Ming politicians

Chapter 873 Separate Emphasis

When He Renlong entered the wing room, he looked full of confidence. Not only the rogues knew the name of He Crazy, but even the Houjin Tartars knew it. This time, He Renlong was desperate to attack from Dengzhou. Especially when attacking Lushun, after the city was broken, they were the first to rush into the city.

This time, he will follow Su Tiancheng and become the vanguard to attack the Golden Tartars behind Dai Shanzheng's red flag. This is a great honor. However, in the Jiangning camp, He Renlong is still modest. There are too many powerful people in the Jiangning camp Needless to say, Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting, and Qu Qingze, the three are also He Renlong's immediate superiors, let alone Liu Tiehan, Di Huaixiang, Qin Rui, Ma Xianglin, Wang Dazhi, etc., all of whom should not be underestimated. People's qualifications in Jiangning camp are also extraordinary.

He Renlong is completely convinced of the Jiangning Camp. On the one hand, it is because of the record of the Jiangning Camp. On the other hand, it is because the Jiangning Camp can accommodate all rivers and rivers. In terms of these middle forces, Liu Tiehan used to be a bandit. After joining the Jiangning Camp, he led scouts for a long time. They have developed extraordinary skills. Di Huaixiang and Qin Rui stood out from the Jiangning battalion in the martial arts competition. They came from the lowest ranks of sergeants. The Tujia generals were entrusted with heavy responsibilities by Su Tiancheng, and they often served as the vanguard in battles. If these people were placed in other places, they would not have a bright future, but they were able to succeed in the Jiangning camp, and they could be alone.

In addition, there are Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo. When Su Tiancheng was about to recruit the three of them, He Renlong was also terrified. You must know that the three of them are Zhang Xianzhong's adopted sons. They are like time bombs, revenge for killing their father. If they don't live together, isn't Su Tiancheng causing trouble for himself?Unexpectedly, after the three of them entered the Jiangning Camp, not long after, they completely returned to their hearts, and fought bravely on the battlefield, showing their military talents, and they became the rising stars of the Jiangning Camp.

all of these.It was all due to Su Tiancheng. Without Su Tiancheng's generosity and talent, these people would not have achieved their current achievements. After a few years, He Renlong also understood that the Jiangning Camp belonged to Su Tiancheng. It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to take it away.

He Renlong attributed himself to Su Tiancheng's confidant long ago, so he put it bluntly.He may not necessarily obey the imperial edicts issued by the imperial court, but the orders issued by Su Tiancheng will be broken through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

"My lord, I'm coming down."

"He Renlong, sit down, you have performed well in these few conquests. In particular, you have been able to coordinate macroscopically, which is a great improvement. The progress of Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo has a lot to do with you Relationship."

"It's all the result of the cultivation of the adults, and the subordinates dare not be greedy for credit."

"Hehe, your nickname is Madman He, why have you become shy?"

"In front of the adults, the subordinates still have to be cautious. The adults have clever calculations, and the subordinates can build military exploits."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly. The outside world always thought that He Renlong must be careless, but it was not.He Renlong is different from Liu Tiehan and others. After all, he was a Wu Jinshi in the Wanli period. He has good knowledge and used to hang out in the officialdom. Such a talent must be able to use it and make him feel that he is being valued. , let the general environment affect him. If such a person is used well, he can become a force to rely on completely.

"He Renlong, this time to attack Daishan's Zhenghongqi, you lead [-] soldiers. As the vanguard, it can be said that you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. If the vanguard can make a breakthrough, the army will be able to wipe out the Zhenghongqi Tartars as quickly as possible. So, I specifically found you and emphasized it face to face."

"The subordinates respectfully follow the teachings of the adults."

"He Renlong, you are a martial arts scholar in the Wanli period. You can be said to be both civil and military, so my requirements for you are also different. You are brave in battle and fearless of death. This is worthy of recognition, but only doing this One point is far from enough. You used to serve under Hong Chengchou's command, and you can be regarded as independently commanding an army. Commanding operations requires both wisdom and courage. I won't say this, but you are also clear. In terms of combat, I have made great progress, so I often entrust you with some important combat tasks, and you have done a good job, which is worthy of praise."

He Renlong stood upright. In terms of age, He Renlong was much older than Su Tiancheng, but in front of Su Tiancheng, he was very well-behaved. This was because of Su Tiancheng's strategy. It is said that among all the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty, no one can compare with Su Tiancheng in terms of commanding operations and building places.

"This encirclement and suppression of Daishan's Zhenghong Banner is of great significance. This is a confrontation between our Jiangning Battalion and the Houjin Tartars. The last time we recaptured Dalinghe City, we mainly encircled and suppressed the Han army, the Han army led by Kong Youde. This kind of victory doesn't mean much, it's nothing more than defeating the Jin army after surrendering, but this time it's different. The heavy blow of the Hou Jin Tartars also foretells the shattering of the myth that the Hou Jin Tartars are invincible."

"The combat effectiveness of the Houjin Tatars cannot be underestimated. Their greatest specialty lies in cavalry field battles and tenacious persistence. Although they have suffered heavy losses, they are still able to persist, especially when they are full of eight banners. After experiencing brutal fighting, many times they turned defeat into victory under the most unfavorable circumstances, which gave them great confidence. Therefore, as the vanguard of the Jiangning Camp, you must fully perform in this expedition. Come out fiercely, to completely defeat the confidence of the Houjin Tartars, not only to eliminate them physically, but also to defeat them mentally. If you do this, you will win all, and you will have completed it well Pioneer mission."

"The Golden Tatars behind Zhenghong Banner led by Daishan also have 2 people, and 2 people are used against 2 people. Only the Jiangning Camp dares to make such an arrangement. The [-] soldiers led by Hong Chengchou will fight against you When you attack at a critical moment, the Houjin Tatars have sufficient self-confidence, so when you fight with our Jiangning battalion, you will not take the initiative to retreat in a short period of time. This is your advantage. Even thinking about withdrawing, it’s not that easy.”

When he said this, arrogance appeared on Su Tiancheng's face, as if he had completely controlled the campaign to encircle and suppress Dai Shanzheng's red flag.

Seeing Su Tiancheng's expression, He Renlong was very excited. He felt that as long as Su Tiancheng showed such an expression, it meant that this battle could be completely won.

Liu Wenxiu, Ai Nengqi and Li Dingguo entered the wing at the same time.

After the three came in, Su Tiancheng got straight to the point.

"The three of you are all in the vanguard team, and you are important generals trusted by He Renlong. This battle is of great significance. With [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers, against the [-] Tartars of the Daishanzheng Red Banner, to put it bluntly, this is also This is the best opportunity for you to make contributions. Starting from Lushun’s attack, you have proved your abilities. This is something that makes me happy. You have lived up to my expectations. You must know that your status is special. When you entered the Jiangning Camp , many people are against it.”

"My request to you is very simple. Obey the command and fight the enemy bravely. There is nothing remarkable about the post-gold tartars. They are not invincible. Facing the post-gold tartars is the time for you to truly show your abilities."

"A few days ago, I have always wanted to have a good talk with you, but after thinking about it, I don't think there is such a need. You used to follow Zhang Xianzhong, and you are Zhang Xianzhong's adopted son. You fought against the Ming army on the battlefield. The performance was so brave that I have heard of your reputation, but that is all in the past. The so-called everyone is their own master. Your performance at that time cannot represent the present, your courageous fighting at that time , is also a normal thing.”

"Since you joined the Jiangning camp, you have changed a lot. I know that you have been puzzled and thought about your own situation. You don't even know how to choose, but I am very pleased with your final choice. .”

"I didn't say this before because I felt that you have completely changed your understanding. I said this to you today to remind you that a fierce battle is coming soon. This is probably a fierce battle that you have never experienced before."

. . .

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. Prepare well. I hope you can make great achievements. After this fight, you will be fully integrated into the Jiangning Camp."

The last one to enter the wing room was Yan Yingyuan.

Facing Yan Yingyuan, Su Tiancheng's attitude was different. Yan Yingyuan was born as a scholar, so he was somewhat different from the previous ones. Besides, Yan Yingyuan's main task this time was to stay in Fuzhou with Qu Qingze.

"Yan Yingyuan, the task of staying in Fuzhou is very heavy. You assist Qu Qingze and do your best. Don't be afraid of any mistakes in the analysis. When it is time to discuss, you must discuss it seriously. When you have to persist, you must also Persist, but the most important thing is to obey when it is time to obey."

Everything was arranged, and all those who should be alone were talked.

Su Tiancheng has already prepared a table of good banquets, and he is waiting for Daishan to come. Of course, this table of banquets cannot do without Duoduo, Jierhalang and others, and they are also the people attending the banquet. After Jin Hehe is a famous character, so this time, everything seems so exciting.

Su Tiancheng was eager to win, and he did not turn back when he opened his bow. Now that he has reached this point, the next step is to take every step of the way, through every battle and fight, weaken Hou Jin's power, and let Huang Taiji really feel the pain of his skin. (To be continued..)

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