() A few days ago, the private mine owner who ran the private mine in Nanyang together with Wu Shigong elected a representative—Yuanwai Qiu came to He Fei and the others, and he came to discuss something with a gift.

In fact, in the two counties of Nanyang Prefecture where Li Lu was stationed, apart from the private mines of those local tyrants, there was also an iron mining area.However, that piece of iron mining area belongs to the imperial court's official mine - Nanyang Iron Mine, and it is managed by the mine supervisor sent by the inner court.

However, in that iron mining area, the government-run Nanyang Iron Mine has long ceased mining.The reason for reporting to the imperial court is that the mineral resources are exhausted and it is difficult to mine.This also makes sense.The iron ore in Nanyang has been mined for more than 1000 years since the Han Dynasty, so most people take it for granted that the ore source should indeed be exhausted.

However, in fact, the iron ore resources in that iron ore area are still quite rich.The reason for reporting the depletion of mineral resources is the same as the reason for the depletion of mineral resources in the Zhaoyuan Gold Mine.

Therefore, in this iron mining area, the government-run Nanyang Iron Mine stopped mining, and the local officials and mine supervisors colluded to establish private mines and exploit them wantonly in order to make huge personal profits.

But this private mine is somewhat different from the one owned by Wu Shigong.Except that the quality, quantity and transportation convenience of iron ore greatly surpassed Wu Shigong's private mines, the biggest difference is: Wu Shigong's private mines were originally owned by local gentry and local tyrants.However, this private mine is protected by local officials and mine supervisors, and they are also the main ones.

After years of fighting, the two groups have formed a tacit understanding.The two sides do not interfere with each other, and each makes its own money.But when Qiu Yuanwai and these local gentry and local tyrants discovered the powerful fighting power of the Runing Battalion, and Wu Shigong kept his promise to cooperate with them, Qiu Yuanwai and the others were moved and wanted to seize the private mining area.

Outside of Qiu Yuan, they had a well-planned plan.Because of that private mine, the officials in those places just took a dry share, and the mine supervisor controlled most of the production and income.

Those officials whose families are out of town can handle it easily.Because the official's dry stock is also handed over to the incumbent official, when he leaves office, the proceeds from the dry stock will be transferred to the official who succeeds him.Therefore, as long as Qiu Yuanwai and the others can guarantee the income of those officials after seizing the private mining area, those officials will not embarrass Qiu Yuanwai and them.

And those small officials whose families are in the local area have a better solution.It's nothing more than a relationship, coercion and temptation.Anyway, the locals are always partial to the locals.

And what is to be snatched is the share owned by the mine supervisor.Don't tell me that the gentry and local tyrants like Qiu Yuanwai are also courageous enough.You must know that the income from official mines like Nanyang Iron Mine did not go into the treasury of the imperial household department, but into the internal treasury of Emperor Chongzhen.In other words, the silver is the emperor's private money.And these gentry and local tyrants dared to rob the emperor's private house money, this behavior...!

But Qiu Yuanwai and the others were not afraid.Because there was another one before them who dared to use the emperor's private money, and that was the mine supervisor of Nanyang Iron Mine.And robbing this private mining area is nothing more than cheating.

It may not be that after snatching the private mining area, the mine supervisor dared to cry in front of Emperor Chongzhen, demanding justice from Emperor Chongzhen.If the mine supervisor got impatient and really dared to cry in front of Emperor Chongzhen, then it is conceivable that Emperor Chongzhen would definitely uphold justice for him, but before he did justice, he would definitely steal the supervisor in front of him. The house thief was beaten to death with a random stick.

Therefore, Qiu Yuanwai and the others also understood the psychology of those officials and mine supervisors, but the gentry and local tyrants in these places like Qiu Yuanwai did not have high vision after all. Through good eunuchs, great energy is exerted.But this is another story.

After Qiu Yuanwai presented the plan to He Fei, Shu Mo and Zu Ge, he told the three of them about the plan to rob the mining area.That is nothing more than starting from friction, then fighting with weapons, and then upgrading to large-scale fighting.This appearance is just like the former local private mine owners competing for private mines, and it will not attract special attention from others.

And this preliminary work will be carried out by Qiu Yuanwai and the others, but the next step will be Nanyang Ying.Because although the private mining area is also under the management of Nanyang Iron Mine and not under the jurisdiction of the local government, its location happens to be within the jurisdiction of Nanyangying.

Now that a large-scale fighting has taken place, it is logical that the Nanyang Camp can also send troops to pacify the place first.As for the future, it's not who controls the place, who has the final say?

After getting the private mining area, apart from the cadre shares given to the local officials, Qiu Yuan and they also agreed: the income from the iron mine will be divided according to the original iron mine ratio.In addition, Qiu Yuan and they will pay an additional 3000 taels of silver and [-] horses to the Nanyang Camp as the cost of dispatching troops.

Hearing such favorable conditions, and it sounds like there is no risk, Hefei and Zug agreed immediately.There is no need to think about the income from the iron mines in the Nanyang camp, it must be received by the upper echelons of the Runing camp.But the 3000 taels of silver and [-] horses can just solve the big problem of lack of silver taels and horses in Nanyang camp.

But the reason why the two of them think this way is also because they don't understand that the mine supervisor can sometimes exert huge energy.

But Shumo disagreed.Apart from his usual timidity, Shumo was born as a servant in the Marquis Mansion, unlike He Fei and Zu Ge, who vaguely knew the power of some eunuchs.

Besides, Shumo was originally a person with no enterprising spirit, he was like an abacus bead, he would only move if Wu Shigong flicked it.So Shumo didn't want to make trouble out of nothing.

There is another very important reason. In the Runing Battalion, one of the strictest military regulations is that without Wu Shigong's order, no troops can be dispatched at will.And now, if the Nanyang Battalion were to be dispatched, they would have to get orders from the temporary acting military chief—Xue Yongli.

But we can see from the experiences of Hefei and Zug that they are both ambitious people who just want to get ahead.Therefore, the two of them put forward a reason: Nanyang Camp is a military operation carried out in their own garrison, and the commander of Nanyang Camp can handle it with authority, as long as they report to Xue Yongli afterwards.What they really want is to play around the edges.

All three of them are well aware of this.If the Nanyang camp sends troops, they can't tell Xue Yongli and the others in Runing first.Otherwise, if the benefits of dispatching troops were so divided by the superiors, the three of them would cry to death!

For this reason, Shumo raised another difficulty: After all, the Nanyang camp was led by Li Lu, the Nanyang garrison in name.Without his consent, Nanyangying would have been born without a name.

This is indeed a problem.But seeing Shumo's objection all the time, He Fei and Chu Ge just chattered a few words and dragged the topic away.

Afterwards, of course, it was Qiu Yuanwai and they arranged for the three leaders to eat and drink and sleep with women.Shumo will not pretend to be noble because of his disagreement.

Seeing that the three commanders had disagreements, Qiu Yuanwai and the others also decided to attack each of them.What he arranged for Zug was his niece.After staying overnight, Qiu Yuanwai and the others first reached an agreement with Zug to take action.

Afterwards, Chu Ge asked He Fei out again, and after the two of them made up their minds, the fox set up such a trick for Shumo with a thought.

Of course, Li Lu's question raised by Shumo must also be resolved.Qiu Yuanwai and the others were indeed very energetic, and it didn't take long for them to deal with Li Lu.

It should be said that Li Lu, who used to be the commander of the southern city of the capital, would not agree to have conflicts with the eunuch.But what is Li Lu's mentality now?

He didn't care about messing around in the officialdom at all, he just wanted to sleep with his wife and make money.At most, he was dismissed afterwards, and took the wives and money he had looted in Nanyang back to the capital for retirement.So after a generous gift from Qiu Yuanwai and the promise to give Li Lu a new stake in the private mine, Li Lu readily agreed to this military operation.

Afterwards, He Fei and Zuge set up a scheme to draw Shumo into this military operation.

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