Ming politicians

Chapter 824 Preparation

Dengzhou, Governor's Mansion.

Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Qu Qingze, Luo Chang, Liu Shiliang, Liu Tiehan, Ma Huabiao, Qin Rui, Di Huaixiang, He Renlong, Ma Xianglin, and Wang Dazhi all gathered in the wing room. The backbone of the elite has followed Su Tiancheng for many years. Apart from the officers of the Jiangning battalion, the three magistrates Deng Hui, Lan Qiaozheng and Liu Yunqing are also in the wing. Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong, Liu Jingting and others are all supervisors. The backbone of the master's office.

New faces also appeared in the wing room, Su Tianhao, Xu Jili, Gu Xingsong, William, David, Yan Yingyuan, Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, Li Dingguo and so on.

Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo appeared in the wing room, which was really surprising. After all, the identities of these three people were different, so it was not easy to get Su Tiancheng's appreciation so quickly.

In addition, there are a few people, everyone feels a little strange, but the identities of these people are not simple, they are Sun Qian, Sun Han, Sun Yue and Sun Zhihang, they are all ordered by the deceased Sun Chengzong , rushed to Dengzhou to seek refuge with Su Tiancheng, all four of them entered the Jiangning camp, and when they entered, they had the status of a hundred households. Although the status of the four was the lowest compared with the rest of the people in the wing room, everyone was I respect Sun Chengzong very much. Although Sun Chengzong passed away, Jiang Ningying will not forget it, and Su Tiancheng will not forget it.

These people can be said to be all of Su Tiancheng's confidants, and they are also the most elite personnel.

With so many people gathered in the wing room, it seemed a bit crowded, but everyone stood silently, no one spoke, and no one whispered to each other. They all knew that the Master Supervisor had something important to announce today.

The deployment of the Jiangning camp was all over, and more than 5 soldiers were concentrated in the barracks in Dengzhou Fucheng and Penglai City.This scale is very rare, and the total number of soldiers stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou is only 3000.

When Su Tiancheng entered the wing room, everyone clasped their fists and saluted, including William and David, who also followed everyone's etiquette.Kneeling on one knee to salute, Deng Hui, Lan Qiaozheng, Liu Yunqing, Su Tianhao, Xu Jili, Gu Xingsong and others, because they are civil servants, saluted first.

On the front wall hangs a huge map.

Su Tiancheng walked straight to the front of the map.

"Everyone, today is April 14th, 25th year of Chongzhen. I might as well tell you that the time for Liaodong's attack is determined to be the first day of May. But it is not only Liaodong that launched the attack on this day, but also our Dengzhou."

"You are all familiar with this map, you see it almost every day, but today I ask you to take a closer look at Shuangdao, Lushun, Jinzhou, Fuzhou, Yongning, Xuancheng, Tieshan, Xuanzhou, etc., these places. They are all the land of my Ming Dynasty, but they are occupied by the Houjin Tartars. We are stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou, training hard every day, for what purpose is to defeat the Houjin Tartars The son, is to regain the lost land of my Ming Dynasty."

After Su Tiancheng said these words, the expressions of everyone in the wing room changed.They stared at the map and looked at these places. During the reign of Tianqi, these places were all controlled by the Ming army.But now they are all occupied by the Houjin Tartars, the meaning of the Lord Supervisor's words is obvious, the Jiangning Battalion will launch a campaign to take back these places.

This was a battle that was enough to shock Daming and Houjin. If the Jiangning Battalion occupied these places in one fell swoop, it is conceivable that Houjin would soon face the situation of being attacked from both sides.

"Choosing the conquest on the first day of May is a decision I have thought about for a long time. Liaodong began to fight fiercely on the first day of May. At this time, all the energy of the Houjin Tatars is concentrated on Liaodong. I am afraid that Huang Taiji is dreaming and trying to destroy Guan in one fell swoop." Ningjin defense line, open up the road to enter the customs, let Huang Taiji dream, we use iron-like facts to tell Huang Taiji, who is the real master, who can truly dominate the Central Plains."

"The vicissitudes of life show the true qualities of a hero. From now on, the decisive battle between my Daming and the Houjin will really kick off. Once the two sides start fighting, it will be impossible to stop. If we cannot completely wipe out the Houjin Tartars, we will not be able to fight." Maybe rest, I have not told you about such a long time of preparation, I just told you officially today, not because I don’t trust you, but because I need to take care of everything. I went to the capital specifically to meet the emperor, just for the stability of Liaodong."

"There are still five days until the army is about to set off. Our first target is the Houjin Shui Division. Don't they have 5000 people? Well, we must wipe out all of these 5000 people. All the warships of the Houjinshui Division were blown into the sea. We don’t want to capture any warships. Our goal is to completely wipe out the Houjinshui Division, so that the Houjin Tatars can understand that they dared to use warships to invade and land on board. Zhou and Laizhou, then they will have to pay the cruelest price."

"Our second goal is to occupy Jinzhou, Fuzhou, Yongning, Xuancheng, Tieshan, Xuanzhou and other places. In these places, we will establish a solid line of defense to stabilize these places. Next, we will move towards Gaizhou step by step. State, Yaozhou, Haizhou and other places to attack, pointing directly at Shenyang, the capital of Later Jin."

"Our third target is Daishan stationed in North Korea and his Zhenghongqi Tartars. Didn't the Houjin brag that their Eight Banners are invincible under the heavens? Well, let's take a look at him. He is invincible under the heavens. How did you brag about it? We have occupied Xuanzhou, and Daishan will definitely lead an army to come for reinforcements. At this time, we will start a decisive battle with Daishan, completely annihilate his Zhenghong Banner, and turn the Eight Banners into Seven Banners."

"There are [-] brothers from the Jiangning camp stationed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou. This time, there are [-] brothers who are going to cross the Bohai Bay and wipe out the Houjin Tartars. These brothers must stick to it. In the occupied places, once we have established a firm foothold here, only [-] brothers will be left in Terengganu, Laizhou and Qingzhou."

"Now, I start the deployment plan."

The room quickly fell silent, and everyone restrained their excitement.

"During the expedition I led the Jiangning battalion, Bi Maokang was in charge of the affairs of Dengzhou, Laizhou, and Qingzhou. David was in charge of the affairs of the shipyard. Liu Yunqing, you must do your best to ensure that the people have enough food and clothing, as well as the supply of the army. We must consider how to build Jinzhou and other places well. This requires a lot of silver and materials. Please leave all of this to you .”

"Luo Chang led [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers and stationed in Qingzhou, Liu Shiliang led [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers and stationed in Laizhou, and Ma Huabiao led [-] soldiers and stationed in Dengzhou. The maintenance of public security in these places is all up to you. , there can be no mistakes."

"Sun Qian, Sun Han, Sun Yue, and Sun Zhihang, you have just arrived in Dengzhou, and you must get familiar with everything here as soon as possible. The Grand Master is my mentor, and he is also an immortal hero of my Ming Dynasty. I hope you To be able to continue the glory of Master Taishi, Sun Qian followed Luo Chang and stationed in Qingzhou, Sun Wei followed Liu Shiliang and stationed in Laizhou, Sun Yue followed Ma Huabiao and stationed in Dengzhou, and Sun Zhihang followed Bi Maokang and stationed in the Governor's Mansion. "

"Su Pingyang must do his best to assist Bi Maokang in handling matters related to the Governor's Office."

"Su Tianhao, Xu Jili, and Gu Xingsong, the three of you, do everything well in your respective places. You have special identities, and you must do things more prominently than others. If there are any problems in your places, I will not take it lightly. Forgive me."

"The rest, follow me."

"This time dispatched 4 warships, 3000 patrol boats, and [-] Haicang boats. The navy was divided into the front army and the middle army. Sun Chuanting led the front army, a total of [-] people, and was responsible for annihilating the Jinshui division. I lead the Chinese army, a total of [-] people."

"Qu Qingze, Liu Tiehan, Wang Dazhi and Yan Yingyuan followed me, and the rest were all in the front army."

"Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi, and Li Dingguo, you three have performed outstandingly since you entered the Jiangning camp, and you have been praised by your lords. This time, it is time for you to make meritorious deeds after the conquest of the Golden Tartars. You are all thousands of households. During the warship battle, you must be brave and make greater contributions. I discussed with Sun Chuanting that the three of you will be the forwards, led by He Renlong, and you will be at the forefront. Your performance is of great importance to the army. Say, it's important."

"The last thing I want to emphasize is that the naval battle is just the beginning. Our main battle is the land battle. After this expedition against the Golden Tartars, it will cost a lot. We must win a complete victory and thoroughly establish ourselves in Jinzhou, Xuanzhou and other places. In the next step, the navy will be divided into two parts, one part will be stationed in Dengzhou, and the other part will be stationed in Lushun. We must firmly control these places and approach Shenyang step by step."

"Sun Chuanting and Qu Qingze are almost busy with the preparations in the early stage. Next is the time for conquest. Remember, when we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. Nothing can stop the Jiangning camp, and nothing can stop us from moving forward. Our purpose is to exterminate the Houjin Tartars and make Houjin disappear completely."

"I don't want to say more about the confidentiality matters. If anyone dares to violate it and leak the news, you are the sinner of Daming and the Jiangning camp. Even if you have made great military achievements, you cannot offset your sins."

After the deployment, the wing room was unusually quiet.

Su Tiancheng also found out that Luo Chang, Liu Shiliang, Ma Huabiao and others who stayed in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingzhou were not in a good mood, and they must have wanted to fight, but when the order was issued, everyone had to obey it. Therefore, Su Tiancheng had seriously considered keeping these people. The three of them were a little too old. After years of tempering, they were mature and prudent. They were the best candidates to stay in Dengzhou and other places. (To be continued..)

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