() break, heal; break, heal...

Wang You kept collecting bone fracture talismans. Speaking of it, it seemed a little cruel, but his determination was not shaken at all. His eyes were calm, his expression was focused, and his hands were steady, as if he was pouring wine for the guests. A lot of points, not a drop of splash.

Wang Zuo saw it in his eyes, and secretly praised him again, such a descendant is undoubtedly the most suitable for him.

It's a pity that the time is limited, otherwise Wang You wouldn't mind collecting millions of fracture charms on Qiangzi and others. It's already four o'clock, and it's usually dawn at a quarter past five in Wutou County.He broke two fingers per second. By 04:30, he had broken Qiang Zi and others' fingers [-] times in total, and collected [-] sickness symbols!

Speaking of it, it seems that energy is not conserved. Maybe the existence and power of immortals are beyond the law of energy conservation?


Wang You didn't take another look, turned around and got off the car.

The matter is not over yet, and I have to be busy next time. I have to find a place to hide the money I collected; I have to talk to my parents on the Guangnan side; and finally I have to go back to the garbage dump to lie down again!

Thinking of the rubbish dump, Wang You couldn't help cursing disgustingly, but there was nothing he could do about it. Although Wutou County was poor in law and order, the police were not very responsible, but what if they happened to be responsible this time?Or is it the police who colluded with Qiangzi to investigate?

Wang Zuo feels a little pity, what a pity he is for this van, what a good thing, you can dash forward by turning the "compass", faster than a war horse, more stable and more comfortable than a carriage, if he had this van back then, hey , Do you still use horseback riding?He drove over and killed Nangong Shi!

Ordinary people can make such a car, it seems that the mortal world has really changed a lot, Wang Zuo couldn't help but look forward to it even more.

Wang You ran all the way, picked up the phone when he got home, and called: "Dad, I woke you up. Something happened to me. Now I have to pretend to be injured. I think the police or street staff will call you...don't worry , I'm really fine, I'll come to you in three days at most."

Wang You is not going to tell his parents and grandpa about the sick talisman. While the sick talisman brings him opportunities, it also means huge risks. He is cruel and merciless, and he wants to kill all the insiders together?

Not to mention the sick star, then there will definitely be doubts in the hearts of parents. How can it be so easy to pretend to be injured?Can you fool the police?Can you fool a doctor?But no matter what, even if parents have doubts in their hearts, they will tolerate their son.

When Wang Zuo saw Wang You calling, he couldn't help being shocked. After finishing the call, he immediately asked, "This, your box? What's going on?"

"Telephone, you can talk to people far away, as long as you are on this planet, no matter how far away. Okay, okay, I'll talk later, I'm in a hurry."

Wang You tidied up, pushed up another bicycle at home, and sighed: "This bike has to be thrown away too, forget it, anyway, I've made money today."


On the rubbish dump, Wang You lay there with his eyes closed, turning his talisman into a disease, scars appeared on his face immediately, his tendons in his hands and feet were broken again, and his body was fractured in multiple places. This is not pretending to be injured, this is real injury!Ouch, it hurts to death!

Waiting and waiting, finally waiting for a passerby, Wang You was overjoyed, moaning and screaming.

"Damn it, the passer-by ran away!"

Wang You was dumbfounded, don't run away, I'm not an old lady, I won't frame you!

Waiting and waiting, I waited for passers-by again, this time there were only three people at once, there were too many people, and they could testify to each other, so everyone's worries would be less, after all, it was just a police report.

"Hey, 110, here..."

At ten o'clock in the morning, the police held a meeting to study the case. Who abolished Qiangzi and his gang?

Anyway, it must not be Wang You, he has already been beaten into a disability by Qiangzi and the others, how could he go to revenge again?The truth cannot be faked, as far as his injury was concerned, it was clear upon inspection that it was useless, and when he was sent to the hospital, the doctor also said it was useless.

After Qiangzi woke up, he said that Wang You's ghost was taking revenge on them?This is really a joke, Wang You is not dead yet, where is the ghost?How can there be any ghosts in reality?This unscientific!

"I see, Qiangzi is not only disabled physically, but also mentally disabled, mentally disabled!"

If it was originally, some of you present here would have interests with Qiangzi, but now that Qiangzi has been abolished, they will naturally no longer treat a trash as a partner. As for avenging Qiangzi and others?Save it, everyone is very busy.Besides, the one who abolished Qiangzi's group is obviously the top master in the Tao, so he should avoid it.

County People's Hospital.

"What? Are you leaving the hospital? You can't even stand up, how are you going to leave the hospital?"

"Without money, the hospital won't support me in vain?"

"Where are your parents?"

"I was working in other places, and my family owed debts in the early years, and my grandfather was seriously ill, so the money has never been enough. I thought about it, don't waste money here, and my parents will pick me up and be with my grandfather. Take care of me. Otherwise, just come back to take care of me, half of the income will be cut off, which will make things worse."

The doctor frowned, the hospital is not a charity, of course it can't do without money, not to mention that the patient insisted on leaving, but the examination fee in the morning is several hundred, and how do you go?

"This is easy." Wang You smiled and pointed to the door with his eyes, "Big Eye, you really deserve to be my good brother. Whenever something happens to me, you will be the first to come to see me."

The sneaky figure outside the ward is the other waiter of the wine, Big Eyes.

Wang You sneered in his heart, when he was blocked by Qiangzi, the first thing he suspected was Big Eyes, how could he be a real good brother?

Unlike Wang You, although Big Eye, Man Niu, Dao Scar, Iron Fist and others also work as waiters, they are Brother Hu's real younger brothers, that is, real gangsters.Big eyes are not used to Wang You's reluctance to degenerate, and even ruined other people's good things several times, and there is no room for clean water in the big dyeing vat.

Although I don't like it, but Wang You was praised by Brother Hu a few times before, and the younger brothers naturally dare not embarrass Wang You blatantly, so everyone gets along well on the surface.But also because of this, besides not being used to Wang You, Dayan also felt a little bit more jealous. Why did Brother Hu praise you instead of our real little brother?

When seeing Wang You politely reject Brother Hu's solicitation, Big Eyes was delighted, and immediately informed Qiang Zi, waiting for Wang You's ending with joy.Sure enough, Wang You was abolished, and Dayan rushed to the hospital excitedly.

After being called out by Wang You, Big Eyes simply walked in, and shouted with grief: "How could this happen? How could this be? Wang You, you are so unfortunate, I feel your pain, and I wish I could replace it with my own body. "

Wang You chuckled: "Big eyes, you are indeed my best friend. I saw the right person. Well, friends have the meaning of making money. My money was stolen by Qiangzi. Fei, it must be a small thing to you? Oh, help me hire a car, and you can take me home with Big Eye."

"Uh..." Dayan was stunned for a moment, a few hundred yuan, a big loss.But loyalty is the most important thing in the Tao, and betrayal is the worst. Why can't he speak harsh words to Wang You in front of doctors and nurses?

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he had an idea, and immediately said with a smile: "Wang You, don't worry, which one of us is with the other, I will pay the bill right away."

The doctor squinted. He didn't believe that Da Yan really came to see Wang You, otherwise he wouldn't have come empty-handed. Moreover, this man's eyes were twinkling, and he clearly had a ghost in his heart.But so what, after the bill is settled and Wang You is discharged from the hospital, what does it matter to me?

Half an hour later, Da Yan and the taxi driver carried Wang You in and put him on the bed. Da Yan paid the fare for the taxi. When the driver left, the door closed and his expression changed immediately. He laughed and started rummaging through boxes and boxes.

"What are you doing big eyes?"

Wang You asked the question knowingly, with the big-eyed thief, how could he not understand?

Big Eyes smiled and said, "Why? What do you think? My money is so useful? You have to spit it out for me if you use it!" He didn't bother to look for it by himself, so he glanced at it, took a broom, and came Going to the bedside, he became threatening, "Say, where is the passbook?"

Wang Youzaijiu earns 3000 yuan a month. He usually lives frugally. He must have savings. As long as he gets the passbook and ID card and asks for the password, he dares to go to the bank to withdraw money. If it is stored in the card Yes, that's even better.

"Uh, what do you mean big eyes? You are always loyal, why did you become like this for a mere few hundred dollars?"

Seeing the "shocked" look on Wang You's face, he laughed loudly with big eyes, only feeling happy in his heart, and sneered, "Loyalty? How much is a catty of loyalty? Only believe in loyalty. Wang You, you are still young, teach me You are a good boy, and no one who keeps talking about loyalty will really talk about loyalty! Aren’t you usually arrogant? Are you noble? You are a prospective college student, haha, aren’t you like a dead dog now?”

"Did you inform Qiangzi?"

"Oh, you're not so stupid yet. If that's the case, just obediently hand over your passbook and password. Those who know current affairs are the best."

"Hmph, you're not afraid that I'll report the police afterwards? You're not afraid of spreading the word. You've got a bad reputation in the Tao?"

"Hahahaha, report the police? Spread the word? You are a cripple who can't get up, no money and no background, who will talk to you? Do you think anyone will come to your house to visit you? Everyone hates you! As for the neighbors, hehe , Do this group of ordinary people dare to come and chew their tongues in our circle?"

Smiling arrogantly with big eyes, he lost his patience while talking, stretched out his big hand, grabbed Wang You's neck, and wanted to press him for questioning, but suddenly saw Wang You looking behind him with a different expression, and was suddenly surprised, there was someone behind him. What?Wasn't it closed just now?Is it not closed properly, someone came in?

Before he could turn around, the pain overwhelmed him like a raging tide, and Big Eye fainted instantly.

Wang You jumped up and looked at Dayan happily. Just a moment ago, because he hated this person, he used a full two hundred bone fracture talismans!Although they are all obtained by breaking fingers, there is no limit to when they can be used. A piece of talisman turns into a sickness, lingering around the big eyes and bones of the whole body. A weak bone can be broken, but some strong bones. A few or even dozens of cards were besieged, but they could only be broken obediently!

Wang You didn't kill anyone, but Big Eye's ending was the same as that of Qiang Zi and the others.

Wang You found cloth strips, tape, and cotton, covered, pasted, and blocked them, and threw them under the bed, so that even if Da Yan woke up from a coma, he didn't have to pay attention.

"It's done, just throw away this humanoid garbage in the dead of night."

As for whether he will be found?Wang You is no longer worried. First, he has a "true disability" to testify, and anyone will believe that he is not a criminal; How irresponsible the police in the county are. For Wang You now, the more irresponsible they are, the better.

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