() "Where are you attacking?"

Crocodile was startled by the words that appeared in his ears. Just now, taking advantage of Liu Shan's attention focused on the other senior agents of the Baroque studio, he launched an attack from behind Liu Shan, but when he attacked The touch of the hand was completely wrong. Just before Crocodile's mind turned around, such a sentence came from his ear, and Crocodile jumped back without thinking.

Seeing Liu Shan standing next to where he was just now, Crocodile's face turned ashen: "When!"

Crocodile had been looking at Liu Shan just now. He was sure that Liu Shan hadn't moved until the attack came, but why didn't his attack hit him?And when did he disappear before his eyes?

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

Liu Shan secretly laughed in his heart, Crocodile probably said it directly without going through his brain, but Liu Shan felt very good about being able to force Crocodile into such a state.

Sand stabbing!

Crocodile didn't move much, but a left hand suddenly appeared behind Liu Shan. As soon as the gleaming hook appeared, he quickly attacked Liu Shan, but it was impossible to defeat Liu Shan by this method. At this time, Liu Shan was in a state of full domineering and arrogance, and any disturbance around his body could not hide from his perception.

As soon as Crocodile's left hand appeared, Liu Shan found it immediately, and as expected, Crocodile's attack failed again, and the unwilling Crocodile used his devil fruit ability to launch an attack again, and Liu Shan He kept dodging and never took the initiative to attack. This does not mean that Liu Shan would not take the initiative to attack, but that he had some other ideas.

Crocodile is a talent and a hero. If you use it badly, this knife will hurt you, but if you use it well, it will be very effective. Liu Shan is not afraid of Crocodile's ambition, but he is afraid that he will not be motivated. , what are you afraid of if you have ambitions, as long as your own strength far surpasses him, there is no need for Liu Shan to worry at all.

Just like Liu Shan entrusted the affairs of the Sea Palace to his father, Liu Shan only needs to maintain the strongest combat power in the Sea Palace, and the baroque studio in Crocodile is also good, ten devil fruit capable users, This is a very precious fortune!Having a devil fruit is equivalent to having a through-train ticket to the strong. With a little exercise, you can have very good strength, and the strength of the few of them is obviously very strong. Of course, it is not enough for Liu Shan, but Still very sharp against others.

If the entire Baroque studio can be recruited, especially the Sand Crocodile Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai under the king, then not only will there be a great increase in combat power, but it will also be able to overwhelm the Navy in terms of public opinion. The seven warriors under the king have all joined the Haihuang Palace, who else can block the Haihuang Palace's footsteps?What Liu Shan wanted was this effect, so in the fight with Crocodile, he just dodged and never took the initiative to attack.

However, if Liushan does not take the initiative to attack, it does not mean that Crocodile will give up the attack, and every attack is heavy, and it will definitely be seriously injured. The attack has to hit the enemy to show its value. If it fails to attack the opponent, no matter how powerful it is, it will be in vain. Liushan has knowledge and domineering power. It is obviously impossible for Crocodile to be caught off guard, but in terms of speed Liushan is also slightly better, so it is destined that Crocodile will not be able to attack Liushan.

never mind!Crocodile gave up at the end of the fight. Since the normal attack is ineffective, then try his own devil fruit ability. Besides, his strongest aspect is also the devil fruit. To be honest, hand-to-hand combat is not very strong. Use your own weaknesses and It is obviously unwise to compete in Liushan. Crocodile realized this and wanted to bang his head against the wall. Why didn't he think of it earlier?But forget it, it's not too late to think about it now.

Liushan's mobility is very strong. Crocodile can't even touch Liushan's clothes, not to mention attacking. This makes many ability application methods unusable. Unless it is a large-scale attack, it is possible to attack Liushan. But in this way, the consumption will also become very large, so Crocodile became entangled again, but after all, he is one of the seven martial arts under the king, and Crocodile quickly figured out what to do.

"Desert World!!!"

Crocodile pressed his hands to the ground, and with him as the center, the surrounding ground quickly desertified, and there was a growing trend, and finally the entire casino collapsed due to the desertification of the foundation, which made several other Baroque studios The senior agents had to retreat far away, and Mr. 1, who was seriously injured, was carried out by several other people.

But this is not the end. The area of ​​desertified land is still expanding. In the end, the entire casino within a few hundred meters has turned into sand. Countless houses collapsed, and those unlucky guys were crushed under the houses. Luckily, he stood outside the sand with a terrified expression on his face. Originally, only those who ran out of the casino knew about the battle in the casino, and those people were also very knowledgeable. After going out, they kept silent and did not publicize it. Neither Crocodile nor the mysterious stranger should be provoked by them. Who would cause trouble everywhere after doing nothing.

Now that Crocodile is doing this, the whole rainy land is shocked, this is the rainy land!Although it is in the desert, the land is not too dry. It can turn hundreds of meters of land into sand. Everyone can only describe it as strong, and it can force Crocodile to launch such a large battle. The enemies they deal with should also be very strong, but thanks to Crocodile's usual good image, most people still hope that Crocodile will win.

"Lord Crocodile will definitely win!"

"Yes, there is no one who can defeat the lord. The lord is one of the seven martial arts under the king. How can such a big man fail!"

"Indeed, although the challenger should be very strong, he will definitely be defeated in the end!"


Regarding the optimistic estimates of the people around them, the people in the Baroque studio are just bitter. That kind of powerful and overwhelming strength is so depressing, and they defeated the most powerful among them with just one blow. Qiang Mr. 1, what are they fighting against that person, thinking of Liu Shan's previous record, all they have in their hearts is despair.

Of course, mr.0 is their last hope. When they first learned that mr.0 was Crocodile Crocodile, one of the king's seven warriors, they were very excited. There is a big difference, so their sense of belonging to the Baroque studio is much, much stronger. If there is anyone who can defeat Liu Shan, among the people they know, there is only mr.0.

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