() At the end of December, the red plums reflect the snow.

Every family has made preparations for the New Year. Some families in the capital even prepare dinner in advance, then turn off the fire and clean the stove, tie up all the chicken pens and pig pens, and seal the front and back doors of the house. Hide in the house and eat "New Year's Eve dinner".

At this time, restaurants, restaurants and other places are undoubtedly relatively deserted.In the evening, the famous Guiyun Pavilion in the center of the capital is even deserted.

"Master, this is the place!" A young man dressed as a butler stood in front of the five-story attic.

Behind him is a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a white brocade robe, with a handsome appearance and a chic demeanor.It's just that the young man has a naughty smile, and even his two thick eyebrows have gentle ripples, as if he has always been wearing a certain kind of smile, adding a touch of unrestrainedness to his sunny and handsome...

Huh?How does he give us a familiar feeling?

Won't?Could it be that he is the despicable, shameless, unscrupulous, cheating, cheating-Chu Yunlong?

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" The boy suddenly opened his folding fan.There are no mountains or water drawn on the fan, but seven big characters are written simply - the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns.

It's just that in this season of the twelfth lunar month of winter, Nima is unusually holding a folding fan in her hand, and fanning herself with cold air from time to time, she really needs style and not temperature...

However, this Guiyun Pavilion is indeed worthy of praise, it is located in the most prosperous area of ​​the capital, and it is luxuriously built.Flowing eaves and flying walls, pavilions and pavilions, just by looking at its momentum, it is known to be extraordinary.

"Master, if this Guiyun Pavilion is raised by two floors, I think it can overlook the entire capital!" The young butler bowed and said with an extremely flattering expression.

The young man frowned slightly: "Ah! But the name Guiyun Pavilion is not very nice. In my opinion, it is better to change the name to Qianjinzui, haha... Qianjin buys drunk, it must be a big hit, and it fits my name! How about it, Jin Yi , what do you think of this matter?"

Hey, judging from their voice and tone, they are indeed very similar to Chu Yunlong and the butler Chu, but judging from their names, they don't seem to be the real people. What kind of drama is this?

Jin Yi patted the horse and said: "Hey...Young Master, Your Highness, Your Highness!"

Young Master Jin closed his folding fan and walked up boldly: "Come on, let's go up and talk!"

San Dezi, the shop assistant sitting at the entrance of Guiyun Pavilion, had long been very dissatisfied with the two of them pointing fingers. At this time, he rolled his eyes and weakly pointed to a closing sign at the door and said, "I'm sorry, gentlemen, Guiyun Pavilion is here today. Not open!"

Jin was furious, and cursed like a dog: "You bastard! My young master is here, why don't you ask Li Degui to kowtow quickly?"

what on earth is it?Call my shopkeeper by name?And ask him to kowtow to worship?

San Dezi looked at his words, and couldn't help feeling suspicious, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of the origin of this group of people in front of him, so he couldn't help but bowed and asked, "May I ask the name of your young master?"

It’s no wonder that San Dezi is a little confused, because Li Degui is the big shopkeeper of Guiyun Pavilion. In the capital, no matter whether it is a high-ranking official or a prince or marquis, he will sell him some noodles, because the boss behind him is the current ruler of the Chufeng Empire. Awanai Shi Liu Mingxuan is in charge of the country's taxation, grain, salt, iron, and fiscal revenue and expenditure, and his status is equivalent to that of the national finance minister of later generations.

With a sound of swiping, the folding fan unfolded again, and Young Master Jin covered the inexplicable smile on his lips by the way: "Tell Li Degui, my name is The Prodigal Son Turning Back—gold does not change!"

"Won't the gold be exchanged? Is that what he told you?" On the fifth floor of Guiyun Pavilion, the treasurer Li Degui asked his assistant with his mouth twitching.

San Dezi replied cautiously: "That's what they said to the shopkeeper!"

"Oh, they say that, you dare to believe it?" Li Degui suddenly became furious, kicked San Dezi down, and then yelled: "Nimma, this is obviously a fake name! I was deceived by all the tricks and abductions. Come on, get out, get out immediately!"

San Dezi scrambled to the door, and suddenly thought of a remedy: "Shopkeeper, do you need a villain to drive them away immediately!"

But at this time, Li Degui was a little hesitant: "Slow down, there are no threes and twos, I dare not go to Liangshan! This Jinbuhuan is probably not an ordinary person since he shows his horses and horses and visits under a false name. I, Li Degui, would like to invite them in." Let's see what their purpose is!"

Young Master Jin followed San Dezi up to the fifth floor of Guiyun Pavilion. Li Degui saw that the visitor was very young, and he had never seen him before, so he sat in his seat without moving, but lazily raised his hand to let San Tokuko showed him the seat and said hello: "Sit down and watch tea."

Butler Jin followed closely behind. Although he was also young, Li Degui's heart skipped a beat because of his cultivation.Li Degui has been running a restaurant for many years, and when he welcomes and sends them off, his eyes are so venomous, he can tell at a glance that this butler named Jin Yi has at least Martial Emperor-level cultivation.

Nima, who is this Jin Buhuan?Dare to drive Emperor Wu to be the housekeeper?

Li Degui's throat was a little dry, and he quickly stood up pretending to be enthusiastic: "Master Jin, please take a seat, San Dezi is not optimistic about tea!"

San Dezi changed the tea helplessly, but before the tea was finished, ten people filed in after Butler Jin.All of them are servants, dressed like maids, but they all have the demeanor of a master.Li Degui compared secretly, and quickly figured it out in his heart.I am afraid that he is the strongest thug in Guiyun Pavilion, and his strength is no more than that of the opponent's worst fighters.

So Li Degui quietly wiped off his cold sweat, hurriedly saluted Young Master Jin, and said with a smile on his face: "Young Master Jin, please take a seat, San Dezi, why don't you entertain Young Master Jin with my 10-year-old Pu'er tea! "

The corner of Young Master Jin's mouth twitched, barely showing a smile: "Ten-year-old Pu'er tea, you have a heart. But I like ginseng tea, come, Yu Yan, choose a plant of ginseng and give it to Boss Li's buddy Make tea!"

Li Degui's eyes widened immediately, and he saw a beautiful little maid coming forward, and took out a white jade box from her bosom, in which were placed neatly about a dozen two-inch-long ginseng. , the age of each plant will never be less than a hundred years.

Centennial ginseng used to make tea?There is no such way to dress big money?

Li Degui couldn't calm down anymore.

"Master, what do you think of this 130-year-old plant?" I felt pity for the little maid, Li Degui's heart trembled with her crisp voice, but the other party suddenly had a strong aura, and the strength exposed was probably Stronger or weaker than Jin Yi.

"Master Jin, these heroes are all..." Li Degui's voice trembled, he was a little worried now, this group of people came with bad intentions, might they be green forest figures who are planning to rob their houses.

Young Master Jin took a sip of ginseng tea, raised his eyes and snorted coldly: "They are just my servants!" Jin Yi seemed to see Li Degui's suspicion, and said with a smile: "Boss Li, don't be nervous, we are not strong people who rob houses.Who dares to break the law at the feet of the Son of Heaven, why don't you guys introduce yourself to Boss Li! "

Several masters dressed as servants clasped their fists and responded neither humble nor overbearing.

"Under Zhao Yidao!"

"Qian Er Hammer!"

"Sun Sanaxe!"

"Li Sicha!"

"Friday Wood!"

"Wu Liuma!"

"Zheng Qipang!"

"Clown King!"

Damn, Zhao Qiansun, Li Zhou, Wu Zhengwang, this naming is completely fooling people according to the surnames of hundreds of families!

Li Degui felt his scalp go numb for a while, and turned his gaze to the last middle-aged man who did not declare his name and had a white face and beardless.

"I'll be following Young Master Jin for the time being, you can call me Eunuch Ming!" The slightly sharp Yin soft voice pierced Li Degui's ears.The shopkeeper of Guiyun Pavilion gasped at this moment, his muscles twitched stiffly.



Isn't that someone who can only be used by princesses and princes in the palace?

Who is he, Jin Buhuan?

Li Degui laughed dryly, and in the cold weather, cold sweat kept breaking out from his body: "I don't know what is the purpose of Young Master Jin's coming to Guiyun Pavilion this time?"

Young Master Jin narrowed his eyes, and suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Haha... Shopkeeper Li, listen to my butler, you have immediate worries, so I am here this time, not for anything else, but to relieve your worries!"

ps: I caught a cold on a very hot day, which is so depressing. I fell asleep for a day yesterday, and I finally regained some energy today. Please recommend, bookmark, and give a reward.

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