Chen Xinjia led the army and began to attack Yizhou. For Huang Taiji and Fan Wencheng, this is great news. The person in charge of guarding Yizhou is Ma Guangyuan from the Zhenghuang Banner of the Han Eight Banners. Ma Guangyuan is stationed in full compliance with Huang Taiji's requirements. From Yizhou, as the new Gushan Ezhen of the Zhenghuang Banner, Ma Guangyuan is very uncomfortable with this kind of combat deployment that must be defeated. Unexpectedly, the first task is to defeat the battle, but Ma Guangyuan also understands that today's defeat is for tomorrow's victory.

The suspicions of Hauge and Azig completely disappeared when Chen Xinjia started to attack Yizhou.

The location of Yizhou is very special. Huang Taiji attaches great importance to this place. It is close to the Mongolian tribe. As a town where Houjin traded with the Mongolian tribe, it played a significant role. However, Yizhou’s strategic location is not good. During the battle, Because of the remoteness of the location, no matter whether it is offensive or defensive, or the garrison, it cannot play a decisive role in the battle, so it is managed as a commercial location. In the mutual market, there are abundant materials and a large transaction volume. Gradually, Yizhou was gradually forgotten because of the lack of commodities.For these reasons, Huang Taiji's emphasis on Yizhou has also been somewhat reduced. Most of the merchants in Houjin went directly to Anning Fort and Jingbian to trade.

When Huang Taiji was discussing with everyone, most people believed that Chen Xinjia would not attack Yizhou. After occupying Montenegro, he would directly attack Ningyuan. After Chen Xinjia captured Heishan, he continued to attack Yizhou, which was purely a waste of troops.It was a waste of time, but Fan Wencheng insisted that Chen Xinjia would definitely attack Yizhou, because Yizhou is close to Mongolia. Although the strategic location is not very important, it is likely to pose a threat to the Ming army's defense.Moreover, the Qing Dynasty could also mobilize the Mongolian Eight Banners to launch a surprise attack from behind the Ming army. Chen Xinjia must have thought of this aspect. Fan Wencheng believed that the most important "possibility" that Chen Xinjia had to attack Yizhou also came from the Ming emperor and the Ming army. Around the imperial court.

Fan Wencheng believes that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and the imperial court did not necessarily have a good understanding of the situation in Liaodong, for so many years.Because of the unstable situation in Liaodong, none of the Ming officials are willing to come to this place. Even the officials who come to take up positions are not willing to go deep into the front line. Under such circumstances, the understanding of several important military towns in Liaodong is biased. Plus the emperor and court of Ming Dynasty.It is generally believed that as long as the city can be occupied.Even if he has won a major victory, regardless of whether the occupied places are important or not, driven by this understanding, Chen Xinjia must occupy Yizhou. [

Of course, Fan Wencheng also varies from person to person.He compared Chen Xinjia and Su Tiancheng, and thought that if Su Tiancheng was leading the attack this time, the situation would be completely different, and the Qing Dynasty must fight with all its strength.Guarding every inch of the territory, if it is occupied by the army led by Su Tiancheng, and thinking of adopting strategies and tactics to lure the enemy to go deep, it may be shooting yourself in the foot.

From Huang Taiji's point of view, Fan Wencheng's analysis is very accurate and well-founded. From the perspective of Hauge and others, it is also convincing. It is precisely relying on Fan Wencheng's precise analysis that Huang Taiji determined to lure the enemy. In-depth strategic deployment.

After Chen Xinjia occupied Yizhou, the army stopped.

Huang Taiji convened Fan Wencheng, Haoge, Azige, and Gu Shan Ezhen of the Zhenghuang Banner, Xianghuang Banner, and Han Eight Banners to discuss together. This time, Huang Taiji was going to make a decision on the action of the army. Dorgon, I'm afraid he is also a little anxious.

This time, Hauge and Azig no longer mentioned that Chen Xinjia would stick to Heishan and Yizhou, but Hauge thought of another "possibility". During this time, Hauge and Fan Wencheng were together He has a lot of time, and Huang Taiji also intends to do this, let Haoge follow Fan Wencheng, learn to analyze many situations, learn to think, this kind of thinking is very important in the battle, Huang Taiji also understands the meaning, Haoge is the emperor The son of Tai Chi, who fought bravely and was likely to inherit the throne, so he also tried his best to teach Hauge his many analyzes.

Huang Taiji proposed that Chen Xinjia had captured Heishan and Yizhou, and the next task was to attack Guangning. At this time, the warriors of the Qing Dynasty must deal a devastating blow to the opponent, and the tactics of two-pronged attack should be implemented. Dorgon, located in Xipingbao, led an army of [-] to Dalinghe City. While attacking Dalinghe City, he built a solid line of defense. Dalinghe City cannot be captured quickly, and Heishan City and Yizhou must be recovered.

This combat deployment has been determined long ago, and there is no objection. The next task depends on the bravery of the warriors of the Qing Dynasty. On this point, Huang Taiji has absolute confidence, unless it is Jiangning battalion soldiers, As for the frontier army, it is impossible to compete with the Manchu Eight Banners.

After Huang Taiji deployed, Hauge was the first to speak.

"Your Majesty, I thought of a problem. I discussed it with Lord Fan. It involved Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying. Su Tiancheng is still the governor of Ji Liao. If Liao Dong launched such a big attack, could it be said that Su Tiancheng would be unmoved? According to the information detected by Mr. Fan, when Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty made an order, although Chen Xinjia was the governor of Liaodong, he also assisted Su Tiancheng. Now the Liaodong frontier army is launching an attack. attack, make other deployments, and how to deal with it.”

Huang Taiji was very happy when Hauge thought about such a problem. In fact, he and Fan Wencheng had been closely monitoring Su Tiancheng's actions. If Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion to kill him, it would indeed be difficult for the Qing Dynasty. Acceptable, this is also a problem that Huang Taiji must pay attention to, but he and Fan Wencheng have analyzed it. Judging from the current information, it is difficult for Su Tiancheng to "intervene" in the affairs of Liaodong.

"The question raised by Hauge is very crucial. Tell me about what actions Su Tiancheng might take."

"My main doubt is the time when the Ming army attacked. After Chen Xinjia led the army to occupy the city of Heishan, it was delayed for three days. Now that Yizhou has been captured, the attack has stopped again. I don't know if there will be a delay." How long will it take? Even though Master Fan has analyzed it, Chen Xinjia is still cautious, but I am worried that Chen Xinjia is waiting for the rest of the deployment of the Ming army, or waiting for Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning battalion to go to Liaodong."

Huang Taiji nodded and looked at Fan Wencheng.

Fan Wencheng was even more happy. In fact, after contacting Hauge during this period of time, he felt that although Hauge was a bit rough, he was still righteous and reasonable, which was very different from Azig. In essence, Han people are not excluded, and everything is based on the interests of the Qing Dynasty. In this respect, it has absorbed the advantages of Huang Taiji.

It is precisely because of this reason that Fan Wencheng specially reported to Huang Taiji, asking Hauge to put forward some opinions and suggestions in the process of discussing specific combat deployments in the future. The status among the nobles of the Manchus has a huge effect. Of course, Fan Wencheng will report the many questions raised by Hauge to Huang Taiji in advance, and Huang Taiji will make the final decision.

Huang Taiji's understanding is slowly changing, and he begins to focus on consolidating his power. Most of the methods he adopts are suggestions from Fan Wencheng. For example, in consolidating imperial power, he focuses on supporting many princes. The power of Shan, Dorgon and others, these measures are necessary in Fan Wencheng's view, but Huang Taiji didn't think this way before.

Fan Wencheng thought that he had achieved great success and put the Qing Dynasty on the track of normal development.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Prince Su's worries are very reasonable. This servant and Prince Su have analyzed it many times. If Su Tiancheng leads the Jiangning Camp to join the battle in Liaodong, Prince Rui will lead an army of [-] to attack Daling. Hecheng is a very dangerous move. The number of Ming troops stationed in Liaodong is quite large. In addition, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion have an advantage in numbers. army, but after Su Tiancheng participated, it is very likely that the Ming army will fight against our Qing warriors."

After Fan Wencheng finished speaking, Huang Taiji looked at the crowd, and the rest of them would not say anything. [

"Very well, I hope that you will analyze more in the future. Considering many aspects of the situation, I think the question raised by Hauge just now is well thought out. If such a situation occurs in our Qing Dynasty, we must I have considered it, but the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty did not have a big stomach. When he asked Su Tiancheng to leave Liaodong, he was worried that Su Tiancheng's power would be too great. Letting Chen Xinjia go to Liaodong was to dismantle Su Tiancheng's power. This is different from Chongzhen's self-destruction of the country. measures."

"Chen Xinjia led a large army to conquer. If he was defeated when he attacked Heishan and Yizhou, the Chongzhen Emperor might send Su Tiancheng back to Liaodong again to take charge of the overall situation. This would definitely be unfavorable for the Qing Dynasty. However, Chen Xinjia won battles and victories, captured the city of Heishan, and even played against Chongzhen. Doesn't this give Chongzhen great confidence? Under such circumstances, how could Chongzhen let Su Tiancheng continue to intervene in Liaodong's affairs? Unless Su Tiancheng wants to disobey the imperial decree."

"Analysed from this level, even though Su Tiancheng is thinking of 'intervening' in Liaodong's affairs, the possibility of 'interfering' in Liaodong's affairs is not very high. Don't worry, Su Tiancheng and Jiangning Yingfa participated in this attack. "

"The deployment of the battle remains unchanged. When the Ming army set off from Yizhou and was about to attack Guangning, Dorgon led the army and went straight to Dalinghe City, completely blocking the retreat route of the Ming army."

After Huang Taiji said these words, he looked at Hauge, nodded and smiled.

At this moment, Hauge suddenly understood something, looked at Fan Wencheng, and smiled on his face. (To be continued..)

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