeling that behind the light gauze tent, where the feasting and feasting were happening, he had some impression of being in a trance.

The last time he went to the brothel with Liu Zhongji, he remembered it very clearly. No matter how good the women in the brothel are, how affectionate they are, there is one prerequisite, that is, you must have money with you, poor people are not qualified to go .

The madam of the brothel has vicious eyes. They can tell who is really rich or powerful. In their eyes, the rich and the powerful are uncles, down-and-out scholars, In their eyes, pigs and dogs are inferior.

Su Tiancheng didn't want to go to the brothel, no matter what Qu Qingze thought, when he came out to travel, his focus was to see the situation outside, not to think about romance.

"Brother, let's go out and take a look. I still want to learn something when I travel this time."

"Hehe, your idea is really strange. Some scholars I have met, when they go out to travel, they must go to the brothel. It's not that they really want to do something. It's good to see it. "

"Everyone has their own ideas. I really don't have much interest in those places."

"Oh, do you really think so, it's strange."

Qu Qingze felt a little unstoppable, Su Tiancheng smiled, determined to clarify some of his views.

"Scholars go to the brothel, there is nothing wrong with it. I think the girl in the brothel also has extraordinary literary talent, but my idea is a little different. Scholars still have to serve the court in the end. I participated in the county and government examinations. At first, I thought that everything was inferior. Only reading is good, but now I feel that blindly studying is not enough, and applying what you have learned is the best. Only by doing it yourself and combining the knowledge in books with practice can you truly master knowledge. This time I came out to practice, and the things I learned are much more precious than those in books."

Qu Qingze looked at Su Tiancheng with flickering eyes. Along the way, he introduced the situation to Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng listened carefully and never interrupted. Yes, this is not the performance of ordinary young people. It is said that Su Tiancheng is just a student, and he has not really gone out to practice, so how could he have so much knowledge.

Qu Qingze was secretly startled, Su Tiancheng's development trend was really hard to predict.

"Brother has such an idea, and I agree with it. Forget it, let's go out for a walk. I don't know if brother can bear it. After driving for a day, I'm afraid I'm a little tired."

"I'm fine."

After the two left the inn, they walked directly towards the street, followed by Wang Dazhi. Su Tianben wanted him to rest, but Wang Dazhi resolutely refused. <At the turn of summer, the weather is a bit cooler, there are still many people on the street, and most of the shops are closed. Of course, the high-rise buildings are invisible, and the pavement of the street is paved with bluestone, which looks perfect. <During the Autumn and Warring States Periods, the capital of the Jin State, Duke Wu relied on it to prosper the Jin Dynasty, and Duke Wen relied on it to dominate.

The biggest problem in Quwo is the lack of food, which is more prominent in the counties under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Fucheng. There are different explanations for why this is the case.

"Brother, when you come to Quwo, you must visit Jieyuan Lane and Qiaozi Lane."

"It's a must. I heard that Li Shangsi and Li Yongpei were Jieyuan during the Yongle period, and the father and son's Xieyuan. I respect them very much. Li Tingbao and Li Rixu's father and son are both juren, which is amazing."

"Hehe, it's over. I believe that you must be stronger than them."

"Brother, don't say that, they are all role models for scholars."

The so-called Jieyuan Lane and Qiaozi Lane are actually two alleys, because Li Shangsi and Li Yongpei father and son successively entered Jieyuan High School, and later generations named it Jieyuan Lane to commemorate it, which is a long time ago.As for Li Tingbao and Li Rixu, one was a Juren during the Jiajing period, and the other was a Juren during the Longqing period. The place where they lived was named Qiaozi Lane.

These places, hundreds of years later, are great monuments, but that's what it is now.

Both Xieyuan Lane and Qiaozi Lane are in the county seat. Su Tiancheng and Qu Qingze went to have a look, and they didn't have any special impressions. Su Tiancheng didn't want to worship either. These are all false, and the imperial examination still depends on one's own ability.

"It's still early, why don't you go to the Academy of Ancient Studies?"

Hearing what Qu Qingze said, Su Tiancheng immediately became vigilant.

There were many academies in the Ming Dynasty. This was because there were too few county schools and prefectural schools in various places to accommodate so many scholars. Therefore, academies were born accordingly, because academies were privately run, which was very different from government-run ones. In terms of teaching academics, they don't necessarily follow the rules of the court. Some of the political opinions put forward are far from the requirements of the court.

The starting point of the academy is good, but later on, something strange gradually appeared.

Since the Jiajing and Wanli years, the imperial court has cleaned up many academies, which has become the biggest controversy. Many scholars support the academies, and even support the views of the academies. The most famous academies are Donglin Academy.

The factionalism in the imperial court is so fierce, and it has some relationship with the academy. The scholars of the academy form a group, and everyone prospers, and everyone loses. It can be said that the seeds of party struggles germinated when they were in the academy.

Of course, these are some conclusions hundreds of years later, and the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.

Su Tiancheng absolutely didn't want to get involved.

"Forget it, it's already this hour, let's go back to the inn to rest."

"Brother has always studied in the county school and the government school, do you have some other views on the academy?"

"That's not true. I have always studied in government schools. I am not very familiar with the academy, so I don't pay attention to it. It is even more unnecessary to talk about it."

A strange expression appeared on Qu Qingze's face again, and Su Tiancheng saw all of this.

He already had some guesses. Qu Qingze must have a certain purpose for traveling this time, otherwise he would not have accompanied him. When he arrived in Quwo County, some of the suggestions he put forward seemed to be targeted. pointed in a certain direction.

Regardless of whether Qu Qingze is probing or not, Su Tiancheng has his own thoughts, he will not go along with many thoughts, the most important thing is to bury his head in doing practical things and realize his own goals.

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