Ming politicians

Chapter 843 Disastrous defeat

(Thanks to Donghai Yinhe for casting a valuable monthly ticket, and thank you for choosing to take the middle route, thank you.)

Yizhou is more than [-] miles away from Guangning. Yizhou, Guangning and Dalinghe City are in a triangular shape. Yizhou is farther away. Black Mountain is above the straight-line distance from Dalinghe City to Guangning. From this geographical location Looking at it, Chen Xinjia made the decision to station [-] frontier troops in Yizhou, which is actually unnecessary. Of course, as the battle unfolded, Chen Xinjia's prestige in the army was greatly affected by the continuous victory over Heishan and Yizhou. As long as it is possible, no one can refute the decision he made.

After the army set out from Yizhou on May [-], Chen Xinjia still considered that there might be a fierce battle in Guangning, but the fierce battle he thought was very different from his previous understanding. The ending means that the army will win the final victory, occupy Guangning, and drive the Houjin Tatars out of Liaodong. The army will face off against the Houjin Tartars across the Liaohe River.

Heishan and Yizhou were captured within half a month of the expedition. Chen Xinjia's confidence was highly inflated. This expansion was mainly manifested in the aspect of commanding operations. Qian Qianyi and Zu Dashou raised objections, and Chen Xinjia decisively sent the two They all stayed in Yizhou and led the army to set off by themselves. Under such circumstances, commanding the army is more calm.

The army's schedule is not fast. Chen Xinjia has asked the former army to be on strict guard and sent out scouts to continuously investigate the surrounding situation. His plan is to march on the [-]th and [-]th, with [-] miles a day, and launch an attack on Guangning City on the [-]th. Of course, there may be variables in this, that is to see if they will encounter the interception of the Houjin Tartars on the march, and a fierce battle will occur between the two sides.When such a situation occurs, the army will inevitably wipe out the Houjin Tartars along the road. [

The march on the first day went very smoothly, and Chen Xinjia, who went well, gained more confidence.

In Xu time, the army set up camp, and the former army and the Chinese army reunited.

Zu Dabi and Zu Dale entered the camp of the Chinese army.

Chen Xinjia had a smile on his face, after Zu Dabi and Zu Dale came in.Chen Xinjia spoke quickly.

"Zu Dabi, Zu Dale, today's march went very smoothly, let me tell you about your feelings and opinions."

Chen Xinjia, who was full of confidence, spoke differently, and called Zu Dabi, Zu Dale and others differently. This also showed that Chen Xinjia was already confident in controlling the army.

Zu Dabi is more cautious.Although he succeeded Zu Dashou and was in charge of directing specific combat attacks, he still maintained a steady personality. He looked at Zu Dale and didn't speak first.

As the person in charge of the former army, Zu Dashou was in charge of the investigation, and found no enemy situation, so he opened his mouth honestly.

"Marshal. The subordinates led the front army and scouted along the road. No enemy was found. Today's march went smoothly."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Zu Dabi's eyes. With such a good opportunity, Zu Dale could have said a few more words, but Zu Dale couldn't comprehend the meaning.

After Zu Dale finished speaking.Zu Dabi then spoke.

"Commander, my subordinates feel that after the two battles in Heishan and Yizhou, the army has shown great combat effectiveness, and the morale of the soldiers is high. This caught the Hou Jin Tartars off guard. The Hou Jin Tartars have always believed that the frontier army is weak. The Tartars underestimated the enemy, suffered from their own suffering, and lost Heishan and Yizhou. Now our army is setting out to attack Ningyuan. I vow to drive the Houjin Tartars out of Liaodong. I believe that with the wise command of the commander, the army will surely be invincible .”

After Zu Dabi finished speaking, the smile on Chen Xinjia's face became even brighter.

Zu Dale looked at Zu Dabi, he didn't seem to understand why Zu Dabi said that, these words seemed to be nonsense, why did he talk so much about marching and fighting, even if he wanted to flatter him, he would wait until Guangning was captured up.

"That's right. The army didn't encounter any interception from the Houjin Tartars along the way. This is a very good situation. The Houjin Tartars thought they were strong in combat and didn't pay attention to our army. They didn't know that the army even defeated Heishan and Yizhou. , this commander thinks that the Houjin Tartars are probably planning to encircle Shenyang."

At noon on May [-]th.

The army is only more than [-] miles away from Guangning.

Chen Xinjia was still thinking about how to deploy, how to attack Guangning, and when he captured Guangning City in one fell swoop, Tang Haitai hurried into the Chinese army tent, his face turned pale.

Qian Qianyi stayed in Yizhou, and Chen Xinjia's side was mainly Tang Haitai. Tang Haitai was responsible for uploading and issuing many things, including issuing some orders. Tang Haitai's actual identity was equivalent to the chief of staff. [

"Commander, the former army has discovered the Houjin Tartars, and they have already begun to fight."

"Oh, what's the situation, how many people are there in the Houjin Tartars?"

"The exact number is unknown. Zu Dale is leading the sergeant and is fighting hard. Judging from the intelligence, the battle situation is good. The former army has a certain advantage."

Chen Xinjia nodded. It would be strange if he couldn't meet the Houjin Tartars while marching all the way to Guangning. From Heishan to Yizhou, it would not be unusual if he couldn't meet the Houjin Tartars. Zhouzhou is not a strategic city, and the Houjin Tatars may not defend it with all their strength, but the situation in Guangning is different. This is the last stronghold of the Houjin Tatars east of the Liaohe River, and it cannot be easily lost.

In Chen Xinjia's heart, he was actually looking forward to an even more intense battle. If the Houjin Tartars launched a resistance in Guangning and at the same time sent a large army to attack Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, under such circumstances, Shenyang's guards would definitely be empty. In the current situation, the army under his command sent surprise troops to attack Shenyang after the capture of Guangning, which would definitely achieve results. Although Shenyang could not be captured, the shock caused to the Hou Jin Tartars was huge.

Chen Xinjia was not very clear about the military strength of the Houjin. Chen Xinjia did not believe the rumors that the Houjin Tartars numbered as many as 10. , These 12 people must be the elite troops of the Houjin Tartars. The Mongolian Eight Banners did not participate in this battle. Therefore, the strength of the Houjin Tartars will not be very large. When I made the deployment, I specially weakened it. The defense of Linghe City and Jinzhou City, such news must have spread. As for the changes that occurred later, the Houjin Tartars may not be very clear. Thinking differently, as the coach, he will choose the main offensive direction. In Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, as long as they occupy Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, the Ming army in Heishan, Yizhou and Guangning will be in great danger.

Analyzing from this angle, Chen Xinjia always believed that there would not be too many post-gold tartars that the army encountered.

Su Tiancheng went to the capital, found the emperor directly, and directly made suggestions on the defensive deployment of the Guan Ningjin defense line. At this time, Chen Xinjia admired Su Tiancheng and had the foresight. As far as the army is concerned, the defense is solid. The [-] frontier troops stationed in Heishan and Yizhou can also play an unusual role at critical moments.

After Tang Haitai reported, Chen Xinjia was not in a hurry, and even had a smile on his face.

"Tang Haitai, pay attention to the situation. Don't worry. The army has been conquering for more than half a month. If the Houjin Tatars don't make any resistance, it will be abnormal. We occupied Heishan and Yizhou and moved the defense line into More than a hundred miles away, under such circumstances, the Houjin Tartars must have made some moves. From now on, you must pay special attention to the information from Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City and other directions. According to my prediction, then There should be an Empress Jin Tartar appearing."

Tang Haitai seemed very surprised. He was not very clear about the real battle plan.

"Commander, if the Houjin Tartars attack Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, wouldn't they block the army's retreat route? Such a large army would be in great danger."

"Hehe, you don't need to worry. All of this is within my expectations. You have never participated in the formulation and deployment of the campaign. You don't know the situation very well. When I brought out the combat deployment, I have already considered this aspect. It's a matter, since it is a conquest by a large army, there must be danger. If the Hou Jin Tartars put all their important forces into the capture of Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, and they will face our army head-on, how much strength can they have? , unless you don’t want to protect Shenyang anymore.”

When Chen Xinjia said this, Tang Haitai suddenly realized.

In such a situation, there is no need to give more explanations. When the capital was in danger, all the armies belonged to King Qin and guarded the capital. No one would have noticed the guards in other places. The frontier troops on the Guan Ning Jin line of defense may all be transferred back to guard the capital, and the Houjin Tatars are naturally in the same situation. Heavy troops must first guard the capital. If Chen Xinjia deploys, the main force of the Houjin Tatars will be able to Calling out Shenyang, attacking Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City, and trying to take down the Guanning Jin defense line, this is indeed the best opportunity. After the army takes Guangning, they will take advantage of the situation to attack Shenyang, which will definitely cause panic among the post-gold tartars.

Tang Haitai never imagined that following Chen Xinjia's conquest would make such a great contribution. After more than half a month, Tang Haitai didn't feel any danger at all, and he always followed Chen Xinjia. Near the tent, there is no need to go to the battlefield in person, but the credit is far greater than that of the soldiers fighting on the front line.

"The commander-in-chief is wise, such far-sightedness is far beyond the reach of lower officials."

"Tang Haitai, don't be too self-effacing. You will have to face or experience these things in the future. When it is your turn to make decisions, you must consider that no matter how the situation changes, as long as the initial planning Thorough and comprehensive, you will be invincible in the end.”

Chen Xinjia had a smile on his face, and he was in a very good mood. He seemed to have seen that the army had captured Guangning. An elite force crossed the Liaohe River and aimed at Shenyang. The Golden Tatars panicked and mobilized troops from various places to guard Shenyang. , suffered a heavy blow from the army again. (To be continued..)

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