Ming politicians

Chapter 879 Showdown

Getting off the small wooden boat and walking on the soft sand, Su Tiancheng had a very strange feeling. Several years later, Sumeru Island belonged to North Korea. It is also the largest island in North Korea at the mouth of the Yalu River, with an area of ​​more than 50 square kilometers. , but the current Sumeru Island belongs to the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and in Su Tiancheng's heart, it will also be the permanent territory of the Ming Dynasty.

There are not many residents on Sumeru Island. After Houjin occupied this place, because of the brutal suppression and the poor environment on Sumeru Island, they could not live well, so many of the original residents were forced to move out. It also enabled the army to reach Sumeru Island smoothly, and to maintain maximum secrecy.

Sumeru Island is not the place where the army will finally ambush. Daishan's army will pass in the direction of Sumeru Island and will not come to Sumeru Island. The place where the army ambush is more than [-] miles north of Sumeru Island. At this time, Liu Tiehan has led the scouts to finalize the location of the ambush, and the army will not come to Sumeru Island, so as not to delay the time for the warship formation to advance.

Hong Chengchou, who accompanied Su Tiancheng to Sumeru Island, was a little strange. He didn't know why Su Tiancheng came to this little-known island. Ordinarily, at this time, the main task of the army was to rush to the place where the ambush was set.

Su Tiancheng looked at the formation of warships parked in the distance, and spoke slowly.

"Lord Hong, you still remember the battle of Dingmao."

"Remember, in the seventh year of the apocalypse, Amin and Jierhalang led the Houjin Tatars to break through Iron Mountain, and then attacked Sumeru Island. Mao Wenlong, who was stationed on Phi Island, led an army to face the Houjin Tatars on Sumeru Island. Son, three battles and three victories."

"Yes, history is repeating itself now, but the direction is reversed. We set off from Dengzhou. We won Lushun, Fuzhou, Xuanzhou and other places. It was the turn of the Houjin Tartars to worry. There was a problem in their rear. Yes, so I thought about protecting these places and destroying us completely. In the seventh year of the apocalypse, Amin and Jierhalang came here to conquer. More than ten years have passed, things have changed, and Jierha Lang came here again to fight with us, don’t they understand that this is the grave of their descendant Jin Tartars.”

Hong Chengchou nodded, he vaguely understood why Su Tiancheng came to Sumeru Island to have a look.Perhaps it is to verify a certain feeling, or to find some kind of self-confidence here.

"Lord Hong, you have been in Liaodong for several years, especially after experiencing the disastrous defeat in Liaodong this time. It can be said that you hate the Houjin Tartars. I often say that in terms of strategy, we must despise the Houjin Tartars. But in terms of tactics, we must attach great importance to the post-gold tartars. To put it bluntly, in the next few years, the post-gold tartars will be our main opponent. Fighting in such an environment, the Houjin Tartars have extraordinary bravery. They have grown from weak to strong, step by step. During this process, they have cultivated many outstanding warriors, Huang Taiji, Daishan, Dole Dagon, Duoduo, Haoge, Azig, and Jierharang are all representative figures. On the other hand, in our Ming Dynasty, because of the long period of peace, because there has been no conquest for a long time, and because of civil strife, it is difficult to emerge truly outstanding warriors. "

Hong Chengchou was a little surprised, wondering why Su Tiancheng would say that.

"Your Excellency, I have a different opinion. If you want to say that the Houjin Tartars are brave, I will admit it. After all, in Liaodong, the Houjin Tartars have just won a big victory. I think that no matter whether it is Huang Taiji or others, they cannot be compared with your lord, and the Houjin Tartars will definitely perish in your hands."

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. We can't underestimate the Golden Tatars. To be honest, Chen Xinjia's deployment in Liaodong is not a big problem, nor is it outrageously wrong. If his deployment arrangement is strong enough for the frontier army, It is completely feasible, as long as you are fully prepared, it is a pity that Chen Xinjia could not face up to the strength of the Houjin Tartars and refused to admit the shortcomings of the frontier army, which led to a disastrous defeat. Instead, I went to Liaodong to command In this battle, in terms of deployment, there will not be a big difference from Chen Xinjia, but I have sufficient confidence that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion will not show any flaws when they face the Houjin Tartars. I can also confidently say that , the Jiangning Camp can completely defeat the Empress Jin Tartars."

Hong Chengchou's body trembled slightly. When he was in Liaodong, he didn't think so. It's a pity that Chen Xinjia rejected the Jiangning camp and blindly used the frontier army, which caused the Jiangning camp to lose the best chance to strangle the queen.

"Lord Hong, I took you to Sumeru Island to let you remember that after this battle, the Jiangning Camp will become a much-anticipated army, and among the generals of the Jiangning Camp, there will be a group of truly dazzling soldiers. The outstanding generals, including you, will truly be noticed by everyone, how to prove the excellence of an army is to defeat another army that everyone thinks is powerful, only in this way can people be truly awe-inspiring."

"It's not easy to be a good person. He emerged when he was young, became an important general of the Houjin, and became Nurhachi's right-hand man. When he was in his 20s, he led three thousand Jin Tartars and defeated more than ten thousand Ula troops. Demonstrated extraordinary military talent. In the 46th year of Wanli, the role of Daishan reached its peak. Nurhachi published the Seven Great Hatreds and vowed to attack my Ming Dynasty. Because the army set off and encountered heavy rain, Nurhachi was about to retreat. At the critical moment, Daishan stood up , The main force is to overcome all difficulties and attack Fushun. I will not say more about the result of that battle. The battle of Saerhu in Wanli 47 years. At that time, Nurhachi was old and rarely went into battle in person. The Golden Tatars fought, and it was this Daishan, the battle of Sarhu, which changed the confrontational situation between me, Da Ming, and the Houjin Tatars, and made the Houjin truly stronger."

"If his descendant Shan Shan hadn't been involved in some political struggles, he would have played a more important role. Although he encountered many suspicions and twists and turns, Dai Shan still showed sufficient wisdom. Dabeile, Daishan is the leader and the one who is most likely to inherit the position of Great Khan, but Daishan recommended Huang Taiji, from this point of view, Daishan has the foresight.”

"The several times that the Houjin Tatars entered the customs had a lot to do with Daishan. It was those few times that the Houjin Tatars entered the customs and plundered a lot of wealth and the people of our Ming Dynasty, which made the development of the Houjin fast. Faster."

"Nowadays, Daishan is a little older, retired after a successful career, and rarely intervenes in the affairs of the royal family. He seems to be wise and safe. This is also his cleverness. According to Daishan's prominent status, if he intervenes in the battles of the royal family , I’m afraid I’ve already been reviled.”

Hong Chengchou nodded. He is also clear about these things about Daishan. In Qu Qingze's situation analysis, he talked about this aspect in detail, mainly introducing all the situations of Daishan, including the unique advantages of Daishan. I don't know what Su Tiancheng's purpose is when he said this here today.

"Master Hong, today I mentioned Daishan here. Maybe you will feel strange. Many officers know about these situations. Why do I have to repeat them? In fact, I think about these situations every day, so I infer that Daishan Shanzai will make a choice in the fight with us."

"I don't know if you've noticed. In many battles, Daishan charged at the front line, personally leading the army, even disregarding his own safety. This style is very morale-boosting, even at Daishan's age. He is getting older, but this tough style will not change. Therefore, in the process of fighting, even if he encounters an unfavorable situation, Daishan will still charge at the forefront. At his age, if he can do this A little bit, how will it boost the morale of the sergeants."

"The Xuanzhou area is mountainous and there are not many flat places. To a large extent, this limits the role of the artillery. When we attacked Dalinghe City, the artillery played a decisive role. But in this battle, the artillery did not It is likely to play a decisive role, and it is our soldiers who really want to wipe out the Zhenghong Banner of Daishan."

"This time to wipe out Zhenghongqi, you and I, as the commander, must go to the front line in person, and when necessary, we must go to the battle to kill the enemy. We recognize the bravery of the Houjin Tartars, but we must highlight our own abilities. We must win Confidence."

After Su Tiancheng said so much, Hong Chengchou kept nodding his head, but when it came to killing the enemy in battle, Hong Chengchou immediately spoke.

"My lord, it is the duty of the subordinate officials to go into battle and kill the enemy. Your lord is the commander-in-chief of the whole army, not commanding the battle in Xuanzhou. Sun Chuanting who is stationed in Xuanzhou, and Qu Qingze who is stationed in Fuzhou must obey your command, so My lord, you must not go into danger yourself, it is for the subordinate officials to command the army to kill the enemy, and the subordinate officials will definitely lead the soldiers to charge."

Su Tiancheng shook his head, his face still serious.

"Master Hong, you and I have worked together to wipe out the bandits. After so many years of fighting, you know my temper. I am aware of the dangers of fighting, but I believe that God will bless you and me. Zhenghongqi, we must win a complete victory, we must play awe-inspiring, from the day we set off from Dengzhou, no, it should be said that from the beginning of the Liaodong Campaign, we sounded the horn of the Golden Tartars after the offensive, we We cannot retreat, and we have no way out."

Hong Chengchou looked at Su Tiancheng and stopped talking. He really knew Su Tiancheng's temper. Once he made up his mind, he would not make any changes. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles he encountered, he had to overcome them.

When leaving Sumeru Island, Hong Chengchou took a closer look at the beach, and he felt that Su Tiancheng's words were an encouragement to him, a deployment of the entire battle, and even a conclusion. (To be continued..)

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