Tech Geniuses

Chapter 68

()Ah ah!

Standing in the middle of the gate of death, Meng Kui couldn't help shouting, swung the broadsword of the third-grade elemental weapon and slashed horizontally, immediately chopped the three flying golden crown pythons into several pieces!Master Dayuan's powerful aura made those boa constrictors who were charging forward couldn't help but stagnate!

However, although the golden crown python rushing behind couldn't get close to Meng Kui, it could spit out the sharp liquid from the air.Like dozens of flying swords, all shot at him!

Shrinking his pupils slightly, Meng Kui didn't dare to neglect, and quickly raised the blade to block it forward!

ding ding ding...

The sharp snake liquid shot on the knife, making the sound of metal colliding!Meng Kui took a step back unconsciously, his hands were already slightly numb from the shock, but he hurried forward again, guarding the entrance to prevent those pythons from rushing in together.

"Have you found a way out yet?"

After beheading the three giant pythons again, Meng Kui hurriedly said to Yuntian.

"How can it be so fast, you hold on for a while!"

Seemingly not in a hurry, Yun Tian still walked around the cave calmly, looking around!When he came to the gate of life, Yun Tian went to turn the mechanism, but it really couldn't turn it!

Seeing this scene, Meng Kui really wanted to step forward and kick him!Are you an idiot? Since Yanhuang even blocked our escape route, how could he arrange another escape route on that door of life!

If Meng Kui hadn't been tired of dealing with the group of pythons at this time, he would have cursed loudly!But now, he didn't even have the time to scold!Because those pythons were rushing towards him like ocean waves, it was pretty good that he could barely resist it!

Seeing Meng Kui's embarrassed appearance, Yun Tian couldn't help but sneered in his heart, and continued to search for a way out in this cave!According to his calculations, Meng Kui should be able to last about 5 minutes.If he still hasn't found a way out after 5 minutes, he can only rush out before the pythons rush in.With the power of the medium nuclear bomb, he should be able to escape.As for Meng Kui, he never planned to let him get out of here alive!

After calculating everything properly, Yun Tian seemed to be walking leisurely in the cave, not at all like a catastrophe was imminent!

Suddenly, after searching the entire cave to no avail, the two lines of writing on the front stone wall caught his eyes again!

Life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky!When I was choosing the gate of life and death, I only noticed the first half of the sentence, so the meaning of the second half of the sentence is...

Frowning slightly, Yun Tian stared closely at the writing on the stone wall, and muttered softly: "Wealth lies in the sky...wealth lies in the sky...the sky!"

Startled suddenly, Yun Tian seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly raised his head to look at the top floor of the cave!It is a layer of black metal material, which seems to be the same as the material of the door of life and death, and it is a sixth-grade forging material!

Could it be that the real Yanhuang treasure is hidden on this top floor?The place of wealth and honor is in the sky!

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yun Tian was overjoyed, he hurriedly raised his arms, and aimed at the top floor with a blasting storm!However, after the flames had passed, the top floor didn't even have any traces of burning, let alone any way out!

"Little brother, what are you doing! The roof is made of sixth-grade forging materials. It is so hard that you can't open it! Hurry up and find other ways out!" Tangled on the road to death, Meng Kui couldn't help shouting hastily.

If you can't find a way out, I really can't stand it anymore!

Completely ignoring Meng Kui's shout, Yun Tian still stared at the ceiling above his head with burning eyes.Then, he looked at the Phantom Mouse beside him and said, "Xiao Huan, go up and look for it!"


Nodding his head, Phantom Mouse fully understood what Yun Tian meant!So when Yun Tian threw it towards the top wall, he immediately grabbed the stone wall on the top floor and sprinted back and forth above it!

The sixth-grade forging material is too hard, even the phantom mouse can't eat it, and it is difficult to open a way out.If Emperor Yan really intends to arrange a way out for the treasure hunters, then the exit can definitely be broken easily!The crux of the problem is just where the exit is!

Staring closely at the figure of the Phantom Mouse, Yun Tian looked at all this with solemn eyes!

"Little brother, are you still okay? I can't hold it...I can't..."

As if squeezed out from between his teeth, Meng Kui stepped back step by step, and the sharp snake liquid was also hitting his sword like raindrops, so that his arms lost feeling!

This trash is actually more than a minute behind what I expected!

Glancing at Meng Kui with hatred, seeing that the defense that was guarding the gate was about to collapse, Yun Tian couldn't help looking anxiously at the Phantom Mouse who was searching carefully on the top wall!

Having already found the clue to the treasure, Yun Tian was really unwilling to reconciled to failing at the last moment!However, if he has not found a way out before the defense collapses, he can only give up!

"I can not make it!"

Finally, Meng Kui yelled and jumped back abruptly, avoiding the attack of the three golden-crowned pythons in front of him!But there were still a few streams of snake liquid from behind, rubbed his shoulders and shot onto the stone wall inside the cave, making a little thumb-sized hole!

Since then, the defense in front of the cave has completely collapsed, and hundreds of golden crown pythons rushed in instantly!

Damn, it seems that we can only break through!

Gritting his teeth, Yun Tian felt unwilling, but in such a situation, he could only temporarily give up the treasure!So he looked at the Phantom Mouse on the top wall and shouted, "Xiao Huan, come back!"

However, at the same time, the Phantom Mouse let out a cheerful cry.At a hidden corner of the top wall, gnawing on the stones above!


The pupils shrank slightly, Yun Tian was overjoyed immediately, and rushed towards the Phantom Mouse!The phantom mouse can't eat the sixth-grade forging materials, so the materials in this place are from the first-grade to the third-grade!And the low-grade forging materials appeared on the top layer where the entire forging materials were sixth-grade, which is obviously where the export is located!

Thinking of this, Yun Tian stretched out his hand to recall the phantom mouse again, then raised the explosive glove to face the corner, and a violent explosive storm came out!


There was an explosion, and a dark hole appeared above the dark corner!

Seeing this scene, Yuntian jumped in without saying a word.However, just as he jumped into it, a figure followed closely behind him!Then, I saw him take out a shield from the storage ring and put it on the hole, with a few talismans on his hand and pointing down!In an instant, the dazzling light flashed away, and the entire shield was tightly attached to the entrance of the cave, sealing the entrance of the cave completely, and the group of golden-crowned pythons could no longer catch up!

"Hehehe... This is a fourth-grade defensive weapon, which those beasts can't break through!" Meng Kui smiled slightly, looked at Yuntian and said, "Little brother, you really have it! You have found such a secret exit!"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Yun Tian also sneered and said, "Aren't you not bad, you still hide such a strong power! If you use this fourth-grade defensive element, you should be able to last for another 15 minutes!"

"Hahaha...Little brother, don't worry about it so much! Now we should have come to Yanhuang's tomb, go and see what treasures are there!" With a big laugh, Meng Kui walked forward first, without looking at Yuntian again At a glance, it seems that he is no longer in his eyes!

But the facts are indeed the same, Meng Kui already knew that Yuntian didn't have a nuclear bomb or a more powerful weapon, and even damaged a blasting glove, how could he care about a Yuanshi?

I am afraid that when he gets the treasure, it is the moment when he kills Yuntian!

Seeing Meng Kui strutting ahead, and the Phantom Mouse stomping his feet angrily, Yun Tian's eyes became colder and colder!It seems that the time has finally come to turn around...

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