One Piece's Everlasting Dream

Chapter 6 One Attempt to Change History

()Looking at the sea in front of him, Liu Shan no longer has any big emotional fluctuations. He was excited when he saw the sea for the first time, but if he looked at it every day, he would feel numb.

After confirming the body of practice, the first thing Liu Shan has to do is to improve his physical fitness.Although it was fun to fight with the gangsters in the previous life, Liu Shan didn't know much about how to improve his physical fitness.The training of the army is definitely possible. Liu Shan doesn't know the details, but he knows the general idea. The army is nothing more than extreme training and weight training.It's just that Liu Shan didn't dare to do this, his body's endurance was not as good as that of an adult, so Liu Shan thought of swimming, which not only can increase his lung capacity, but also has a lot of resistance when moving in water, which is very suitable for Liu Shan , at least he couldn't find any better way.And Liu Shan thought of Yuebu, since it can be used to move freely in the air by kicking the air, why can't it be applied in water?

Thinking of this, Liu Shan felt excited, he might have opened a new window, and behind him was a vast space waiting for him to dig.

It's just that Liu Shan suddenly found out in embarrassment that he couldn't swim.This made Liu Shan feel speechless for a while, why did he forget this matter, if he didn't grow up by the sea, he would definitely be able to swim.Before the age of four, his parents forbade him to go to the beach to play, and after time travel, he patronized him to study at the Tree of Omniscience.This has led to the fact that I still can't swim. In my previous life, I could swim, but it doesn't mean that this body can. Fortunately, I discovered it early, otherwise I might be the first time traveler to be drowned. Shame on me.

There is no way, Liu Shan can only practice swimming in a small river on the island first, but fortunately the experience is still there, and within a few days Liu Shan will be able to swim in the sea.Of course, it is not just simple swimming. Liushan uses the concept of extreme training. For example, if you swim 100 meters today, you will have an extra [-] meters tomorrow, and so on.

Don't think that swimming 100 meters in the middle of the sea is rare. After all, Liushan is only six years old, and swimming in the sea is different from splashing a few times in a small river.

I don't know if there is any effect, but one thing is certain, that is, Liu Shan's appetite has obviously changed, and he eats more and more.The first thing my aunt's family discovered was my uncle, and within a few days, the whole family knew about it.For Liu Shan's practice of swimming, his aunt's family was very supportive, and his cousin even came to practice with him for a few days, but with his personality, he couldn't bear it soon.

It was only a few days after Liu Shan started that he realized that this was really too tiring. Doing this every day caused his whole body to ache when he slept at night.But he still persevered. To become stronger, in addition to having a heart that wants to become stronger, he also needs perseverance and courage.

In this way, in the original life, in addition to the aunt's house and the tree of omniscience, Liushan added another must-see place every day, the seaside.After Robin knew about it, she didn't say anything, because of the devil fruit, the sea basically had no relationship with her.Once, Liu Shan took her to the seaside specially, and found out sadly that the truth that people with devil fruit abilities cannot touch the sea is just Liu Shan not giving up.The ability users cannot use the fruit ability if their bodies are more than half in contact with the sea water, and the whole body will become limp and weak, but Liushan does not believe in evil, maybe the nature of the devil fruit keeps the ability users away from the sea water, but the weakness of the body is too fatal. Liu Shan persuaded Robin, and as a result, Robin submerged more than half of his body in the sea water every day when swimming in Liu Shan. It was not until a month passed that Robin found that he gradually gained a little strength, which greatly encouraged Robin and Liu Shan .If you persevere for a long time, although you are still a landlubber in the sea, at least you will not lose the ability to resist because of your general weakness.

Sometimes it may be just this little gap, which may be the boundary between life and death, and even if Robin falls into the sea in the future, he can save himself as long as he wears a small levitation device, an uninflated lifebuoy, etc. In this world, there are too many such things.

This ability is so useful, when Robin looks at Liushan now, his eyes are almost starred, and Robin doesn't know why Liushan always has so many wonderful ideas in his mind.In the past two years, with Liu Shan's help, Robin has lost that sense of loneliness. Although other children are still unwilling to be friends with her, for Robin, one is enough.Maybe it's because of her personality. Even though Robin is no longer lonely, she still spends her time in the library every day, and she lacks interest even when Liu Shan invites her out to play a few times.Maybe that's why she became an archaeologist at 8 years old.

Of course, while practicing, Liu Shan also began to think about the O'Hara incident. As far as Liu Shan is concerned, he has no way to prevent this from happening.Two years ago, when he set foot on this island, he was a bystander, wanting to learn a little more knowledge here before O'Hara was destroyed, and the information about this world he got in his previous life was really true. It is too little. As the largest library in the world, the Tree of Omniscience should allow itself to have a deeper understanding of everything in this world.

However, people are always changing.When he lived here for two years, he couldn't let go of all this.The aunt who cares about me, the two older sisters who treat me like brothers, the cousin who is usually heroic and loyal, and the enthusiastic O'Hara scholars.Thinking that they would all be killed in two years, Liu Shan felt a sharp pain in his heart, and a strong sense of desire surged in his heart, that he wanted to protect them.But thinking of his own strength, Liu Shan smiled wryly. If he didn't leave, he might not only be unable to save others, but even himself would be killed.My only advantage is that I know what will happen two years later.

Liu Shan didn't know the exact date of the navy's destruction of O'Hara, he only knew that it was not long after Robin successfully obtained the title of archaeologist.Maybe at that time, I can invite Robin to my home as a reason to celebrate.As for my aunt's family, I might try the same reason, and if it doesn't work, I will pretend that my parents invited them to stay for a few days.When the time comes, there is always a way.As for those scholars, there is nothing I can do. After all, not many people believe a child's words.

Suddenly, Liu Shan remembered what happened when Robin became an archaeologist, maybe this is a breakthrough point, and he can try it right away.

Thinking of this, Liu Shan immediately ran to the tree of omniscience.The whole library was quiet, and Liu Shan knew that Dr. Kuloba and the others were studying ancient texts in the basement at this time, and this was the opportunity.

Liu Shan, who has been there for two years, of course knows the entrance to the basement. Dr. Kuloba and the others don't have much awareness of precautions. Anyone who has stayed in the Tree of Omniscience for a while, as long as they are not too dull, can basically know this secret.Robin also knew about it a long time ago, but she thought she couldn't help everyone, and she didn't say that she wanted to study the text of history until she became an archaeologist.

Walking underground along a secret passage, Liu Shan didn't hide himself too much, but it wasn't until he pushed open the door of the secret room that Dr. Kuloba and the others came to their senses. Seeing the angry faces of Dr. Kuloba and the others, Liu Shan felt a sense of indifference. Sigh secretly, this is too lack of vigilance, if the government sends some spies, not to mention cp9, even casual ordinary people can find that they are studying the text of history.

"Liushan, why are you here? Didn't I tell you before that you won't be allowed to run around on the first floor?" Dr. Kuloba walked over angrily without thinking too much.

"I'm just curious. Doctors, you study here every day. I feel that I have learned well, and I should be able to help you, so I just took a look." Liu Shan said while observing with his eyes.The entire basement is very large, and a huge stone is prominently placed in the center. Liu Shan recognized it at a glance. It should be an ancient writing stone.

"Liu Shan, you are so presumptuous, hurry up and apologize to Dr. Kuloba." Aunt also looked very angry at Liu Shan. "Oh, I'm sorry, Dr. Kuloba. Hey, what is that? It's so big... Could this be the legendary ancient text? It is said that the world government will be killed if it finds out that someone studies it." Liu Shan said respectfully , and then showed a surprised look, changing the subject is a must.After hearing Liu Shan's words, everyone's expressions changed dramatically.

"You child, what are you talking about?" Auntie walked quickly to Liu Shan, and kept winking at Liu Shan. "Forget it, Xiao Shan, how did you know about this?" Dr. Kuloba sighed, but his eyes were firmly fixed on Liu Shan's.

"Studying historical texts will be executed by the world government. There have been many examples before, and Robin once told me that her dream is to decipher historical texts, so I have read a lot of books on this topic." "What, Little Robin actually has such a dream. Didn't she say she wants to become a great archaeologist? Xiao Shan, today I want to tell you officially, don't tell anyone about this matter, do you understand? "

"I know, Dr. Kuloba, I won't say it even if I die. It's just that Robin should know it too. I told her about it, and I believe Robin won't say it either."

"Robin, I will tell her personally, you just need to remember what I just said."

"Oh, it's just a doctor. It's too dangerous for you to study the historical texts. It would be bad if others find out and report you."

"Thank you for your concern, Xiaoshan. This is our own choice. Now we are researching at the risk of being killed at any time. We have already prepared ourselves when we started the research. You don't have to worry about us."

Liu Shan glanced around, only seeing firm eyes, feeling bitter in his heart, this gang of brains didn't know how to turn around, it seemed that the only way was to take the route of family affection.Liu Shan then began to pretend to cry to his aunt.

"Auntie, you are too bad. If you are killed by the world government, I will never be able to eat the food that my aunt cooks. My sisters will also be sad. Cousin will definitely avenge you, and then you will be killed by the government. People were killed. I don't want, I don't want my sisters to be sad, I don't want my cousin to leave me."

Liu Shan had even prepared the chili powder, but he was just talking, thinking that his aunt's family would be killed, and thinking of the care and care of his aunt's family for the past two years, Liu Shan couldn't help crying, and the more he cried, the louder he was .

As Liu Shan's voice fell, there was a trace of hesitation on everyone's face. Everyone has a family. Thinking of their own family, everyone hesitated without exception, and this was also Liu Shan's plan.It's just that Liu Shan still underestimated their spirit, in order to study the desperate spirit.The hesitation on everyone's faces gradually receded, replaced by fanaticism. Liu Shan had seen this kind of expression on the faces of religious fanatics in many film and television works, and secretly screamed that something was wrong.

"Doctor, you should also pay attention to your own safety when studying the historical text. Wouldn't it be great if you could decipher the historical text without sacrificing?"

"Hey, this kind of thing will be discovered sooner or later. We just hope that the time will be as good as possible. As for not being discovered at all, we have no hope."

"Can't there be a better way? For example, everyone is divided into several groups, go to other islands, and after a while, send a few people over to secretly exchange research results. Isn't that better."

"Hey, child, you are still thinking too simply. We need to refer to the tree of omniscience for our research, and the world government has long been eyeing us, but there is no excuse. We also cannot abandon the tree of omniscience. The Tree of Knowledge is the treasure of everyone in the world, we must protect it from being destroyed."

"Those books are dead, but people are alive, and O'Hara's most precious thing is you. If you are gone, what is the use of the tree of omniscience? Time politics can burn it with a fire. Not for Others, just for the sake of O'Hara, we must save the most precious life."

"I didn't expect that we would be taught by a child today. Forget it, Xiao Shan, you have no objection to your aunt's family going to your house. As for the others, I will arrange it later. You are satisfied now."

Seeing that Liu Shan had achieved his goal and at least saved a part of himself, he felt relieved. "Xiao Xue, you take Xiao Shan back first."

My aunt responded, then took my hand and walked out. "Doctor..." As Liu Shan and his aunt went away, everyone looked at Dr. Kuloba for a while, "You go first, you're here today, I'll think about it again." For a while, everyone looked different He walked away strangely, leaving only an old figure behind in the basement, and with a sigh, the basement fell into darkness.

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