Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 290 Red Eye Tactics

() Wu Shigong is hated again.But now there are too many people who hate Wu Shigong, even the Chief Assistant Zhou Yanru also indirectly hates Wu Shigong.So Wu Shigong is no longer itchy.

It seemed that the old man was also tired, and the night seemed particularly quiet.This wilderness is really invisible, only the torches flickering in the distance.

Wu Shigong watched the distance while drinking the broth in his hand.Drinking this hot broth into the stomach, the feeling of happiness immediately spread from the stomach to every pore of the body.

Now Wu Shigong is confronting the rebels across the Shahe River.After rushing to the west bank of the Shahe River at dusk, Wu Shigong had to wade across the river through shallow water several times.This move caused a burst of tension among the rebels.Seeing such an active attack by such a Ming army, the rebel army did not know whether another Ming army arrived, so the rebel army also gathered the army. They just left some probing spies on the east bank of the Shahe River. , The main force of the rebels retreated, and they accepted it as soon as it was good.

Of course, Wu Shigong's actions of crossing the river several times were bluffing.He just wanted to make the rebels unclear about his purpose.Of course, Wu Shigong had no interest in forcing his way across the Shahe River and using his own cavalry to fight the main force of the rebel army with his back route cut off.

However, when Wu Shigong was crossing the river, he shot each other with firecrackers several times with the blocking rebels across the bank. Because Wu Shigong's firecrackers were more powerful, they caused certain casualties to the rebels.

When the rebel army saw such a cavalry with a full armor and stomach, such a fierce firepower of the firearms, and such a strong desire to fight, they did not dare to neglect, and immediately took the initiative to shrink the army that was hiding and killing, and they wanted to investigate clearly the situation on the other side. Let's talk about the situation of Zhiming Army.

Wu Shigong just wants the rebels to spend time investigating the situation.He only needs to delay the rebels for one night, to be precise, half a night. Before the rebels wake up, he will lead his own cavalry and retreat with the rescued Ming army.

After bidding farewell to Governor Liu Yulie, Wu Shigong encountered and interrogated several fast-legged Ming army routs in the following time.Seeing that the number of the defeated Ming army had dwindled, Wu Shigong immediately ordered the cavalry to advance in the opposite direction.

At this time, the total number of Wu Shigong's cavalry had reached more than 200.The defeat of an army does not mean that there are no brave soldiers in these armies.

Seeing that Wu Shigong's cavalry took the initiative to rescue the backward Ming army, some brave military officers and soldiers also joined Wu Shigong's cavalry.

But when Wu Shigong arrived at Shahe, he only saw the miserable scene of the Ming army.On both sides of the Shahe River, the defeated soldiers of the Ming army were massacred like lambs by the rebels.

Of course, Wu Shigong had no way to rescue the Ming army on the east bank of the Shahe River.Wu Shigong had no choice but to rescue the Ming army who had fled to the west bank of the Shahe River.

At this time, there were not many rebels crossing the Shahe, and they were mainly cavalry.They mainly entangled the footsteps of the Ming army infantry, waiting for the arrival of the main force of the rebel army, and wiped out the Ming army.

At this time, there were only two Ming armies that organized resistance.One has more than 600 people, and the other has more than 300 people.

Seeing the arrival of Wu Shigong's cavalry, the rebel cavalry who entangled the two Ming army immediately abandoned their opponents and joined together immediately, preparing to defeat Wu Shigong's cavalry first, and then deal with the two-legged Ming army infantry.

The cavalry of that rebel army also had more than 500 people. After the two sides lined up, they immediately charged each other without saying a word.

Although the rebels did not dare to fight the cavalry of the Hou Jin Army.But they have a psychological advantage in fighting the cavalry of the Ming army.After all, these rebels who were born in Dongjiang Town also came from Liaodong.They can barely be called Guan Ning cavalry.

But what the rebels didn't expect was that this battle was completely one-sided, and the defeat was like a mountain.

Wu Shigong put his cavalry from the Runing Battalion in front of the formation.Without preserving one's own strength at all, it is necessary to defeat the rebel cavalry on the opposite side at once.

When the first ranks of cavalry from both sides approached, Wu Shigong's cavalry first made a salvo with firecrackers.Of course, this kind of shooting can't be said to be precise, and the purpose of the shooting is only to disrupt the rhythm of the rebel cavalry.

But no matter what, this shot also has some effects.Seeing a companion around him being shot off the horse, the cavalry of the rebels always slowed down the horse unconsciously, and the whole queue was a little scattered.

After shooting, the cavalry of the Runing Battalion immediately threw the firecrackers to the ground, seized the time to pick up their spears, lined up in a tight formation, and rushed towards the cavalry formation of the rebel army.

This is a tactic summed up by the Runing Battalion after fighting the cavalry of the Houjin Army in the last King Qin battle. The name of the tactic is "red eye tactic".

Different from the red-eye in modern red-eye flights, the red-eye here in Runing Camp refers to the red-eye caused by war.

In the summary of the battle after King Qin came back last time, people like Wu Shigong agreed that cavalrymen like themselves who have only received one or two years of cavalry training are definitely not as good as those of the Houjin Army who grew up on horseback in individual combat. of cavalry.

Therefore, in order to make up for your own shortcomings, you must use your courage to suppress the cavalry of the Houjin Army.

Inspired by Death Crash, Wu Shigong and the others created the "Red Eye Tactic".The tactics of this red-eye tactic are: arrange a tight cavalry formation, and constantly use your own cavalry formation to collide with the enemy's cavalry formation.

The cavalry of the Runing Battalion didn't play with their opponents at all, such as two horses crossing each other, and the two sides fighting with three hundred rendezvous.They just want to go through rows of cavalry charging, rows of cavalry and horses dying, to see who can't hold on first.

This kind of cavalry tactics that doesn't look at personal combat skills at all depends on how indifferent the two sides are to their own lives.To be honest, with this tactic, although his own cavalry must have suffered heavy casualties, even if the opponents were Zhao Zilong and Guan Yunchang, they would have nothing but hatred on the battlefield.

Faced with such barbaric tactics, the rebels' first cavalry ranks could not hold up.When they saw the aggressiveness of the cavalry of the Runing Battalion, the already scattered formations immediately dispersed, and the cavalry on both sides avoided the cavalry formations of the Runing Battalion and turned around and fled.As expected, the cavalrymen in the middle who could not escape were trampled into flesh.

The charge of the cavalry in front of the Runing Battalion disrupted the formation of the rebel cavalry like hot knives cutting butter.The cavalry leader of the rebel army saw that his cavalry formation no longer existed, and knew that he was defeated, so he immediately ordered to retreat.

But then came the cavalry in Wu Shigong's back row.Although those cavalry could not do the strict tactics of the cavalry of the Runing Battalion, wouldn't they still know how to beat the dog in the water?

After a while of killing, the rebel cavalry dropped more than 400 corpses, and retreated to the east bank of the Sha River under the cover of the rebels on the other side of the Sha River.

Then Wu Shigong bluffed across the river to attack.It was not until the sky was completely dark that the two armies left the river bank, ending the day's fighting.

Wu Shigong only suffered nine casualties in this battle.In addition to harvesting more than 400 heads of rebel cavalry, more than 100 horses were also seized.In addition, some armor and weapons.

The two Ming troops rescued by Wu Shigong also joined Wu Shigong's cavalry.Among them, the Ming army of more than 300 people was the Henan Ming army that lost Jiang Guerrilla.In addition, seeing that the rebels retreated to the east bank of the Shahe River, the scattered Ming troops also concentrated on Wu Shigong.In the end, Wu Shigong gathered a total of more than 200 Ming troops.

Wu Shigong did not rush to retreat to the rear.He simply lit a large number of bonfires, took out dry food, and boiled the dead horse meat left by the rebels.Eating horse meat, drinking broth, and having a bonfire party.

And this kind of action made the rebels even more confused about the reality, and after hastily packed up the seized, they retreated from the bank of the Shahe River, facing Wu Shigong's army across the bank.

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