Only the corpse is angry

Chapter 7 The Road to Corpse Repair

() "How do you let me get there? You all know that I have no power to restrain a chicken, how do you let me pass through this group of dead people and sit on the 'throne of human slaughter'?" Yu Ming picked up the bag and just rolled back from a distance "Human Butcher Nail" asked.

"Go over there, do you want me to carry you over there? I can't carry you on my back." "Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" is still so carefree.Obviously a posture of "Although you are my master, I don't take you little guy seriously" at all!

"If you keep messing around like this, none of us will get out of here!" Yu Ming only felt that if this dragged on like this, the "fire of obsession" in the "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness" would rage again.

"If you don't go out, don't go out. Anyway, it's okay to live here for 80 or [-] years. I'm not in a hurry, but you are in a hurry!" "Rentu Nailer Spirit" continued to argue, as if he was convinced of you.

Yu Ming was completely speechless. In this claustrophobic space, only the "human butcher nail tool spirit" knew how to get out.There is nothing I can do about it now.

"Okay, okay, can I be wrong? You have a lot of adults, so teach me!" Yu Ming had no choice but to compromise.

"Boy, remember, although you are my master, you have to call me 'Master' in the future, if not..." "Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" kept talking.

"It's endless!" Yu Ming felt that the "sea of ​​knowledge" was full of all kinds of messy information.

"Okay, okay!" "Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit" was very relieved, "I will tell you a lot, my lord!"

"Say it!" Yu Ming said with a black line on his head.

"These 1 fighters are the 'Houtian Corpse Jie', a gift prepared for you by the master of this space, but if you want to get them, you have to defeat them first! They will teach you how to defeat them, and you will fight as you go." Learn!" "Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" said slowly.

"How can I beat it, let alone 1, I can't beat even one!" Yu Ming looked at the 'Hutian Jiejie' who glared at him.

"Don't forget, you're already dead, and generally you won't die again! At most, you'll be beaten and maimed, but it doesn't matter, I have medicine!" He conjured a small bottle out of thin air.

"Then why didn't you give it to me earlier?" Yu Ming picked up the medicine bottle. Although he was not angry, "Shen Consciousness Sea" had an instruction to kick the "Human Butcher Nail" away a hundred times.

"Didn't I open the 'Rentu Treasure Pavilion' after I merged with you? If I could take out the elixir, why wouldn't I not give it to you? Am I the kind of person who can't save me?" "Rentu Nailer spirit," explained.Noncommittal.

"They use one hundred 'Hourian corpses' as a square, and they are divided into one hundred squares! Every time you face only one hundred 'Hourian corpses', as long as you don't walk out of their squares, You won't be attacked by other 'acquired corpses', as long as you are careful not to be attacked by them on the head, you will be fine." "Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" hastily changed the subject.

Then he told Yu Ming some things.

There are roughly two types of "corpse heroes", one is "innate corpse heroes", that is, corpses that have not decomposed for many years after death, and have produced a trace of "spiritual consciousness" by chance, so that they can move.This kind of "corpse hero" usually has great supernatural powers during his lifetime, and his corpse has been immortal for many years.

In addition, there is another kind called "acquired corpse master", that is, a corpse that has been sacrificed to produce a trace of "spiritual consciousness".This kind of "acquired corpse hero" was refined into various materials during the sacrifice to increase its power!If you want to go further, you can only rely on the sacrificial refiner to continuously add geniuses and treasures to his body to temper his corpse!This kind of "acquired corpse hero" is very difficult to sacrifice successfully, there is only a [-]% chance of success!But compared to the number of "innate corpses", there are many more.

During the sacrificial refining process, the "Houtian Corpse Master" will be cursed by his master, making him a slave for life, and it is difficult to get rid of it.Unless the cultivator took the initiative to release it, otherwise, even if the master dies, the "Acquired Corpse Jie" will not be able to gain freedom, it will follow the death of the master, the "spiritual consciousness" will be destroyed, and it will return to the dust!

"Innate Corpse Master" majors in "Spells", and "Acquired Corpse Master" majors in "Physical Arts".Without the sacrificial training, the "Innate Corpse Master" would not be able to make a difference even if he cultivated "Physical Skills".However, "Houtian Corpse Jie" does not have "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness" and cannot practice "spells".

No master would give "Acquired Corpse Jie" thousands of years to form a "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness"!And no human being will help the "innate corpse hero" temper the corpse!

Although Yu Ming has not passed the sacrificial training, strictly speaking he is an "acquired corpse master".He became a "Corpse Jie" after merging with the "Human Butcher Nail".It can also be said to be a "corpse hero" created by the "human butcher nail tool spirit", but he is "born" with a "spiritual consciousness" to cultivate, and he is the master!

It can only be said that Yu Ming is an outlier among the "corpse heroes"!

The cultivation of "Innate Corpse Master" is also bumpy!The "corpse heroes" who have just developed "spiritual consciousness" cannot be cultivated, they can only act on instinct, but they don't know what they are doing, they are walking dead!

As time went on, the "spiritual consciousness" increased little by little.In the end, the "spiritual consciousness sea" was produced, and only then could the "magic" be cultivated to become "corpse repair".

And it would take at least 7000 years to grow to the level of "spiritual consciousness".It is very difficult not to be strangled during this time.The vast majority of "Innate Corpse Masters" were either destroyed by "cultivators" and perished with "spiritual consciousness", or they were captured and retrained as "Acquired Corpse Masters". Only a very small number of "Innate Corpse Masters" were able to set foot on this road. The road of "corpse repair".

However, almost none of the "Acquired Corpse Masters" embarked on the road of "corpse repair".

Rumor has it that there once appeared a "corpse repairer" of "Acquired Corpse Master" on "Fengyi Continent", and it was unrivaled!Peerless!In order to snipe and kill it, all the masters from Feng Yi Continent came out!After setting off a bloody storm, he lost track.

Although there are very few "corpse masters", being able to become a "corpse repair" is even rarer!But the "Fengyi Continent" is boundless, and there will still be "corpse repairs" in the past, all of which are "monstrous flames"!

The strangest thing is that there are many "corpse repair" exercises in Feng Yi Continent, which are very mysterious, but they don't know where they came from.As if appearing out of thin air, the creators of the exercises mentioned above are all unknown people.

Some people even checked it out, but it turned out that there was no such person!

Once a "corpse repair" appears, there will almost always be a bloodbath on the "Fengyi Continent"!All heroes rise up and attack...

On the Yifeng Continent, the "cultivators" who ingest "heaven and earth vitality" and store them in the dantian are called "heavenly soldiers"!

From weak to strong, they are divided into "Soldier", "Soldier General", "Soldier Commander" and "Soldier King", and each title is divided into nine ranks.

After that, there are the top masters of "Feng Yi Continent", "General", "Shuai" and the legendary "King", each level is divided into nine ranks.Titled "Heavenly General"!

After reaching the level of Heavenly General, it will no longer absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to increase.

And "corpse repair" relies on "underworld fire energy" and stores them in every corner of the corpse for cultivation.Ordinary people cannot mobilize the "Qi of Underworld Fire", only "corpse repair" can do it.

"Corpse Repair" is divided into "Blood Corpse", "Corpse King", "Sura", and "Demon", collectively referred to as "Ghost Dance"!

After the "Ghost Dance", there is no need for the "Qi of Underworld Fire" to improve one's cultivation!

Still the same four levels.They are "Mingxiao", "Mingshi", "Mingjue" and "Mingkuang".Titled "Nightmare"!

Each realm of "corpse repair" is only triple!Although the total amount of "underworld fire energy" required for promotion of each great realm is as much as the "heaven and earth vitality" of a "practice"!But there are many levels missing.Easier to get promoted.

"Blood Corpse Level [-]" is equivalent to "Soldier Level [-]".Because the limit has been reached.But many times the "Ghost Dance" of "Blood Corpse Level [-]" is unable to defeat the "Heavenly Soldiers" of "Third Level Soldiers".Because "Ghost Dance" doesn't have enough "Hell Fire Qi" in his body, with the same level of moves, within two moves, "Ghost Dance"'s body is empty!Unless the body is filled with the "Qi of Underworld Fire", or is carrying enough medicine containing "Qi of Underworld Fire", the "Ghost Dance" of "Blood Corpse Level [-]" cannot compete with the "Heavenly Soldiers" of "Third Level Soldiers" compared to.

Of course, bullying "Heavenly Soldiers" below the same level is nothing to worry about.

"Heavenly Soldiers" absorbed "Heaven and Earth Vitality" more for promotion.And "Ghost Dance" absorbs the "Qi of Underworld Fire" more for fighting.

Comparing the two, the promotion of "Ghost Dance" is much, much easier than that of "Heavenly Soldiers"!

"Ghost Dance" only has triple tests for each realm, while "Heavenly Soldiers" has nine tests!It's just that absorbing the "Qi of Dark Fire" is a matter of kung fu, and it's useless to be anxious, the speed of absorption is so fast.If not, the improvement of "Ghost Dance" would be too frightening.Too eager will only explode!

After reaching "Nightmare" and "Heavenly General", a qualitative change took place.

"Nightmare" and "Heavenly General" can mobilize "Heaven and Earth Vitality" and "Heavenly Fire Qi" at will.The amount of transfer depends on the state of the transferer himself.

The improvement of the cultivation base of "Heavenly General" and "Nightmare" no longer depends on "heaven and earth vitality" and "underworld fire energy".It stands to reason that "Nightmare" should advance by leaps and bounds, a thousand miles a day.But the cultivation of "Nightmare" is not advancing but retreating.

To reach the realms of "Heavenly General" and "Nightmare", the improvement of cultivation depends on the understanding of heaven and earth!

And "Nightmare" has no six senses, no emotions, and it is almost like a turtle crawling when it is improved!

Forced by various reasons, the general "corpse repair" will find a place to hide.Practice silently, and will not go out at will.

Even so, there are still some top masters who are willing to hunt for the existence of "corpse repair" everywhere.This made the "corpse repair" on the continent of "Feng Yi" almost extinct.There have been no "corpse repairs" in the past thousand years. It is unknown whether there are "corpse repairs" on the mainland!

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