Ming politicians

Chapter 877 Fan Wencheng's Wisdom

() Jierhalang will not ignore matters involving conquests. Fighting a war is not something you talk about casually. It involves the lives of many soldiers. What you are facing is the Jiangning camp and Huang Taiji is always It has been emphasized that if the most elite army of the Ming Dynasty is a little careless when commanding operations, it may cause heavy casualties.

"Master Fan, your analysis is really good, I admire it very much, then tell me how to destroy the Jiangning camp when the army arrives in Xuanzhou."

Fan Wencheng said so much earlier, obviously he wanted to win the relationship. Under such circumstances, Jierhalang didn't need to be overly polite, as long as Fan Wencheng was willing to help him sincerely, even when necessary It is not a problem to protect Fan Wencheng. Besides, with Fan Wencheng's wisdom, if he wants to gain a foothold in the Qing Dynasty, it will not be a big problem. Even if Huang Taiji dies, the Qing Dynasty will also Such talents are needed.

"My lord, this servant thinks that after arriving in Xuanzhou, the army can take a defensive position for the time being and not take the initiative to attack. What this servant said is definitely not asking the prince to passively defend. The original intention of the emperor is to ask the two armies of the prince and Prince Li to work together to wipe out The sergeants of the Jiangning camp stationed in Xuanzhou, but the emperor did not further clarify who the commanders of the two armies are. This means that the prince and Prince Li are required to launch their own attacks. The direction of the island is to attack Xuanzhou, and the prince is to attack Xuanzhou from the direction of Tieshan, one from the front and the other from the side, so that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion stationed in Xuanzhou cannot take care of both ends, and must try their best to deal with all the way. Army, under such circumstances, fighter planes can emerge."

Jierhalang had already memorized the terrain in the direction of Xuanzhou. When Fan Wencheng said this, Jierhalang outlined the general intention of the battle in his mind.

Jierharan nodded slightly.

"Lord Fan, what do you mean? Prince Li will definitely launch an attack from the direction of Sumeru Island. Even if I contact Prince Li and take Tieshan as the frontal direction of attack, I am afraid that Prince Li will not agree. I will attack first, and under such circumstances, I might as well take a defensive position. After Prince Li and the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion have a full-scale fight, I will launch an attack from behind and completely disrupt the deployment of the Jiangning battalion. Is that what you mean?"

"That's exactly what the slave thinks."

"The idea is good, but there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to. Isn't the Jiangning camp prepared for us to send reinforcements?"

"What the lord said is true. I have thought about this issue, but I think that there are only [-] sergeants from the Jiangning Battalion stationed in Xuanzhou. Even if they have outstanding combat effectiveness, their strength is always insufficient. Once they fight against Prince Li's army, whether they have an advantage or are unable to resist, they will choose to escape from the sea route, or retreat to Phi Island. Mao Wenlong insisted on Phi Island for many years, and the sergeant of Jiangning Battalion I believe that they can also persist. Under such circumstances, our army lacks warships, and I am afraid that we will not be able to wipe them out for a while."

"I understand what you mean. That is to say, let go of the front. As long as the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion break through from the front, we don't need to worry. It is to prevent the Jiangning Battalion from escaping from the sea. In this way, our army needs to bypass Iron Mountain , rushed to the outskirts of Phi Island. Blocked the escape route of the Jiangning battalion from the sea."

"That's right, Prince Li's attack from the direction of Sumeru Island has already blocked a route for the Jiangning camp to escape from the sea. The prince launched an attack from the periphery of Pi Island, so the soldiers of the Jiangning camp can only flee from the direction of Tieshan. They were far from the sea, and they had no chance of escape."

Ji Erhalang nodded, and waved his hand to signal the soldiers to bring the map immediately.

After the map was rolled out, Jierhalang carefully looked at the map. Sumeru Island, Xuanzhou, Tieshan and Pidao are a quadrilateral shape, and Xuanzhou is still a certain distance from Pidao. That is to say, the army If you bypass Pidao from Tieshan, you will appear completely behind Xuanzhou, which can completely block the escape route of Jiangningying soldiers from the sea, but if you do this, it is tantamount to letting go of Tieshan, Jiangningying soldiers You can break out of the siege along Tieshan in several directions towards Xuancheng, Xiuyan and Fuzhou.

These are two options, each with advantages and disadvantages, but the premise is that it is expected that the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion may escape from the direction of Phi Island.

The stakes in this gamble were a bit high, and Jierhalang hesitated.

Soon, Ji Erhalang came to his senses. He had been in Shenyang for a long time, and he had been in contact with Fan Wencheng for a long time. In front of Huang Taiji, Fan Wencheng would not give so many choices, and he often expressed his meaning very much. It is very clear, you can say what you want, you will never be ambiguous, and you will not make such a dilemma. War is different from child's play. It is impossible to become out of control because of the failure of a certain bet. Before starting, it is necessary to consider many possibilities and make the most favorable choice.

"Lord Fan, this is a bit difficult to explain. If the sergeant of the Jiangning Camp is besieged from the direction of Phi Island, if the sergeant of the Jiangning Camp flees from the direction of Tieshan and then goes to Xuancheng or the direction of Fuzhou, and the Jiangning Camp in Fuzhou The sergeant is back, have we lost a great opportunity? If we attack from the direction of Tieshan, if the Jiangning battalion flees from the direction of Phi Island, it will be difficult to wipe out the vitality of the Jiangning battalion. I think the two options have their own advantages. Pros and cons."

At this time, Fan Wencheng saluted Ji Erhalang.

"My lord, the slave has made a lot of analysis, and how to make a decision in the end, please think twice, the slave does not dare to overstep and make any decisions. The lord is wise, and he must understand the difficulties of the slave."

Ji Erhalang nodded. He finally understood Fan Wencheng's real intention. This is the importance of showing intelligence, or the judgment based on intelligence is important for the army's actions.

For the past two days, Jierhalang hadn't talked to Fan Wencheng, that is, he kept Fan Wencheng's think tank and was unwilling to use it. This was Fan Wencheng's reminder to himself, and it was also a way to make positive connections.

"Master Fan, I don't know what information you have, tell me and listen."

"My lord, for the past two days, the slave has been paying attention to the information about Xuanzhou and Pyongyang, including some information about Fuzhou, but there has been no new news, and the slave can't help but feel a little worried. It is said that the army of the Qing Dynasty is dispatched. , Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Camp should take some action, and they will never sit idly by. This is not in line with Su Tiancheng's habit. The slaves have obtained information from Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places. After the Jiangning Camp occupied these places, Qiu has no This is obviously to win people's hearts. It means that Su Tiancheng wants to occupy these places for a long time and will not retreat easily. In this case, Su Tiancheng must make arrangements for the army to conquer. If there is no arrangement, it is the most dangerous thing. "

Jierharang's expression also became serious.

"Tell me about your analysis and why this happened."

"The servant believes that there are two possibilities. One possibility is that Su Tiancheng blocked the information, so that the personnel stationed in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou cannot get the information, so there is nothing to report. The other possibility is It means that Su Tiancheng has already made preparations and has a way to meet the army, no matter whether it is possible, it is not good news for the Qing Dynasty."

"Well, the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion is also well known, and it is precisely because of this that the emperor attaches great importance to the Jiangning Battalion and sent a [-] army to deal with [-] Jiangning Battalion sergeants. This is an unprecedented thing. During this time, you I haven't received any information about the Jiangning Battalion, so according to my estimation, I'm afraid Su Tiancheng has already made preparations. In the mainland of Ming Dynasty, the Jiangning Battalion has experienced many battles, so it is impossible not to make any preparations."

"What the lord said is that the slave also thinks so. Therefore, the two options just mentioned by the lord, the slave thinks that it is more reasonable to attack from the direction of Tieshan. In this way, although the sergeant of the Jiangning battalion is defeated, it is very likely. Flee directly from the direction of Phi Island, but once the Jiangning battalion leaves Xuanzhou, it will herald their failure. If two groups of Jiangning battalion sergeants are allowed to meet in Fuzhou, or the Jiangning battalion sergeants in Xuanzhou pass through Tieshan and go to When Fuzhou encountered the army led by Prince Yu, it is difficult to say what would happen, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou formed a cooperation from inside to outside, and put a lot of pressure on Prince Yu."

After Fan Wencheng finished speaking, he saluted Jierhalang again.

"My lord, that's all the slave can say. The slave can't interfere with the prince's decision. Before leaving, the emperor repeatedly told the slave that he must do his best to advise the prince. The slave also thinks and does the same. , The servant has never fought an enemy before, and what he said was only on paper, and he would never dare to compare with the prince.

Ji Erhalang nodded with a smile, Fan Wencheng finally said what he should say.

If Fan Wencheng's attitude is in front of Daishan, Dorgon and others, it will definitely attract disgust. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly. It can be said that in Shenyang for a long time, Jierhalang's understanding is more complicated, and he agrees with this kind of performance. Having said that, Jierhalang spoke in front of Huang Taiji. Seriously.

"Lord Fan, I understand what you mean. In the future, in the process of conquest, if you have any considerations, just tell me directly. Your whole heart is for the Qing Dynasty. The emperor sees it, and I understand it too. . . ”

A smile appeared on Fan Wencheng's face, he finally achieved his goal. (to be continued...)

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