Glorious Mission 1937

Chapter 100: State Funeral

() Wang Shihe graduated from the first phase of the infantry department of the Whampoa Military Academy, and also graduated from the sixth phase of the special class of the Army University and the general class of the Zhong Yang Training Corps.Many of these senior military officers who died for the country in the Nanjing Defense War were his classmates and friends, and some were his subordinates.Wang Shihe couldn't help crying when he thought that even if these people died in battle, their bodies would not be transported out of the city.

"Shihe, don't be sad. These people will not sacrifice in vain. The Party Congress will remember them. The notice will go on. Three days later, a state funeral will be held for these anti-Japanese heroes in Wuhan to commemorate these heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country." Lao Jiang said in a deep voice. Said.

"Committee, there are far more than these dozens of generals who died for the country after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. Should we also hold a state funeral for those people?" Wang Shihe continued to ask.

"Of course, as long as the war died after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, it will be done together. However, the time is short. It is still unknown whether the list of senior generals who died after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War can be sorted out in such a short period of time?" Lao Jiang continued.

To be honest, Lao Jiang actually didn't plan to spend so much time and energy to hold a state funeral for the general who died in battle. However, some information about Chen Feng's subordinates collected by the Military Command Bureau reminded Lao Jiang. According to the report of the Military Command Bureau, Chen Feng A month ago in Xinghe, a high-standard funeral was held for the officers and soldiers of the soldiers. At that time, Chen Feng, who was the commander of the 222 Division, even personally carried the coffins of the soldiers who died in battle.

It stands to reason that funerals often bring sadness and pain, and even affect the emotions and combat effectiveness of soldiers.But the fact is just the opposite. After this incident, the combat effectiveness of the 222nd Division has not weakened, but has been rapidly improved.In addition, a large number of people voluntarily joined the 222 Division, which made the 222 Division recover in less than a month after the war, so this matter greatly reminded Lao Jiang.As long as the government is doing well, this state funeral will greatly increase people's enthusiasm for the War of Resistance, and the soldiers will realize their shame and be brave.

“委座,完全没有问题,侍从室这边都有底子。抗战爆发后战死的少将以上的军官有:No.20九军副军长佟麟阁、No.20九军第一三二师师长赵登禹、No.80八师第二6si旅少将旅长黄梅兴、No.90八师政治训练处少将主任睦宗熙、No.60八军游击旅少将旅长马玉田、No.70二师第二零八旅第四一六团少将团长张树桢、No.60七师第二零一旅少将旅长蔡炳炎、绥远东区防司令部少将司令张成义、No.30三军No.60九师第二零三旅少将旅长梁镜斋、第九军军长郝梦龄、四师长刘家麒、du li第五旅旅长郑廷珍、du li第五旅代旅长李继程、No.60六军第一九六旅少将旅长姜玉贞、第一七一师第五一一旅少将旅长秦霖、陆军第一七零师第五一零旅少将旅长庞汉桢、No.90师第二七零旅少将旅长官惠民、陆军第一军特别党部书记长沈上达、第一零八师第三二二旅旅长刘启文、No.60七军中将军长吴克仁、、No.60七军参谋长吴桐岗、第一零七师少将参谋长邓玉琢、八师第一七四旅少将旅长吴继光、第一七四师副师长兼第五二二旅旅长夏国璋、No.20一军第一四五师中将师长饶国华、南京卫戍司令部少将高参杨膺谓。”王世和心情沉重地说道,在念这些战死将领的名字的时候,他每一个人都说的很慢,似乎想要让对面的这位国家领袖记住这些人。

"They are all the pillars of the country!" Lao Jiang sighed.

While Lao Jiang was talking with Wang Shihe, a major officer in the attendant's room came in and said, "Report to the committee, Boss Dai, please see me!"

"It's Yunong, let him in!"

After a while, Dai Li in military uniform strode in. Seeing Wang Shihe was there, he nodded his head as a greeting.

"Appointment, Datong is calling!" Then he gently placed a piece of telegram on Lao Jiang's desk.

Lao Jiang also knew that Datong was referring to Chen Feng's 61st Army, so he picked up the telegram and looked it over carefully, and then said, "Is the news reliable?"

"The report committee, this is the news that Ms. Song sent back from the headquarters of the 61st Army. Moreover, Ms. Song has personally been to the 61st Division under the 101st Army. I think I can't be wrong!" Dai Li replied.

"Niang Xipi, this Chen Feng is really audacious. He dared to expand the army without the approval of the Military Commission. What does he want to do? Do he support himself and become king, or does he want to be Yan Xishan's second?" Lao Jiang said angrily.

"Committee, although this Chen Feng acted a little recklessly, he probably didn't have the idea of ​​supporting his own self-respect. We investigated and found that this person is still loyal to his predecessors, let alone the Japanese puppet army. Some time ago, the Japanese army had captured him The threat level has been raised to the strategic level, which is at the same level as Wei Zuo, Yan Xishan, Xue Yue, Chen Cheng, and ** Mao and Zhou." Dai Li said.

"The girl said that most of the troops of the 61st Army use German equipment? There are more than 6 people here. Where did he get so many German goods?" Lao Jiang asked again.

"Returning to the committee, our Military Control Bureau has also conducted a detailed investigation on this issue. Before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Chen Feng seemed to have discovered something. Not only did he get a position as the head of the security regiment through his father's sworn brother Li Jingyuan, he also spent a lot of money. The capital purchased a large amount of weapons and equipment from the German fire dealer Delixi twice, the quantity is extremely large, and it is estimated that this batch of weapons and equipment can equip more than three divisions of the army."

"Three divisions? At the price of German firearms, these two batches of weapons and equipment should cost a lot. Does his little Chen family have that much money?" Lao Jiang asked with a frown.

"Returning to the committee, although the Chen family claims to be the largest grain merchant and fur merchant in the north, in fact, the Chen family's assets are only 800 million yuan, which also includes real estate such as shops, real estate, and real estate distributed in major cities. Not a lot. But in the three months before the Anti-Japanese War, the Chen family transferred or mortgaged all the property of the store, recovered a lot of cash, and then made large-scale transactions with banks from various countries, including Zheng Fu's Zhong Yang Bank. Without a large-scale loan, otherwise the Chen family's financial strength would not be able to support the army's expenses."

"Loan? That's no wonder, but the loan will have to be repaid sooner or later. The Chen family may not be able to support such a huge army with just that little loan."

"Committee, when it comes to this humble position, I have to admire Chen Feng's scheming strategy. This person is like banks in various countries who loan out legal currency, the total amount is about 1000 million yuan, and it is stated in the contract that the loan period is six to eight years. Years, the annual interest rate is 12%, and the repayment will also be made in legal currency after maturity.”

Seeing Lao Jiang looking at him suspiciously, Dai Li hastily explained: "Commissioned seat, just such a rule, the amount of Chen Feng's repayment to other countries will be greatly reduced."

"Why is this?"

"After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, due to the war and other reasons, the legal currency depreciated rapidly. In early July, 7 yuan of legal currency could buy a good big scalper, but now the purchasing power is less than half of what it was half a year ago, and the exchange rate between legal currency and silver dollars Also, the previous ratio of 100 to 1000 has changed to the current ratio of 1000 to 200. So if Chen Feng pays back the money now, although he still needs to pay back more than 800 million French currency, the actual purchasing power of the [-] million French currency is only half of the original one. If you pay the bill with silver dollars, you only need to repay about [-] million oceans. According to the investigation of our Military Control Bureau, the Chen family quickly exchanged the French currency into oceans after they loaned out the money from banks in various countries. Earned [-] million oceans. More importantly, the legal currency is still depreciating now, and the price of oceans in the black market is getting higher and higher. If the war cannot end in a short time, the depreciation of the legal currency and the appreciation of the silver dollar are foreseeable. At that time, the Chen family can say It only needs to pay a small part of the ocean to repay the loan, which is a typical empty-handed wolf." Dai Li said.

"I see. No wonder that kid has the money to buy arms. Hey! No matter what Chen Feng wants to do, we can't do anything about him now. Fortunately, that kid is quite sensible, otherwise, he wouldn't know what to do if he had done it before." After thinking for a while, Lao Jiang continued to ask: "Yunong, Shanxi is the place where rioting activities are the most rampant, and Chen Feng did not graduate from the Whampoa Military Academy, so you should pay special attention and be careful of contact between the 61st Army and terrorists. The seedlings are extinguished immediately."

"Please rest assured, at least Chen Feng has not had any contact with ** so far. It seems that ** can avoid Chen Feng. There is no Eighth Route Army activity in the 61st Army defense zone."

"Oh, why is that?"

"According to the results of our investigation, Chen Feng has a very straightforward personality and an extremely strong style of handling. Besides, he doesn't get sand in his eyes. Even Zhong Yang's face may not be appreciated in the 61st Army, let alone the Eighth Route Army. Once the Eighth Route Army Activities in the 61st Army's defense area will inevitably affect the 61st Army's plan for conscription and food collection, and the two sides will inevitably clash. With Chen Feng's temper, the Eighth Route Army may not be able to get it right, so so far there is no Eighth Route Army in the 61st Army's jurisdiction.* *There is no intersection with the 61st Army.”

"That's good. If Chen Feng is sincere in resisting the Japanese, don't touch him for the time being. After all, he was a hero who is in urgent need of him. By the way, Zheng Fu will hold a state funeral for the officers and soldiers who died in battle in Wuhan in three days. Please let me know." The 61st Army, let them submit the list of dead officers to the Military and Political Department as soon as possible." Lao Jiang instructed.

"Okay, humble job, let's do it!"

"go with!"


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