Ming politicians

Chapter 861 Huang Taiji's Comprehension

When Huang Taiji led the army to set off from Dalinghe City, he was full of confidence. After careful analysis and combined with the suggestions put forward by everyone, he finally found the best way to attack, as long as he directly attacked Shanhaiguan, triggering the Guan Ningjin line of defense. The shock forced the Ming army stationed in Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City, and Ningyuan City to come for reinforcements. Under such circumstances, he could lead an absolutely superior force to wipe out the Ming army, occupy Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City, and even Ningyuan City. The Guan Ning Jin line of defense that Daming had painstakingly managed was about to suffer a complete collapse.

However, attacking Shanhaiguan is not easy. The army can only attack from the front. Shanhaiguan has a tall wall, and the sergeant will definitely suffer a lot of casualties, but compared with the possible results, the casualties are worth it.

From Dalinghe City to Shanhaiguan, there are more than 440 miles, and it will take at least three days for the army to rush there. Because there are many sergeants under their leadership, Huang Taiji is not so worried. The soldiers set up an ambush, Da Ming didn't have such strength yet, he didn't have to worry about being attacked at all, he just marched with confidence.

Starting from Dalinghe City, it was already May 24th. In the blink of an eye, it has been almost a month since we left Shenyang, but the victory achieved this time is enough to make up for the regrets and depressions of these years. The great victory achieved this time, It had been many years, and Huang Taiji was in a very good mood. He even felt that Su Tiancheng was like that. If he had predicted the situation in Liaodong, why didn't he make corresponding deployments to see the Ming border army wiped out.

Huang Taiji has been thinking about this issue all the time, looking at the court of Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that Su Tiancheng is his opponent, and the rest are out of the question.There was something Huang Taiji didn't quite understand about Daming's disastrous defeat in Liaodong this time, so he wanted to ask Fan Wencheng.Let's see what Fan Wencheng thinks.

On the first day of the march, after dark, the army set up camp.

Fan Wencheng entered the account of the Chinese army.

"Wen Cheng, sit down, I've been thinking about a problem these days, let's see how Wen Cheng thinks about it."

"I don't know what question the emperor is thinking of. The servant must know everything."

"Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Camp have always been what I worry about the most. You know that Su Tiancheng is the governor of Jiliao. Su Tiancheng is still responsible for the defense of Liaodong. Now that there is such a big situation in Liaodong, can it be said that Su Tiancheng Is the achievement not expected, no matter how I think, I think it is unlikely."

Fan Wencheng spoke quickly.

"Your Majesty, this servant is also thinking about this matter, but there is one thing that this servant thinks must have been arranged by Su Tiancheng, that is, the sergeants guarding Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City. The information detected by this servant is that Chen Xinjia arranged for the frontier troops at the time." There are not many troops waiting for Dalinghe City and Jinzhou City. Moreover, Qian Qianyi is the commander in charge of the Guanning Jin defense line, but judging from the current situation, this arrangement has undergone great changes. In the face of difficulties, Prince Rui encountered stubborn resistance, from this aspect, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng not to intervene in Liaodong's affairs."

"Well, it makes sense. But why didn't Su Tiancheng make other arrangements?"

"The slave thinks that the problem lies with the Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty has always been on guard against the ministers, preventing the ministers from gaining too much power and threatening the imperial power. Under such circumstances, if Su Tiancheng Thinking of meddling in Liaodong's affairs, not only would Chongzhen be unhappy, but Chen Xinjia would also have opinions, and there was nothing Su Tiancheng could do about it."

Huang Taiji let out a long sigh.

"Wen Cheng, over the years, you have told me a lot of truths, especially about the imperial power. I have thought a lot about it. There are some things that I really need to pay attention to, but I can't pay too much attention to them. Otherwise, Chongzhen and Chongzhen will What's the difference? I'm not like Chongzhen, who always stands high and keeps a certain distance from the ministers to prevent the ministers from having too much power. I have to try my best to deal with it. You have to act according to the emperor's face, see if the emperor is in a good mood, and then decide whether to say these words or not. Under such circumstances, what kind of situation will arise? The emperor and the ministers have to rely on speculation to guess What the other party thinks, what does it do, relying on guesswork to grasp the situation, isn't it a big joke, such guesses, there will definitely be problems, and if they don't know each other, mistakes will definitely appear."

"If it's just that, there won't be too many problems. The most terrible thing is that some villains take advantage of this opportunity to tell lies, harm the court, and even destroy the dynasty. Why have there been so many treacherous officials for thousands of years? , I think that those emperors are so superior, they are unwilling to communicate with ministers, and they regard ministers as scourges, and they must be on guard at all times. Under such circumstances, it is a strange thing to be able to lead the country well."

"I won't do this. My ministers can talk to me face to face, and even quarrel with me. They can say whatever they want, even if they want officials and power, as long as they give a suitable reason, I can do the same." Promise, so that my ministers understand me, and I understand them, there will be no barriers between them, and there will be no room for treacherous people around me, Wen Cheng, don't you think so?"

Sweat dripped from Fan Wencheng's forehead. Huang Taiji's words had too profound meaning. To him, it might not be a kind of vigilance. In fact, Huang Taiji knew a lot of things, but he didn't say it out loud. Taiji grasped the thoughts of many ministers, and also knew the character of most of them. It is no wonder that after experiencing so much wind and rain, there is something that Huang Taiji can't understand.

"The emperor's words are too correct. The servant has learned the lesson. The servant knows that the Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty didn't know the situation below. In fact, Chongzhen didn't understand the attack on Liaodong this time. He listened to the minister's bragging and did it. The decision led to a disastrous defeat. The slaves thought that this situation in the Ming court would continue. There were many ministers in the Ming Dynasty, and not many could see Chongzhen. Those who really knew the situation could not see Chongzhen, such as those in Liaodong. General, as long as this situation continues for a long time, Ming Dynasty will naturally decline and collapse."

"That's right. Chongzhen often feels that there are no ministers and capable people around him. Isn't this strange? Compared with my Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty has far more talents. This is because Chongzhen can't employ people. Wen Cheng , you are my humerus minister, I value you very much, I hope you will give me more opinions in the future."

"The slave complies with the order, the slave is heartbroken, and serves the emperor."

"Okay, after talking about so many things just now, let's talk about this Su Tiancheng. After so many years, I have always been annoyed by this Su Tiancheng. I have thought of many ways to deal with this Su Tiancheng, but there is not much effect. If I win Dalinghe City, Jinzhou City, or even Ningyuan City this time, I'm afraid I'll have to think about how to deal with Su Tiancheng. After suffering such a disastrous defeat, Chongzhen must use Su Tiancheng."

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that the opportunity has come."

"Oh, tell me why the opportunity came."

"The Emperor destroyed Daming's Guanning brocade line of defense. Su Tiancheng has great abilities. I'm afraid he won't be able to change the situation in Liaodong in a short time. But Chongzhen doesn't think so. Su Tiancheng has won so many victories." Chongzhen must think that as long as Su Tiancheng comes forward, all problems will be solved. Under such circumstances, Chongzhen and the court of Ming Dynasty will urge Su Tiancheng to change the situation in Liaodong as soon as possible. Risking their lives to attack the city, our Qing warriors defended the city and dispatched a large army to start a decisive battle with Su Tiancheng, making Su Tiancheng unable to change the situation in Liaodong. After a long time, Chongzhen will definitely blame Su Tiancheng. Under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng will lose Wouldn't it be a catastrophe to encounter the court's suspicion without support?"

"Well said, the bitter wine brewed by Chongzhen himself needs Su Tiancheng to drink it. Su Tiancheng can't show his teeth, otherwise there will be a big disaster. Before, I always thought about how to deal with Su Tiancheng. Tian Cheng, in fact, I was thinking too much, and just waited and watched. Every once in a while, Chongzhen would make big or small mistakes. These mistakes almost all need to be solved by Su Tiancheng. Some problems, Su Tiancheng can solve, naturally Gaining the trust of Chongzhen, there are some problems that Su Tiancheng cannot solve, I am afraid that he will not be trusted, and there are so many opportunities like this, I don't need to deal with Su Tiancheng specially."

"The slave thinks that this is indeed the case. Chongzhen has great ambitions and few talents, and he just wants to change the situation of Ming Dynasty's decline, but he can't fully trust the ministers below. Problems will inevitably arise."

After coming out of the Chinese military tent, Fan Wencheng breathed a sigh of relief. He already understood what Huang Taiji meant. Huang Taiji is worthy of being a generation of kings. He already knew his own thoughts. Huang Taiji accepted these viewpoints, otherwise he would not have abolished the affairs of the four major Baylors jointly acting as the acting government, but Huang Taiji is much superior to Chongzhen. On the one hand, he strengthened and stabilized the imperial power, on the other hand, he trusted his ministers, With such a broad mind and such wisdom, how could the Qing Dynasty not grow stronger quickly.

Fan Wencheng also knew that he needed to pay attention all the time, because he had always wanted to be loyal to Huang Taiji. The relationship between brothers, nephews and nephews should not be taken to deal with certain princes and county kings by means of abnormal means just because of consolidating the imperial power. It is not that Huang Taiji does not do these things, but does not need outsiders to remind him. After all, this is not Glorious thing. (To be continued..)

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