Ming politicians

Chapter 896 Zhu Youjian's Happiness and Worries

When the secret trip arrived in the capital, it was not only the imperial court that caused a sensation. For such a major victory, the imperial court naturally needed to publicize it to the outside world to boost morale. Not long ago, the disastrous defeat in Liaodong, although the imperial court repeatedly blocked the news, it finally leaked out This caused the common people to worry and panic. Fortunately, Su Tiancheng took a warship from Dengzhou, attacked Lushun, occupied Fuzhou and Xuanzhou, and directly threatened Houjin's rear. As a last resort, Huang Taiji withdrew gone.

Talking about the confrontation between Daming and Houjin in detail, there are fewer victories and more defeats. Since the Wanli period, Houjin has grown step by step, and has continuously occupied a lot of Daming territory. However, the Ming Dynasty fought back vigorously and watched Houjin The territory is getting bigger and bigger. Whether it is Zhu Youjian or the civil and military ministers of the court, they all know that the Houjin Dynasty is the biggest enemy of the Ming Dynasty. After many times, the Golden Tatars entered the customs, which led to the martial law of the capital.

In this situation, the turning point began in the ninth year of Chongzhen, that is, the year when the Qing Dynasty was established. Azig led [-] post-Gold Tartars into the customs. It was originally a show of force, indicating that the Qing Dynasty was established, but encountered Jiang Ning. The battalion stubbornly resisted and left with heavy losses. Since then, the confrontation between Daming and Houjin began to undergo subtle changes, especially after Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning battalion wiped out the bandits and moved into Liaodong. It became even more obvious that Su Tiancheng took back Dalinghe City, stabilized the defense line of Liaodong, continued to develop Liaodong, and prepared for the decisive battle with the Houjin Tartars.

It's a pity that this great situation was almost in vain because of Zhu Youjian's worry and suspicion. Dorgon led the Houjin Tartars and attacked Dengzhou and Laizhou unexpectedly.Su Tiancheng led some Jiangning battalion soldiers to Dengzhou and Laizhou. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Youjian appointed Chen Xinjia as the governor of Liaodong, and then transferred Qian Qianyi to assist him, with the purpose of weakening Su Tiancheng's power.At the same time, it is preparing to launch a large-scale attack on the Houjin Tartars.

The disastrous defeat of the Liaodong Frontier Army almost shook the Guan Ning Jin defense line and almost put the capital in great danger. The capital was under martial law for several days, and the gates were only opened for one hour every day.

Su Tiancheng tried his best to turn the tide again.This made Zhu Youjian completely sober, and the Ming Dynasty had to rely on Su Tiancheng.Otherwise, they might fall into a dangerous situation. Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning camp and wiped out the bandits, which made the Houjin Tartars fearful. To put it bluntly, Su Tiancheng is the pillar of the Ming Dynasty.Never be shaken.

In the later time, although Zhu Youjian was worried, he was afraid that Su Tiancheng's power would become stronger.It threatened the imperial power, but there was no good way. Zhu Youjian encountered too much in the past few years when he took the throne, and now the situation has improved too much. Besides, Su Tiancheng has always been loyal and loyal, and has no need Signs of rebellion.Moreover, Su Tiancheng's family still lived in the capital, Zhu Shenxin was originally a member of the royal family, and Su Tiancheng was also a relative of the emperor, so there was no reason to rebel.After thinking about this, Zhu You searched for "sex" and did not interfere with Su Tiancheng's actions. Since Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion soldiers and occupied Xuanzhou and Fuzhou and other places, let Su Tiancheng do his best to wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars .

Su Tiancheng's secret book came to the capital, and it was placed in front of Zhu Youjian. After reading the secret book, Zhu Youjian finally couldn't control his emotions, raised his head and laughed, and soon, Yang Sichang and other cabinet scholars also Seeing Mi Zhe, he knew that Su Tiancheng had won a major victory in Xuanzhou, wiped out Houjin's Zhenghongqi, and captured Houjin's Prince Li Daishan alive.

This is not an ordinary victory. The bravery of the Eight Banners was deeply impressed by the Ming army. This time, Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Battalion and wiped out the Zhenghong Banner among the Eight Banners in one go, and captured Hou Jin alive. Daishan, the Prince of Li, is the highest-ranked Houjin Prince. [

For a while, Yang Sichang and others couldn't believe that this matter was true, but at the end of the secret book, Su Tiancheng said that he would detain Daishan in Xuanzhou and wait for the emperor's imperial decree, only then did they understand that this was true. A real victory.

The civil and military ministers of the imperial court have come to congratulate the emperor. This kind of victory is too difficult. It is by no means an ordinary victory. Zhenghongqi was wiped out in one go. execution.

At this time, Zhu Youjian calmed down instead. He knew that Su Tiancheng did not propose how to deal with Daishan in the secret book. He must have considered it, and every time Su Tiancheng made a suggestion, it was proved afterwards that They are all farsighted, and this time Su Tiancheng should be summoned back to the capital to discuss the next move.

After discussing with many ministers in the cabinet, Zhu Youjian immediately issued an edict, asking Su Tiancheng to press Daishan back to the capital, agree with the route proposed by Su Tiancheng, and take a boat directly to Dagu Port in Tianjin. Youjian also specifically requested that Lu Shanji, Minister of the Ministry of War, go directly to Tianjin to meet him on behalf of the imperial court.

After arranging all this, Zhu Youjian left Yang Sichang behind. There were some things that he needed to discuss with Yang Sichang, and he had been thinking about it for a long time. Because of the tense situation, there was no time to discuss it.

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there were only Zhu Youjian and Yang Sichang.

"Yang Aiqing, it's rare for Su Aiqing to have achieved such a major victory this time, but I don't think it's strange. If Su Aiqing stayed in Fuzhou and Xuanzhou for a long time without doing anything, I would be worried instead. .”

It was rare for Zhu Youjian to feel so relaxed, of course Yang Sichang could feel it.

"Your Majesty, I think that Lord Su has made great contributions this time, which is the result of the emperor's trust. After Lord Su returns to the capital, the emperor can ask Lord Su to report his future plans. I believe that Lord Su will never If we stop here, the life of the post-Gold Tartars will never be better. In addition, Mr. Su suggested that the imperial court send troops to be stationed in Pyongyang. I think this proposal is feasible. North Korea has always been a vassal state of my Ming Dynasty. Before my Ming Dynasty did not send troops, it was a little careless. Yu managed it, and now taking this opportunity to send troops to station in Pyongyang, the North Korean royal family dare not raise objections."

"Well, I have thought about this too. Regarding the matter of sending troops to North Korea, the cabinet will discuss it and come up with a statement. This matter must be done as soon as possible. I expect that the North Korean royal family will not dare to object. I am mainly concerned about Su Aiqing's next move. This sealed letter , I have read it several times, and it is estimated that within the year, the situation in North Korea can be stabilized, which is considered good. After autumn, the climate in the north will be very cold, and there will be many difficulties in the conquest of large armies."

Yang Sichang paused for a moment, but didn't speak right away. This action was caught by Zhu Youjian.

"Why, Yang Aiqing thinks there is something wrong with my consideration."

"Your Majesty, I think Lord Su must have thought about how to attack, including how to grasp the timing. The Emperor can directly ask Lord Su to report. After the Golden Tartars suffered such a disastrous defeat, they must also be thinking about how to do it. To stabilize the situation, besides, Mr. Su is probably familiar with the situation and can come up with more opinions."

Zhu Youjian nodded.

When he spoke again, Zhu Youjian talked about something he had considered for a long time. [

"Yang Aiqing, I'm considering whether to adjust the cabinet. After so many years, there is almost no adjustment in the cabinet. I think it must be moved."

Yang Sichang lowered his head and did not speak. The adjustment of the cabinet is a matter directly considered by the emperor. It is impossible for him to make any suggestions. Even if he wants to make suggestions, they are selected by people. Besides, these years have passed, because the royal family members have entered the court as officials. The emperor's power has been greatly consolidated, and the cabinet is not as powerful as before. Most of the time, it is necessary to obey the imperial power. It is precisely because of this reason that Yang Sichang will not open his mouth to adjust the cabinet.

Zhu Youjian looked at Yang Sichang who was bowing his head, and spoke again.

"My consideration is that Tang Aiqing is getting old, and it's time to rest. The candidate for the cabinet's second assistant is Zhu Shenxuan, governor of Shaanxi, and Liu Zongzhou is also too old, so it's not suitable to continue to be in the cabinet. I think Su Aiqing is good. , you can enter the cabinet."

Yang Sichang's body trembled. He never imagined that the emperor would make such a decision. Zhu Shenxuan was the vassal king of Ming Dynasty, and his entry into the cabinet would definitely cause a huge commotion. Su Tiancheng's entry into the cabinet did not have any objections. With Su Tiancheng's merits, even serving as the chief assistant of the cabinet is not a big problem, but the relationship between Su Tiancheng and Zhu Shenxuan is different. If such an adjustment is made, wouldn't it make Su Tiancheng's power even stronger? up.

There is another question, Su Tiancheng is a cabinet scholar, what about the Jiangning battalion, who will command the matter of exterminating the Golden Tartars, Yang Sichang has long understood that it is absolutely impossible to change people at this time.

Zhu Youjian's words haven't finished yet.

"The matter of exterminating the Golden Tartars cannot be delayed. Su Tiancheng, as a cabinet scholar, is fully responsible for the matter of exterminating the Golden Tartars. This way, he can make a better decision."

After Zhu Youjian said these words, Yang Sichang already understood the meaning. It turned out that the emperor was still worried about Su Tiancheng. With this method, Su Tiancheng could be stabilized to the greatest extent, and Su Tiancheng could feel the mighty grace of the emperor. It is unprecedented for him to be in charge of the army with the status of a cabinet scholar, and it is also possible to understand that the emperor relies heavily on Su Tiancheng.

When he left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yang Sichang knew that he had to improve his relationship with Su Tiancheng. Fortunately, the relationship between the two was good before. This time, Tang Shiji was pushed out because of his relationship with Su Tiancheng. There is a problem with the relationship between them, and as for the right and wrong in it, it is impossible to investigate. The emperor's thoughts are not something that a courtier should investigate.

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