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Early morning of August [-]th.

The gate of the capital had just opened when two fine horses rushed in. The sergeant guarding the gate looked at the sign in the rider's hand, quickly shrank his head, and let the two of them ride in.

The crisp sound of horseshoes echoed on the street, and the two steeds were obviously heading towards the Forbidden City.

Before the early dynasty started, Sun Chengzong was about to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and other ministers also entered the Forbidden City, waiting for the emperor to arrive.These days, the emperor has been waiting for the news from Sichuan. It can be said that he is restless. Sun Chengzong knows it, but the news is so fast. Although Sun Chengzong is also anxious, he still has to comfort the emperor. After all, the emperor is young, and young people are impatient. Some, understandably. [

The news that the Jiangning battalion started to exterminate the bandits also spread in the imperial court. Every morning, everyone would discuss in private. After being troubled by the rogues, I take a cautious view and believe that the extermination of the rogues will not happen in a short while, it will take a while, maybe the rogues escape from Sichuan again and enter Huguang, Henan, Shanxi and other places, it is also possible.

The whole court seemed a little restless.

The two eunuchs took a step forward and ran towards the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The ministers of civil and military affairs outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony all looked at the two eunuchs. They felt that it was too strange. For a long time, the eunuchs in the palace always walked with their waists bent and ran with their heads down when encountering important events. Take a stride and run, never seen before.

The two eunuchs ran to Sun Chengzong who was about to enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony without hesitation, and reported something in a low voice. Everyone saw Sun Chengzong's body trembling and turned around quickly.He took a step, and staggered because he didn't pay attention. Fortunately, the eunuch beside him had noticed and supported Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong actually nodded to the eunuch.

We have never seen such a strange situation.

Sun Chengzong walked straight towards the Meridian Gate, and he didn't care about everyone's eyes.

soon.Jin Yiwei from the direction of the Meridian Gate came over, holding a black box in his hand. On the top of the box, three chicken feathers could be vaguely seen. This was an urgent memorial.

When Jin Yiwei ran in front of Sun Chengzong, Sun Chengzong grabbed the brocade box.Immediately opened it, took out the memorial from inside, held it in both hands and began to read it seriously.

Soon, Sun Chengzong's hands began to tremble.

He spoke to the eunuch beside him.

"Quick, hurry up and report to the emperor, Lord Su Tiancheng's memorial is here, hurry up..."

Liu Zongzhou, Yang Sichang and others.They also came over, and they guessed it, it must be the battle report from Sichuan. I don't know how the battle is going this time, and the answer to the mystery will be revealed soon.

The eunuch was a little hesitant. At this time, it was the time for the emperor to visit the empress dowager, so if he bothered.The emperor blamed it, but he couldn't afford it.

Sun Chengzong looked at the two eunuchs.

"You lead the way, and I will follow you to visit the emperor. No matter where the emperor is, the cabinet ministers, Mr. Yang of the Ministry of War and I will go to visit the emperor together."

The two eunuchs immediately lowered their heads and began to lead the way.

Six or seven ministers.Following behind the eunuch, he walked towards the depths of the palace. [

Many ministers immediately went crazy. There must be something important. The old and prudent chief minister of the cabinet, Sun Chengzong, couldn't hold it anymore.It was definitely the news of Sichuan's extermination of the bandits, but no sign could be seen from Mr. Sun's face.

Many ministers began to discuss, and their voices became a little louder. The officials of Honglu Temple were also concerned about it, and they didn't care about maintaining order.

Zhu Youjian was too tired, and he was very worried during this time. When he visited his mother, his spirit was not very good.

He is the emperor, and there is no other way.

When Wang Chengen walked in quietly and was about to say something in a low voice, Zhu Youjian became a little impatient.

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I am talking to the queen mother."

"The empress dowager forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin, the chief minister of the cabinet, Mr. Sun Chengzong, said that he has something to report, and the memorial of Mr. Su Tiancheng, the minister of the Ministry of War, the imperial envoy of the right capital, and the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces has arrived."

Zhu Youjian stood up suddenly, with a strange look on his face.

He quickly thought of something.

"Mother, the child is rude."

"Go and get busy, I don't have anything to do here."

Zhu Youjian hurriedly walked towards the outside, the pace was very fast, the maids along the way hurriedly avoided, Wang Chengen trotted behind, panting slightly.

Sun Chengzong and others waited outside the gate of the inner palace.

Seeing Zhu Youjian coming out, Sun Chengzong quickly knelt down, and everyone also knelt down.

Sun Chengzong held the memorial high up.

"The emperor is overjoyed. The Jiangning battalion and the Baigan soldiers wiped out [-] rogue bandits, and captured the leader of the rogue bandits, Chuang Wang Li Zicheng.

Zhu Youjian's body shook for a while, and Wang Chengen beside him reached out to help, but Zhu Youjian shook him off.

Picking up the memorial in Sun Chengzong's hand, Zhu Youjian looked carefully, the smile on his face became wider and wider, and finally he burst out laughing.

"God bless me Daming, I want to drink, prepare wine for me, I want to drink..."

When Wang Chengen was about to find wine, Zhu Youjian spoke again.

"I want to drink with civil and military officials and pass on the decree. This morning, the court will be exempted. The Ministry of Rites will hold a banquet. The time will be set at noon. All officials above the fourth rank in the capital will participate."

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian read the memorial three times in one breath, and his mood has long since stabilized. [

"Sun Aiqing, what's your opinion on Su Aiqing's suggestion?"

"Your Majesty, I think it is feasible. Of the 12 rogues in Sichuan, 3 of them were wiped out. The remaining [-] people fled to the Songpanwei area, and may enter the Duogandu Division. The conditions in those places are difficult and the rogues are difficult to maintain. Sooner or later What’s more, Li Zicheng, the leader of the bandits, has been captured alive, and the situation of the bandits is over. Songpanwei and the troops of the guards in Sichuan and Henan can take advantage of the victory to pursue and wipe out the bandits.”

Zhu Youjian nodded with a smile.

"In my opinion, it is inappropriate for Su Aiqing to attribute all the credit to the crown prince. I think it is inappropriate to add the crown prince Su Tiancheng to the crown prince as a reward. How to reward the remaining meritorious officials will wait until the detailed battle report comes. , the Ministry of War will implement it immediately.”

"Your Majesty, Mr. Su predicts that after the rogue bandits are basically wiped out, Houjin will definitely take action. The Jiangning battalion needs to go to Liaodong and Datong Prefecture. I think it makes sense."

"Well, yes, I think about it. Su Tiancheng will be the governor of Jiliao, the censor of Zuodu, and he will be fully responsible for the affairs in Liaozhou and Jizhou. He can do things first and then play the role. What do you think?"

"Your Majesty is wise."

"The cabinet is preparing to draft an order to summon Su Aiqing to escort Li Zicheng back to Beijing. I really did not expect that the crown prince has performed very well this time. In times of crisis, I am very pleased to stick to Kuizhou's capital."

The civil and military ministers of the imperial court finally got the news.

Su Tiancheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to wipe out [-] bandits, and captured the leader of the bandits, Li Zicheng. The remaining [-] bandits in Sichuan fled to Songpanwei and Duogandusi.

The emperor heard the news, canceled the early court, and prepared a banquet for the civil and military ministers, and the Ministry of Rites is already making arrangements.

For a while, all kinds of discussions came out.

Most of them praised Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying. Unexpectedly, it only took more than half a year for Jiang Ning Ying to basically wipe out the rogues. Some people also discussed what Su Tiancheng would do next. Some people thought that Su Tiancheng would definitely come. He went to Liaodong, presided over the situation there, and then exterminated the Golden Tartars. Some people believed that Su Tiancheng must return to the imperial court and enter the cabinet. Su Tiancheng was only in his 20s, and he made such a huge contribution. It can be called the giant pillar of the Ming Dynasty.

The caring minister quickly visited Su Tiancheng's mansion and told him the good news.

After Zhu Shenxin heard the news, she shed tears. During Su Tiancheng's departure for more than half a year, she was worried all the time. Fighting is not a trivial matter, let alone facing vicious bandits. Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng insisted on focusing on the pressure. .

The rogues were basically wiped out, which means that Su Tiancheng will return to the capital, and the family can be reunited again.

Zhu Youjian attended the feast in high spirits.

All civil and military ministers had smiling faces. At the banquet, everyone kept shouting the words of the emperor's sage and the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, which made Zhu Youjian even more happy.

What everyone didn't expect was that the empress dowager also had a banquet, holding a wine glass, toasting a glass of wine to all the ministers of civil and military affairs. Empress Zhang of Yi'an and the empress empress also appeared. The Queen of Yi'an, the Zhang family, is the queen of the former emperor Zhu Youxiao. After Zhu Youjian ascended the throne, the Zhang family was honored as Queen of Yi'an.

The atmosphere of joy spread in the imperial court, and soon spread to all parts of the capital. Even ordinary people knew that the Jiangning camp had wiped out the bandits and captured the bandit leader, Chuang Wang Li Zicheng alive.

All of a sudden, the restaurants and teahouses in the capital became lively. The common people in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, also cared about the big and small things in the court. The storyteller began to describe the story based on his own fiction. It's also about this.

The common people's thought is much simpler. They have heard too many stories about Su Tiancheng. The Jiangning camp has always appeared in a victorious posture, especially after killing [-] golden tartars. Here, he has become a mythical existence, and he is already the most powerful minister in the Ming Dynasty.

Everyone was eagerly anticipating when Su Tiancheng, who had received the imperial edict, would return to the capital.

The common people were also inquiring that on the day Su Tiancheng returned to the capital, they must go to the street to see how high-spirited this young governor of the five provinces was. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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