Ming politicians

Chapter 894 The Sad Emperor Taiji

The army withdrew to Yongning, and Duoduo finally joined Jierhalang.

It was at this time that the bad news came. The Zhenghong Banner soldiers led by Daishan were wiped out. Daishan was captured alive by Su Tiancheng. It was Su Tiancheng himself who commanded the ambush. All the sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion in Liaodong, [-] Jiangning Battalion sergeants, completely annihilated the Zhenghong Banner of the Qing Dynasty.

After receiving this news, Duoduo and Jierhalang were stunned. They couldn't believe it at all. This is almost impossible. Daishan is the pride of the Qing Dynasty. On behalf of Nurhachi's conquest, he was invincible, and Zhenghongqi made great achievements in the battle. Why was the encounter so miserable this time, and he met the fate of being completely annihilated.What is even more unbelievable is that Daishan was captured alive by Su Tiancheng. This is the shame of the Qing Dynasty.

For a whole day, Duduo and Jierhalang didn't speak, sat in the room, and didn't eat, and Fan Wencheng, who accompanied him, also didn't eat. Fan Wencheng lost his usual composure, his face turned pale. Thinking that the ending would be so tragic, I don't know what kind of performance Huang Taiji would have when he heard the news.

After dark, Jierhalang finally spoke, suggesting that the army retreat to Haizhou and continue to station in Yongning, which has lost its meaning. Morale was severely hit, and he had to take a break. This time, Doduo didn't object, and immediately agreed.

After dawn, the army began to withdraw from Yongning and headed towards Haizhou.

Along the way, Duoduo and Jierhalang had a conversation, and Duoduo finally understood that the decision Jierhalang made was very correct. If he had broken through the blockade of the Jiangning Battalion and the two armies had joined together, the battle must have been Very tragic.But the loss of the Qing Dynasty will be even greater. Su Tiancheng has already prepared the deployment, which is aimed at Xuanzhou and Zhenghongqi.At that time, [-] sergeants from the Jiangning Battalion will come to besiege, and maybe the Xianglan flag will also be set up.

During the conversation between the two, through the exchange of opinions, they also understood that Fan Wencheng's analysis was accurate.As for the fact that Su Tiancheng personally led the army to set up an ambush and mobilized [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion in Liaodong to Xuanzhou, this is not information that Fan Wencheng can know, because of the destruction of the navy of the Qing Dynasty, none of the soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion who went directly to Xuanzhou from the sea The whereabouts may be exposed.

In short, everything was carefully planned by Su Tiancheng.This cannot be completely blamed on Fan Wencheng. [

Huang Taiji's arrangement is very precise, and it can be said that it continues the old tradition. Unfortunately, this time he suffered an unprecedented fiasco. This is not to say that Huang Taiji's ability has declined, but that Su Tiancheng is too powerful, and he did it well without knowing it. All the deployments were aimed at the weakest link in Huang Taiji's deployment, which was Daishan's departure from Pyongyang.They will not join Jierhalang's army directly. There is Daishan's self-confidence, Daishan's contempt for Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, and Huang Taiji's annoyance. Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity can be caught by Su Tiancheng live, and achieved the greatest victory.

Duduo and Jierharang felt it.Although they lead an army of [-], under the current circumstances, the possibility of confronting Su Tiancheng is obviously not great.Having suffered such a disastrous defeat, all deployments have to be readjusted, and it is estimated that Huang Taiji will also make the necessary deployments.

The two of them knew very well that Huang Taiji would be extremely painful when he heard the news, because Huang Taiji was directly responsible for all the arrangements this time. Good self-confidence, in this fight, Huang Taiji lost to Su Tiancheng, this is probably the most unbearable blow for Huang Taiji.

After evacuating Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, Duduo and Jierhalang did not directly wait for Huang Taiji's order. This was a decision they made after their own discussions. After arriving in Haizhou, the two settled down and waited for Huang Taiji's order up.

Shenyang, Chongde Hall.

Huang Taiji's face was pale, and the whole day passed without a drop of rice.

The news that Zhenghongqi was completely annihilated and that Daishan was captured alive by Su Tiancheng was impossible for Huang Taiji to accept. The successive blows made Huang Taiji unbearable. The affairs of the Qing Dynasty are still within reason, but now the crisis of the Qing Dynasty is really coming.

Huang Taiji's deployment is very good. Use Duoduo's inlaid white flag and the Han army in Shanghai to restrict the Jiangning battalion in Fuzhou, and use the elite Zhenghong flag and Xianglan flag to wipe out the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion stationed in Xuanzhou. The army of the Lu army reconciled, and [-] soldiers attacked Fuzhou. It was not required to completely wipe out the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion in Fuzhou, at least causing heavy losses to the Jiangning battalion.

It's a pity that this arrangement was used by Su Tiancheng instead.

Daishan was one of the four former Baylors. He hoped to defeat the Jiangning battalion sergeants stationed in Xuanzhou alone. At least he had to launch an attack in advance. Jierhalang led the army to Xuanzhou, mainly to assist Daishan. The two armies will not meet for the time being. The reconciliation, that is, the flaw in this arrangement, was taken advantage of by Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng led the army, arranged his pockets, and waited to act on his behalf.

It now appears that all of Huang Taiji's deployments are in line with Su Tiancheng's requirements. Su Tiancheng used the Jiangning battalion sergeants stationed in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou to hold back Duoduo and Jierhalang, and dispatched a large army from Liaodong. The special encirclement and annihilation of Daishan is a top-secret arrangement. Until the war broke out, the whole Qing Dynasty did not know this information, so that it caused heavy losses.

Huang Taiji felt chilled. The Zhenghong Banner was wiped out. This was unacceptable to the Qing Dynasty. What was even more unbearable was that Su Tiancheng actually used [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion to wipe out the [-] Zhenghong Banner soldiers in Daishan. How much did it take? Powerful combat effectiveness, how precise deployment is required.Huang Taiji has come from a long-term conquest, and he can see the essence when looking at the problem. If you want to say how good the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion are, a sergeant of the Jiangning battalion can easily defeat a soldier who is fighting the red flag , that is not very possible, the key here lies in Su Tiancheng.

It can only be said that Su Tiancheng's precise deployment played a decisive role.

This time, Huang Taiji's victory in Liaodong was almost completely wiped out. The [-] Qing navy was wiped out by Su Tiancheng, and Daishan's Zhenghong Banner was besieged by the Jiangning Camp, especially the [-] soldiers of Zhenghong Banner. , Those are all warriors of the Qing Dynasty, no matter how many people there are, it is difficult to exchange for them.

Huang Taiji felt a tinge of despair, he seemed to see that Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning camp, and would go to Shenyang step by step, and finally capture Shenyang.Under Su Tiancheng's attack, the Qing Dynasty was on the verge of collapse. [

Inside the huge Chongzheng Hall, it was unusually quiet. The news of Daishan being captured alive and Zhenghongqi being annihilated had spread quietly. All the Manchu nobles in Shenyang felt like they were keeping silent. Over the years, Huang Taiji They have always emphasized the bravery of the Jiangning Camp and asked everyone to pay attention. Some people didn't care at all. At this time, they really believed that Su Tiancheng was indeed not an ordinary person, and he might pose a fatal threat to the Qing Dynasty.

Almost all the generals around him were sent out. Huang Taiji discussed how to deal with the next situation. This is a decision to be made immediately. Duoduo and Jierhalang have already withdrawn to Haizhou, including Aji Ge also followed to Haizhou. The assembly of nearly [-] troops in Haizhou is by no means a long-term solution. If Su Tiancheng can easily occupy Xiuyan, Zhenjiang, Phoenix City and other places, North Korea will surely submit to the Ming Dynasty again. , This will be a great loss for the Qing Dynasty.

How to recover the loss and how to prevent this situation from happening.

Huang Taiji didn't think of a good way.

The somewhat numb Huang Taiji stood up and walked slowly in the Chongde Hall. His steps were very heavy. Various thoughts appeared in his mind. The worst ending would be Su Tiancheng has occupied these places and controlled North Korea. In the current situation, I am afraid that he must stick to Gaizhou, Yaozhou and Haizhou. These three places cannot be lost. This is Shenyang's biggest barrier. If these three places are lost , Shenyang is really dangerous.

Zhenghongqi was annihilated by the Jiangning battalion, and Daishan was captured alive. This was an unbearable loss for the Qing Dynasty. The meaning is completely different. Daishan is a member of the royal family, the first prince of the Qing Dynasty, and one of the best heroes in the Qing Dynasty. No matter how old he is, he is a representative of one aspect, representing the enemy of the Manchus, representing the great The enemy of the Qing Dynasty, this symbolic mark has been completely broken by Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, and the myth of the Qing Dynasty's invincibility no longer exists.

His mind was in chaos, and Huang Taiji felt too tired. For so many years, in order to be able to rule the Central Plains, he worked hard, treated the Han people well, and restricted the power of the Manchus. Seeing that he was succeeding step by step, the Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty was also very cooperative. Yes, who knew that after Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying appeared, everything changed. After all these years, the threat finally began to involve the Qing Dynasty. That is to say, the attention of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying shifted to the Qing Dynasty The time for the life and death of the Qing Dynasty came slowly.

Huang Taiji felt a little dizzy, he didn't care, and tried his best to walk forward, but soon, he felt that his hands and feet were not in control, and it was difficult to even open his mouth. The moment he fell, Huang Taiji saw The panic-stricken eunuch, and the guards who rushed over, after that, he didn't know anything. . . (to be continued...)

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