Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 336 Shenzhou No. 1

"Boom! Boom!..."

A trial round of shells was fired.The whole experiment process was quite boring at that time.The artillery is constantly adjusting the angle to determine the best firing angle.But a group of officers still watched with great interest.There are too few entertainment activities in this barracks, it's better to come and watch the fun.

When Wu Shigong saw that it was troublesome to adjust and record the angle of the artillery, he came up with the idea of ​​making a protractor similar to the modern one.The production of this protractor is not complicated at all. According to Wu Shigong's thinking, the craftsmen in the Henan Army quickly made it.

However, with the protractor, it does bring great convenience to the artillery to adjust the angle.So for Wu Shigong's wonderful idea, the officers of the Runing Battalion all flattered wildly.While enjoying flattery, Wu Shigong thought flatteringly: "I never thought it would be quite easy to be a genius in the Ming Dynasty?"

Another big problem is the level of artillery positions.With so many manpower, there is no problem for the Henan Army to level an artillery position.

But there is a problem here, and there is no guarantee that this flat artillery position is parallel to the horizontal plane.You know it's a mountain.If the artillery is erected on an inclined artillery position, the shooting of the artillery will deviate due to the inclination of the firing angle.However, it is impossible to observe whether the artillery position is parallel to the horizontal plane with the naked eye.

Finally a craftsman solved the problem.He used a large flat plank to spread over the artillery emplacement, and dripped water between the planks.If the water droplets do not roll, it proves that the artillery position is basically parallel to the horizontal plane.In fact, this is the prototype of the modern spirit level.

Seeing that the problem was solved, Wu Shigong was overjoyed, and rewarded the craftsman 50 taels of silver.This made everyone highly motivated, so some minor problems in the future were solved one by one after brainstorming.Of course Wu Shigong is also behind.Rewards of varying sizes were given to those who did meritorious service.

Finally, after two days of experimentation, the results of the experiment were finally obtained.Due to the steepness of the mountain, the three-pound artillery in the Runing Battalion could not be transported up the mountain, and the one-pound artillery was too weak, so the four two-pound artillery were used to shoot at the rebel ships this time.

After determining the shooting angle of the artillery, the craftsmen began to build a fixed gun mount according to the shooting angle.And other auxiliary soldiers began to open the road and leveled the artillery positions on the mountain.All preparations should be made before the artillery launch.

In this experiment, there was a 17-year-old boy named Hu Meng in Chi Ming's boy camp.Witnessed and participated in recording the entire trial process.Afterwards he developed a strong research interest in the firing curve of artillery.

After that, Hu Meng voluntarily signed up to join the artillery team, and gradually became a ballistic expert of the artillery team, and later became Mr. Qian.

But this Hu Meng has no interest in fighting.After that, he voluntarily withdrew from the combat troops and came to the military academy opened by the Runing Battalion.Become a teacher who teaches artillery ballistics.

Hu Meng's life in the military academy is like a fish in water.His own research and the eight most talented students he brought out almost laid the foundation for more than half of modern physics and chemistry in this time and space.And eventually invented higher mathematics.Hu Meng is also honored as the "Father of Science" in this time and space.

But the current Wu Shigong doesn't know that there is a real genius Hu Meng beside him.When the artillery test is over.Wu Shigong was very playful, and he shouted: "Put the cannon up and see how high the cannonball can hit."

Since the adults are interested, of course the children should join in.Soon, the artillery was filled with the maximum amount of gunpowder and stood upright.certainly.This erection is also slightly forward with a small angle.Otherwise, the cannonball would hit his head when it fell.That's no fun, it's suicide.

The launch was led by Liang Hui himself.When the cannon was ejected, everyone opened their mouths.He looked up and watched the shells fly higher and higher.Until the shell became a barely visible black dot.After waiting for a long time, the cannonball fell, and the cannonball hit hard forty or fifty paces in front of the cannon, kicking up a large piece of soil.

People who recalled it began to sigh: "Wow! Flying so high!"

Only the sycophant Liang Hui reacted the fastest. He knelt down in front of Wu Shigong with one leg and said sincerely, "My lord! This cannon is mighty. Please give me a name."

Wu Shigong blurted out: "Shenzhou-[-]!"

Those who had been taken the lead by Liang Hui immediately went on to flatter Wu Shigong, not to be outdone: "My lord! What a good name!", "My lord is so knowledgeable!"...

Zhou Xun also leaned in front of Wu Shigong, smiled and complimented: "My lord, our Runing Battalion will build bigger artillery in the future, maybe it can hit the moon."

Wu Shigong didn't even think about it, and then said: "The cannon is called Chang'e No. [-]!"

Of course, Wu Shigong and these big bastards don't know what taboos are there, so the homophonic name - Shenzhou Pao was called out in the Runing Camp, and it was recorded in the documents of the Runing Camp.

It was only after returning to Runing that Deng Qifan discovered this very sensitive name in the documents.In order to avoid the taboo, Deng Qifan conveniently changed the name to Shenzhou Pao.He didn't think of this modification at all, he just changed it back to the original name.

And in this time and space, an interesting story happened.When this history spread to the West, more than 100 years later, a French science fiction writer named Jules Verne took this as inspiration and wrote a book "From the Earth to the Moon", which used artillery to launch people into the world. Science fiction on the moon.

And this Shenzhou-[-] shell also brought an accident.The movement of the shells landing also aroused the surprise of a horse pulling an empty cart, which was quietly gnawing grass.

This frightening horse galloped across the empty artillery test range with an empty cart, and it caused a burst of excitement for the people who were also grazing on the sidelines to go crazy.Taking advantage of the careless guard's inattention, it ran and chased the startled horse.It caused a burst of laughter from all the people.

In the end, of course, the soldiers were dispatched to subdue the two horses and bring them back.But after coming back from the madness, he played around Wu Shigong mischievously.

Wu Shigong ignored Renlaikuang, he suddenly had a new idea.You must know that although Lai Crazy is mischievous, its running speed is quite fast.But the frightened horse just now was dragging a large cart, and its speed was not much slower than Lai Crazy.

Wu Shigong remembered a movie he had watched in his previous life - "Gladiator".There is in the arena.In the chariot battle scene, Wu Shigong remembered how powerful the chariot was.Will we build a few cars in the Runing Camp in the future?

Of course Wu Shigong didn't know that that kind of chariot was very popular during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, but with the large-scale use of cavalry, this kind of chariot has long been eliminated.

Because of the high cost of that kind of chariot, it is difficult to train a hand, but the requirements for the terrain are very high when used.Therefore, it was first deciphered by Sun Wu in the Spring and Autumn Period at that time, and then this kind of chariot gradually became history.As a result, there were no such chariots in the Ming Dynasty, and not many people even knew that there were such chariots in the original history.

But at this time.No one would object to Wu Shigong's idea.Under Wu Shigong's description, Chi Ming quickly recalled the idea of ​​developing this chariot with Wu Shigong, and recorded the sketch of this chariot.

While waiting for the official launch, a blacksmith named Bian Chengwang, who was "transferred" by Wu Shigong from Laizhou City, found Wu Shigong.

In the summary of the battle after the battle of Huangxian.Wu Shigong proposed the idea of ​​using large pieces of armor to protect the vital parts of the beggar's armor.And we already know.During this period of the Ming Dynasty.There are very few blacksmiths capable of making such large pieces of armor iron, and the manufacturing cycle is also very long, which cannot reach the level of mass production at all.

And this Bian Chengwang is one of them.He inherited some skills from his ancestors, which can greatly shorten the production time of iron sheets.In terms of modern craftsmanship, the one handed down by their family is the "quenching" technique.It can quickly increase the strength of the iron sheet to meet the strength requirements required by the armor iron sheet.

To know.In the past, the strength of the iron sheet was increased by the method of hundreds of thousands of refinements, which required a lot of labor and time.But Bian Chengwang's method can greatly shorten this time.

Of course, as an ancestral method, Bian Chengwang was not willing to dedicate it to Wu Shigong.But because he was jealous of Wu Shigong's rewards.Therefore, he boldly asked Wu Shigong for credit.

When Wu Shigong heard this, he was of course very excited, because this method is too important for strengthening the production of ordnance in the Runing Battalion.But Wu Shigong also understood that Bian Chengwang was unwilling to contribute this method, he was only willing to bring his son and apprentices to produce this kind of iron sheet for Wu Shigong.

In addition, there is another problem, Wu Shigong is no longer willing to continue rewarding like this.For such an important method, it is not good to reward too little.But if the rewards are too much, Wu Shigong himself will feel pain, because the landlord's family has no surplus food!Therefore, Wu Shigong had to think of a good way to solve this problem.

any solution?After much deliberation, Wu Shigong thought of the modern "Patent Law".Wu Shigong proposed to Bian Chengwang: Let Bian Chengwang donate this technology, but Wu Shigong's Runing Camp will pay the patent fee for each product using this technology.

Anyway, Wu Shigong is familiar with the provisions of the "Patent Law", so now he just needs to copy them.Anyway, in modern times, Wu Shigong also did a lot of piracy, so studying this kind of legal provisions is also one of Wu Shigong's compulsory courses.

However, seeing that Bian Chengwang was still hesitant, Wu Shigong put forward a condition again, naming the technology Bian Chengwang contributed as "Bian's method", so that the Bian family can live forever.

But what surprised Wu Shigong was that Bian Chengwang was not worried about this, he was only worried that if he got a lot of wealth from the patent law, would the government find a reason to seize his Bian family property.

This concern is quite justified.In order to appease Bian Chengwang, Wu Shigong had no choice but to accept [-]% of the shares offered by Bian Chengwang, in order to appease Bian Chengwang.It seems that the construction of the legal system still has a long way to go!

And Wu Shigong has transformed from a lawbreaker in his previous life to a current legislator.This situation also makes people sigh: "The fortunes of life are really unpredictable!"

In fact, the "Patent Law" is also a law that is often underestimated by the world.However, its importance can be seen from the fact that the first law enacted after the founding of the United States after the enactment of the "Constitution" was the "Patent Law".

The essence of the "Patent Law" is: any country actually needs a large number of talents from all walks of life, and the country's finances cannot afford to support so many talents.then what should we do?

Through the "Patent Law", let the people pay money to make these talents rich, so as to keep these talents in the country to serve the country.This is also an important reason why the United Kingdom, which first formulated the "Patent Law", also carried out the Industrial Revolution first, and finally expanded into an empire on which the sun never sets.If you don't believe it, you only need to look at the luxurious lineup of academicians of the British Academy of Sciences at that time.

In Wu Shigong's Runing camp, during the four or five months of besieging Dengzhou City, a genius like Hu Meng appeared, which laid the foundation of scientific theory; the emergence of the "Patent Law" laid the foundation of wealth.

After that, a large number of scientific researchers and inventors appeared in the Runing camp.Finally, it caused the Eastern Industrial Revolution that happened in this time and space.Therefore, in the later generations of this time and space, what happened during this period is called the cradle of science! (to be continued..)

But until now, I found that many of my friends put forward the content in the book review, which is what I want to write.Let me really feel: you are awesome!

However, this is also a very heavy blow to my own intelligence.I couldn't help crying and shouting: He Shengyu, Shengliang!

If you have mercy on me!Please give some votes!Thanks!

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