Conferred God's Disease Rune Star

Chapter 25 Devil Whisper

() The next morning, Wang You got on the flight to Qingshanlushui. Just as he was seated, Teresa sat down next to him.

And this Teresa has too much energy!The tickets for this flight have already been sold out, but after he healed Elder Guan yesterday, he told Director Zhao that there was something urgent to go back to Lushui, and Director Zhao took care of it with a phone call.As for the recruitment of team doctors by the national football team?Then I can only hehe.But how did Teresa get the ticket for this flight?Could it be that she expected me to leave this morning yesterday?

Teresa chuckled lightly and said, "The request you made yesterday was not stupid, but it's a pity that it's too late to make up for it."

Wang You felt a chill in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Do you know the request I made with Elder Guan?"

Although Teresa possesses magical powers, regardless of the elder's status, if Teresa can eavesdrop on even what the elders say at home, then what kind of state secrets does our country have?National policy, strategy, diplomacy, nuclear weapons, armaments... all will leak secrets!

No, if this is the case, how can China rise?It has long been eaten by the United States and Europe, and there are no bones left!If this is really the case, the European and American countries that believe in Far Western religion can completely destroy China in modern times!

From a practical point of view, since the Far West Sect did not dominate the world, it can be seen that the magic of the Far West Sect is not omnipotent.According to some online novels that Wang You has read before—of course, these are only online novels, which cannot be used as evidence—since the three worlds are divided, then the human world should also have a kind of hidden power, perhaps it is the "" Humane luck", if there is a humane luck, then the elders who are the apex of the country should be protected by the power of humanity?

Teresa said: "It's just a little knowledge, you see." Teresa opened the notebook, "There are still news about the mysterious Chinese doctor abroad, but in your country, all of them have been deleted."

Wang You heaved a sigh of relief. The elder Guan of the secret channel really kept his word. With one order, he was quiet in the country. Of course, the mainstream media blocked it, but it was inevitable that there would be gossip in some small forums.

Teresa sneered and said: "Do you think this is enough? There is still a lot of noise abroad, and other churches will come to you sooner or later. Wang You, do you know how stupid your actions in Europe are? Mei Dong, Wai Bei Wai and others have attracted worldwide attention. Even let their fractures and serious injuries be healed instantly! This, in your Chinese popular saying, is two? Fractures are healed in an instant, and ordinary people will treat you as a miracle doctor. How can a truly wise person think this way? This is against common sense! Against science! In the eyes of our seven major churches, it is naturally a supernatural power; in the eyes of others, it is also a supernatural power, a superpower. Especially since you helped your elders heal, your state machine must have begun to study you! "

Wang You's face flushed suddenly, but he gradually regained his composure. Of course he knew what he was doing, of course he knew the huge risk of doing so, but he had his reasons.

Why go to college?His initial thought was that if someone from Heavenly Court came to hunt him down and capture the sick talisman star Wang Zuo back or kill him directly, leaving his life as Wang You, then Wang You would still have to live and work in the future, naturally. You should study medicine well.

But as Wang You and Wang Zuo continued to discuss, as Wang You continued to read various mythological novels, his thoughts were constantly changing, and the pressure became greater and greater.For example, in his backpack, in addition to "Fengshen Yanyi", there are also "Water Margin" and "Journey to the West". In "Journey to the West", there is such a description: one day in the sky, one year on the ground.

Now Wang You already knows that the history and background written in "Fengshen Yanyi" are the truth and essence of this world, and that the [-] stars in "Water Margin" are indeed descended from the list of gods, Wang Zuo also said that they all He was captured back to the Heavenly Court, imprisoned in the Temple of Fumo, and was tortured by Yin and fire!

Fengshen is true, Water Margin is true, so what about Journey to the West?

One day in the sky, one year on the ground!

Wang Zuo violated the rules of heaven and went down to earth, the heaven would not ignore him, he would definitely send someone to hunt him down or even kill him, if the pursuer set off in a day, he would come in a year later!Could it be that Gambling Wang Zuo hid the blood of his descendants, and the pursuers couldn't find it?

For Wang You, what if it is the worst outcome?The heavenly chasers found them, and even killed him!

In other words, he probably only had one year left to live. At that time, Wang You's first thought was not his own safety, but what would happen to his parents and grandpa in the future?Grandpa has parents to take care of, but what about parents?Parents are fine now, but they will grow old sooner or later. When they get old, what if they develop various problems again, such as stroke, or even both of them have stroke?Who will take care of it?

Wang You's idea is that if he can't fulfill his filial piety, he should leave enough money for his parents, some of which will be given directly to his parents, and some of which will be set up as a fund, set conditions, set supervision, and step by step through the situation of the two elders being taken care of. control of the fund.

In the end, it turned into the behavior of Wang You, who is now called "two" by Teresa.

First, Wang You needs a lot of money, so he turned to the stars.

Second, since I probably only have one year to live, why bother to keep a low profile, just make a high profile and be unrestrained for a year, and if I die, I can still leave a legend in the world.

How can a real man die in obscurity when he was born in the world?Now, Elder Guan, please suppress the media, just for the sake of peace for a while, and no longer be disturbed by reporters, but the news of the past few days has already spread all over the world. Even if he is dead now, many people will remember that there was a miracle doctor who left There is a legend.

Parents and grandfathers, fame after death, these two things are all there, Wang You no longer has any worries, and can wholeheartedly deal with his own crisis.

If someone from Heavenly Court wanted to kill him, he would definitely resist; even if someone from Heavenly Court wanted to kill Wang Zuo, he would definitely help; not only Heavenly Court, but also the seven major churches of the Far West Sect, if they were enemies, how could they be captured without a fight?

Wang You opened his notebook, entered that scripture, and the search results came out immediately.

"The seven churches, the seven spirits of the seat of the book of Revelation, the last chapter of the Far West Canon. Is this a book of prophecy?"

Wang You read it carefully, seven spirits, seven seals, seven bowls and seven angels?Four Horsemen?Satan?Big Red Dragon?A falling star opened the bottomless pit?Doomsday, final judgment?Xintiandi?God came again!

Wang You was not interested in religious studies, nor did he have basic knowledge in this area. He was confused for a while, but he seemed to have a clue, but he couldn't grasp it.

After a few days...

At the headquarters of Qianshi Group, Qianxiong's gaze is gloomy, Wang You has returned to the provincial capital, to the Third Hospital, and started to treat myopia again!

The disappearance and shielding of the news some time ago means that the big boss at Qianxiong's level can certainly interpret it, and Wang You has already listened to it!Under such circumstances, the most sensible thing to do is to stop. Other glasses companies and eyedrop companies have already stopped, because they found that it seems that there is nothing to worry about!

That's right, it's unfounded worry.

The doubts when he got the news at first, the panic after rushing to Lushui City to confirm the news, the helplessness of failing to contact Wang You, and the fear of making his subordinates get sick inexplicably due to tough measures, all these broke out in a short period of time in mid-to-late September mood.

But as time went on, until late October, major eyewear companies and eye drops companies finally had enough time to think, why did we come to Wang You in such a hurry?Because Wang You's ancestral secret potion can miraculously cure myopia, threatening the survival of the entire industry!

Is it really a threat?Optical shops across the country are still operating as usual. The real impact is only Lushui City. At most, people from surrounding cities and counties come to queue. What about more distant places?

Oh, you said that the myopic patients in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou will flock to Lushui City after hearing the news?how can that be possible?First of all, myopia is a disease, but it is not a disease that has a great impact. Wearing a pair of glasses can solve it, and it does not threaten life. Naturally, myopia patients are not in a hurry. Those who should go to work go to school, and those who should go to school, oh, you Said that in order to cure a myopia, I took a few days off and went to other provinces to queue up for treatment?Will the company boss approve?Will the school approve it?Obviously not!

Secondly, Wang You is alone in the treatment, for two hours every night, 240 people will be treated in half a minute, and only 8 people will be treated in one year. Is more than 8 people a lot?Compared with the number of myopia patients in the whole country, it is nothing to mention. Do you know how many tens of thousands of myopia patients emerge every year?

Therefore, if only Wang You governs alone, there is no need to worry at all!From the analysis of the current situation, Wang You obviously has no intention of mass-producing the secret potion, nor does he have any intention of cooperating with any company, so that's it.

Other glasses companies and eye drops companies patted their asses and went back, but Qianxiong’s Qianshi Group can’t leave. His foundation is in Lushui City. Although Wang You can only treat more than 8 people a year, there are more myopia patients. You have to wear glasses, but everyone is about to talk, oh, other people only need hundreds of dollars to completely cure myopia, but your store costs hundreds of dollars for a pair of glasses. Is this too much?

Humans, what I’m afraid of is comparison. One is only equipped with glasses, and the other is completely cured. Can this be compared?Although a few hundred dollars is not a big deal, but after comparison, people will not be reconciled. Well, I don’t deserve new glasses anymore, so I will use old glasses to make do with it, and I must stand in the queue.

In this way, even if Wang You can only treat more than 8 people a year, the actual impact will be at least hundreds of thousands. One can imagine the business of Qianshi Group.

How can Qianxiong not be in a hurry?

But on the official level, it’s already hard to move, playing black, Ah Fei and the others inexplicably opened their eyes and went blind.There are monk temples and Taoist temples in Lushui City, which one should I go to?

Qianxiong soon had an idea, instead of going to the Monk Temple or the Taoist temple, go to the church!

In Qianxiong's heart, he doesn't believe in any religion, and going to temples, Taoist churches is just to cover up his fear.If you don’t believe it, you can go to any one. If you want to, then it’s better to go to a church than a temple.Why?Because Qianxiong had also been fascinated by several masters before, such as Master Wang and Master Li, they were all exposed later, and these liar masters always talked about Buddha and Taoism, and Buddhism and Taoism naturally left a negative impression in Qianxiong's heart .

There is a Illuminati church over there in the university town. How can a church be built in a university town?In fact, there is nothing surprising, not only the church, there is a university in the university town called "Qingshan Theological Seminary"!There are many theological schools in China, but unlike foreign countries, the churches in China are self-contained and obey the party-state, not under the command of the Illuminati Church in Europe and America.

Electric lights have been popularized for a long time, but candles are still lit in the church, and there is fog outside, making it look hazy. A tall and thin priest is flipping the scriptures.

"...Swarms of locusts gushed out with the thick smoke. These locusts had the face of a man, hair like a woman, with sharp teeth like a lion, an iron armor on their chest, and a scorpion's tail..."

Like a devil whispering, the shadows of the dozen or so people kneeling and praying in front of them were elongated by the candlelight.

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