One Piece's Everlasting Dream

Chapter 58 The Patriarch's Request

() Tieshan, who was going forward, stopped suddenly, Liushan looked around suspiciously, this should be near the patriarch's house, what is father doing here?

"Liushan, come out."

Liu Shan thought it was a scare, but after seeing his father looking at the big tree where he was hiding, he walked out obediently. He has been outside for many years, and Liu Shan has done a lot of things like hiding and following him. Liu Shan is still very confident in his ability, although he doesn't know how his father knew him, since he has already discovered it, it is meaningless to follow up.

"You boy, you are still young. Since you are here, let's go together, and save you trouble tomorrow." As if knowing what Liu Shan was thinking, Tieshan opened his mouth to explain to him, and then brought Liu Shan in through the back door. into the patriarch's house.As if he knew in advance, there is still someone answering at the back door, and this person is none other than the patriarch himself.

Bringing the two of them to a secret room, the patriarch ignored Liu Shan, but concentrated on looking at a report that Tieshan handed him. After reading the report, the patriarch didn't show any expression.

"Tieshan, can you confirm?"

Tieshan immediately corrected his sitting posture, as if using all his strength to answer: "Yes!!!"

Turning around to look at Liu Shan, and seeing the serious expression of the patriarch, Liu Shan was a little apprehensive, what did he say just now, does it have anything to do with him?

"Liu Shan, as the patriarch of the Hegui clan, I want to ask you to do something, is that okay?"

No, with such a low tone, and specifically emphasizing that I am the patriarch of the ghost clan, do I have the courage and ability to refuse when you make such a request?

"That... what is it?"

"You don't need to know for now, when the time comes, I will give you instructions."

Looking at his father, Liu Shan was really incapable of saying no from his mouth.

"I still want to confirm again, you really have mastered the Sea Emperor Qi? Show it."

"Sea Emperor Qi?"

Liu Shan is completely puzzled by Monk Zhanger, what is that?Seeing Liu Shan's ignorant expression, the patriarch had no choice but to explain to him.

"It's the red radiant qi in your body. Our family calls it the Sea Emperor Qi, because it is completely worthy of that title. Well, I can't finish talking for a while, so you release it first and let me have a look. "

It turned out that it was called Haihuangqi, um, the name is really good, but Liu Shan still thinks that the name he named Lanqi is better.

Casually released Lan Qi, and condensed it into a small red dot on the fingertips at the same time. Looking at the red light on Liu Shan's hand, the patriarch was immediately very excited, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. Shan is also very excited expression.

"Good! Good! Good! I didn't expect that I could still see the sea emperor's spirit in my lifetime. My ancestors bless me and the ghost clan."

The patriarch said three good things in a row, and his excitement was beyond words, but Liu Shan was not so calm. After releasing the mist, Liu Shan felt that there should be another room behind this secret room. The reason why he knew was because his body was at the same time There was a strong sense of calling, as if there was something behind the wall of the secret room attracting Lan Qi.

It's strange, I've been in this secret room just now, if something would call me, I should have reacted a long time ago, but why didn't I feel it until now? Is it because the Lan Qi has not been released? The body surface, isolated by the body in the body?Wait until you release yourself?

Not letting Liu Shan continue to wonder, the old patriarch who didn't know when he woke up from the excitement, as if he knew it a long time ago, smiled and stroked his goatee.

"I feel it, come with me."

With strong curiosity, Liu Shan followed the patriarch to the wall. In the center of the entire wall, the patriarch pressed down on a brick, and the back wall made a slight friction sound and slowly opened. This device It must have made Liushan dizzy for a while, playing cards so unreasonably, if it is an ordinary person, if they find something behind this, they will definitely look for various hidden corners, instead of looking at the center of the wall, it is really illogical But it is also very practical mechanism.

But the next moment, Liu Shan didn't have the heart to care about these anymore. He was already stunned by the scene behind the wall. In the vast space several times larger than the secret room he was in, there was only a pair of clothes placed in the middle. The armor doesn't have any gorgeous appearance, the pitch-black surface looks like darkness that can swallow everything, and the whole armor exudes an astonishing aura.

The patriarch walked up to it slowly, and then tapped on the ground for a long time before motioning for Liu Shan to follow in. It looked like Liu Shan was getting bigger and bigger. If you didn't know it in advance, you would definitely die if you entered it rashly. Patriarch Even knowing that all the organs have been built for such a long time, I really don't know what the people who designed it thought.

"Try it on and feel it."

The patriarch said slowly with an excited trembling voice, Liu Shan didn't know why he was so excited, but wearing a suit of armor was not a problem, and the haze that hadn't been withdrawn outside his body was also abnormal after approaching the suit of armor. Become active, and even have a tendency to get out of control.

Putting on the armor vigilantly, but nothing bad happened as Liu Shan expected. The mist in the body increased a lot in an instant, and the body also started the process of strengthening, but the original body was destroyed. The pain caused by strengthening is also unimaginable, as if the pain of Ling Chi constantly stimulated Liu Shan's nerves, and he let out a miserable howl unconsciously, until his body could no longer bear it. Because of the protection of his body, Liu Shan was happy fainted.

As if he had expected it, Tieshan immediately hugged Liushan's body that was about to fall. Now Liushan's whole body was in convulsions, and black liquid and a lot of sweat flowed out from every pore of his body. The gaps in the armor were left out, slowly creating a very unpleasant smell in the room.

Resisting the urge to vomit, the two ran out with Liu Shan.


Slowly regaining consciousness, Liu Shan only felt that there were countless ants crawling on his body, and the numbness was constantly coming from his body. The pain before coma had disappeared, and instead, his whole body seemed to be reborn. Reborn, an unprecedented powerful feeling filled all parts of the body, and now Liu Shan is confident that he can even compete with the admiral.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, it should be his own room. It seems that his father brought him back. The armor is still on his body, but Liu Shan feels like a part of his body, and the fit of the armor It's perfect, as if it was tailor-made.

What the hell is going on here? After putting on the armor, I felt severe pain all over my body, why can't I feel it now?And the body has been strengthened, is it because of the armor?

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