Foreman Jiang's recruitment went smoothly, so there are so many refugees outside the city of Runing Mansion.This number of people is easy to handle. The walls of the Runing Camp and the army barracks were built quickly before the Chinese New Year.

With the completion of the construction of the barracks, the young adults and orphans recruited by Wu Shigong from Beizhili, as well as their families, were relocated from the fortress of Qianhusuo in batches.

So in the following days, Wu Shigong threw himself on the training ground every day, training those recruits, not daring to relax at all.And Yang Goudan's blacksmith workshop also worked around the clock to forge firecrackers and weapons for the recruits.

With the reinforcement of the army led by Xue Yongli, and with the cooperation of some bandits under Qian Qi and Lei Ying, Wu Shigong launched a war against Li Yaozi and his bandits.

In this war of extermination, everyone from top to bottom is optimistic.Wu Shigong's army is composed of experienced military officers and veterans, and has such sharp weapons as firecrackers and cannons. In addition, in the previous process of suppressing bandits, Wu Shigong's army has almost achieved a brilliant record of zero deaths, so Even Wu Shigong himself believed that as soon as his army arrived and wiped out Li Yaozi's gang of bandits, wouldn't it be easy to catch?

But what I didn't expect was that Li Yaozi, who had the experience of confronting Wu Shigong's army once, would not go head-to-head with Wu Shigong's army at all.They took advantage of their familiarity with the terrain, coupled with the fact that Li Yaozi has been operating here for a long time and has many eyeliners among the mountain people. Therefore, after several times when Wu Shigong's army got news of the main force of Li Yaozi's bandits, as long as they rushed over, they always rushed over. empty.On the contrary, Li Yaozi's bandits ambushed several times, causing Wu Shigong to lose more than a dozen soldiers.

For this kind of guerrilla warfare, the regular army like Wu Shigong was very suffocated.And now it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, living in tents on the mountain and eating cold food, so the morale of Wu Shigong's army quickly dropped.

After getting the news that the bandit suppression was bad, Wu Shigong had no choice but to bring the recruits who had trained for just over a month and some of his personal guards to support the bandit suppression war in the northern mountainous area.

Similar to Wu Shigong's situation here, Li Yaozi's morale is high.In a small mountain village in the mountains, in a secret foothold of Li Yaozi, the bandit leaders surrounded Li Yaozi eating and drinking.

A leader with a scarred face raised a bowl full of spirits to Li Yaozi, and said, "Big cabinet, so what if this lunatic Wu bites us? Isn't he being led by the nose now?" In one or two months, the cold wind on this mountain will blow them into lumps of ice. It’s not like we have a lot of wine and meat!”

The words of the scarred face caused a burst of laughter from the other bandits, and they all said, "That's right, let them eat our farts." Chop it up. At that time, we will be kings and hegemons in this mountainous area."...

Li Yaozi made a gesture of pressing down with both hands with a smile, calming down the leaders, and said: "This time I will bite off a piece of meat from Wu Gou's body. After Wu Gou's people are driven away, I will I have already contacted a salt merchant from Yangzhou to supply us with salt. The brothers have worked hard this time, and at that time, I will let the brothers make some money."

Li Yaozi's words aroused applause from those leaders.After the voice became quieter, a more experienced leader reminded Li Yaozi: "Big cabinet, there is news from outside the mountain. This time, Crazy Wu personally brought troops to deal with us."

Li Yaozi smashed the sea bowl in his hand to the ground, and cursed: "Grandma! If this Wu dog dares to come, that's fine. I'll take his skin alive after I catch him."

Then Li Yaozi saw that the leaders looked a little restless, and said, "Don't worry, there are so many brothers outside looking for news, and the Wu dog can't even bite us a bird feather."

After hearing Li Yaozi's words, the leaders regained their expressions, and started eating and drinking again.

Due to the unfavorable battle against bandits and the increase in the number of soldiers frostbitten on the mountain, Xue Yongli withdrew his army back to Qian Qi's cottage to rest and wait for Wu Shigong's reinforcements to arrive.

After meeting, Wu Shigong did not take the army to suppress the bandits rashly. He gathered all the military officers and analyzed the problems encountered in the bandit suppression in the previous period of time.

After Wu Shigong asked, those military officers complained one after another, talking about many difficulties in one go.Wu Shigong listened carefully and concluded the following three situations.

First of all, Li Yaozi bandits have many eyeliners, and those eyeliners are mixed among the mountain people, making it difficult to distinguish them.Some are even relatives of those mountain people, so the actions of the army are difficult to keep secret;

The second is that it is difficult to catch the main force of Li Yaozi's bandits.Several times, the army did encounter Li Yaozi's main force, but when the bandits saw the bandit suppressing army, they didn't fight at all, and turned around and ran away.Moreover, in the process of escaping, those bandits would often split into several routes, making it difficult for the army to catch up.

Because staring at the road, maybe this road is not the main force of the bandits, but just an abandoned child thrown by them.But if you divide your troops to chase, you are afraid that there will be an ambush set by the main force of the bandits in front.So it's a dilemma.

Finally, the conditions on this mountain are too poor, living in tents, eating cold food, soldiers are very easy to get sick.But as long as there is a fire to cook, those bandits will immediately flee to the distance when they see the cooking smoke from a distance.

In the end, the military officers suggested whether to let Li Yaozi and the bandits go for the time being. Anyway, they were also in the mountains and they did not pose much threat to Wu Shigong.Even if you want to suppress the bandits, temporarily withdraw the army to the foot of the mountain to rest, and wait until the beginning of spring, when the weather warms up, and then come to suppress the bandits.

As soon as Wu Shigong heard the proposal of those military officers, he became angry.The existence of bandits like Li Yaozi not only hurt Wu Shigong's prestige in this area, but also the northern mountainous area of ​​Runing Mansion is the sales area of ​​Wu Shigong's salt goods, which is also his most important source of income.

If he loses control of this area, what confidence will Wu Shigong have to talk to those Yangzhou salt merchants in the future?Moreover, Li Yaozi's group of bandits were lying on the road between Runing Mansion and the fortress of Qianhusuo. If this thorn was not pulled out, Wu Shigong would hardly be able to sleep or eat.

So Wu Shigong immediately ordered that no matter how long it takes, no matter how much the cost is, and how many casualties there are, he must continue to wipe out Li Yaozi and his bandits.

The bandits divided their troops, and they just stared at the bandits all the way to chase them.It is better to be able to cut off a bandit's finger than to let the bandit escape.In this way, the accumulation of less will make more, and the main force of the bandits will be eliminated.

As for the difficult conditions, aren't the conditions difficult for the bandits to escape?The soldier didn't sleep, neither did the bandit; the soldier ate cold food, but the bandit didn't eat any cold food.Let's see who can consume it in the end.If the soldiers are afraid of suffering, then Wu Shigong doesn't support old soldiers here.

There are also the eyeliners of those bandits, they can't be distinguished among the mountain people, so don't divide them.If they can't be caught, all the people in the mountain village will be killed.You don't need any evidence, just doubts.

This is to suppress bandits, and it's not that Bao Gong is trying a case in Kaifeng Mansion.

Wu Shigong's roar made all the military officers under him fall silent.After the meeting, Wu Shigong immediately organized an army and drove into the mountainous area where Li Yaozi was active again. <Ji’s bandit suppression, Wu Shigong’s army destroyed a total of 2000 villages and massacred more than [-] mountain people.In the mouths of common people, Wu Shigong won the nickname of "Wu Butcher".It can be said that Wu Shigong's reputation, in the mountainous area in the north of Runing Mansion, can completely stop children from crying at night.

Through such crazy massacres, Wu Shigong effectively prevented Li Yaozi's eyeliner from reporting the news.Coupled with the temptation of using the strict Baojia system and monetary rewards, Wu Shigong's army gradually gained the upper hand from the news level.

Wu Shigong's army organized a few more large troops to hunt down a certain group of bandits who were divided, and wiped out that group of bandits several times.In addition, Wu Shigong yelled out to the bandits—surrender to save his life, and only kill the leader.Under the disintegration, Li Yaozi's bandits went down the mountain to surrender to Wu Shigong.In the end, Wu Shigong captured more than 1000 bandits.

And after the rope was tightened, even if Li Yaozi wanted to escape again, he had nowhere to escape.As Li Yaozi's footholds became fewer and fewer, Li Yaozi's life became more and more difficult.In the end, Li Yaozi was surrounded by Wu Shigong's army on several hills.

At this time, Wu Shigong had already returned to Runing Mansion because the situation of suppressing bandits had improved.

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