According to the drawing standards of modern military maps, the maps used by the Runing Army can be described as rough, but according to the standards of the Ming Dynasty, the maps used by the Runing Army are astonishingly accurate.

In the process of drawing the map, Shanchuan Division spent a lot of energy. They even used special marks on the map to mark which roads could pass large vehicles.

Therefore, Zhang Biao went very smoothly on the road that Xue Yongli chose for Zhang Biao on the map.Apart from defeating a few bandits on the road, Zhang Biao and the others did not spend too much time on the road. On the evening of December 800, Zhang Biao led [-] troops to Qingshui Bend.After a short rest, Zhang Biao immediately launched an attack towards Qingshui Bend.

After Zhang Biao's outflanking troops set off, Xue Yongli led the main force of the Runing Army forward.Because the scouts had already left a vacuum in front of them, during the one-day advance, the Runing Army did not encounter any Shaanxi bandits or horses except for more than 300 Shaanxi bandits or civilians along the way.

Moreover, the advance route of the Runing Army is a small plain and hilly area.Now that you have fought according to your own plan, you can actively choose a favorable battlefield terrain.

The Runing Army fully expanded the battle formation, with the teaching corps and the Nanyang corps as two groups, which were placed in front to alternately cover and advance.And the cavalry battalions of the two legions and Wu Shigong's personal battalion left in Runing formed a cavalry group with a total of [-] cavalry, ready to outflank and kill at any time.In the rear are the Artillery Regiment and the Engineer Regiment.

Xue Yongli even classified the captives into different categories. The women, children, old and weak were still guarded by the engineering regiment.The young and strong will be selected first, and they will distribute weapons at the right time and use them as cannon fodder to charge and kill the Shaanxi bandits. If they are lucky enough to kill a Shaanxi bandit and survive, the Runing Army will provide them with rations.This is also the nomination certificate.

And the peasant rebel army swept forward in this direction.It was the five dragons, the five kings of hell, King Xing Chuang (hereinafter referred to as King Xingyan) and the king of four tigers and yellow dragons, Pi Lizhen (hereinafter referred to as Pi Lizhen), the two battalions of peasant rebel troops.These two battalions were not considered the strongest in the peasant rebel army, and their numbers were relatively small, so they were pushed in this direction.After all, the further to the east, the closer to the big city in Henan where there are heavy troops, the more dangerous it is.

But Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen did not have the idea of ​​resisting this order.After all, the loyalty of the Jianghu is meant for those passionate young people to listen to, and the essence of the Jianghu still talks about the law of the jungle.

When Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen crossed the Yellow River, their two battalions had a total of more than 3000 people, of which the elite who could fight were only in the early [-]s, and the rest were soy sauce fighters and their family members.

But when Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen walked on the route prescribed by the peasant rebel army, their two battalions swelled up like blowing up balloons.until now.It has swelled to nearly 5 people.And their elite has also expanded to more than 6000 people, and they can expand even more if they don't have weapons.

However, it can be seen from here that the elite of the peasant rebel army, except for some rebel trilateral soldiers.As long as the others are young and strong, they can count.The standard of this elite is really low enough!

It should be said, from the point of view of the number of people.The two battalions of Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen.They are the two battalions with the fastest growth in strength after the peasant rebel army crossed the river.Without him, it is because they are close to the big cities in the hinterland of Henan, and there are many Zhuangzi and towns along the way; the harvest of grain and grass is also large; there are also many Henan refugees close to the cities.

And after releasing the food several times, it was Wanmin who came to vote!If there is no Runing Army, the number of their two battalions may be further increased.

Seeing that the situation was very good, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen seemed to be taking a leisurely walk with their elites.The refugees they had just collected were scattered all around.But on December [-]th, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen received a report: the soldiers in front who went out to loot were defeated by a group of cavalry.

At this time, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen just drove to Qingshui Bend.They immediately gathered the rout and inquired about the news of the officers and soldiers on the opposite side.But the soldiers who had just gathered were simply ordinary people.When they were fleeing, how could they bother to observe the number of officers and soldiers on the opposite side?

Therefore, the news in the newspaper is complicated, and the number of officers and soldiers ranges from a few hundred to tens of thousands.Fortunately, among the leaders who led the several teams of soldiers, there were a few cronies who were from frontier soldiers. They reported to Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen a relatively correct number of people—less than a thousand horses.

After getting the correct number of people, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen finally felt relieved.That's right, after marching and looting for so long, they still haven't encountered any invasion by the officers and soldiers. This situation made Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen feel a little nervous.

And the army of thousands of troops who came to invade this time has a certain combat effectiveness, but the number is not the largest, which is exactly in line with the appearance of the army in the interior of the Ming Dynasty.

After gathering the defeated soldiers, King Xing Yan and Pi Lizhen felt more at ease.Because they gathered a total of more than 5000 routs, they felt that no one was lost at all.

So that also proves that the combat effectiveness of this official army is not very good!Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen didn't know at all. In fact, even they themselves don't know how many people they have under their hands. How can they know their real losses?

So Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen immediately left the family members and luggage in Qingshuiwan, and left a thousand elites to garrison. They brought other elites and gathered more than 3 people to go forward to completely defeat the enemy in front of them. A thousand cavalry officers to continue their great cause of walking.

However, during the whole day on December [-], the two battalions of Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen did not encounter any resistance.Looks like things are going well.This group of officers and soldiers dare not beat their edge.Just be afraid!The feeling of Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen is even better.

But in the evening, the situation took a turn for the worse. The spies who were investigating ahead reported that there were more than 5000 officers and troops coming in front of them, and the distance between the two armies was less than twenty miles.

This made Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen flinch a little.How many years have they been dealing with the government and the army?They all knew that with the fighting power of [-] officers and troops, it would not be uncommon to defeat [-] mobs like themselves.

But now there is no way to retreat.It's night again, the two armies are very close to each other, and these mobs like myself have not received military training. As long as they are ordered to retreat, the retreat will immediately turn into a rout. It would be good if they can bring back 1 people.

If so, take a gamble.Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen hoped that the officers and soldiers on the opposite side would be those military households in the interior, so the combat effectiveness of those military households would not be much stronger than their own mob.If that's the case, it depends on the number of people, maybe I can still win.

But when they took over the battle the next day, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen were completely dumbfounded.Where is the military household facing this?The more than 5000 officers and soldiers are completely comparable to the most elite troops of the frontier army, and are not much different from the soldiers around the military attache of the frontier army.

The tactics of the Runing Army are standard operations.Deploy the troops, line up the phalanx, press the phalanx forward, shoot the artillery forward, shoot the blunderbuss, and fight the phalanx with the enemy pikemen...

good!There is no hand-to-hand combat with spearmen.Because when the firecrackers were fired, the entire peasant rebel army was completely defeated.This caught the Runing Army by surprise, their cavalry were not yet fully prepared to take advantage of the situation.

Seeing this scene, Xue Yongli simply ordered weapons to be distributed to those captives, and let them rush out to get the certificates.As a result, a ridiculous phenomenon appeared on the battlefield. Hundreds of ragged captives chased and killed tens of thousands of ragged Shaanxi bandits.And the Runing Army with distinctive armor was watching the show from the sidelines.

Finally waited until the cavalry attacked.After they took a big arc and intercepted a part of the peasant rebel army, the whole battle was over.The Runing Army won more than 800 heads and captured more than 900 people.

Although the Runing Army won easily, Xue Yongli was still very dissatisfied.Because just now when the Runing Army was doing tactical routines, some soldiers made mistakes and deformed their movements because they were on the battlefield for the first time and were not trained enough in peacetime.

Unlike Wu Shigong's habit of not pointing out mistakes in person, Xue Yongli always beat and scolded directly, so he also yelled at some officers who had made mistakes in his soldiers.Regarding Xue Yongli's temper, Wu Shigong once advised him, but Xue Yongli remained the same, in his own words: "I don't want to buy people's hearts!" Therefore, among the officers in the Runing Army, they were afraid of Xue Yongli. Wynn has more people.

When the artillery fired, Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen retreated and fled with their elites.Years of rebellion made them both slippery like eels.They left the rest of the mob on the battlefield as cannon fodder to hinder the pursuit of the Runing army.

However, after the Runing Army won the battle, they tidied up the battlefield in a calm manner, and then organized the captives into the No. [-] Army, before chasing them in a calm manner.

But this also gave Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen time to gather the defeated army.After all, they are reluctant to give up so many people! , So, after they fled for nearly [-] miles, they set up a large camp and began to collect the rout.

But what made Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen sad was that the Runing army pressed forward and pursued very quickly.When they had just collected half of the rout, the Runing army was almost chasing them.

But this time, the Runing Army attacked directly with cavalry.The entire cavalry formed a black wall, pressing towards the peasant rebel army at high speed.

The two battalions of Xing Yanwang and Pi Lizhen broke up again. (To be continued..)

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