One Piece's Everlasting Dream

Chapter 228 I want to take her away

() "What's wrong?" Seeing Liu Shan frowning, Long asked curiously.

Liu Shan said lightly: "It's nothing, maybe it's my illusion, look over there, people from Dragon Palace City are coming."

Long also turned his head away, and said annoyedly: "Oh, it's true, they knew it when we first arrived, the nose is really good."

"What's the matter, Neptune's wife, Princess Otohime, is naturally domineering, and it's okay to sense our arrival, and Neptune will not come out to see us knowing that we are in Fishman Island, here, Air Coral, the necessary equipment in Murloc Island."

While speaking, Liu Shan also handed out a coral, and Long smiled and took out the same coral, and then put it on his head. Seeing that Long had been prepared, Liu Shan didn't say anything, and put away his own coral. The Qi coral in the hand and the Lan Qi outside the body, although I know that the dragon will definitely carry it, but the basic scene still has to be said.

While the seawater was suppressing the haze in the flowing mountain, it also hit the two of them. Now the Murloc island is full of water, only the uppermost part has some air, but that is also used to adjust the oxygen concentration of the Murloc island. It's not for people to use, and the air containing that concentration of oxygen, the average person can't breathe in it, so the current humans need to use air coral in Murloc Island, otherwise it's really hard to move forward.

"Seeing you again, Your Excellency Liushan, the person on this side, if I read correctly, should be Lord Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army."

<b ren的鲨星作为下代国王,一些礼仪也是必需要学习的,现在在流山两人面前的表现没有一丝失礼的地方,很有王子的风范,让人挑不出一点毛病,不过流山却没有关系这一点。

"I didn't expect you to grow up so big." Liu Shan said with emotion, seeing the young Shark Star reminded Liu Shan of himself who was close to 30 years old. Before he knew it, he had been in this world for more than 20 years. How should I put it, Liu Shan suddenly felt a sense of vicissitudes, is it true that all elderly men are like this?

"Don't laugh at me, you are not yet 30 years old."

Shark Star didn't want to say anything more on this issue. In case Liushan was very concerned about his age, it would be too bad to offend him inadvertently. The task Neptune gave him was to take Liushan and the others to Dragon Palace City. When Shark came down, he didn't talk nonsense anymore, and Liu Shan and Long followed suit and boarded the boat.

Seeing Neptune again, Liu Shan didn't feel any emotion. If he had to say something, he could only say that Bai Xing beside him could attract Liu Shan's attention. Bai Xing grew up as expected, standing in front of Neptune She by her side even looks taller than Neptune, without the harassment of Duncan IX, Shirahoshi doesn't need to live in the shell tower, which is not bad, at least Liu Shan doesn't have to worry about UFOs at any time Smash it over.

"I don't know what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

To Liu Shan's surprise, it wasn't Neptune who was asking, but Princess Otohime next to him. Liu Shan didn't talk nonsense, so let's go straight to the point.

"Poseidon and Noah."

Princess Otohime said blankly: "I don't know what you mean, who is Poseidon? Noah does exist, but it is an agreement between us murlocs and humans, and it cannot be handed over to you .”

"Don't talk about these things, the dragon represents d, I think you know what it means, if he is not qualified, then I don't think there is anyone in this world who is qualified anymore, and he can't hand it over We don’t seem to be what you say? Those Neptunes are the real guardians.”

"But the only one who can command them is Poseidon, the king of the sea." Having said all this, Princess Otohime no longer cares about hiding the existence of the king of the sea. Both Liu Shan and the others know the existence of the king of the sea, so there is no point in concealing it. Yes, Princess Othime just said that.

"That's why I want to take Shirahoshi away."

What! ! !Princess Otohime was taken aback. Shirahoshi is the Sea King Poseidon of this generation. Only Neptune and her know about this. The concubine didn't tell them either, just because she was afraid that they would reveal this secret inadvertently, so Otohime didn't expect Liu Shan to hit the point directly and point out Bai Xing's identity.

"How do you know?" But it's not like Otohime hasn't seen any big scenes before. She quickly put away her inner surprise and asked indifferently. Since the Tianlongren was directly killed by Liushan back then, Bai Xing was able to summon There was no such thing as Neptune. Princess Otohime knew that Shirahoshi was the Poseidon of this generation, and she deduced it from her daily routine, so Otohime was even more confused. How did Liushan know? .

"Is there any doubt about this? I just know it, just like people need to eat, I know it naturally."

It confuses others even more when you say that. Don't you know how to find a better reason?Although Otohime wanted to complain in her heart, her heart moved, could it be because of the haze on Liushan?If you say that, everything makes sense.

"You want to get Shirahoshi's power?"

At this time, Neptune, who had been silent by the side, suddenly spoke out, looking at Liu Shan with piercing eyes.

"If I say no, it's definitely a lie, and I don't think you will believe it."

For Liu Shan's frankness, Neptune was not angry, but began to think seriously.

Princess Otohime looked at Neptune in disbelief: "You don't really think about whether to hand Shirahoshi to him? Are you really so cruel to let our daughter do such a dangerous thing?"

Neptune replied: "I'm really thinking seriously. Since Shirahoshi is the Sea King of this generation, she has her responsibility. This is unavoidable, and the current situation is better. The Fishman Island has been taken over by us. Fully grasped, we will not become hostages of others threatening Shirahoshi, which is much better than before."

"..." Princess Otohime was also speechless. She also knew very well what Neptune said. The previous sea king had always been used as a force, not as a living life, but this force was too powerful. It is too powerful, so in order to restrain this force and use it smoothly, murlocs have been captured in large numbers, and the sea kings of all generations could not escape this fate, otherwise the murlocs would not have been living tens of thousands of meters underwater The place.

"Bai Xing, I am willing to let her follow you, and I can trust you as a person, but I have another request, as a father's request."

"As a father who is about to become a father, I understand what you want to say, there is no problem." Liu Shan said without waiting for Neptune to finish speaking.

"What? You're going to be a father? Really?" This time it was Neptune's turn to be surprised.

"It doesn't seem strange to be a father at my age?" Liu Shan said depressingly, why does everyone feel that it is normal to have no children?

"No, it's nothing, I feel more at ease this way."

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