Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 279 The Calm Before the Storm

() After all, Shandong is in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty. Under the suppression of various Ming armies and local officials in Shandong, the turmoil in various places gradually subsided.

At this time, the Ming court's control over the local area had not lost control as it would in the future.Therefore, after temporarily interrupting the connections between various places, the various government orders of the imperial court were gradually smoothed out with the efforts of all levels of government.

The most gratifying thing is that at this time came the good news of Kong Youde's rebellious army.

When Kong Youde's army mutinied in Wuqiao, it immediately caused a great shock in the Ming court.Because this rebellious army caused a mutiny so close to the capital, and the mutiny soldiers carried the most advanced weapons at that time.

Faced with such a critical situation, Emperor Chongzhen immediately called important ministers to discuss how to deal with the situation.To put it simply, it is to decide whether to recruit or suppress Kong Youde's chaotic army.

At this time, the chief assistant, Zhou Yanru, could no longer remain silent.Because Kong Youde's rebellious army was the army of Sun Yuanhua, the governor of Denglai.And Sun Yuanhua, governor of Denglai, is Zhou Yanru's absolute confidant.Therefore, calculated in this way, Kong Youde's rebellious army also has some kind of relationship with Zhou Yanru.

Therefore, Zhou Yanru suggested: let the two governors of Shandong and Denglai resolve this matter quickly.After all, the imperial court was not able to understand the local situation in Shandong best, and after the governors of these two places had first-hand knowledge of the situation, they had the most accurate judgment on whether to appease or encircle Kong Youde's rebellious army.

Zhou Yanru's suggestion does have some truth.However, his suggestion is also selfish.Zhou Yanru hoped that Sun Yuanhua would resolve this matter as soon as possible to restore the impact of this matter and not shake his position as chief assistant.

At that time, Wen Tiren, who was Zhou Yanru's political opponent, acquiesced to Zhou Yanru's proposal without saying a word.Anyway, Wen Tiren is quite active at this time, he just needs to stay aside and wait for Zhou Yanru's every move. As long as Zhou Yanru makes a mistake here, Wen Tiren can immediately remove Zhou Yanru from the chief assistant like a poisonous snake hidden in the dark. bit down on the position.

Of course, to solve it as soon as possible, that is to appease.Encirclement and suppression cannot be done in a short period of time.Sun Yuanhua, who knew everything, got the order from the imperial court, and immediately took action.

At this time, the news that Kong Youde's rebellious army defeated the encircling and suppressing army in Shandong came again.This made the vicinity of Jinan City, the capital of Shandong, suddenly lose the mobile army of the imperial court, which made the opinion of appeasement prevail.

What makes people feel inexplicable is that Sun Yuanhua has absolute confidence in recruiting Kong Youde's rebellious army.Not to mention Sun Yuanhua's kindness to Kong Youde and other Dongjiang town generals in taking in and supporting them.

Just over half a year ago, Sun Yuanhua had just solved the Pidao mutiny again with food and payment.Therefore, Sun Yuanhua did not panic at all, because according to his experience, as long as the food and salary are paid enough and the responsibility is not pursued, the mutiny can be resolved quickly.

So Sun Yuanhua asked Kong Youde to lead his troops back to Dengzhou, and everything was easy to discuss.In addition, Sun Yuanhua and Yu Dacheng, the governor of Shandong, jointly issued an order that no troops should be sent to stop Kong Youde from Wuqiao to Dengzhou along the way.

At this time, Kong Youde seemed to have obeyed Sun Yuanhua's order. Although he was still looting along the way, he still returned towards Dengzhou.The prefectures and counties along the way did not dare to intercept them, and gave way to Kong Youde's department.

This behavior is extremely ridiculous, because under the reorganization of the military attache in Shandong, another army of more than 1 people was organized.Among them, although Kong Youde's troops once entered the ambush circle of this Ming army, but because those civil servants who dreamed of appeasement gave the military officer who led this Ming army thirteen gold medals, so there was no Ming army with an attack order. They could only watch Kong Youde's rebellious army escape, which missed the best opportunity to wipe out the rebel army in the bud.

Of course, Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing in Ningyang County did not know this background.They just learned from the Mingbao sent by the court that Kong Youde's rebellious army had accepted the imperial court's appeasement, and they were heading to Dengzhou to be reorganized by Denglai Governor Sun Yuanhua.

This time, let the coalition army relax.Wu Shigong's army can still maintain restorative training, while Liu Zeqing's army has completely let go of the sheep.

At this time, Wu Shigong relaxed a little as expected, and he also frequently participated in some banquets to connect with the local gentry in Ningyang County.

Although Wu Shigong was so busy picking up food, grass and military equipment from the Jining Warehouse that he took the convoy on the road even during the Chinese New Year.But this time Wu Shigong's harvest is absolutely great.

After the distribution with Liu Zeqing, Wu Shigong can also get more than 1000 shi of grain and more than 400 shi of gunpowder.Other materials such as cloth and spirits are also worth more than 4000 taels.It is estimated that this is the Cangyun Ambassador who instructed Wu Shigong to move the property of the merchants stored in the Jining warehouse, so as to shirk it on Sheng Yangong, so that they can retain the leftover property to make a fortune.

Wu Shigong basically didn't want the ordnance that was transported, because the artillery and armor were not transported this time.These are all things that the soldiers need, and of course the Cangyun ambassador can't do too much.

As for the other bows, arrows, shields and weapons, Wu Shigong himself didn't need them.As for the bird gun in the warehouse, Wu Shigong was also very worried about its quality.Therefore, Wu Shigong gave all these weapons to Liu Zeqing and Confucius.

Wu Shigong himself only kept the cheapest [-] gun heads.Wu Shigong wanted to use these guns to arm the servants he had just taken in.

Compared with the relaxation of generals like Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing, civil officials like Wu Shiwen are very busy.Jining Prefecture, Qufu County and Ningyang County, in the end, even Yanzhou in the middle had to be believed to join in.

The officials of these four places sent messengers to each other, and they spoke to each other, perfecting the details of all the memorials that were played, and making up for all possible flaws.

Finally, in their memorial, they described a grand drama of encircling and suppressing rioters in Southwest Shandong:

How did those rebels gather tens of thousands of people to invade Southwest Shandong; how did the warehouse transport ambassadors of Jining warehouse deal with the grain, grass and military equipment in Jining warehouse decisively when the rebels invaded, so as to prevent them from capitalizing on the enemy.

How did the rioters get their heads broken under the well-defended city of Jining Prefecture; how did the officers and soldiers of the Runing Battalion pass by after receiving food, grass and weapons from the Jining warehouse, and how they broke the siege of Jining Prefecture regardless of their own lives.

How did the rioters who were dispersed under the city of Jining Prefecture disperse and besiege Yanzhou, Qufu County and Ningyang County; How did General Liu Zeqing deal the last blow to the rioters...

Anyway, seeing this scene, Wu Shigong was dazzled.When Wu Shigong saw the original manuscript of this memorial, he really suspected that he was dazzled, that he had met a group of masters who wrote historical war articles in the starting point.

And in this memorial, most of the materials in the Jining warehouse were subtly swallowed up.The food and grass were of course eaten by the fighting Ming army and the people defending the city; the ordnance was also worn out in the battle with the rioters; It was burned.In order to increase the credibility of this statement, the decisive warehouse transport ambassador resolutely burned several empty warehouses in Jining warehouse.

And the content of these memorials could not help but be disbelieved by the court.Because those memorials were submitted along with the more than 600 heads that Wu Shigong chopped off at that time.

Wu Shigong actually didn't need so many heads, so he distributed [-] heads to Liu Zeqing.This made Liu Zeqing overjoyed, put his arm around Wu Shigong's shoulder and said, "Hello, brothers!".

The only thing that bothered Wu Shigong a little was the house slaves that Wu Shigong had just taken in outside Ningyang County.After learning that the domestic slaves here could have enough to eat, refugees who got the news from nearby came to vote one after another.

This snowballing increase in the number of people was too much for Wu Shigong.So Wu Shigong only took in those refugees who were young and hardworking, and the other refugees just gave them porridge to keep them from starving to death temporarily.But even so, the number of domestic slaves Wu Shigong took in soon exceeded 3000.

Wu Shiwen and Liu Zeqing also persuaded Wu Shigong to use the military rations he managed to collect to rescue those refugees several times.But after thinking about it again and again, Wu Shigong still insisted on doing so.

Wu Shigong was a little helpless, after all, he was not hard-hearted enough to watch those refugees starve to death in the wild.Wu Shigong had no choice but to comfort himself: "This is to accumulate virtue for the three unborn children!"

However, the intelligence of the army was very appreciative of Wu Shigong's behavior.These days, Zhizhi has been taking the medical soldiers from the Runing camp to the slave camp outside the city to treat the sick slaves.

And in the field in winter, there were more sick people among the house slaves, Zhizhi also came to Wu Shigong several times to beg for medicinal materials.In desperation, Wu Shigong had no choice but to use some of the medicinal materials in the army, and bought some medicinal materials from the pharmacy in Ningyang County with money, so that it was barely enough.

But these actions caused Wu Shigong's food and money to plummet.The only harvest is that the loyalty of those house slaves to Wu Shigong has risen in a straight line.This can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

At this time, Wu Shigong had drawn more than 800 auxiliary soldiers from these domestic slaves. They were simply armed with long guns mounted on the barrels, and followed the military officers sent by the Runing Battalion to conduct basic military training.

This comfortable day just passed by day by day.It will soon be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.Wu Shigong was invited to Wu Shiwen's home to celebrate the Lantern Festival with Wu Shiwen's family.

After all, the war has not yet passed, so it is impossible to lift the curfew and put on lanterns in Ningyang County.Wu Shigong also had a drink with his fifth brother Wu Shiwen, and then used the Lantern Festival after dinner.

While the Lantern Festival was in use, suddenly there was a rush of footsteps at the gate of the yamen.Wu Shigong only saw a Tangma brought in by Wu Shiwen's housekeeper.

As soon as that Tangma saw Wu Shiwen and Wu Shigong, he immediately knelt down and said: "Greetings to the two adults! The villain came from Jinan City and sent a letter from the governor to the two adults. Kong Youde's rebellious army was in the spring If you rebel again on the night of the festival, the city of Dengzhou is lost, and the whereabouts of the governor of Denglai are unknown!"

Wu Shigong and Wu Shiwen woke up from the wine at once.Wu Shiwen immediately said: "Bring the letter." Wu Shiwen's housekeeper immediately took the letter from Tang Ma and handed it to Wu Shiwen.

Wu Shiwen opened the letter, read the letter at a glance, and then said to Wu Shigong weakly: "Kong Bandit feigned surrender and tricked Dengzhou City into opening. The governor asked the officers and troops from all over the country to move immediately and gather towards Jinan City."

"Oh——! Fourteenth brother, you have only been stable for a few days, but you are going to fight in the battlefield again. You just wait a while and use up this Lantern Festival. Fifth brother arranges someone to notify Liu Shen to go .”

Wu Shigong silently chewed the Yuanxiao in the bowl, but he couldn't taste the taste...

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