Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 356 Dengzhou Offensive and Defensive Battle

At this time, apart from the troops of nearly [-] people left behind to guard the south gate and south wall of Dengzhou City, Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing's troops were all driven out of Dengzhou City.With so many Ming troops crammed into such a small city, it would be impossible to use it when attacking Shuicheng!

Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing are relaxed.For the two of them, the battle to encircle and suppress the Denglai rebels can be said to be over.Kong Youde's rebels had no chance of a comeback.So these two people are like stars replaced by a team with a big lead on a modern football field, sitting on the sidelines with a relaxed face and admiring the next battle.

And after the Ming army in Dengzhou City settled everything, it was almost dusk.We also know that in the Ming Dynasty, the story of night battles with lanterns was almost impossible to happen, so the Ming army was preparing for tomorrow's siege.

But the Ming army was not idle. Because of the carelessness of the rebels, the houses in Dengzhou City near the city wall of Shuicheng were not demolished, which could provide cover for the actions of the Ming army.So the guerrilla Liu Liangzuo personally led the army and secretly led people to sneak into Yongfu Temple (now a scenic spot in Penglai Pavilion) near the city wall of Shuicheng, dig a tunnel from it to the bottom of the city, and prepare to fill the tunnel with gunpowder tomorrow and blow up the city wall of Shuicheng.

And the rebels in Dengzhou City were not idle, they stepped up to load personnel and supplies on board, and put twenty six-pound and twelve-pound warships purchased by Sun Yuanhua before and erected in the water city to defend against enemy warships on the water surface. Western artillery and a large number of small cannons, eagle guns and fire guns were loaded on the ship.

Although it is dangerous to go to sea at night, the rebels can't care less.They filled one and set sail one by one.Fortunately, the number of ships is enough.The original main fleet of the Ming Dynasty Navy in Dengzhou Port, together with the warships brought by Sun Yinglong who was deceived by the false surrender and beheaded, were enough to make this huge team escape.

The night is the best cover for the rebels to flee, when the sea level of the eastern sea rises and the sun rises.More than [-] rebel ships have already sailed out of Dengzhou Port.

At this time, Wu Shigong was resting. When he heard the report from the Runing Army spies observing the water surface, Wu Shigong ordered without hesitation: "Is the Shenzhou gun on the mountain ready? Tell them to fire immediately."

In normal times, Wu Shigong has a bad habit of not getting ahead without profit, but if it's just a little effort, Wu Shigong doesn't mind giving some help to the friendly army.

But this time, the firing of red-hot shells instructed by Portuguese officers caused great panic among the rebels.The Runing army now only has four two-pound Shenzhou cannons, and the shells that hit the ships are even fewer.But as soon as the shell hits the ship, the wood near the shell will burn.It was not easy to get water on the deck, and the fires of two rebel ships lost control and burned blazingly.

Those on the burning ship rushed to change ships.The ships in the port were eager to leave the port, and the entire rebel army was in chaos.

Kong Youde ordered loudly: "Tell the young master to come quickly. All the boats weigh anchor. Once the young master and the others board the boat, set off immediately."

The "Young Master" that Kong Youde called was Mao Chenglu, the son of Mao Wenlong.He is now also a military officer in the rebel army.And because of his identity, Kong Youde and Geng Jingzhong always arranged Mao Chenglu properly.

But last night it was determined when the city walls of Shuicheng and the last batch of retreating rebels were to be stationed.The military attachés of the rebels conducted another draw.And this time, no one dared to cheat in the lottery, Mao Chenglu was out of luck.Pumped up this post-break chore.

But at this moment.With a loud noise, a section of the city wall of nearly ten feet collapsed.Kong Youde couldn't care less, he immediately ordered: "Leave the boat! Let the boat go! Leave five empty boats for the young master. All other boats will leave the port."

Ships squeezed out of Dengzhou Port from the narrow port entrance.The collision of the ships also caused some damage to the ships.After finally Kong Youde's ship left Dengzhou Port, watching the Ming army pouring in from a distance through the gap in the water city wall, Kong Youde seemed to be talking to himself: "I can only let fate."

I don't know if Kong Youde's words are referring to Mao Chenglu, who has not boarded the ship, or himself.Although most of the military attaches of the other rebels wanted to find an island.To be a carefree island owner, but Kong Youde and Geng Jingzhong are ready to take refuge in Houjin.However, the people from Dongjiang Town and the Houjin army had been fighting for such a long time, and both sides had a deep blood feud. At this time, Kong Youde really didn't know what his fate would be after he surrendered.

The Ming army who attacked Shuicheng moved very quickly.Mao Chenglu was captured alive.Most of the remaining more than 1000 rebels guarding the walls of Shuicheng were captured and killed.But there are still some rebels retreating to Danya Mountain by the seaside of Dengzhou City, preparing to fight trapped beasts (there are places of interest such as Penglai Pavilion and Sugong Temple built in the Song Dynasty on Danya Mountain).

Zhu Dadian did not kill the last rebel army. He sent General Song Bazong, the rebel military attache who was anyway, to persuade them to surrender. Most of the rebels went down the mountain to surrender, and some of them threw themselves into the sea.Dengzhou City was finally recovered.

At this time, the navy led by Huang Long, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army stationed in Pidao and Lushun, also arrived.The navy intercepted and killed the rebel ships, and the rebel military attaché Chen Guangfu was captured.Seven more rebel ships were lost.

Although the loss was not too large, this interception completely shattered the rebels' dream of occupying an island or a place off the coast of Liaodong, and separatist with armed forces.In desperation, Kong Youde and Geng Jingzhong made up their minds, and they led the remaining ships and personnel to surrender to the enemy of the Ming Dynasty—Houjin.

So Kong Youde immediately sent people to contact Hou Jin, and then they landed at the place designated by Hou Jin.Huang Taiji dispatched generals of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty to repel the pursuit of the Ming army, and to respond to Kong Youde's rebels entering the territory of Houjin.

Regarding the surrender of the rebels in Dongjiang Town like Kong Youde, Huang Taiji couldn't believe it at first. After all, the hatred between Dongjiang Town and Hou Jin was too deep.At first, Huang Taiji thought it was a bitter trick made by the Ming Dynasty.

However, when Huang Taiji learned that Kong Youde brought all their family members with him to surrender this time, and confirmed that this was a real surrender, Huang Taiji was overjoyed. Welcome Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming outside.

The number of Kong Youde who surrendered this time was more than 300 rebels and their families (including 100 combat troops). After Kong Youde surrendered, his troops were reorganized into the Eight Banners of Han Dynasty, but the designation was not "Nikan Chaoha". (Han soldiers) but "Wuzhen Chaoha" (firearms soldiers), which is enough to show that Huang Taiji looked at this army differently.

But what pleased Hou Jin the most was that Kong Youde brought at least twenty Western cannons originally installed by the Macau Artillery Bureau of Portugal, a large number of small cannons, eagle guns and fire guns made by the Ming Dynasty, as well as a large number of military advisors from Portugal. Directly taught, ammunition manufacturing technology and military technical personnel aiming at knowledge and instrument operation.

Different from what most modern people understand, before the founding of the Qing Dynasty, the post-Jin army attached great importance to firearms.As a warring nation, how could they turn a blind eye to such a military weapon as firearms?The reason why firearms were not widely used in the post-Jin army is nothing more than their lack of talent and technology in firearms.

However, under the urging and attention of Huang Taiji, in the Battle of Dalinghe City, in order to block the rescue of the Ming army, the Western cannon imitated by Tong Yangxing, a Han military attache who surrendered to the Houjin early, was put into the battlefield for the first time. A brand-new tactic of the Communist Party of China—coordinated attack by artillery and cavalry—has begun to take shape.

However, the imitation artillery is too powerful after all, and there are too few soldiers in the Hou Jin army who can use artillery.But this time, with the reinforcement of Kong Youde's rebel army, the post-Jin army's field combat effectiveness, especially the siege battle, has increased by more than one level.

Not only that, naval warfare is the most lacking place of the Hou Jin, and Kong Youde brought a large number of warships, so that the Hou Jin also established its own navy. One place to land.

Therefore, it can be said that the surrender of Kong Youde's rebels made the Hou Jin army make up for the last shortcoming in itself.

And three months after the surrender, Kong Youde couldn't wait to ask to serve as a pawn in the battles of the Hou Jin army's attack on Pidao and Lushun.Under the leadership of the traitor party, Huang Long, the commander-in-chief of Lushun's fall, committed suicide. Kong Youde could be regarded as revenge for being hunted down at sea, and he could be regarded as handing in his own certificate of membership.

At the same time, in this battle, he also instigated Shang Kexi, the third member of Shandong's three mine disciples.In this way, the three mine disciples in Shandong-Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, and Shang Kexi all surrendered to Houjin.So far, through continuous recruitment and rebellion, Huang Taiji’s Han army has grown to a considerable scale. It can be said that it is not only the Manchus (Jurchens) who are fighting against the Ming Dynasty at this time, but the entire Northeast region. A group of warriors of various ethnic groups headed by the Manchu.

Moreover, because of Huang Taiji's generous treatment of Kong Youde and the others, it played a role in buying horses with thousands of dollars, so that in future battles with the Houjin army, the Ming army had a new way out for the surrendered army.It can be seen from this that, from the perspective of the characters themselves, Huang Taiji's vision and personal bearing can be called a great talent.

Since then, Kong Youde's rebellion, which lasted eighteen months, ended.Although the Ming Dynasty quelled the rebellion and held a grand prisoner offering ceremony in the Taimiao, the two bandit chieftains Li Yingyuan and Mao Chenglu were executed Lingchi, which was a shot in the arm for the empire that had been defeated in a row.

But the Denglai two prefectures in the Ming Dynasty, the logistics training base of the Liaodong front, were smashed to pieces by the rebels, and it also brought more than 500 murders and [-] miles of damage to the Shandong area near Gyeonggi.Especially in Dengzhou City, there are only more than [-] young women who are military prostitutes left, and it has completely become a ghost town.Moreover, several court officials and a large number of local officials were killed.Meanwhile, neither of the two ringleaders of the rebellion was caught.

However, fortunately, Wu Shigong's butterfly wings finally fluttered slightly.In the original history, after Kong Youde took refuge in Jin Ke, there were more than 2000 rebels and their families, including 600 combat troops.Although these changes seem a little insignificant, at least Hou Jin's strength has been somewhat depleted. (To be continued..)

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