Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 351 Dengzhou Offensive and Defensive Battle

After Lu Jianchen and Guo Zeng'an concluded their negotiations, they hurried back to Yangzhou to prepare for the opening of a new saltworks next year.If they travel quickly, they may still have time to go home for the New Year.

And because the rebels have been besieged for a long time, the situation in Shandong has gradually calmed down.The communication between Wu Shigong and the Runing Mansion finally became smooth.

This time, the Runing Army who stayed behind sent five messengers, and sent a large package of letters to Wu Shigong.Those are the replies written by the families of the soldiers who sent out to the conscripts after receiving the letters from those soldiers.After receiving these letters, the soldiers were also elated.

Wu Shigong himself also received a long letter from Deng Qifan, telling Wu Shigong everything that happened in the headquarters of the Runing Army recently.To Wu Shigong's satisfaction, apart from seizing the Nanyang Iron Mine, there were no other difficult matters that Wu Shigong had to deal with.

Of course, he also brought Wu Shigong's family letter along with him.In the letter from home, the four pregnant wives Wu Shigong was worried about all gave birth.Wu Shigong added four more children, two boys and two girls.Both Li Xin and Mei Yun gave birth to a girl, and Zhao Ruya finally had a son as she wished.In addition, Qiongniang also gave birth to a young son for Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong couldn't help being a little proud of this.Up to now, the number of Wu Shigong's children has reached ten.And they're all healthy too.Compared with the dangers of childbirth and the high mortality rate of children in the Ming Dynasty, Wu Shigong was really lucky.It seems that from the perspective of genetics, Xue Lian was really discerning when he saw Wu Weizhong's son as his son-in-law!

In addition, in the letter, Wu Shigong also learned a piece of good news.At this time, Wu Shigong knew that Zhou Yanru, the chief assistant who threatened him the most in Henan, had also stepped down.Wu Shigong was ecstatic when the stone that had been on his heart for a long time fell to the ground.To celebrate, in the evening.Wu Shigong and Carelli had a carnival all night.

And because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, Wu Shigong specially issued more than 1000 taels of silver to all the soldiers of the Runing Army who are currently fighting as bonuses.However, what was issued this time was not cash, but a slip of how much silver was given to each soldier.

It's not that Wu Shigong is stingy.With this note, as long as they return to the Runing Mansion, the soldiers' money will be distributed in full.Now these soldiers have food and drink in the big camp, and they don't need cash at all.Besides, Wu Shigong also understands a truth: soldiers will become bad when they have silver, and soldiers become bad because of silver.

In fact, the current Wu Shigong is already very satisfied with this expedition.With the departure of chief assistant Zhou Yanru.The biggest worry has been eliminated.And I thought that I would go to Liaodong to fight with the Houjin army, and I might have suffered heavy losses, but I didn't expect to be involved in a civil war.

What is even more gratifying is that the army has been expanded, and huge amounts of property and ordnance have been obtained.He also observed the battles of the highest-level troops of the Ming Dynasty, and even gained dozens of Portuguese military advisors.For Wu Shigong.What's not to like?

It seems to be recuperating before the final fight.Both the Ming army and the rebels stopped fighting around the Chinese New Year.The eyes of both sides are also fixed on the signal of war - the sea water is freezing.

In a blink of an eye, it came to February of the sixth year of Chongzhen.At this time, Kong Youde's rebels were short of food.They also ate all the coolies.Even military prostitutes ate a lot.However, at this time the sea water has begun to thaw.

Kong Youde began to order the rebels to prepare to escape by boat, but at this time an accident happened.A former general manager of Dongjiang Town in Phi Island took advantage of the thawing of the sea water and took a few cronies to Dengzhou City by boat. He brought Kong Youde the news that shocked him: Huang Long, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army.The general will lead the navy to blockade Dengzhou City from the water, and will completely surround the rebels to death.This made Kong Youde lose a lot.

"Let's go by boat according to the original plan. The sea is vast, and we may not encounter intercepted sailors. As long as we find a small island that we don't care about and settle down, with our strength, we may be able to make a move." After the original Mao Shuai's career, when he has strength, it is a good choice to take refuge in which side, or even to become king himself!"

"What you said is easy. Anyway, you are single and have no worries. You know we still have more than 7000 family members to board the ship. When we meet the Navy, we will not be able to fight or run away. To die?"

"It's only one that escapes. Anyway, it's worth it after such a fuss, and it's unlucky for us to meet the navy. I don't believe it. Could it be that even one of us can't escape?"

"Okay! Don't quarrel! But I also have a question, who will be the queen? It may not be that we are all on board. The officers and soldiers see that Dengzhou City has become an empty city, and they will still be foolish outside the city. wait?"

"What's so difficult about this? The old way is to draw lots!"

"Fart! I have already seen through the lottery you guys are playing. You can either go together or not. If you want me to die, there is no way!"


Seeing the noisy rebel military officers, Kong Youde finally became impatient.He slapped the table, frowned and shouted: "Shut up! Listen to my old Kong!"

"We were all in trouble together at the time, and we were good brothers when we had sex, drank hot, and played with women. Now that we encounter some small problems, do we have to pinch each other? I don't care about brothers' life and death. My old Kong didn't do it before. However, I will definitely not do it in the future. Get ready. Tomorrow, the cavalry will be the leader, followed by the infantry, and rush out of the city surrounded by the Ming army. Divide into three routes, with me, Lao Geng and Ying Yuan each leading the way If you don’t rush out, you’ll be a good man again in 18 years! We’re all gone, let the sons have a good meal when we go back, and tomorrow we’ll let the officers and soldiers outside the city see the demeanor of our old Liao army.”

After the military attaches of the rebels had dispersed, Geng Jingzhong, who was left alone, said to Kong Youde with some concern: "There are tens of thousands of officers and troops outside this city, and they are surrounded by several ditches and earthen walls. Ning Tieqi, the chances of us rushing out tomorrow are not great!"

"Even if we rush out, we will become rogues rushing to the state. Sooner or later, there will be a day when we will run out of water. Also, the family members of those old Liao soldiers are also women, children and old people. They will definitely not be able to escape. Why not?" Try your luck on a boat."

Kong Youde sighed and replied: "Why don't I understand this? But look at those people who are arguing today. Although they are arguing with each other, they are all looking at our actions. If we arrange any troops After the breakup, I am afraid that those who are not us will immediately draw their knives. Now the only way is to break through together!"

"However, take it easy tomorrow, Old Geng. As soon as you see the situation is not good, hurry up and take it back. Let Li Yingyuan stand in the front. Anyway, he is young and vigorous, and when the disaster comes, we should fly separately. You and I will also send some servants to each other." , Be sure to guard the water city. If something goes wrong, get on the boat immediately!"

Geng Jingzhong nodded and said, "That's the only way!"

But this sudden bad news completely broke the morale of the rebel army.That night, a general banner of the rebel army took advantage of the night to cross the city and reported this important military situation to Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian.And Huang Qifa also sent his younger brother across the city to the Henan Army.

Wu Shigong, who was awakened from his dream, immediately interrogated Huang Qifa's younger brother, and also learned of the rebel's plan to break out tomorrow.Moreover, Huang Qifa's younger brother was willing to stay in the Henan Army as a hostage to prove the authenticity of his report.

At this time, Wu Shigong hesitated a little, should he tell the coach Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian about this important military situation first?Or should we discuss with Liu Zeqing first and prepare for attacking the city while taking advantage of the chaos?But at this time, Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian's messengers who summoned all the generals of the Ming army also arrived.

Wu Shigong dressed in a hurry and rushed to the camp of the Chinese army, and at this time the military discussion had already begun.And when Wu Shigong learned that Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian had also received reports from the rebels anyway, he immediately hid in a corner of the Chinese military tent and waited and watched.

With regard to the accuracy of this information, all the military attachés of the Ming army in the Chinese military account are of the same opinion.Such a big event is always rather credible than credible.

Then came the specific arrangements.The first is to arrange an ambush against the three breakout rebels.Then it was to arrange for the Ming army to take advantage of the chaos to attack Dengzhou City.

Among these credits, the first army to enter Dengzhou City must be the first credit.And the Ming army who ambushed the rebel breakout troops also made great contributions.As expected, Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian arranged the Liaodong Army as the force to attack Dengzhou City, and Qiu Lei's Ming Army was the main force to ambush the rebels.Liu Zeqing and Wu Shigong, the coalition troops, were once again honored to drink the northwest wind.

The entire military discussion took a very short time, and after the arrangements were made neatly, Wu Shigong and the ashen-faced Liu Zeqing left the Chinese military tent together.After leaving the Chinese army camp, Wu Shigong looked around and said to Liu Zeqing in a low voice, "Brother Hezhou, the rebels also came here tonight to report to the rebels."

Liu Zeqing's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately asked, "Is the news accurate? What did the reporter say?"

Wu Shigong smiled and said: "That's the news from Mr. Qian, a rebel who guards the southern city wall. The person who reported the letter is his younger brother. Mr. Qian is willing to donate the southern city in times of chaos. So Brother Hezhou You have to be ready when you go back, the younger brother estimates that the most likely time for the rebels to break through is tomorrow morning. At that time, we will find a way to enter Dengzhou City first."

Liu Zeqing was immediately overjoyed, he laughed and said, "Okay! Brother, I'm waiting for the good news from brother Chang Jing!"

After returning to the main camp of the Henan Army, Wu Shigong immediately summoned all the officers and arranged for the troops to get up and eat after midnight to prepare for tomorrow's battle.

On February [-]th, the sixth year of Chongzhen, the offensive and defensive battle of Dengzhou City finally started. (To be continued..)

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