Ming politicians

Chapter 806 The Difference

After Daishan returned to Shenyang, before he had time to rest, Dorgon and Duoduo came to visit.

Daishan was very strange. He was stationed in North Korea, and Dorgon was stationed in Guangning. Under normal circumstances, he would not return to Shenyang. After receiving the imperial edict from Huang Taiji, he hurried back. Could it be that Dorgon also received the imperial edict.

Because we haven't seen each other for a while, Daishan ordered the banquet to be prepared.

The study is a place to discuss important matters, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach it. After Daishan, Dorgon, and Duoduo entered the study, the housekeeper arranged a special person to wait outside the study to avoid disturbing his master.

"Second brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, Duoduo and I have come to pay a special visit."

"Fourteenth brother, aren't you stationed in Guangning? Why did you come back to Shenyang?"

"I also received the emperor's imperial decree. I will go to court tomorrow. I learned that the second brother has also returned to Shenyang. Presumably the second elder brother also received the emperor's imperial decree and came to visit with Duoduo."

"So that's the case, Brother Fifteen, you've been in Shenyang all this time, so you know what's going on this time. The emperor's mobilization of teachers and people seems to be something big."

"Second brother, I don't know exactly what happened, but according to my prediction, both the second brother and the fourteenth brother have returned to the capital, and it must be related to the Liaodong matter. Not only that, but the twelfth brother also Come back to the capital."

Dai Shan nodded slightly. The Qing Dynasty had been peaceful for several years. Dorgon led troops to attack Dengzhou and Laizhou. The action was not very big, and not many soldiers were dispatched. Even if it was a big move for the Qing Dynasty.This is not in line with Huang Taiji's request, but Liaodong is very stable, and no abnormalities have been heard. Could it be that Huang Taiji is preparing to launch an attack in Liaodong? You must know that the defense line of Guan Ningjin is impenetrable, and he really wants to launch an attack.That comes at a huge price.

"Fourteenth brother, you have always been stationed in Guangning and are in charge of confronting the Ming army in Liaodong. Have you noticed anything unusual, or does it mean that the army is preparing to launch an attack in Liaodong?"

Dorgon shook his head.

"Second brother, you know that the emperor has a decree that Liaodong must maintain the current situation. I am stationed in Guangning. There is almost nothing to do. Every day is to supervise the sergeants to train. During this time, The sergeants under my command are all suffocated, so when I return to the capital this time, I also want to suggest to the emperor, the situation is not good if we keep stationing like this."

Daishan stood up.Waved Dorgon and Daishan to come forward.

There is a map of Liaodong on the table.Although he was stationed in North Korea, Daishan still did not forget, always paying attention to the situation in Liaodong.

The three looked at the map, and Daishan pointed in the direction of Dalinghe City and spoke.

"Fourteenth brother, fifteenth brother, you see. After the Qing Dynasty lost Dalinghe City, Heishan and Guangning became the forefront places, including Yizhou. If we lose Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning, There are basically no strongholds to defend in the north of the Liaohe River. The remaining Xiping Fort is not strong enough to resist the Ming army, and it is absolutely impossible to hold it. Over the years, I have been thinking about it. The emperor made the decision resolutely to attack the Daling River on a large scale. City, is a very wise decision, losing Dalinghe City can be said to be a great loss for our Qing Dynasty."

Dorgon and Duoduo looked at the map carefully. In fact, this map had been engraved in their minds long ago. They had to look at it almost every day. Dorgon was stationed in Quang Ninh, responsible for the entire Montenegro, Quang Ninh and The defense of Yizhou, taking into account Xiping Fort, must also pay attention to the situation in Liaodong.

Dorgon and Duoduo are brothers, and their relationship is extraordinary. The Zhengbai Banner and Xiangbai Banner controlled by the two are also very united. In addition, both brothers are brave and good at fighting, so their influence in the Qing Dynasty is very great. The big ones have extraordinary power, not to mention Daishan, one of the four great Baylors who used to be one of the four, and his status is even higher than Dorgon and Duoduo.There are quite a few contacts between them, but for such a long time, Daishan has shown humility. For some reasons that everyone knows, Daishan rarely takes the initiative to discuss government affairs, and rarely discusses matters of war.

Daishan's unusual performance this time attracted the attention of Dorgon and Duoduo.

Daishan looked at Dorgon and Duoduo, and spoke again.

"Fourteenth brother, fifteenth brother, these years, I have paid little attention to the affairs of the court. Maybe it is because I have been in the capital for a long time. After I arrived in North Korea, I realized that my Qing Dynasty is far from being at ease. Ah, the status of Liaodong is too important. The Guanning Jin defense line established by Sun Chengzong back then became a major obstacle to the progress of our Qing Dynasty. If our Qing Dynasty can break through the Guan Ning Jin defense line, the Central Plains will be at your fingertips. It's something we should all care about."

"The emperor often said that there are not many Manchus in the Qing Dynasty. Compared with the Han people, they are insignificant. But the reason why the Qing Dynasty can stand upright is not because of the unity of our Manchus. Look at those Han people. How about the large number of them? Each sings his own tune. , the hearts of the people are inconsistent, and I am used to calculating. My Qing Dynasty absolutely cannot do this. Otherwise, the Qing Dynasty would not be able to compete with Ming Dynasty, let alone take control of the Central Plains. The situation in Mongolia has also undergone some changes. The year before last I went to Mongolia When I went there, I already felt this change. The Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe continued to grow stronger, and they faintly had the strength to lead the Mongolian tribe. The two tribes relied on Daming, relying on the mutual market with Daming , the influence gradually expanded, and some other tribes, for their own benefit, chose to join the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe.

"The current situation in my Qing Dynasty is not very good. The emperor must be anxious. I am afraid that he summoned us to Beijing for the affairs of Liaodong. According to my prediction, the situation in Liaodong will soon undergo major changes."

Just after Daishan finished speaking, Dorgon followed suit.

"What the second brother said is true. When stationed in Guangning, merchants on both sides kept coming and going. I also heard a lot of news. The places controlled by the Ming army paid attention to people's livelihood. It can be said that my Qing Dynasty is in Liaodong, and there are not many people. In the past few years, a large number of Han people fled, and some military officers did not pay much attention to it. Now the disadvantages are manifested. There is a lack of people to cultivate the cultivated land. I am a child of the Eight Banners. I am used to hunting all the year round. A large amount of arable land is almost left uncultivated. Fortunately, the Ming army changed its policy and no longer accepts Han Chinese. Otherwise, how could our Eight Banners army be able to hold on to Liaodong."

Dodo also spoke.

"The emperor has always paid great attention to farming. During the court meeting, he specifically requested that Manchus also learn to farm. Food is the most important thing for the people. If they can't farm and lack food, it will be difficult to maintain. It's a pity that many Manchus Humans have no intention of farming at all.”

Daishan walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and spoke slowly.

"The emperor has noticed these problems, and there must be changes. The soldiers and horses will go ahead without food and grass. If there is no food and grass, there will be no way to fight. On the way back to Shenyang, I am also thinking about what will happen in Liaodong. Is the emperor preparing to launch an attack? If this is the case, the first thing to do is to take down Dalinghe City. There are many Ming troops stationed in Liaodong. If you really want to take down Dalinghe City, it is not as simple as before. Well, the dozens of miles around Dalinghe City are all places controlled by the Ming army. My Qing Dynasty has no advantage. Fourteenth brother, if you launch an attack this time, you must be the commander. These issues have to be considered. "

After Daishan said these words, Dorgon and Duoduo both nodded. They would never have thought that this time the Ming army took the initiative to attack. No matter how powerful Huang Taiji said about the Jiangning camp, they did not directly contact the Jiangning camp. Fighting against each other, let alone dealing with Su Tiancheng, he would not believe that the Ming army had really grown stronger, let alone believe that the weak Ming army in the past dared to take the initiative to launch an attack in Liaodong.

"Second brother, in fact, I have been paying attention. After the Ming army occupied Dalinghe City, they paid great attention to the defense of the surrounding strongholds and fortresses. These strongholds and fortresses are connected with Dalinghe City. If they really want to attack Dalinghe Hecheng, these strongholds and fortresses must be pulled out. At the same time, Dalinghe City is too close to Jinzhou City. If you want to trap Dalinghe City, you must prevent reinforcements from the Ming army. According to my estimates, the sergeants who need to be dispatched , at least 10 people, 4 to [-] of them are responsible for preventing reinforcements from Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan Ming troops, and the remaining [-] to [-] soldiers are attacking Dalinghe City. The method is to make the Ming army in Dalinghe City unable to maintain, and they are forced to choose the method of going out of the city to fight. Only in this way can there be a chance of winning. The city of Dalinghe City is extremely strong, and the method of storming will cause huge casualties, so it may not be possible. It works, and the artillery of the Ming army is sharp, far beyond what we can bear."

Although Daishan, Dorgon, and Duoduo did not expect that the Ming army might launch an active attack on the Eight Banners stationed in Montenegro and Guangning, they all expected that something major might happen in Liaodong, which also shows that Yes, they are always paying attention to the situation in Liaodong, and they are always thinking about the future of the Qing Dynasty. From this perspective, the ministers of civil and military affairs in the Ming court cannot do this. The difference between the Qing Dynasty.

There are many reasons for the problems reflected in this. Daishan and other Manchu dignitaries, as members of the imperial family, always think of the Qing Dynasty as their Qing Dynasty, but the civil and military ministers in the Ming Dynasty think that Jiangshan is As for the royal family, I just worked my life for the emperor.I am afraid that this is the difference. Although the Ming Dynasty has a vast land and abundant resources, it is difficult to defeat the Qing Dynasty, which is located on the border and has barren land. (To be continued..)

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