Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 242 Seizing the Mining Area

() He Fei was sitting on a big rock with an ax and gun in his hand. Behind him stood a soldier who had received medical training from a wise monk, and he was bandaging He Fei's wound.The bullet from the gun just now bit off half of He Fei's ear.So now when He Fei is bandaging, he is grinning in pain.

However, this battle seemed to be full of twists and turns, but it didn't last long, not even half an hour.After Song Xiang escaped, the army just did some chasing and capturing.

In this battle, more than 800 people were killed or injured by He Fei, while the miners left nearly [-] corpses.In fact, in the face-to-face battle, the loss of the miners was not large. Most of the casualties were killed by He Fei's soldiers behind him when the miners were escaping.In addition, Hefei's soldiers also captured more than [-] miners and their families.

And Shumo, who was in charge of the aftermath work, walked up to He Fei after seeing that the scene was completely under control.He Fei looked at Shumo with a feeling of admiration.He never thought that the somewhat timid Shumo would have the courage to launch a counterattack with him first.

When He Fei was about to praise Shumo, unexpectedly, Shumo stopped in front of He Fei, patted his chest with his hands and said, "Oh my god! I was really scared to death!"

At this moment, the two centurion cavalry were still walking on another mountain path.The leader who commanded the two centurions was the general banner of the cavalry, Zug.

After setting off and galloping their horses for a while, except for a few cavalry who were still riding horses to clear the way ahead for reconnaissance, all the cavalry began to lead their horses under Zug's order.

We may have a misunderstanding, the speed of the cavalry is quite fast.In fact, in order to ensure the physical strength of the horse when going to the battlefield, generally the cavalry who cherish the horse will lead the horse forward before going to the battlefield.Therefore, the speed of marching is only a little faster than that of infantry.

Especially Wu Shigong's cavalry, because it is not easy to get horses, and the whole army attaches great importance to cavalry, so all Wu Shigong's cavalry almost cherish their war horses as their own sons, and they are not willing to let themselves The war horse spends more effort. <>

In addition, for horses, in fact, the endurance of horses is far less than that of humans. Although horses are much faster than humans in short-distance sprints, they can never outrun a well-trained long-distance runner in long-distance .Otherwise, the ancient Greeks would not be brain-dead, sending individuals to run marathons to deliver news instead of cavalry.That's because people run faster than horses over long distances.

Of course, this problem can also be solved.For example, in the movement of cavalry, a cavalryman has several horses to transfer; in the delivery of messages, the messenger transfers horses at the post station.But this approach is definitely unrealistic for Wu Shigong's cavalry now, so Wu Shigong's cavalry still uses the most primitive method to preserve the physical strength of their horses.

But at this moment, the cavalry who were exploring the road ahead came back in a hurry and reported to Zug: "My lord, there is smoke and dust on the mountain road ahead. It is estimated that dozens of horses are coming."

In this poor mountainous area, there is no big horse team at all.Since there are dozens of horses, it must be a horse bandit.But Zug estimated the time, it shouldn't be long before the forward He Fei's army arrived in Dahuai Village?How could there be horse bandits coming?Could it be that these cavalrymen of his were discovered by the horse bandits?

No matter what the reason is, he still got on his horse and prepared to fight.So Zug immediately ordered the cavalry to mount their horses and line up in a row of four cavalry battle formations according to the width of the mountain road.And all the cavalry also held spears in their hands, controlled the horses to trot forward along the mountain road.

Song Xiang led these horse bandits and ran for more than ten miles at the fastest speed.The fear that spontaneously arose in his heart made Song Xiang feel that the farther away from Dahuai Village the better.

It's a little funny that, except for the few horse bandits who were deserters with Song Xiang at that time, the other horse bandits felt a little puzzled that Song Xiang just left his stockade and ran away.In their opinion, even if they abandon the village and run away, they should go back to the mountain temple and bring out the silver from the mountain temple!But because Song Xiang was only concerned about running away without saying a word, the horse bandits were very nervous now.

However, when Zuge was lining up the battle formation and moving forward, Song Xiang's horse bandits also observed the smoke and dust on the mountain road ahead.So those horse bandits also reined in their horses and looked towards the mountain road ahead.

This mountain road happened to have a turn. When the cavalry appeared at the turn, Song Xiang's face immediately turned pale. He should not be too familiar with this cavalry team.Without saying a word, Song Xiang turned his horse's head and wanted to run away again. When he saw Song Xiang and the horse bandits, the Chuge cavalry also let go of their horse speed, raised their spears and rushed over.

When the horse bandits saw the heavily armed cavalry rushing over, they immediately exploded.They also turned their horses' heads and tried to escape from the same direction.But this immediately blocked the escape route of Song Xiang, who was at the forefront just now.

Song Xiang drove his horse and squeezed left and right, but he couldn't squeeze out a path. He looked back at the cavalry rushing forward and felt that he could not escape.So Song Xiang got angry, grabbed the spear beside the saddle, turned the horse's head, and shouted loudly to the cavalry: "Grandpa..."

At this time, the cavalry in the front row had already rushed in front of Song Xiang, and Song Xiang had no time to do the standard action of raising his spear to fight, so he was stabbed off the horse by the oncoming cavalry.Next, these cavalrymen who rushed into the horse bandit team simply used the spears in their hands to stab the backs of those horse bandits who had no time to escape, harvesting their lives.

In just such a meeting, more than a dozen horse bandits were killed immediately.Those cavalrymen were stopped by empty horses without owners, and they wanted to slow down their horses, but at this time they heard the commander Chu lord behind him shouting: "Catch up! Don't let any one go! Chase to the ends of the earth and the ends of the earth!" Kill them all."

Zug was in the third rank of cavalry.As soon as Song Xiang turned around, Chu Ge saw his appearance.Finding that the horse bandits in front of him were the cavalrymen who fled at that time, Zug immediately issued a killing order through gritted teeth.After leading the order, the cavalry chased after the fleeing horse bandits without hesitation.

The outcome of this chase is beyond doubt.The horse bandits used their horses very hard, but the cavalry in Zug had better preserved horsepower.Coupled with the large number of cavalry, there is only one mountain road without forks.So in the end, none of those horse bandits slipped through the net.The cavalry had zero casualties.

When Zug and Hefei joined together, the captured miners immediately despaired.Because they found that the cavalry who came again basically brought all the heads of their mountain owners.

After Hefei let the miners identify the heads, he knew that the leaders who led the miners had been wiped out by himself and Zug.He Fei is also very clever, he can distinguish some miners whose family members were also captured.First take those family members as hostages, and then let those miners go to each mining area to spread the word, let all the miners surrender to themselves, and also promised to guarantee the safety of those surrendered miners and their families.

And those miners without a leader, most of them surrendered to He Fei in the end.Just like that, the entire iron mine was seized.

But this victory made Zhou Xun, the commander-in-chief of this military operation, very dissatisfied.Two days later, Zhou Xun arrived with the main force.When he saw that the mining area had been completely recovered.He immediately lost his temper.

He yelled in front of all the officers: "You pigs! You dogs! I worked so hard to get here, but I didn't expect that this battle would be finished by you pigs and dogs! Then let me What else are you doing?"

Zhou Xun's words caused all the officers to burst into laughter.

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