() The water giant moved at a speed inconsistent with its body, and its fist came to the top of the warship in the next moment. Even something as fluid as water can kill people with a high-speed impact. The high-pressure water gun is not talking What's more, it's not all water, there is a lot of haze mixed in it, making the whole fist bluer than other parts of the water giant. Although it can't reach the hardness of Hailou Stone, it can't be underestimated.

The warship that blocked the fist did not even block the fist for a second, and immediately turned into a large piece of non-recyclable garbage, and the naval soldiers on the warship who were petrified because of the empress also became Fortunately, the generals of the navy were on the flagship, and this one was just an ordinary warship, so they escaped unharmed.

But they couldn't laugh at all. The impact of that punch still didn't disappear. The fist was completely submerged in the water. Because of the high speed, the water surface was quiet at first, and then suddenly sank, and a huge water column was also stirred up all around. It was as if a tenth-level storm had struck, starting from the place where the water giant's fist touched the water surface and spreading in all directions.

The remaining warships are like children's toys, swaying in the waves, and are in danger of being overturned at any time. However, the ships are fine, and the petrified naval soldiers are not so lucky. With the large swing of the warship, the petrified stones sank into the sea water one after another, or smashed into hard objects, but Liu Shan was not worried about these.

With just one punch, the entire fleet was turned into this state, and the water giant's second blow did not come. The stabilized navy members looked at the water giant suspiciously, and Garp immediately rushed out.

"Liushan, if you use the lives of these marines to force you, then I don't care about anything. If you attack again, then I will kill the entire Amazon Lily people. I will do what I say! Don't force me anymore. !"

Hearing Garp's words, the water giant shook his head. Such an ordinary movement was completely extraordinary for a water giant hundreds of meters tall. The wind that drove it even formed a small sea breeze. Looking angry, the next attack of the water giant began, and the two fists rotated like windmills. In less than a breath, the entire naval fleet became a pile of garbage on the sea.

Due to the loss of the place to stand, the navy had to come to Nine Snake Island, because the place where the two sides confronted was outside the harbor of Nine Snake Island, so with the help of Yuebu, the remaining naval generals came to the island safely But just when their feet touched the ground, they found themselves surrounded. Although they didn't know the situation, the soldiers who defended the country wanted to subdue them all, and then listened to the Queen's order. deal with it, but... can they really do it?

Garp hammered the ground angrily, and then the soldiers who defended the country were all wiped out, while the navy easily blocked the splashing stone attack, but no matter what, he is still a character who can be called a general. It's just to deal with those fighters who protect the country, so that they won't be killed in seconds.


Garp pronounced these two words word by word between his teeth. The fleet brought this time can be said to be a force that cannot be ignored within the navy, especially this fleet has undergone transformation. Otherwise, they will be torn apart by the sea kings when they enter the windless zone, and the cost of the transformation, even Admiral Carlo is in pain for a long time. Unexpectedly, this warship was wiped out for the first time when it sailed. Clean, what face does Garp have to go back to see Carlo!

Seeing the navy with only dozens of people around him, Garp secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Several vice admirals and those rear admirals were brought out by him in advance, otherwise with the speed of the water giant, it is hard to guarantee that nothing will happen again Casualties, when those naval soldiers were petrified, they had already died in Garp's heart, but these generals were different, so Garp just felt sorry for those warships just now.

The fact that Liu Shan appeared on Nine Snake Island was beyond Karp's imagination. I didn't expect that I would be so unlucky that I would meet this guy wherever I went. But this also shows the relationship between him and the empress. Could it be that Hai The palace is going to dig the corner of the navy and win over the king's Qiwuhai?It's completely unimaginable for Liu Shan that his own random behavior can make Garp raise it to such a high level, but even if he knows it, he must be happy, and it's not bad to make the navy misunderstand like this. It's just a relationship, it's not bad to add oil and vinegar to it.

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