Conferred God's Disease Rune Star

Chapter 12 Seeing is believing

() Wang You pressed his anger. Anyway, he already knew that Huan Yu was the chairman of the Student Union of the Graduate School of Qingshan Medical University.

"Thank you for letting me know, Senior Sister. By the way, I haven't asked the name of Senior Sister's name yet? My younger brother has inherited traditional Chinese medicine from his ancestors. To express my gratitude, why don't I help Senior Sister get her pulse?"

"Huang Xin, pin push senior year."

As for the pulse?Huang Xin declined with a smile. She is a student cadre of Zhentui. She often walks around the departments and is familiar with several professors and famous Chinese medicine practitioners. If she is really sick, wouldn't it be better to ask these experts to look at it?

And the anti-illegal office came to the door, didn't it be Wang You who was cheating in the name of ancestral Chinese medicine?Although Huang Xin thinks that Wang You doesn't look like a bad person, and she has a natural sense of protection for the students of the school and department, she doesn't really believe in the fraud of the AFP, but in the end she thinks that Chinese medicine is the most experienced, you are a freshman Freshmen, how capable are they?

The two chatted while walking, and soon came to the office. Huang Xin knocked on the door, and a loud voice came from inside: "Come in."

"Director Meng, I brought Wang You here."

Wang You followed him in. There was only one person in the office. He looked around half a hundred. His face was full of red and full of energy. His eyes were originally peaceful, but when he heard Wang You's name, they suddenly became sharp.

If Wang You was really a liar, he might not dare to look directly at him, but Wang You was not guilty, so he naturally didn't need to dodge. He met Director Meng's eyes, and called out in a neutral voice, "Hello, Director Meng."

On the way here, Huang Xin had already introduced that the head of the department, Meng Fusheng, is an authority in acupuncture and massage in the province, with a lot of honorary titles, such as Zheng Fu special allowance, million-dollar talent project, provincial-level famous Chinese medicine practitioner, and famous teaching teacher. ...sounds like a great deal.

Meng Fusheng hummed, and then looked away after a few seconds, first said to Huang Xin: "Xiao Huang, you also stay and listen, if there is indeed a problem, the department will publish a sober topic." Then he said to Wang You: " Hypokalemia, hyperthyroidism... Well, whether the hyperthyroidism is cured or not can only be known after examination, but hypokalemia leads to flaccid paralysis, which can be cured on the spot in less than 3 minutes? Hmph, who gave you the courage to tell such a big lie? You still say that true qi cures diseases? Good Chinese medicine and good qigong are ruined by you people!"

Of course Meng Fusheng is angry. There are often so-called "famous Chinese medicine practitioners", "old Chinese medicine practitioners", "ancestral Chinese medicine practitioners" and "Qigong masters" who are exposed and brought to justice. You see, Chinese medicine practitioners are indeed liars, and qigong is indeed fake, but the conscience of heaven and earth, those are not real Chinese medicine practitioners and qigong masters at all, they are just liars under the guise. What about scolding us Chinese medicine and qigong?Why don't you liars claim to be "famous Western medicine"?

Well, Western medicine is not good enough to be called, but even if you use Chinese medicine as a cover, don’t play the trick of "curing hypokalemia paralysis in 3 minutes". Is the IQ of TCM physicians?

It was Huang Xin. She didn't know the details before, but now that she knows "3 minutes to cure hypokalemia paralysis", she immediately moved half a step sideways, keeping a little distance from Wang You, so as not to infect the mentally handicapped, and then thought, Wang You on the way just now His speech and behavior don't look like mental retardation. Could it be that he is as wise as a fool? <The wind was blowing on his face, and he smiled and said: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

"Huh, that's not necessarily true." Meng Fusheng is an old man, and he knows many examples of what he sees is not true, but words are the weakest, and practice can only slap your face. Since Wang You said so, then come, "Go, go Three courtyards."

Every medical school has multiple affiliated hospitals. The third hospital mentioned by Meng Fusheng is the Third Affiliated Hospital of the Provincial University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The third hospital is just a customary name in the school.

Meng Fusheng was in a hurry, so he left as soon as he said, went downstairs to pick up his car, and entered the Third Hospital in less than 10 minutes.

"Hello, Dean Meng!"

The doctors and nurses they met on the road greeted each other, and Meng Fusheng also served as the vice president of the third hospital.

Meng Fusheng took people straight to the endocrinology department of the inpatient department. When they came to a hospital bed, the patient was a man in his thirties who was hanging water. The family members saw Meng Fusheng and stood up to say hello and asked how my man was doing.The doctors and nurses on duty also came quickly, waiting respectfully for Dean Meng to inspect.

Meng Fusheng glanced at Wang You, and Wang You of course understood that stepping forward was to help.Doctors, nurses, patients and family members were puzzled, who is this kid?Isn't he wearing a white coat?But no matter what, since Dean Meng brought it, let's watch it first.

Wang You's pretentiousness, even some passers-by on the train who had seen the pulse of Chinese medicine felt that it was not standard. Now that it fell into the eyes of experts, it was full of flaws. Meng Fusheng couldn't help but snorted. hell!

In less than half a minute, Wang You put down his hand, nodded, and said, "No problem, leave it to me." Not afraid of strangers, he pointed to the nurse beside him and said, "Pull the needle."

" it still half a bottle?"

The nurse looked at the doctor, and the doctor looked at the dean. Seeing that Dean Meng had no objection with a sullen face, he signaled to the nurse to do so. Anyway, there was a tall man supporting him when the sky fell. Besides, it was only half a bottle of water.

The patient and his family members were in a hurry. It was okay to lose half a bottle of water, but they came to watch and pulled out the needle for no reason. Could something be wrong?Don't scare me, will there be a major change in the condition?Don't come to critical illness notice?For a moment his complexion was as dusty.

Wang You looked at it with a smile, we are not tigers, we do not eat people, and comforted: "Relax, it will take 3 minutes to see results, come." While speaking, he had already turned the patient over, pressed several acupoints with his big hands, and started to "luck" Make power."

Meng Fusheng couldn't help shaking his head. What kind of trick is this? It doesn't press on any acupuncture point at all, and it still works?How can a real qigong master tremble like this?Epilepsy crazy!

Forget it, since you said 3 minutes, and endure for 3 minutes, then you have to spray him to death, hmph, expulsion from school and handing over to the law!

The doctors and nurses also became more and more confused. Although Dean Meng didn't give an explanation, but judging from this posture, could it be that he has found a new way to use massage and qigong to treat the symptoms of hypokalemia and flaccid paralysis?But, but this young man's method is too rough, it's almost fake!

After 3 minutes passed, Wang You clapped his hands, pretended to let out a long breath, and said to the patient: "Okay, stand up by yourself, you can leave the hospital and go home, remember to pay the fee."

That's all right?joke?Don't say that doctors and nurses don't believe it, even the family members and even the patients themselves don't believe it. The patient couldn't help questioning: "Aren't you kidding me?"

Anyway, we have to give it a try, turn over... er, turn over?Turned up!The patient was ecstatic to find that his legs and feet became stronger. He was [-] years old and suddenly paralyzed two days ago. He was thinking about what to do for the rest of his life, whether his wife would leave, and dragging down his elderly parents. He even wanted to commit suicide. !

Fortunately, after entering the hospital, it was found out that it was hypokalemia, and I was not really paralyzed. I felt more relaxed. Although there was hope, it was uncomfortable to be limp and paralyzed in the hospital bed for a few days. Now I am fine. It worked in 3 minutes, it's amazing!

The patient quickly went to shake Wang You's hand, and was very grateful: "Miracle doctor, what a miracle doctor, what is your name?"

The doctors and nurses were dumbfounded, is it true or not?Daydreaming?Hey, Xiao Li, pinch me, ouch, it hurts, it’s really not a dream, but how is it possible?

Especially the doctor on duty, he looked like a ghost. This patient has been with him for the past two days. Paralyzed, and it is still severe, and it is not difficult to treat. It can be cured after a few days of hanging water, but it can be massaged, okay, and it can be done in 3 minutes. What kind of gong is it?Many people who study Chinese medicine practice qigong, and we have also practiced a lot, but we have never heard of such a miraculous qigong. It is just as miraculous as the fake qigong boasted by those scammers in the society!

Meng Fusheng was also shocked. You said that you cheated with others on the train, but when you ran to the hospital, you couldn't catch every patient who was an accomplice of Wang You's scammer?Or, try another one?

Before Meng Fusheng hesitated, someone rushed to plead for his life: "Genius doctor, genius doctor, please ask the genius doctor to come and see me!"

There was more than one patient in the ward, and another was lying on the bed next to him. This is not hypokalemic flaccid paralysis, but since he is a miracle doctor, he must not only treat one disease, how could he miss the opportunity?

Wang You chuckled, glanced at Meng Fusheng, and walked over, still feeling rough in his pulse, and when he put it down, he shook his head and said: "Your disease, I can help you get rid of some complications, but the root cause of the disease is still nothing to do .”

"This, this... genius doctor, don't be humble!" The man was in a hurry, he was paralyzed for 3 minutes, why didn't he cure me of the root cause of the disease?Oh, could it be the fortress red envelope?I will quietly ask how much to stuff later.

Wang You shook his head and said, "You are diabetic, the only example in the world that has not been cured yet."

Compared with AIDS, advanced liver cancer and other diseases, diabetes does not seem to be a terminal illness. As long as it is properly controlled, it can still live a healthy life.But the problem is that this disease cannot be eradicated with the current medical level.

During Wang You's one-month stay in Jinling, he collected millions of sick talismans, and encountered many that he couldn't collect. They confirmed the past one by one, and coupled with the constant communication with Wang Zuo, he had a certain understanding of the authority of the sick talisman. a deeper understanding.

Different from the self-cultivation of the immortal way, the gods of the list of gods originated from the power of vows, and they transcended the power of vows. They arose from all living beings, collected by saints, and turned into lists of gods.

This wish power is what all living beings think and think. If it is Wang Zuo, the sick talisman star in its heyday, it will be able to transcend all living beings.Now the extremely weak Wang Zuo, the power he can provide Wang You is far from reaching the level of detachment. In short, he can't cure what mortals think can't be cured.

This mortal is not one person or two people, like the current patient, he hopes from the bottom of his heart that the divine doctor can cure his diabetes, but the power of one person's wish is insignificant. Only when all living beings form an unconscious consensus can they be fed back to the priesthood power of the disease star in the handle.

If there is such a big liar who deceives most people in the world into believing that he has developed a medicine that can completely cure diabetes, then even if the medicine is fake, during the period of time when people believe it, diabetes is nothing to Wang You. can be cured.

It really can't be done now, but Wang You is not discouraged, but full of fighting spirit. He just can't cure it for the time being. He still wants to cure his grandfather's advanced liver cancer. As long as Wang Zuo recovers as soon as possible, he will be able to transcend reality.

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