Only the corpse is angry

Chapter 9 Hurry 9 Years

() Yu Ming jumped into the "huge skull", and this "huge skull" is the "furnace" used by the "human butcher nail tool spirit" to sacrifice Yu Ming!

The material of this "huge skull" is unknown.It looks like it is a whole!

This is strange, whose head is this, it is so huge!It's as big as half a house! Black flames billowed under the "huge skull"!

As soon as Yu Ming entered the "Skull Cauldron", he saw various patterns carved on the bone wall inside the "Skull Cauldron", all of which were in strange shapes.Yu Ming Leng is the one who doesn't understand!

Immediately afterwards, many things flew in.Yu Ming was dazzled by seeing, there were sparkling "golden flowers", and there were also strange stones wrapped in "runes" all over his body!There are also pieces of bright crystals of different sizes!

Then some pieces of meat flew in, some were dripping with blood, and some were extremely shriveled.Then there are some colorful furs and scales.Exudes dazzling light!

The last thing that entered the "furnace" turned out to be a large black blood clot!The smell of blood permeates instantly!

These things revolved rapidly around the entire bone wall of the "Skeleton Furnace Cauldron".The speed is getting faster and faster!In the end, Yu Ming only saw some bright lights flickering!

Only the black blood clot was suspended in mid-air without any movement!

I only heard plausible words about the "human butcher nail tool spirit" outside the "stove tripod".I can't hear what it is saying, it should be chanting some spell!

After a while, the materials in those "skeleton furnace cauldrons" melted one after another and fused together to form a mysterious liquid!Liquid brilliance!Countless Sanskrit words linger!

The whole process was not painful at all, at most it was a little uncomfortable.If it were an ordinary person, it would not be as simple as being uncomfortable. The high temperature in the furnace alone would not be unbearable!

The temperature in the "furnace" continued to increase until most of Yu Ming's entire body surface was burned, and the fused liquid poured into Yu Ming's body.

It's just that Yu Ming is a "corpse hero", so he can't feel pain!

At this time, the "black blood clot" has been dissolved by high temperature, turning into a pool of "black blood"!

Yu Ming's body was burned by high temperature time and time again, and melted into those mysterious liquids.It was repaired again and again by that "black blood"!

Repeatedly.The cycle goes on and on.

Two weeks later, the last drop of the mysterious liquid disappeared completely.

The black blood is also exhausted!

A "talisman" like annual rings appeared!Press directly to Yu Ming.

The "tale" slowly shrunk and was printed on Yu Ming's forehead!

Yu Ming only felt that the "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness" suddenly vibrated violently!The annual ring-like "talisman" surrounded the "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness", and countless "scriptures" resounded together!

The "transparent bubble" that had disappeared for more than a year suddenly appeared and slowly expanded!Until it covers the entire "spiritual consciousness sea".

As soon as the "transparent bubble" came into contact with the annual ring-like "talisman", the annual ring-like "talisman" collapsed like a broken one!

The sacrifice is complete.Yu Ming was supported by a force and flew out of the "skeleton furnace".

At this time, Yu Ming only felt the inexhaustible power in his whole body!

As soon as he stood still, the bones all over his body "cracked", and the muscles tightened to an appalling degree.It felt like he would tear a muscle if he used it a little bit.But I feel that my muscles are as hard as iron!It's a strange feeling!

Yu Ming put on the clothes prepared for him by "Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit".

He looked at the "human butcher nail tool spirit" coldly, without saying a word.

"Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit" looked at Yu Ming, his eyes dodged!

Yu Ming seemed to have guessed something, but he didn't say anything.

The atmosphere was very strange.

After a while, the spirit of "Human Butcher Nailer" obviously couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere and said, "How do you feel, kid?"

"Not bad! Thanks to you!" Yu Ming said meaningfully.

"Then I'll send you out first, and test how it works!" "Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit" panicked for a while.

"Okay." Yu Ming nodded. But in the "Spiritual Consciousness Sea", he was planning something.

The black roulette appeared again, and Yu Ming left the 'Rentu Treasure Pavilion', but the green old man did not come out with him.

Yu Ming was a little puzzled, why is 'Rentu Baoge' so small, it's really stingy, obviously I'm sorry for the word "Baoge"!

As soon as he landed, without saying a word, Yu Ming went straight to kill the group of "acquired corpses" who had abused him for a year.

It's time for revenge!

Yu Ming approached one of the "Houtian Corpse Jie" at a very fast speed, dodging the sword swing sideways, and punched him from bottom to top.With such a simple punch, the "Houtian Corpse" leaned back and fell directly to the ground.

Another "Houtian Corpse Jie" quickly made up, and slashed at him with another sword.Yu Ming flicked his body backwards, and dodged the "slow" sword again!

With a swing of his legs, that "Houtian Corpse" flew upside down, and happened to bump into another "Houtian's Corpse", and the two corpses lay down together!

A loud shout came out "cool!"

Immediately afterwards, the fighting became faster and faster, and Yu Ming's figure was like lightning, shuttling among the group of "acquired corpses", like a "god's body protector", no attack could hit the current Yu Ming!

After a few rounds, all the "Houtian corpse heroes" in this phalanx lay down.Don't move!

that's unbelievable!

The child who had no power to restrain a chicken before, can now knock down this group of heavily armored warriors lightly!

This is the result of a year's work. Experience the opponent's attack methods in actual combat, and find a way to crack them. Once you have the strength, it is not easy to solve these one hundred "acquired corpses"!

"Hahaha!" arrogant laughter!Whenever Yu Ming takes a step towards the direction expected by "Fire of Obsession", a comfortable feeling will appear in the "Sea of ​​Divine Consciousness", which makes him laugh out loud!

Yu Ming strode forward, rushing to the next "Houtian Corpse" phalanx!

Crackling, not expected!

Yu Ming was so beaten that he didn't even have a chance to climb out of the phalanx.Lie down with your head in your arms and roll around!

"Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" is laughing endlessly!

Yu Ming felt that if he was beaten like this, no matter how tough his body was, he would be blown away!This group of grandchildren is different from those "acquired corpse masters" just now. Not only has there been a qualitative leap in strength and speed, but they also seem to know martial arts!

Don't be afraid of the sky, don't be afraid of the earth, just be afraid that zombies will know martial arts!

Yu Ming hurriedly shouted: "Help quickly, the 'Shen Consciousness Sea' will be blown up!"

"Then you have to shout a formula!"

"Long live 'Tongtianxia'!"

"Human butcher nail tool spirit" is serious.

"I can't control that much anymore, try first and then talk."

"Long live 'Tongtianxia'!" Yu Ming was at his wit's end, he couldn't just wait here to explode!

Sure enough, this group of "acquired corpses" all put down their butcher knives in an instant!

Yu Ming finally climbed out.

"Who is 'Tongtianxia'? Could it be the owner here?" Yu Ming asked casually.

"'Tongtianxia' is my uncle's 'elegant title'!" "The Human Butcher Nail Tool Spirit" was extremely proud!

foul language!A lot of foul language!

Yu Ming's "Spiritual Consciousness Sea" quickly searched for words about swearing!

"If you like to shout, don't shout, if you don't shout, let them blow you up and let you die again!" "Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit" laughed again and again!

It turns out that the phalanx of "Acquired Corpse Masters" that Yu Ming is facing now has begun to have "martial skills".Although Yu Ming said his body was tyrannical, it was not enough for him to face the "Houtian Corpse Master" with martial arts skills.Don't think about the kind of joke that breaks ten thousand spells with all your strength. If you can't even hit someone, how can you break it?

During the next period of time. "Human Tu Nail Tool Spirit" is very happy!

Because you can hear "Long live Tongtianxia" every day, such a wonderful word!

But after suffering, Yu Ming was whipped to pieces.I just wanted to make a big turnaround for salted fish and clear the level in one go!Now I see that there is no chance.

During the period, Yu Ming asked the "human butcher nail tool spirit" if he could go out and rescue his sister first, because he really couldn't stand the torture of "fire of obsession".

But "Ren Tu Nai Qi Ling" said, "You can't even save a fart with your current skills! As soon as you go out, you will be blown up by a 'practice' and your 'spiritual consciousness'!"

Yu Ming analyzed it, and it was still very reasonable, so he had to improve himself first!

Enjoying the iron fist and epee of "Houtian Corpse Jie", but also shouting "Long live Tongtianxia"!

Enduring the endless thoughts of the "human butcher nail tool spirit", you have to be on guard against the "fire of obsession" at any time!

Yu Ming's "Spirit Consciousness Sea" indicated that the load was too heavy!

Of course, Yu Ming's achievements in this high-pressure environment are also very impressive!

Year after year, in the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Now Yu Ming is 11 years old, he looks like a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old!He has broken through 22 phalanxes of "Acquired Corpse Heroes"!

Even the "human butcher nail tool spirit" is amazed by this achievement.

Yu Ming's body can actually grow up?

This is all due to the repeated sacrifices of the "human butcher nail tool spirit"!With so many things put into the body, it would be strange if it doesn't grow.

The strange thing is that since the first "sacrifice refining", the "annual ring charm" has not been seen in the process of "sacrificing refining"!

With the continuous "sacrifice" and actual battles with "Acquired Corpse Jie", the current Yu Ming is no longer the same as the original Yu Ming!


No.20 Among the three "Acquired Corpse Masters" phalanx, Yu Ming's body skills actually felt a little weird, floating like a ghost.

With a sword slashing, Yu Ming dodged the sharp blow with a very strange posture.As soon as this "Houtian Corpse Master"'s attack failed, he immediately stepped forward, provoking the big sword in his hand!Yu Ming stomped his feet and dodged the challenge with a backflip.Immediately following on the left and right sides, two "Houtian Corpse Masters" came with swords at the same time.Yu Ming lay back.Both swords failed.A row of big swords slashed at the place where Yu Ming fell!Yu Ming's lying body suddenly bounced outwards!Withdrew from the "Acquired Corpse" phalanx.

"Still not!" Yu Ming shook his head. "Recently, the 'flame of obsession' has stabilized a bit. I don't know how long it will be until the next eruption?" He sat down on the dusty ground.

Another three years passed.Yu Ming's progress is getting faster and faster, mainly because of the increase in combat experience, skills, and the body that is constantly "sacrificed".

Yu Ming is already 14 years old, and now he looks like a boy of seventeen or eighteen!The eyes are cold, the skin is pale, and the muscles are extremely tight!There is a sense of power at a glance.Holding a big sword in his hand, standing there, like a statue of a young hero!

Yu Ming has already fought to No. 60 seven "Acquired Corpse Jie" phalanx.At this time, his fighting style has undergone a qualitative change.

Now Yu Ming's fighting method is effective!One move must have an effect.Clean and tidy, without the fancy feeling before!Every time I hit it, people have a kind of shock!Very tough, yet very effective!

When you are very familiar with a thing, you can go straight to the subject!

Another two years have passed, and the 16-year-old Yu Ming has almost the same appearance as a man in his twenties!

At this time, he was already standing in front of the last phalanx of "Acquired Corpse Jie"!There is a big sword on the shoulder!There was a hint of excitement in his eyes!

As long as he breaks through this phalanx, he can ascend to the "Throne of Human Massacre"!

Success is at hand!

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