(It's the end of the month, thank you readers for your great support, thank you.)

When Su Tiancheng returned home, he was still so quiet.

Zhu Shenxin specially prepared a feast for Su Tiancheng. This so-called feast was actually a dinner for Su Tiancheng and his family. Zhu Shenxin, Chunping, Wang Furong, Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo all attended, according to Su Tiancheng's identity Except for the fact that Zhu Shenxin can sometimes eat at the same table with Su Tiancheng as the county lord and Mrs. Gaoming, the rest are not allowed. This is the etiquette system of the Ming Dynasty and the requirement of Confucianism.

Regardless of this, Su Tiancheng still needs to pay attention to relevant etiquette when he is outside, but he doesn't pay attention to these when he returns home. Every time the whole family eats together, there are not many such opportunities, Su It was only possible for Tian Cheng to return to the capital, so Gu Hengbo, who was due to give birth soon, also participated.

Gu Hengbo and Zhu Shenxin with big bellies had some difficulty in moving. Su Tiancheng picked up food for the two of them himself, but he was just ashamed to feed them. I'm used to it, but this habit is not necessarily a good thing. These maids always want to marry. Thinking about meeting a man like Su Tiancheng in the future, the possibility may not be very high. Su Tiancheng is a high-ranking official in the imperial court. Such a young man who treats his wife so considerately is probably unique. [

The atmosphere of the meal was very good, Su Tiancheng kept telling Zhu Shenxin and Gu Hengbo that they must pay more attention, Zhu Shenxin was better, she had already given birth to a child, so she was experienced, but Gu Hengbo was the first time, The age is only 20 years old. This age, after hundreds of years, is considered very early, but in the Ming Dynasty, it was considered very late to have a child.

The midwife has already been invited to the mansion.On the one hand, check at all times, and on the other hand, make preparations. Of course, the midwife is willing to stay here in a family of high-ranking officials like the Su family. The remuneration is a lot, and the face is also bright, in case something happens in the future.It is also possible to ask for help.

During the meal, Zhu Shenxin naturally talked about Zhou Tianhao's trip to Liaodong again.

Zhu Shenxin's meaning was very clear, someone had to follow him to Liaodong, take care of Su Tiancheng's food and daily life, and manage the family affairs well, otherwise Su Tiancheng would be alone in the Governor's Mansion.Everything is taken care of by a man, it is definitely not as good as a woman's house, Zhu Shenxin can't go by herself, her status is special, and she stays in the capital, the emperor is at ease.

It was impossible for Zhu Shenxin and Gu Hengbo to follow, but Chunping, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi could all follow.But it is not realistic to follow the three of them at once.

Zhu Shenxin mentioned this matter, and Su Tiancheng also said that after the capture of Dalinghe City, the situation in Liaodong gradually began to stabilize. Liao Governor's Mansion is the place where the key guards are.Safety can be guaranteed, so it is also possible for family members to follow.

As soon as Su Tiancheng finished speaking, five-year-old Su Mingjie immediately spoke up, saying that he would follow him to Liaodong and stay with his father, and four-year-old Su Mingyue was not to be outdone.Crying to follow to Liaodong, two-year-old Su Mingjuan and under-two-year-old Su Minghui didn't quite understand, and stared at their brothers and sisters with wide eyes.

Su Tiancheng actually had such an idea to bring Su Mingjie by his side.After all, Su Mingjie is a boy, and almost all the mansions are headed by women. Such an environment has a great impact on Su Mingjie. As for Su Mingyue, she was originally a girl. In such an environment, there are still problems. It's not too big, but it's impossible for Zhu Shenxin to go to Liaodong. She took Su Mingjie away by herself, and made Zhu Shenxin miss her every day, which seemed a bit cruel.

Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui are still young, so it's not a big problem for now.

After the child opened his mouth, Zhu Shenxin was a little embarrassed, looking at Su Tiancheng, such a matter still needs Su Tiancheng to make up his mind, as the head of the family, Zhu Shenxin needs a bowl of water to be level, and it's not good to favor anyone Yes, fortunately, Zhu Shenxin's background is different, and she is very open-minded. If she were to be a girl from a small family, she might have a bad temper.

After eating, Su Tiancheng entered the study, and after a while, Zhu Shenxin also came in with the help of the maid.

Su Tiancheng quickly stood up, put a soft pillow on the chair, and supported Zhu Shenxin to sit down.

"My husband is always alone in Liaodong, and that's not okay. I have long thought that I can follow my husband to Liaodong, but I always feel uncomfortable when I follow my husband. Sometimes, my concubine I thought about it, if I were in an ordinary family, I would be so happy to be able to stay by my husband's side."

While Zhu Shenxin was talking, tears appeared in her eyes.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry for you. My family and country are the world, and I am also Nai."

Although he said so, Su Tiancheng thought of it differently. There are too many hardships in the life of ordinary people. Zhu Shenxin must have read too many poems, thinking that that kind of life in a paradise exists, and the young couple will be grateful together Loving and loving for a lifetime, you don’t need to worry about eating and drinking, and what you think of every day is that you look at me and I look at you. Such days do not exist in reality.

Zhu Shenxin quickly adjusted her mood.

"Husband, this concubine just thought of these things by chance. It's just a little sad. My husband is busy with the important affairs of the court every day. I can't help much. This time I am going to Liaodong. I think that there must be someone to take care of my husband. That way I can rest assured."

"Well, I don't know what Ma'am means, who should follow me to Liaodong." [

Zhu Shenxin looked at Su Tiancheng, gritted her teeth and spoke.

"I think Chunping is the most suitable, but it's hard to say, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi can go with me, but I think that Juanjuan and Xiaohui are still young and need to be by my mother's side all the time. The environment in the capital is better. Xiaoyue is more than four years old, and she can adapt to Liaodong. In comparison, Chunping is the most suitable, but Chunping has always been by my side. With this arrangement, I'm afraid the rest of the sisters will feel uncomfortable inside."

Hearing what Zhu Shenxin said, Su Tiancheng smiled. This is a very good attitude. With such an attitude, there is no problem in taking care of the mansion. But there is also a problem with this attitude. There are too many considerations when making a decision.

"Ma'am, you are in charge of the family. How to make a decision, just stick to it. Don't hesitate, just feel ashamed. I am fighting outside. If I have such a mentality, then I can't do things. I I feel that no matter what decision is made, it is enough to be able to explain the reason, not to mention that the family affairs, although not complicated, involve a lot, and most of them are trivial matters of mother-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Husband, I understand, I really envy my husband, but unfortunately I am a woman, so I can't learn from my husband."

Su Tiancheng couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't expect that Zhu Shenxin, who was a member of the royal family, also had such a mentality of a little woman. In this society, it was an era where men were superior to women, and it was almost impossible for women to come out to do things. A strange woman like Qin Liangyu was no more. It is the product of certain conditions. In this so-called upper class society, women never leave their homes.

"Ma'am, I was thinking, should I take Su Ming to Liaodong? Su Ming is not young anymore."

Zhu Shenxin immediately glared at Su Tiancheng.

"The concubine does not agree. My son is now studying. The concubine taught it personally. The concubine is still thinking about inviting the husband to the mansion to teach the son to read. If the husband wants to make such a decision, the concubine will also There is no other way, so the husband will find a way to bring this concubine to Liaodong as well, and this concubine can't wait for it."

Su Tiancheng was choked and speechless for a long time, it seems that this mother's love is indeed powerful.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for Su Tiancheng to take Su Ming away.

"Okay, madam, don't say that. I just have such thoughts. But I'm a boy, and I can't always be surrounded by women. After a long time, I'm afraid she will be a little weak."

"I know that this time I invite you to be more strict. During this period of time, I often followed Uncle Su when I was a child, and I also felt some education."

"That's good, but after my son turns ten, I still have to take it with me."

"Hmph, at that time, my husband hadn't returned to the capital, and my concubine didn't care about so much, so I was about to follow her husband. I felt that in the four years in Liaodong, my husband would be able to do well no matter what. .”

"Okay, okay, I will strive to return to the capital and stay by Madam's side."

After Zhu Shenxin left the study, Su Pingyang came in.

After Su Pingyang stopped being the prefect, he returned to the mansion to be the butler, but Zhu Shenxin felt that it was inappropriate. Anyway, Su Pingyang used to be the fourth-rank magistrate of the imperial court. If he returned to the mansion to be the butler, he would not know the outside How people talk about it, so Su Pingyang is in the name of a big housekeeper, but he doesn't actually do much.

Su Pingyang couldn't stay idle, and spent a lot of time telling stories to Su Ming, Su Ming, Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui. Some can't do without him.

"Master, I can still do things with my bones. Madam made such an arrangement, I feel like I'm an idler. Master, please tell Madam that after the new year, I plan to plant a piece of land in the yard and play with some vegetables. In this way, the ladies can also eat fresh vegetables."

"Uncle Su, you are getting old, and it's time to take a break. Su Ertong has done very well in the Governor's Mansion. I thought, find a suitable opportunity, and send him to the Imperial College to study for a year to enhance his knowledge. Uncle Su has to worry more about Er Tong's marriage. There are many rich families in the capital, and there are many good girls. I will tell my wife later and help find her. Er Tong will follow me, so we can't always The important event of marriage has been delayed." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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