() The five major leagues, stars from various countries, seem huge, but in fact it is only a small circle. Within two hours of recovering, the news of a miracle doctor in Munich has already spread in this small circle.

The first reaction of the people who heard the news was disbelief. Wai Bei Wai had his leg broken, and he was consulted at the most prestigious San Frando Hospital in the European sports world. The diagnosis took five months to recover!How could it be all right?

It doesn't matter if you don't believe it or not, just call and ask, Waibei is the main French international footballer, and the international footballers who have made good friends with him called one after another, even the French team coach also called to inquire, and they all got affirmative answers.

The news spread like a plague, this French international is at Arsenal, that French international is at Inter Milan, so many French internationals have friends in their respective clubs, one pass two, two pass three, spread throughout the five major leagues, and even the entire European football altar.

Others were surprised when they heard it. Can those injured superstars still sit still?Can the clubs where the injured superstars belong?

The head coach of Real Madrid hurriedly found the chairman, first to confirm the truth of the news, and second, to urge the chairman to call for a miracle doctor.In fact, there is no need for him to urge, the chairman has already booked the ticket!

Real Madrid come, Manchester City come, Barcelona come, Inter Milan come... Which of the big giants doesn't have a few injured stars, Dian Heng's newly bought house is full of guests all of a sudden, tell us about this Going to Manchester City, the one said that Madrid welcomes you, Dian Heng smiled excitedly.

If someone had told him a month ago that the bosses of Real Madrid and Barcelona would flatter a Chinese international footballer, Dianheng would have scolded that person for talking nonsense, but now, looking at the friendly smiles of the football bosses, Dianheng is like Like a dream, comfortable, arrogant, if you take a few photos and send them back to China, you will definitely scare your teammates to death!

Dian Heng said, Xiao He translated: "Everyone, Mr. Wang You still has a large number of patients waiting for his treatment in our country, many of whom are high-ranking officials, so they can only stay in Europe for a short time, and follow you in each country, city, and club. Running over, I’m afraid there is not enough time, so please send the stars who need treatment to Munich. Next, please line up, negotiate treatment costs with us, and sign a contract.”

Still the same sentence, Wang You is a true genius doctor, only others ask for it, how can there be a genius doctor rushing to your door to treat you?The outside is to make the first shot, but only this shot is needed, followed by Mei Dong, the number one football star in today's football, you have to obediently listen to the doctor's words, otherwise, we will not serve you!

You don't have to come, I won't go anyway.

The people from the various clubs looked at each other in blank dismay. Since this was the case, they could only send the people here and negotiate first.

Wang You only stayed in Europe for a few days, and he had already boarded the flight back to China in late October.In just a few days, he cured various injuries for Wai Bei Wai, Mei Dong, Lu Gang, Nei Niuer...a total of more than ten superstars, more than thirty first-rate stars, and more than a hundred second- and third-rate players.

As for the future?Still the same sentence, it is the patient who seeks the doctor, not the doctor. In the future, if a superstar is seriously injured, please come to China. Dianheng is just acting as a contact in Europe.

Sitting in the seat, Wang You played with the small gifts in the gift bag. After all, he went abroad and brought some gifts back to his parents and grandpa, and three roommates would also have a share. Oh my God, there are more than 5 million euros in his foreign currency account, which is equivalent to more than [-] million yuan at the current exchange rate!These days, the eyes of foreigners are all red, but it’s normal to think about it. What is the status of Mei Dong and others? They are people who stand at the top of an industry. When money is linked to people of their level , must be astronomical.

At first, I thought about earning a billionaire in five years, but now I have achieved it in a few days, and I can't help but feel uneasy. Why do I need so much money? It feels like I can't use it up in a lifetime.

He was planning to transfer some of it to his parents, and then use some of it to set up some kind of fund, when a person came by his side, accompanied by a fresh fragrance, which didn't seem to smell like perfume, but it smelled good anyway, Wang You couldn't help turning his head to take a look.

The one facing her was a pair of clear blue ocean eyes, a western-style classically beautiful face, fair and healthy skin with a hint of luster, and long golden hair hanging down to her chest. It is much more simple, and there are multiple crosses on the clothing, could it be some kind of nun clothing?

The woman was about ten or nine years old. Seeing Wang You looking at her, she nodded with a smile, as if it was just a necessary courtesy, and then ignored it. After sitting down, she opened a book by herself, and there was also a cross on the spine. , Could it be the scriptures?

Unimpeded communication is the basic ability of God, not only language, but also writing.Wang You glanced at the scripture, and Wang Zuo understood it, and translated it to Wang You:

"...John wrote to the seven churches, that from God who was, who is, and who is to come, and the seven Spirits who are before his throne..."

Probably the teachings of the Far West Sect, commonly known as the Guangming Sect. I heard that the Guangming Sect also has many branches, and the most fundamental scriptures are also different. Wang You is not familiar with these, nor is he interested, so he will not read more.

The plane soared into the sky and headed east. It was a long-distance journey, so loneliness was unavoidable in the middle. Wang You also took out a book, "Fengshen Yanyi". It has been nearly three months, and Wang You has already flipped through this book. Dozens of times, constantly discussing with Wang Zuo and groping for the truth of history.

Gradually fascinated by reading, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a suppressed and painful moan from the side. Wang You looked, and saw the blonde woman's brows were tightly frowned, her lower lip was tightly biting, her face was a little distorted, obviously Illness tormented.

Not only Wang You, the stewardess in front also saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Miss nun, can I help you?" twice in a row, in German and English.

Compared to Wang You's unfamiliarity with Guangming Cult costumes, the stewardess obviously recognized that she was a nun.

The nun replied in German: "I have gallstones... ah..."

Some people have gallstones that never hurt, while others hurt terribly. Wang You sees it, but it’s not that he feels pity for the fragrance and cherishes the jade. It’s his long-cherished wish to cure diseases and save lives. At this moment, there are no Dian Heng and Xiao He who need to test their character. He directly used German: "Hello, I am a Chinese medicine doctor and have experience in treating gallstones."

His German is purely learning and selling. Wang Zuo said something, and he followed it. It was not coherent, but it was better than the standard.

The stewardess was overjoyed, no matter whether she believed in Chinese medicine or not, she was relying on it now, so she hurriedly asked Wang You for help, the nun endured the pain and said, "Thank you sir."

Wang You didn't talk nonsense, he pressed his palm on her right abdomen, and after a slight vibration, he stopped and said with a smile, "How is it? Do you feel better?"

The stewardess was dumbfounded, Chinese medicine treats diseases like this?

The nun's eyebrows stretched out, confusion, joy, shock, all kinds of expressions mixed together, and finally turned into gratitude: "It's amazing, thank you so much, sir, I heard that Chinese medicine has a magical ability, It’s called qigong, did you use qigong to cure me?”

"That's right, it's Qigong!"

Wang You followed the words perfunctorily, but his heart was turned upside down.

It is not surprising that a foreign nun has heard of Chinese medicine and Qigong. After all, in Europe, although the mainstream view does not agree with Chinese medicine, there are also many Chinese medicine practitioners here. Where there is Chinese medicine, the legend of Qigong is naturally indispensable. .

What really shocked him was Wang Zuo's reminder: "Wang You, this woman has a problem!"

Wang You was about to ask what the problem was, but he had already caught a clue. Just now, the moment he touched the nun, he sensed the disease in the nun's body, took the disease away, and turned it into a gallstone talisman.

This process seems to be completely fine, but when you think about it carefully, the problem is serious!

A gallstone talisman?one?one!

Based on Wang You's habit in the past three months, no matter whether he treats diseases openly or secretly, he has always implemented the "receipt policy". Except for terminal diseases and diabetes that cannot be cured for the time being, everything else is accepted according to the order!

People eat five grains and suffer from all kinds of diseases.

Even in healthy people, there are dozens of diseases in the body, but some diseases are not enough to attract attention, and some diseases are not regarded as diseases if they are not specifically mentioned. For example, 97% of adults have mites. If counted by mites, those diseases Those who thought they were healthy became sick.

According to Wang You's habit, he should get dozens of sickness charms from the nun, how could he only receive one?Thinking about the sensation when I touched it just now, there was only one gallstone, how could this be possible?

Normal people shouldn't be so healthy!

Not to mention other things, just talk about gallstones. If a person has gallstones, he will definitely not only have gallstones. It is very likely that the gallbladder also has inflammation. Liver, stomach, pancreas, intestinal tract, one or more of them, there should be some problems, even minor problems or ailments.

This nun is definitely not an ordinary person!

If gallstones are excluded, she will be "absolutely healthy". Wang You has always thought that he is the only "absolutely healthy" person in the world. Even his parents were absolutely healthy after the treatment, but they haven't seen each other for several months. New diseases will be born, the wild fire will not be exhausted, and the disease will be born again!

An absolutely healthy person, first of all, she shouldn't have gallstones. If she does, it must not be a naturally occurring disease. It seems that she deliberately created a disease and let him treat it!

Probing?Whose temptation?Far West?Being targeted?

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