One Piece's Everlasting Dream

Chapter 45 The Navy's Response

() Although the navy arrived very quickly, the murderer, Liu Shan, had already escaped, and the scene was in chaos, with discarded sundries everywhere. At the same time, there were dozens of witnesses captured by the navy, Some navies are interrogating them.

A rear admiral looked at the messy scene with a livid face. Perhaps the aftermath of the tiger's death was still there. The body of the Tianlongren was not trampled into mud like a few unlucky bodyguards, and it was still completely preserved.

The rear admiral has been standing here for a long time, but he doesn't feel tired at all. On the contrary, his heart is cold.

The Celestial Dragons are dead in the Chambord Islands!

This is another Celestial Dragon who died after the Fishman Island. In a short period of time, two Celestial Dragons died one after another. I am afraid that tomorrow's newspapers will frantically report this incident.

The one who died on Fishman Island was none of my business, but the one in front of me couldn't do it. When Tianlongren went out, he didn't want to go, and Tianlongren didn't want him to come. He just died.

Although he hated Tianlong people in his heart, Tianlong people died in his jurisdiction. He also knew what kind of consequences this incident would cause, and himself, the lightest one, would probably be hidden in the snow, and he might even be handed over to the angry people. The Tianlong people dealt with it.

He and he didn't want their brilliant life of just becoming a rear admiral to end like this. It seemed that it was necessary to start a relationship, and even asked the Marshal to intercede.

At this time, a senior officer of the navy came over and saluted a standard military salute.

"Report, Major General, the matter has been found out. This is the detailed process we have sorted out."

As he spoke, he handed a piece of paper to the major general, took it and scanned it roughly, the major general frowned again.

"The murderer is a masked man? With a knife, nearly 1.7 meters tall, and a beautiful woman with him!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and roared at the Colonel: "This is not what I want! It's his detailed information, who he is, and even the eighteen generations of his ancestors, you have to find out for me, otherwise I will abolish you!"

The major general knew that if he handed in such a report, he would have come to an end. The Tianlong people wanted the murderer, not this vague physical feature. Fake, Tianlong people are not fools.

Da Zuo's face was covered with the major general's saliva, but he didn't dare to move at all. As the major general's adjutant, he also understood the meaning of Tianlongren's death here. The major general might be going crazy, so he couldn't provoke him at this time.

He agreed obediently, but he just thought of something, but he reported to the major general: "The murderer and the woman have escaped, and we are currently searching with all our strength. The man is wearing a mask, but the woman is not."

"Oh, has that woman's identity been found out?" Hearing this news, the major general's face softened slightly.

"No, at this stage everyone who enters has a detailed record, especially she is still very beautiful, we got a picture of her, but none of them match."

"what do you mean?"

"Just as the major general thought, the woman probably entered through an abnormal way, but the spies there couldn't help but didn't know any of them."

The major general also pondered: "So, she seemed to appear out of thin air? She is not a pirate or a tourist. Here is the photo."

Da Zuo quickly presented two photos. If Liu Shan was here, he would definitely jump up in surprise, because these two photos were full-body photos of him and Xia Li. Unexpectedly, they were photographed before he knew it. His ability and The paparazzi of the Celestial Dynasty are really on par.

Looking carefully at these two photos, the major general's brows were knit together again, that woman is indeed beautiful, no wonder the Tianlong people will take a fancy to it, it's just...

"Find a man with the same appearance and characteristics, put on this mask and hand it to the headquarters. I think the headquarters will know what it means. Prepare the warship. This time I will send it personally."

"Hey! That... yes, I'll prepare right away."

Regardless of trying to figure out why there was such a big gap between the Major General's words before and after, the Colonel immediately left to prepare.

The major general was just speaking out of anger just now. Since neither of them could be found, there should be a scapegoat. The major general plans to go to the Navy headquarters in person this time, not for the Tianlong people, but for himself.

With these two photos, the major general also has a little bit of confidence. No matter what he does, he has tried his best. As for the subsequent matters, it is still a headache for the headquarters.

The Tianlong people were killed, such a big incident, was immediately reported to the Navy headquarters when it was first discovered here.

The Admiral of the Navy scratched his head, damn it, why did they all come together, two successive killings of the Tianlongren, not only the face of the Tianlongren was damaged, but also the prestige of the Navy Headquarters was greatly reduced, and he also had a headache.

But before he could come up with a specific solution, the door of the office was violently smashed open. The Marshal was about to get angry when he saw the person behind the door. Immediately, he couldn't help swallowing the reprimand that just came to his lips. His hood showed his identity, and the marshal who knew his status among the Tianlongren dared not neglect him.

It's just that the other party didn't care about his face, and asked sinisterly.

"Master Marshal, I wonder if you have heard about what just happened in the Chambord Islands."

How could he not know, but he didn't expect the Tianlong people to know so quickly. It seems that the Tianlong people's hands are really long, and even some people in the intelligence department have been bribed. It seems that they need to clean up afterward. ah.

It's just that even he knows it.This is just a show, because Tianlong people have money in their hands, so there is never a shortage of all kinds of secrets. If you deal with one batch today, I am afraid that you will be bribed by a larger batch tomorrow.

He didn't answer Tianlongren's question, but pretended to be confused and asked, "Did something happen?"

Turning to the chief of staff who came from behind Tianlongren.

"Have you been notified by the intelligence service?"

The chief of staff also cooperated and said: "I just got this news, and I am bringing it to you, but I met the great His Highness Kaku Faral on the way, and this is the report from the intelligence department."

After speaking, he pretended to take out a document, and the marshal also looked at it. Regarding their double reeds, His Highness Kaku Faral narrowed his eyes slightly as if he hadn't seen it, and left a line The slit eyes showed a cold look, staring at the marshal like a poisonous snake.

The marshal slapped the table immediately after reading it, and the poor table immediately fell apart.

"Bastard, how is it possible! The Tianlong people will be killed in the Chambord Islands, don't worry, Saint Kaku Faral, I will definitely find the murderer to avenge Saint Gal Rafa, then, please wait a moment, I Give Tianlongren an explanation as quickly as possible."

"Oh, that's the work."

"It should be, it should be."

"I'm not here just for that, Delanos."

The marshal looked at Kakufaral St. with some doubts, not knowing what this guy was thinking, but when he saw the person coming out from behind, his face suddenly sank.

"Master Marshal, long time no see."

"It's you! Aren't you the foreign minister of the world government? What brought you here?"

Delanos looked at the marshal with a somewhat ugly face jokingly.

"I just conveyed an order. Wulaoxing is very angry this time. It can be said that the face of the world government has been greatly damaged. Therefore, not only must the murderer be caught, but the navy will also need to make a big move next time."

After listening, the marshal and the chief of staff made eye contact, Wu Laoxing's order?

"I don't know the specifics. It's just that only you can open this document. I've delivered everything that needs to be conveyed. The rest is up to you."

The marshal looked at the document in his hand, his heart shrank suddenly, and then he printed his hand on it. A light suddenly turned on, and then the lock fell off automatically. The marshal opened the document and read it carefully.

He closed the document without any expression on his face, only replied in a faint voice, "I see."

Tianlongren Kaku Faralsan and World Government Foreign Minister Delanos laughed suddenly, and then left without saying anything.

When there were only the marshal and the chief of staff in the office, the chief of staff couldn't bear it anymore.

"What happened to the order just now!"

The marshal who was speechless just handed the document to him, took it with doubts, hesitated for a few moments, and then resolutely looked at it, but the chief of staff's hand began to shake, and his face became extremely pale afterward.

"What a trick to kill with a knife! It's really killing two birds with one stone."

The Marshal didn't reply in a slumped manner, and the office just fell into a deathly silence.

"No, it's rare for the navy to have such a development. We can't live up to the efforts of previous generations." It was the chief of staff who broke the silence first.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

After walking a few steps back and forth, the chief of staff responded slowly.

"No, the reasons for the world's government are too good, we have no room to resist, but I am not reconciled, Tianlong people..."

"Yes, now that the world's government is getting stronger and stronger, they are no longer needed. The Tianlong people are a cancer on the world's government, but if you cut off this cancer, the world's government will be over."

As a violent machine in the hands of the world government, the navy is a powerful weapon for the world government to wipe out opponents, but this is a double-edged sword, and it may also hurt itself.

While the navy is growing stronger, it is also trying to get rid of the control of the world government. It is just that the continuous efforts of the previous generations of admirals have only strengthened the navy, but they have not really gotten rid of control. As the current admiral, he also wants to continue The ex's dream, but the result is not as expected.

This time the world government clearly weakened them, but there was no reason for him to refuse.

"Doing this can really hit the opponent. If it succeeds, we will be able to relax for a long time." The chief of staff still comforted.

"Do as..."

As if he had aged dozens of years in an instant, the marshal still gave this order.

The chief of staff also nodded with a heavy face, and then walked out.

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